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show episodes

Jyotish in Hindi

Astro Life Sutras

LEARN JYOTISH LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Join Nitin P.Kashyap in this official podcast of Astro Life Sutras Jyotish Academy and master the fundamentals of Astrology. We are going to discuss fundamentals of Astrology in hindi. Divine and occult knowledge of astrology can make you a good human being. This subject is not for knowing future. This subject will help you to know your inner self. This is astrology podcast for the learner of Jyotish. You can learn astrology here. Nitin P.Kashyap is going to ...
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Maharani Laxmibai (Rani of Jhansi)

Audio Pitara by Channel176 Productions

This time, we have brought a very special audio series for all of you, where you will learn about the Queen of Jhansi, "Lakshmi Bai," and discover her journey from "Manikarnika" to becoming "Maharani Lakshmi Bai." You will see how she displayed patriotism and confronted the British, only on "Audio Pitara." Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and follow us on Instagram and YouTube @audiopitara Credits - Audio Pitara Team
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Money Konnect

Edelweiss Mutual Fund Podcast

Stories – our first school. Come, lets learn all about investments through stories and conversations. कहानियाँ : हम सबकी पहली पाठशाला। आइए सीखे इन्वेस्टमेंट की बातें कहानियों के द्वारा।
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New Age Hospitality

Quilt Hospitality Consulting

Today's hospitality is defining a multi-million dollar worth market in Indian Tourism. Learn, Listen, Read, Discuss & Ask. We are the New Age Hospitality Community of India. Sign up, Stay informed.
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English Speaking Skills

Ganesh LAL mina

improve english speaking skills . Learn English with easy way.english speaking practice.english speaking practice for beginners.english speaking.english speaking practice.english speaking.english grammar.english speaking practice for kids.how to speaking english fluently.English stories.best English channel.
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Learn from Top successful personalities & celebrities to grow yourself and earn more in your life. About Amit Mishra Youtuber/Blogger: He is an entrepreneur & content creator from India creating inspiring & informational content on his Youtube channel & Spotify. Founder of Tryootech.com, Startupcrow.com, Bizgromedia.com & amitmishra.co You can follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akaamitmishra Email for business- [email protected]
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Grihdah by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

Audio Pitara by Channel176 Productions

This story is about three young men and their love triangle, where two friends fall in love with the same girl. How do they choose that girl? Who will have to sacrifice their love? It is as confusing as it sounds, but it is more interesting, and it is serious about one such love triangle story inspired by a famous novel, “Gridah”, written by a famous writer and novel “Sarat Chandra Ji”. So what are you waiting for? Start Listening and Learn about this interesting love triangle only on “Audio ...
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Kahaniyon ka Guccha


किस्से कहानियाँ हमारी ज़िंदगी का उतना ही अहम हिस्सा हैं, जितना शायद खाना और पीना । कहानियाँ हमें हँसाती हैं, रुलाती हैं, सिखाती हैं। वो बचपन में सुलाती हैं, बड़प्पन में रुलाती हैं। कहानियाँ हमें वहाँ ले जाती हैं, जहां हमें गाड़ी या जहाज़ भी शायद न ले जा पाएँ । तो चलिए हम भी चलते हैं दूर कहीं, कुछ कहानियों के साथ । आप का तहे दिल से स्वागत है इस पॉडकास्ट पर, जिसका नाम है ‘कहानियों का गुच्छा’। इसमें आप सुनेंगे हिन्दुस्तानी ज़बान के प्रसिद्ध लेखकों की कहानियों की कई शृंखलाओं को, जिनको चुना गया है किस ...
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VIEH Group

VIEH Group

Welcome to the VIEH Group, your go-to podcast channel for all things cybersecurity with a twist! Our podcast series is dedicated to bringing you the latest insights, trends, and news on cybersecurity, while also providing a fresh perspective with a unique twist. Join our expert hosts and guests as they delve deep into the world of cybersecurity, exploring topics such as data privacy, network security, hacking, and more. With our engaging and informative discussions, you'll gain a better unde ...
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Acharya Chanakya's knowledge is still relevant in this rapidly changing world. We can learn a lot from Chanakya Neeti Shastra which is the main theme of this podcast. Trying to understand how his ideas can be implemented in today's world. स तेजी से बदलती दुनिया में आचार्य चाणक्य का ज्ञान आज भी प्रासंगिक है। हम चाणक्य नीती शशत्र से बहुत कुछ सीख सकते हैं जो इस पॉडकास्ट का मुख्य विषय है। यह समझने की कोशिश की जा रही है कि उनके विचारों को आज की दुनिया में कैसे लागू किया जा सकता है ।
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Probation Se, Promotion Tak

