Science fiction and fantasy stories from Clarkesworld Magazine
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Commentary is America's premier monthly magazine of opinion: General, yet Jewish. Highly variegated, with a unifying perspective.Listen to The Commentary Magazine Podcast, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at No paid subscription required.
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Migration, Integration, kulturelle Vielfalt, ein facettenreicher Themenmix - politisch, wirtschaftlich, gesellschaftlich. Hintergrundberichte, Reportagen, Interviews und Porträts geben Einblicke in die Vielschichtigkeit der in Deutschland lebenden Menschen. Das interkulturelle Magazin versucht einerseits, Schwachstellen und Defizite in der Integrationspraxis darzustellen. Andererseits zeigen positive Alltagsgeschichten, wie das Zusammenleben in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft gelingen kann.
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Zdf Magazin royale
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BlockDrops é o primeiro Podcast em Português sobre Blockchain para Negócios. Toda semana, por Maurício Magaldi Suguihura e convidados
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Podcasts about magazines and the people who made (and make) them.
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Análise e o contexto dos principais fatos do dia a dia.
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White House-insiders Kelly Laco and Germania Rodriguez bring you the latest from the heart of the Trump administration in the way that only can: the gossip; the scandals; the fashion; the family; the accusations; and – of course – the biggest political news stories of the day. Kelly and Germania will be joined by a regular cast of commentators, political insiders, and Trump staffers for a 15-minute, three times weekly run down on the world’s biggest, most powerful soap opera. H ...
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Listen to professionally narrated audio from each issue—just for subscribers, from The Atlantic.
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Entrevistas de actualidad, apartados, secciones y tertulias. Con José Manuel Martín. De lunes a viernes, a las 17:00 y en reposición a las 02:00 horas de la madrugada.
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A Hit Rádió roma magazin műsora.
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Emergence Magazine is an award-winning magazine exploring the threads connecting ecology, culture and spirituality. Our podcast features exclusive interviews, author-narrated essays, fiction, multipart series, and more. We feature new podcast episodes weekly on Tuesdays.
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Das Magazin für Mobilität und Urbanität
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Die Sendung "Andruck" ist ein Wegweiser auf dem Markt der politischen Literatur. Kompetente Rezensenten besprechen Neuerscheinungen, setzen Themen-Schwerpunkte, nehmen sich aktuelle fremdsprachige Titel vor oder blättern in politischen Klassikern.
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El gran aparador de l'actualitat de la música en català en la veu dels seus protagonistes.
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I left MAGA. Founded Leaving MAGA. We are a community for those who leave MAGA; those having doubts; and friends and families. What we do is tell stories. Visit us at
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Magazyn zawiera bogaty dźwiękowy serwis informacyjny z Polski i o Polsce, a także komentarze, rozmowy, relacje i reportaże promujące Polskę oraz informujące o najważniejszych aspektach życia politycznego, gospodarczego, społecznego i kulturalnego naszego kraju. Ważne miejsce w magazynie Redakcji Polskiej zajmuje problematyka polonijna.
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A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy
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Der Podcast des TRAIL Magazins, die Laufzeitschrift Nr. 1 für Trailrunning!
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Abeslariak, ebentu sortzaileak, kirolariak, Euskal Herria animatzen duten jende guztiak, Xexili Foix, Ainhoa Altuna eta Leire Iturralderen mikroan. Le magazine en langue Basque. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Conversations with independent publishers, telling the stories behind the stories in some of our favourite magazines.
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Herzlich willkommen zu unserem ERFOLG Magazin Podcast! Egal ob aus den Kategorien News, Erfolg, Leben, Einstellung, Story, Wissen oder „Best of Web“ – hier finden Sie spannende und wissenswerte Beiträge aus dem ERFOLG Magazin.
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De Magazin vun der Football Federatioun mat villen News vum Championnat an der Nationaléquipe
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Das Dlf-Magazin kleidet Politik in Geschichten. Mit spitzer Feder und scharfem Blick fürs Detail sind die Reporter unterwegs im politischen Alltag. Im Bundestag und in Landtagen, in Rathäusern und Hinterzimmern. Die Botschaft: Politik geht jeden an.
