Sylvio Burcescu MD tackles a variety of issues relating to psychiatry in a manner that is accessible to both newly interested and advanced learners. No mystical or spiritual fiction. Only logic, reason and randomization -, double blinding - placebo controlled based conclusions.
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A review of all Psycho-active Medications used in Psychiatry. A guide for non professionals, users of psychiatric services or their friends and relatives.द्वारा Sylvio Burcescu
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New form of psychotherapy invented January 23rd 2013 by Sylvio Burcescu MD, Director Mensana Center. A completely new style with roots in greek philosophy, cognitive therapy, neuroscience.द्वारा Sylvio Burcescu
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A description of the newest street drugs in US and some exotics drugs about which few people hear.द्वारा Sylvio Burcescu
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When do we know a person and what does that mean. A systematic method to get to know who you are dealing with, predict behaviors, know what you can count on when dealing with others.द्वारा Sylvio Burcescu
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How to diagnose a psychiatric illness. Video intended for the general public and mental health professionals in training. A brief description of the general diagnostic principles used in mental health.द्वारा Sylvio Burcescu
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Detailing the trap of cocaine addictionद्वारा Sylvio Burcescu
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Marijuana controversy explained in simple terms using objective research available so far.द्वारा Sylvio Burcescu
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