IVM Podcasts

प्रोबेशन से प्रमोशन तक पॉडकास्ट पर अभिनव त्रिवेदी बात करते हैं आपके व्यक्तित्व और आजीविका से जुडी वास्तविक कठिनाइयों की और वास्तविक चैलेंजेज की I इस पॉडकास्ट में ज्ञान और बड़ी बड़ी बातों की अपेक्षा न रखें I तमाम कंसल्टेंट्स, वास्तविक लोगों और कॉर्पोरेट ट्रेनर्स की बातों का निचोड़ यथार्थ भाव से इस पॉडकास्ट में परोसा गया हैं I हर सोमवार को अपने व्यक्तित्व से जुड़े एक नयें आयाम के बारें में जाने और उस पर काम करें और जानें पर्सनालिटी डेवलपमेंट कैसे करें, नेटव्रकिंग स्किल्स कैसे सीखें, असफलता का सामन ...
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Kulbeli Podcast Kids Moral stories! We bring you weekly episodes of inspiring and informative stories from popular collections such as Panchtantra, Akbar Birbal, Gone Jha, Lok Katha, Fairy Tales, Tenalirama, Sheikhchilli, Motivational Stories in Hindi, Stories for all ages, Hindi Kahani, Kahaniyan, and Indian History. Our stories are designed for listeners of all ages, and we offer stories that are both entertaining and educational. The stories we feature are perfect for bedtime listening. S ...
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Ramayan Aaj ke Liye with Kavita Paudwal

HT Smartcast Originals

Are you fascinated by the stories and mythology of ancient India? Do you want to learn more about the epic tale of Ramayana and its relevance to modern-day life? Then you should check out Ramayan Aaj Ke Liye, the ultimate podcast on Indian mythology and culture. Hosted by Kavita Paudwal, this podcast offers a deep dive into the world of Ramayana and its characters, themes, and teachings.
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Aadi Chala Ghoomne


Ghoomne ka man hai !!! Par doston ne plan cancel kar diya, Office se chhutti nahi mil Rahi, mummy papa ne mana kar diya, gf akele nahi jaane de rahi ;-) not to worry... Come with me... On an audible World tour. in association with : Caroler | powered by : Aditya Kashyap podcast Self Help
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Sahi Bolta Hai

