LA Radio Club is a nonprofit-sponsored journalism project, supporting emerging reporters in Southern California. This series showcases the work produced by our reporters in residence – early-career journalists telling stories from the margins in Southern California. To support LARC, visit LA Radio Club Presents is produced by Aaron Dalton, Emma Lehmann and Ari Saperstein.
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Meghan Coyle: The History of South Bay's Sansei Baseball League
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बाद में चलाएं
LA Radio Club Reporter In Residence Meghan Coyle brings you this story about Sansei Baseball, a Japanese-American youth baseball league in LA’s South Bay. Through conversations with locals, Meghan explores the history of baseball in LA’s Japanese-American community, and what Sansei brings to the kids that play on the team. Story editing by Andrea G…
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This is "LA Radio Club Presents", a showcase for stories produced as part of the SoCal Reporting Incubator from LA Radio Club. LA Radio Club is a nonprofit-sponsored project supporting journalists and audio storytellers in Southern California. Tune in to hear stories from all around LA County and beyond from emerging reporters, and visit radioclubc…
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