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Get happy today and explore politics from a unique and fun perspective. Lighten up, laugh, and above all: STRENGTHEN YOUR PATRIOTISM. Follow Lady Maga USA across social media by searching "Lady Maga USA"
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Ami a könyvekből kimaradt: beszélgetések irodalomról, könyvekről, olvasásról.
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Der manager magazin Podcast informiert aktuell über die relevantesten Themen der Wirtschaft. Redakteurinnen und Redakteure geben Einblicke in ihre Recherchen zu den wichtigsten Konzernen und Wirtschaftstrends der globalen Ökonomie. Kurzweilig, informativ und in jedem Fall hilfreich für Ihre Karriere.
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news – Das Magazin ist das Stadtmagazin für Minden, Schaumburg, Bielefeld und Umgebung. In unserem Podcast interviewt unsere Kolumnistin Melina Hildebrandt spannende Menschen der Region. Mail:
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M.A.G.A. The Podcast reveals how, in 2016, Don the Con pulled off his greatest heist - going from laughingstock to leader of the free world.
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Das Magazin Schabat Schalom berichtet aus dem jüdischen Leben mit Nachrichten, Interviews, Berichten und Kommentaren. Dazu die Wochenabschnittsauslegung der Thora.
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Podcast by Tank Magazine
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Weekly podcasts from Science Magazine, the world's leading journal of original scientific research, global news, and commentary.
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real trans shit $proselytemag on cashapp @armadillotrans on venmo
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Bla Bla Bla
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Calade ma radio
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Alle Texte aus dem OMT Magazin gibt es nun auch im OMT Vorlesepodcast. Du willst die Texte auch Lesen und nicht nur hören, dann geh auf
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O que passa em Serralves ouve-se na TSF. Exposições, música, dança, cinema, programas para famílias e muito mais está no Magazine Serralves. À quinta-feira, às 07h45 e 16h50
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Send us a text Flooding the Zone is the nefarious manipulation tactic being used to bring America to the brink of chaos just two months into Trump 2.0 How does it work? Where did it come from? How can lessons learned from the German Blitzkrieg of World War Two be employed to stop it? Also, the Disgusted American replies to a death threat recently l…
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'Manifestações das defesas vão no sentido de que existia trama golpista'
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44:48A Primeira Turma do STF adiou para amanhã (26) a análise da denúncia contra Jair Bolsonaro e outras sete pessoas por tramar um golpe de Estado. Vera Magalhães avalia que as defesas "atiraram para todo lado", foram contraditórias entre si e "produziram manifestações que vão no sentido de que existia uma trama golpista". A comentarista ainda abordou …
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REDAKCJA POLSKA Aktualności 25 marca godz. 22:00
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Those Uncaring Waves by Yukimi Ogawa (audio)
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1:56:24This episode features "Those Uncaring Waves" written by Yukimi Ogawa. Published in the March 2025 issue of Clarkesworld Magazine and read by Kate Baker. The text version of this story can be found at: Support us on Patreon at…
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'Bolsonaro compareceu a julgamento para tentar tirar conotação de covardia'
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7:45Com o encerramento da 1º fase do julgamento da denúncia contra o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro e outras sete pessoas por tentativa de golpe de Estado, Vera Magalhães fala sobre a presença do ex-presidente e sua postura durante o julgamento. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Entrevistas de actualidad, apartados, secciones y tertulias. Con José Manuel Martín. De lunes a viernes, a las 17:00 y en reposición a las 02:00 horas de la madrugada.