Red FM

Every evening Red FM Pune’s RJ Shrikant dons the role of a rapper and expresses his opinion on things that matter, through one of the greatest weapons that has ever been created – The Microphone.Be it a city specific issue or a news regarding water on Mars any occurrence that falls under purview of sarcasm or rage, is not spared. . The cross-line that goes, “Tu sahi bolta, tu sahi bolta Shrikant!!” has become a part of the common lingo of the city. Every single evening, Punekars await their ...
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‘राह – एक करियर पॉडकास्ट ‘, सुनो इंडिया की एक हिंदी पॉडकास्ट श्रृंखला है, जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे देश में उपलब्ध उन् करियर विकल्पों के बारे में अवगत करवाते हे जिनके बारे में शहरी और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के स्टूडेंट्स को शायद जानकारी नहीं हे। वैसे भी 120 करोड़ आबादी वाले देश में, जंहा इतनी विविधता है, वहां हम एक ही तरह के विकल्पों से सभी को रोज़गार नहीं उपलब्ध करवा सकते और हमे अन्य विकल्पों की तलाश करने की आवश्यकता है। इस पॉडकास्ट के माध्यम से, हम उन करियर विकल्पों पर जागरूकता बढ़ाने की उम्मीद कर ...
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show series
अतिचारी ग्रह के रहस्यों को जानें Astrologer Nitin Kashyap के साथ! इस वीडियो में हम अतिचारी ग्रह की परिभाषा, कुंडली में इसकी पहचान, पूर्व जन्म के साथ इसका संबंध, और इसके प्रभावों को समझेंगे।#अतिचारी ग्रह की सच्चाई: जानिए कैसे यह आपके जीवन को प्रभावित करता है - #astrologer #learnastrology Join our Whatsapp community - https://whatsapp.com/channel/002…
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Discover how to boost motivation using insights from the Lagna Lord in astrology with Astrologer Nitin Kashyap. Learn where to find self-confidence through Jyotish principles in this informative video. Admission Queries Form - https://forms.gle/QCUaZdfNqLmxuejg9Join our Whatsapp community - https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va91... Astro Life Sutras…
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6,8 और 12 भाव क्यों बुरे? भाव और उसके मालिक मे क्या अंतर है ? राहू - केतु मे क्या बुराई है? विदेश यात्रा और 12 भाव का स्वामी भाव पीड़ित कैसे होता है? Astrologer Nitin Kashyap Astrology Queries Sessionज्योतिष एक अथाह सागर है जिसमे कई ज्योतिष के नियम छिपे हुए है इस चैनल पर प्रसारित video कुंडली के अलग अलग रहस्यों को उजागर करती है चाहे वह #वक्रीग्रह हो…
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ऋण कब लेना चाहिए?ऋण कब नहीं लेना चाहिए?क्या ग्रहों की दृष्टियों मे अंतर होता है?मारक ग्रह की #दशा आने पर क्या फलित होगा?सूर्य, चंद्र, मंगल से #12_भाव क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है?ऐसे ही रोचक प्रश्न Hena Prasun जी के द्वारा पूछे गए| आइए जानते है उनके उत्तर Astrologer Nitin P.Kashyap के साथ |Saturn in the 7th house (शनि 7वे भाव में) - Part-2 - • Saturn in the…
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• शुक्र और बुध की युति क्या फल देती है?• नींद कम आना और ज्योतिष • राशि और नक्षत्र कैसे याद करें• बच्चे की डेलीवेरी की डेट• देश, काल और पात्र की उपयोगितायह विडिओ नैनीताल मे शूट किया गया है | Astrologer Nitin P.Kashyap इस विडिओ मे बता रहे है की कैसे ज्योतिष मे उपरोक्त बातों को देखा जाता है |Download Now: http://on-app.in/app/home/app/home?or...Join "…
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In this fascinating video, Astrology expert Nitin P. Kashyap explores the intriguing differences between Moon Mahadasha and the dasha of other planets. Learn why the Moon holds a special place in astrology and how its cycles can impact your life in unique ways. Tune in for a deeper understanding of this celestial phenomenon! #Astrology #MoonMagic #…
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ज्योतिष में नवांश कुंडली फलित में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होती है. ज्योतिष की किताबो में इसके बारे में बहुत कुछ लिखा गया है| इस विडियो में Nitin Kashyap बता रहे है, की आप अपनी पत्नी के साथ कैसा व्यवहार करते है ? आपका अपनी पत्नी के साथ कैसा सलूक है? नवांश कुंडली के क्या नियम है? इसके प्रयोग से आप किस प्रकार आसानी से फल ज्ञात कर सकते है. इस विडियो में नवांश …
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ज्योतिष की दुनिया में आपका स्वागत है! नितिन कश्यप, एस्ट्रो लाइफ सूत्र ज्योतिष अकादमी के संस्थापक, आपको ग्रहों की कहानी सुनाते हैं और अस्त, नीच और पीड़ित ग्रह में अंतर समझाते हैं। Astrologer Nitin Kashyap, Founder of Astro Life Sutras Jyotish Academy, is a renowned astrologer with extensive knowledge in Vedic astrology.…
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Want to make your second marriage a success? Tune in to this podcast as Astrologer Nitin Kashyap shares his expert insights on the astrological secrets to a happy and fulfilling partnership. Get insights into your birth chart and discover the secrets to a successful second marriage.
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In this episode, we’re diving into two heavyweight investing styles: Growth and Quality. Explore what makes a company a future giant, like a promising biotech firm developing groundbreaking drugs! We’ll cover key indicators of growth investing, such as sales and earnings growth, market potential, and the significance of research and development. Ne…
