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The Money Café with Alan Kohler

Eureka Report

Alan Kohler, Eureka Report’s Editor-in-Chief, explores and explains the week’s news, views and events with smart people who like good coffee. Topics include but not limited to inflation, Bitcoin, Scott Morrison, vaccines and climate change. Got a question for next week's episode? Email themoneycafe@eurekareport.com.au.
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Takakansi-podcast - kiireettömiä kohtaamisia kirjojen, lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen äärellä Tavoitteena on tuoda monipuolisia näkökulmia lukemiseen ja jakaa erilaisia keinoja avartaa omaa lukemista. Takakansi löytyy kaikista podcast-palveluista sekä osoitteesta https://takakansi.fi Vieraina on lukijoita, kirjailijoita, asiantuntijoita ja muutenkin kiinnostavia ihmisiä. Teemat pyörivät laajasti kirjojen ja lukemisen ympärillä, ja joskus myös sivuraiteilla, kantavana teemana on kuitenkin lukemi ...
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„Kohle, Knast & Kaviar“ ist der True-Crime-Podcast aus Düsseldorf. Der Podcast erzählt von Kriminalfällen, die so eigentlich nur in Düsseldorf passieren konnten. Große Vermögen und Schickimicki sind einerseits nur Klischees, andererseits ziehen sie tatsächlich auch Menschen an, die auf illegalem Wege versuchen, einen Teil davon abzubekommen. VierNull-Redaktionsleiter Hans Onkelbach hat die Fälle einst als Gerichts- und Polizeireporter erlebt. Im Podcast berichtet er, wie sich die Taten ereig ...
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Get ready for a true-crime podcast that will leave you questioning everything with its relentless focus on the capture and prosecution of Bryan Kohbeger - the man accused of committing a quadruple homicide in Moscow, Idaho, involving the brutal murder of four innocent college students he allegedly didn't even know. We'll leave no stone unturned as we explore the dark depths of Kohbeger's mind, asking the most haunting question of all - what drove him to commit such a heinous act? With every ...
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kohero vorgelesen

kohero podcast

Journalismus für ein Miteinander. Menschen mit Migrations- und Fluchtgeschichte sind in den Medien bisher deutlich unterrepräsentiert. Das möchten wir ändern. Denn jeder Mensch hat eine Geschichte zu erzählen. Schreib mit, lies mit, hör mit - für mehr interkulturellen Zusammenhalt. Gemeinsam sind wir kohero. Hier werden ausgewählte Artikel des kohero Magazins vorgelesen.Mehr zu kohero: https://www.kohero-magazin.de/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Kohti Pyhää viikkoa

Helsingin tuomiokirkkoseurakunta

Tässä podcastissa tehdään matkaa kohti pääsiäistä. Matka kestää paastonajan ajan pääsiäiseen asti. Studiossa äänessä ovat Anna Pulli-Huomo, Joona Salminen ja vaihtuvat vieraat.
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Koh Lantapodden

Lars Berglund

Koh Lantapodden är en podcast för dig som på något sätt har intresse av den vackra thailändska ön Koh Lanta. Vi levererar tips och råd, främst genom spännande gäster som har unika band med denna ö.
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Dr. Mark Kohout

Dr. Mark Kohout

Dr. Kohout trained in plastic surgery for a total of 6 years in Great Britain, Australia and the United States. 25 years of experience in Breast Surgery, Dr. Mark Kohout is a renowned qualified Plastic Surgeon in central Sydney. Specializing in Breast Surgery, Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Labiaplasty & Gynecomastia. Call Us at 1300551151 today.
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Kohtaussarja Podcast

Tarja Jänis

Kohtaussarjassa käsitellään monenlaisia aiheita ja ilmiöitä sekä haastatellaan mielenkiintoisia ihmisiä. Podcastia houstaa Tarja Jänis. Lähetykset tulevat Joensuusta, rintamamiestalon legendaarisesta yläkerran välikammarin studiosta. Jaksot julkaistaan keskiviikkoisin klo 16.00. Löydät Kohtaussarjan Facebookista ja Instagramista, SoundCloudista, Spotifysta ja Suplasta. Tervetuloa mukaan!
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Die griechischen Mythen, das sind Geschichten von Liebe, Mord und Eifersucht. Schriftsteller Michael Köhlmeier schildert sie in der 80-teiligen ARD-alpha-Reihe so eindrucksvoll, dass plötzlich all die Götter, Halbgötter, Kentauren und Titanen von ihrem Olymp herunter - oder aus ihrer Unterwelt emporsteigen und zu Gestalten voller Leben, Gefühl und Seele werden.
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Talking Business is an inflight entertainment radio program on Qantas, hosted by Alan Kohler. Each month business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators are interviewed about their expertise, businesses, and careers. This is where you can podcast all of the guests from Talking Business.
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Köhlmeiers Märchen