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REDAKCJA POLSKA Aktualności 25 marca godz. 17:30
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The Signal Scandal and the COVID Conmen
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1:07:45We talk today about the three elements of the story about a journalist finding himself on the text chain revealing the deepest secret of the Trump administration thus far and what it says about the behavior and policies of the White House, and then dive deep into the extraordinary story of the Minnesota non-profit that stole $250 million in COVID r…
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El 27 de marzo celebraremos el 40 aniversario de la primera transmisión radiofónica emitida desde la pirámide invertida. Con esta ocasión les traemos la quinta, es decir la última parte de la serie de entrevistas relacionadas con la construcción de este edificio y de su puesta en marcha. Luego visitaremos el pueblo de Zuberec donde suelen dar la bi…
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Moderovaný prúd s ľudovou hudbou a informáciami z folklórneho diania
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Moderátorská dvojica Iveta Vaculová a Tomáš Ondruš sa k vám prihovoria vo svojom rodnom nárečí. V nárečí bude rozprávať aj hostka relácie Miroslava Gavurová. Témou rozhovorov budú každodenné i vzácne okamihy života.
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March 25 is the anniversary of 1988's Sviečková manifestácia, or candle demonstration which took place in Bratislava. The peaceful demonstration was brutally put down by the authorities, but is seen as one of the first steps that would lead to November 1989 and the fall of the regime. Ben Pascoe talked with organizer František Mikloško and historia…
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Nachrichten, Tagesthema, Magazin - Erinnerung an die Kerzenmanifestation. Kampagne Nehádž hlavu za hlavu. Slovan-Verteidiger Wimmer: Von uns wird erwartet, dass wir Meister werden.
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Avízo na podcast Mor ho! Slobodný slovenský vysielač
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Miroslav Balogh; multidisciplinárny umelec, tanečník, choreograf, tanečný lektor, režisér, DJ, grafický dizajnér, maliar a fotograf - Miro, známy ako Bao Miro vo svete vizuálneho umenia a Spunkey BKP v tanečnej komunite, patrí medzi najvýraznejšie postavy súčasnej slovenskej kreatívnej scény. Jeho multidisciplinárna tvorba prepája tanec, film, maľb…
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2. Анкета RSI. Интервью с главным редактором Международного радио Словакии Й.Миклеовой 3. 6 урок словацкого языка для начинающих
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2. Анкета RSI. Интервью с главным редактором Международного радио Словакии Й.Миклеовой 3. 6 урок словацкого языка для начинающих
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TXIKI : "Euskaldunen jatorria, historia eta irria" bakarrizketa Kanbon, MArtxoaren 28ean
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58:26durée : 00:58:26 - TXIKI : "Euskaldunen jatorria, historia eta irria" bakarrizketa Kanbon, MArtxoaren 28ean - 22 urte oholtzan pasatu eta, Ion Martinez Esnaola "TXIKI" azken aldikotz Kanbon ariko da, Euskaldunen historia era umoretsuan kondatzen duen bakarrizketan.Ondotik antzerkia utziko duद्वारा ici
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Slávny strihač, Američan Jay Rabinowitz, ktorý má na konte spolupráce s režisérmi ako Jim Jarmusch a Darren Aronofsky na filmoch Rekviem za sen či Noc na Zemi alebo na biografických snímkach o hudobníkoch ako Bob Dylan či Eminem, bude v štúdiu Rádia Devín hovoriť nielen o týchto legendárnych filmoch, ale aj o tom, ako pristupuje k svojej tvorbe, al…
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Na Slovensku jediný spravodajský blok výlučne z oblasti kultúry a umenia.
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Elena Smolinská, redaktorka a trénerka
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The Time Traveler’s Wife’s Husband – Tyson Yunkaporta
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30:08In this experiential essay, Aboriginal scholar Tyson Yunkaporta breaks the constructs of linear time and storytelling with love magic—a connective substance that transcends time and space—and explores how we might slip between the cracks of the linear and maintain connection across time. Drawing on the knowledge encoded in a traditional boomerang h…
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Filip Hrebenda - profesionálny fotograf krajiny
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Na slovenskú ekonomiku dolieha neistota
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Pozdravy jubilantom.