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In this episode, we explore two pivotal investment factors: size and value. Small-cap stocks, likened to hidden treasures, offer potential for substantial returns despite higher volatility. Conversely, value investing, inspired by Benjamin Graham's wisdom, involves identifying stocks trading below their intrinsic worth for long-term gains. Discover…
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In this episode, we explore the "momentum" factor in investing. Similar to a batsman in top form hitting successive sixes, stocks can exhibit winning streaks. This concept, rooted in behavioral science from the 1980s, reveals that stocks performing well tend to continue rising, while underperformers struggle. Momentum investing involves identifying…
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Discover how to boost motivation using insights from the Lagna Lord in astrology with Astrologer Nitin Kashyap. Learn where to find self-confidence through Jyotish principles in this informative podcast. Admission Queries Form Join our Whatsapp community - Astro Life Sutras provided astrology online and offline courses, consultation with Astrologer…
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In this episode "Unlock the power of smart investing with our podcast, Factor Based Investing! Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of factor investing, where we explore the science behind successful investment strategies. From value and momentum to quality and low volatility, we'll break down the key factors that drive market returns and…
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In this episode of 'Learn with RG,' Radhika Gupta, the MD and CEO of Edelweiss Mutual Fund, provides insightful guidance on how to review your investment portfolio. She offers a clear distinction between passive and active funds, sharing her unique perspective on their respective benefits and drawbacks. Additionally, she emphasizes the critical imp…
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Subscribe to our podcast and be the first to listen our latest kahani! राजा को बात जॅंची। गोनू झा को बुलाकर पूछा गया। एक पल के लिए तो वह भौचक्के रह गए, किंतु तुरंत ही प्रसन्नता का स्वाँग भरते हुए सॅंभल गए . Are you looking for a podcast that offers entertaining and engaging stories in Hindi? Look no further than our platform! We bring you weekly ep…
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Subscribe to our podcast and be the first to listen our latest kahani! आज की कहानी है 'मिथिला नरेश के दरबार में तहसलीदार'। यह कहानी हमें दिखाएगी कि कैसे एक साधारण ग्रामीण, गोनू झा, ने अपनी साहसिकता, सामाजिक सजगता और नैतिकता के जरिए समस्याओं का समाधान किया। चलिए, बिना देर किए, इस रोमांचक कहानी की यात्रा पर हम सब साथ चलते हैं।" Are you looking for a …
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Subscribe to our podcast and be the first to listen our latest kahani! चोरी हंसी मिथिला की धरती पर अपराध का साया, गोनू झा बनेंगे न्याय के ध्वजवाहक! नमस्कार और स्वागत हैं आपका इस नए पॉडकास्ट एपिसोड में, जहाँ हम आपको सुनाएंगे एक ऐसी कहानी जो रोमांच, हास्य और बुद्धि का अनोखा संगम है। ये कहानी है मिथिलांचल की, जहाँ चोर-उचक्कों और ठगों का ऐसा बोलबाला था…
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5.10. गोनू झा Doodh Se Bhaagne Wali Billi (Maithili Story in Hindi) | LokKatha | bedtime stories | FolkTales in hindi | Kahani | Kahaniya | Hindi story | Hindi Stories | कहानी | बाल कहानियाँ | हिन्दी कहानियाँ Maithili Story Subscribe to our podcast and be the first to listen our latest kahani! यह कहानी है मिथिला के एक गाँव की, जहाँ चूहों की बढ़ती स…
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In this episode of ‘Learn with RG’ you will learn that while money can mean different things to different people, it really should not define your sense of self-worth. You are more than the money that you earn. Join us personal value and finances, with a special focus on investing. Key takeaways: · It is often said that money can’t buy you happines…
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5.9. गोनू झा का बैल Gonu Jha Ka bail Katha | LokKatha | bedtime stories | FolkTales in hindi | Kahani | Kahaniya | Hindi story | Hindi Stories | कहानी | बाल कहानियाँ | हिन्दी कहानियाँ Maithili Story 5.9. गोनू झा का बैल Gonu Jha Ka bail Katha | LokKatha | bedtime stories | FolkTales in hindi | Kahani | Kahaniya | Hindi story | Hindi Stories | कहानी …
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5.8. गोनू झा हुए पराजित Gonu Jha Huye Parajit | LokKatha | bedtime stories | FolkTales in hindi | Kahani | Kahaniya | Hindi story | Hindi Stories | कहानी | बाल कहानियाँ | हिन्दी कहानियाँ Hindi Story Subscribe to our podcast and be the first to listen our latest kahani! "आज की कहानी में हम सुनेंगे एक ऐसे किशोर बसुआ की, जिसका अपना सगा कोई नहीं था। गा…
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5.7. गोनू झा दो ठग Gonu Jha Aur Do Thag | LokKatha | bedtime stories | FolkTales in hindi | Kahani | Kahaniya | Hindi story | Hindi Stories | कहानी | कहानियाँ | बाल कहानियाँ | हिन्दी कहानियाँ Hindi Story Subscribe to our podcast and be the first to listen our latest kahani! गोनू झा के इस चुनौतीपूर्ण सफर में उनका साथ देते हैं दो ठग - हीरन और फीरन। इ…
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5.6. गोनू झा की चतुराई - Gonu Jha Ki Chaturai | LokKatha | bedtime stories | FolkTales in hindi | Kahani | Kahaniya | Hindi story | Hindi Stories | कहानी | कहानियाँ | बाल कहानियाँ | हिन्दी कहानियाँ Hindi Story Subscribe to our podcast and be the first to listen our latest kahani! वर्षों से खरबूजे खाने को क्या, देखने को भी नहीं मिले। अगले दिन मित्र …
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एक गांव में एक लालची कुत्ता रहता था। वह गांव में घूम-घूमकर खाने की तलाश करता था। वह इतना लालची था कि उसे जितना भी ........ Are you looking for a podcast that offers entertaining and engaging stories in Hindi? Look no further than our platform! We bring you weekly episodes of inspiring and informative stories from popular collections such as Panchta…
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In this episode of ‘Learn with RG’ you will learn why it is important to start investing for your children as soon as they are born. Key takeaways: · Start building your child’s investment portfolio early: You must start investing for your child as early as possible – maybe even as early as one month. Best to start getting the paperwork done and th…
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154. 69. Murga Aur Lomri Ki Khani | मुर्गा और लोमड़ी की कहानी | LokKatha | bedtime stories | FolkTales in hindi | Kahani | Kahaniya | Moral Hindi story | Hindi Stories | कहानी | कहानियाँ | बाल कहानियाँ | हिन्दी कहानियाँ bedtime Story | Baccho ki kahani | Short Story एक जंगल में एक धूर्त लोमड़ी रहती थी। एक बार उसने एक मुर्गे को पेड़ की ऊँची डाल पर ब…
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A conscious mind is a logical mind. Logical thinking, logical ideas, logical perceptions, logical decisions, and logical judgments all are done by the conscious mind. But once it takes a decision and remains stuck to that point of view, it becomes the belief. So our subconscious mind works on the belief system. Once it becomes our belief it becomes…
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We have a conscious and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind tells us what is good and what is bad according to our belief system. But the subconscious mind can't differentiate between good and bad. It only does whatever our belief system is. And it is super powerful. It does the miracles in your life.…
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In this episode of ‘Learn with RG’ you will learn why it is important to start your investing journey when you are young but still have enough to enjoy your short-term goals. Key takeaways: · Start investing early: The most powerful choice that you can make in your financial planning journey is to start early. When you choose to start early you are…
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We are all looking for our niche – our area of expertise and comfort. And, once you find it, you want to hold on to it and follow it repeatedly. Then why should your financial plan be any different. The only caveat is that it takes time to find the block that completely fits you, which is why this approach is well-suited for you if you are closer t…
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It is often said that art reflects our lives and that artists showcase the practices and cultures prevalent in their times. However, that is not the only way art reflects our lives. Art is intricate and requires both patience as well as discipline. Sounds similar, doesn’t it? Well, investing is also something like that, especially if you are someon…
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In this episode, we will know how Suresh died. What will Achala do now? Will Mahim manage to take her back as his wife? And why did Rambabu say Achala is a Vaishya? To Know the answers to all these questions, listen to this episode until the end only on “Audio Pitara '' Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us and don’t hesitate to tell us how y…
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In this episode, we will know why Suresh was feeling remorse. After all, why did Achala’s father wait for Mahim, and why did Suresh want to leave Achala? To Know, the answers to all these questions, listen to this episode till the end only on “Audio Pitara '' and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us. Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.…
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Here, we will know why Suresh got the new house built. After all, why did Achala hate herself? And what misunderstanding did Mahim have about Achala? And how did Achala’s father change his mind about the villagers? To Know, the answers to all these questions, listen to this episode till the end only on “Audio Pitara” and don’t forget to share your …
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In this episode, we will know why Mrinal wrote the letter to Achala. Why did Achala’s father doubt his daughter? And why was Achala staying with Suresh at a stranger’s house? To know the answers to all these questions, listen to this episode until the end of “Audio Pitara” and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us. Stay Updated on our shows a…
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In this episode, we will know where Achala and Mahim go for a trip and why Suresh suddenly came with them. After all, how did Mahim disappear from the train, and what trick did Suresh play with Achala? To know the answers to all these questions, listen to this episode till the end only on “Audio Pitara” only. Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitar…