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Jazz-Zeit: Polen, Teil 2 (Serie 1454: Jazz-Zeit)
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59:59Teil 2 der jüngsten Sendung, die einen Eindruck von der hervorragenden polnischen Szene gibt.द्वारा Constantin Sieg (Radio Unerhört Marburg (RUM))
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Jazz-Zeit: Polen, Teil 1 (Serie 1454: Jazz-Zeit)
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59:59Aktuelles aus Polen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der dortigen Streicher-Tradition.द्वारा Constantin Sieg (Radio Unerhört Marburg (RUM))
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Svetový deň vody - pokračovanie priameho prenosu z vodárenskej nádrže Starina, moderujú: Michaela Slivková Kirňaková a Iveta Vaculová
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How OPPD is Powering Omaha’s Future
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43:34It takes a lot of energy to keep our power grid going. How does OPPD keep the power going with an increasing demand for energy? Joining us for an enlightening conversation on how OPPD is powering Omaha’s future is Javier Fernandez, President and CEO of Omaha Public Power District (OPPD). In this episode, we explore the inner workings of OPPD, from …
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Svetový deň vody – priamy prenos z vodárenskej nádrže Starina, moderujú: Michaela Slivková Kirňaková a Iveta Vaculová
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Ars musica ako symfonicko-myšlienkové rozjímanie pri symfonických básňach Gabriela Pierna, Josefa Suka a Richarda Straussa
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Na Slovensku jediný spravodajský blok výlučne z oblasti kultúry a umenia.
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In the 181st BlockTalks we speak with Alex Nascimento, Blockchain faculty at UCLA, who talks about the challenges and learnings of navigating the ever changing crypto landscape. Link in the newsletter. https://l…
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For most people, the courts will continue to operate as usual—until they don’t. By Aziz Huq From the May 2025 issue. Get more from your favorite Atlantic voices when you subscribe. You’ll enjoy unlimited access to Pulitzer-winning journalism, from clear-eyed analysis and insight on breaking news. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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'Para esfriar clima, STF adia julgamentos de Zambelli e mulher que pichou estátua em 8/1'
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33:20O STF começa a analisar, amanhã (25), a denúncia contra o 'núcleo crucial' da trama golpista, incluindo Jair Bolsonaro, e suspendeu os julgamentos de Carla Zambelli e da mulher que pichou estátua da Justiça. Vera Magalhães avalia que os ministros entenderam que ter uma coincidência de casos ligados ao bolsonarismo se desenrolando em um mesmo períod…
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Komentarze z Polski: rozmowy o zawieszeniu broni na Ukrainie oraz obchody Narodowego Dnia Pamięci Polaków ratujących Żydów pod okupacją niemiecką
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28:26W dzisiejszej audycji mówimy o międzynarodowym dialogu, mającym prowadzić do zawieszenia broni oraz pokoju na Ukrainie. Podsumowujemy także genezę oraz obchody Narodowego Dnia Pamięci Polaków ratujących Żydów pod okupacją niemiecką. Rozmawiamy o otwartej na Sorbonie wystawie „Gombrowicz. Ja Europejczyk”, przygotowanej przez Muzeum Witolda Gombrowic…
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Balkánske rytmy – s Orchestrom ľudovej hudby Bulharského národného rozhlasu – 2. časť
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Povesti o hradoch už v detstve podnietili jeho záujem o históriu. Dejiny rodných Šurian pozná dokonale a dnes je správcom a kurátorom tamojšieho mestského múzea, ktoré pomáhal zakladať. Miroslav Eliáš sa už roky intenzívne venuje výskumu rodu Forgáchovcov (niekedy uvádzané ako Forgáčovcov) a protitureckých bojov, píše o tom knihy a vo voľnom čase p…
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Today Welcome to Magaland, Jon, and Germania break down the latest political absurdity. The Trump administration is telling 530,000 migrants to “self-deport” (because that’s a thing now), while Musk is handing out $100 bribes to get rid of “woke” judges. Pam Bondi picks a fight with Rep. Jasmine Crockett—and loses. Meanwhile, Canada is so over Amer…
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