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In this episode, we will know Why Mahim and Achala start staying at Suresh's house? And why does Suresh find Mrinal more talented than the girls in the city, and why does Achala ask Suresh to marry Mrinal? Know the answers to all these questions only on “Audio Pitara”, and share your thoughts regarding such a complicated situation in the comment se…
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In this episode we will know why Achala suspects Mahim? Who wrote the letter for Mahim? And how did Achala understand the importance of simplicity? What made Mahim doubt their relationship? Also you will know the secret of the fire in Mahim’s house only on “Audio Pitara”. Stay Updated on our shows at audiopitara.com and follow us on Instagram and Y…
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In this episode, we learn that Suresh suddenly turns up at the village to meet Achala and Mahim, and Achala knows about her father's ill health. Why did her father's health deteriorate? Why did Achala want to go home? Why did Mahim want Achala and his friend to go to the city together? To know, listen to this episode till the end only on “Audio Pit…
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In this episode, we will learn that Achala comes to her in-law's house after getting married, But after arriving there, she learns that Mahim has no relatives in the village either. Then she meets Mrinal, who introduces herself as Mahim's ex-girlfriend and says I would be his wife now, not you. After all, What was the relationship between Mahim and…
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In this episode, we will know how Achala reveals everything to Mahim and tells Mahim that she doesn't want to do this marriage. After all, Why did Suresh say nasty things to Achala? After all, What news was published about Suresh in the newspaper? After all, why did Suresh ask Achala and her father to go to his home? Know the answers to all these q…
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In this episode, we will learn about Mahim going to his village and Suresh helping Achala’s father financially. At the same time, Achala’s father decides to give her hand to Suresh, and Mahim returns. What will Mahim's reaction be after seeing Suresh at Achala’s house? What will Achala say to Mahim? What happened between Achala’s father and Mahim? …
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This story is about the triple love of lovers Syresh, Mahim and Achala, Where we learn about the friendship of Mahim and Syresh, the love of Mahim and Achala, and where Suresh falls in love with Achala in the first meeting. Now what turn will come in the life of these three? What will Suresh do after all? Know the answers to all these questions onl…
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Upon hearing the sudden news of Rani's death, her friends Rao Sahab Peshwa and Tatya Tope were in grief. Although they managed to overcome the Sindhia and Gwalior forces, they couldn't establish a lasting rule. Eventually, after Rani's demise, the British attacked them again, and Jiyaji Rao was handed over to the Sindhia rule. What happened to Rani…
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Sach hi kaha gaya hai "Mahapurushon ki karya siddhi, unke sachhe parakarm se hoti hai na ki kewal saadhno se" aise hi sachhi parakrami thi humari Rani jo ki hazaar Sindhia sarkaar ki sena ke virudh kuch peshwa sena ke saath lad ke jeet gayi. Wo Kalpi ke Raja Rao Saheb ke saath Gopalpur main rahi aur wahi rehakar unhone Sindhia sarkaar, jo ki angrez…
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Seeing her army being defeated, Rani became worried. Meanwhile, the Britishers offered a condition that they would spare the lives of her soldiers if she left Jhansi. Reluctantly, Rani Lakshmi Bai agreed to leave. The British started oppressing the people of Jhansi, and Rani stayed within the fort with Damodar Rao. As time went on, English soldiers…
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The battle had begun, but Rani Lakshmi Bai had a small group of selected soldiers against the British forces that numbered in the thousands. The British soldiers were gaining the upper hand in the battle, and they had surrounded the fort from all sides. With no apparent way out, the Rani had to make a tough decision. Did she fight until her last br…
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Yaha hum janenege ki Rani ji ne nirnay liya ki wo angrez ke khilaf jakar ladengi aur wapas jhansi ko british sarkaar se mukt karayengi. Aaiye jante hain ki kaise unhone 30 hazaar sipahiyon ke virudh yudh kiya, wo bhi kuch gine chune sathi ke saath. Kaise unhone apni budhhi aur vinamrta se aas-pass ke logo ko ek-jutt hokar ladne ko uthsahit kiya. Su…
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In this episode, we will learn about how Rani Lakshmi Bai was ordered to hand over her husband's kingdom to the British government and how Jhansi was merged into the British territory. Finally, we will discover about how the adopted child "Daamodar Gangadhar Rao" was prevented from inheriting the kingdom and how Rani Lakshmi Bai aimed to regain her…
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