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Märchen versteht jeder. Die Geschichten, die darin erzählt werden, sind einfach, entfernen sich selten von einer gewohnten Dramaturgie und spielen mit Stereotypen. Märchen lassen uns in jedem Satz hinabblicken in die erschreckendsten Ungeheuerlichkeiten unserer Leidenschaften, unserer Süchte und unserer Haltlosigkeit. Schriftsteller Michael Köhlmeier erzählt immer dienstags um 22.45 Uhr Märchen aus aller Welt - in der ihm eigenen, poetischen, musikalischen Sprache.
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Erin Lilly, KOHLER Design Studio Manager, speaks with global architects and designers about the ideas that are shaping the spaces in which we spend our time. In our first season, we explore the Dimensions of Wellbeing, which contends that design is foundational to wellbeing (and vice versa).
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In entspannter Atmosphäre trifft Moderatorin Doreen Steinert prominente Gäste an ihrem Wohnzimmertisch und versucht ihnen bei einem guten Glas Wein und ein paar leckeren Snacks möglichst viele Geheimnisse zu entlocken. Doreen unterhält sich mit ihrem Gast über Berufliches ebenso wie über Privates – und natürlich werden auch ein paar Spiele gespielt, die ziemlich sicher dabei helfen werden, den Gast noch ein bisschen besser kennenzulernen!
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An den Ufern der Havel lebte, um die Mitte des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts, ein Roßhändler, namens Michael Kohlhaas, Sohn eines Schulmeisters, einer der rechtschaffensten zugleich und entsetzlichsten Menschen seiner Zeit. – Dieser außerordentliche Mann würde, bis in sein dreißigstes Jahr für das Muster eines guten Staatsbürgers haben gelten können. Er besaß in einem Dorfe, das noch von ihm den Namen führt, einen Meierhof, auf welchem er sich durch sein Gewerbe ruhig ernährte; die Kinder, die ih ...
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Koho by to zajímalo?

Brit Jensen a Životní příběhy

Podcast Koho by to zajímalo přináší příběhy lidí se zkušeností s dlouhodobou institucionalizací, jak je účastnice a účastníci výzkumného projektu Životní příběhy za lidská práva vyprávěli přední české dokumentaristce Brit Jensen. Příběhy přeživších českého ústavnictví nejsou běžné, ani jednoduché. Jejich vypravěčky a vypravěči věří, že mají moc měnit zavedené představy o jinakosti, zranitelnosti a „dobré“ péči. ------------------------------ Tento podcast vznikl s podporou Norských fondů a N ...
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Each week, State of Resistance features a frank conversation with a leader in the resistance. Whether it’s a national activist or someone toiling away at the grassroots out of the spotlight, we’ll talk about the issues — from DACA to climate change to labor issues to criminal justice reform — with a focus on what real people can do to get more involved and help make change at their own level, in their own communities. We’ll talk about the emotional toll of activism, especially as so many fol ...
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Digitale Kohle

Stefan Schmidt, Christian Behrends

Unser Rhein/Ruhr Gebiet erfährt derzeit einen drastischen Strukturwandel. Im Herzen von Nordrhein-Westfalen gelegen, war unsere Region seit jeher bekannt für Braun- und Steinkohle-Förderungen. Der Sage nach fand ein Junge in der Gegend von Witten, Sprockhövel oder Wetter beim Schweinehüten glühende schwarze Steine in einer Feuerstelle. Hier wurde bereits im Mittelalter Kohle in einfachen Grabelöchern (Pingen) abgebaut. Die Schwerpunkte dieses frühen Steinkohlenbergbaues lagen im Raum Witten- ...
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This podcast is for ESAC Week 6 Remote Learning on the Basics of Science. The podcast is about Inquiry-based Learning and specifically on the video “Investigating Rocks.” The podcast covers the role of teachers in this video, the use of questions, emphasis on process skills, provision of time, space, materials and resources, as well as other pointers. Cover art photo provided by Oliver Paaske on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@photolli
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Tschüss Kohle, hallo Zukunft!

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

In einer Langzeit-Betrachtung dokumentiert MDR AKTUELL die Energiewende und den damit einhergehenden Strukturwandel in den mitteldeutschen Braunkohle-Regionen. Die Reporterin Britta Veltzke und der Wirtschaftsjournalist Ralf Geißler reisen dafür regelmäßig mit dem Mikrofon ins Revier. Sie treffen den Planungschef des Kohleunternehmens Mibrag, der künftig auch die Renaturierung der Tagebaue verantwortet. Sie sprechen mit der Pfarrerin des Dörfchens Pödelwitz, das den Kohlebaggern nur knapp en ...
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show series
This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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Bryan Kohberger was investigated for a home invasion eerily similar to the horrific crime he now stands accused of committing—the brutal murders of four University of Idaho students. The revelation, which emerged this week, has sent shockwaves through both the legal community and the public, raising profound questions about the odds of such coincid…
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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Alan Kohler is joined by Stephen Mayne and James Thomson for the final episode of The Money Café for 2024 to discuss the biggest winners and losers of the year, stories to watch in 2025, and much, much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Eureka Report
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Uppouduin tänä kesänä syvälle ns. Souls-pelien maailmaan Bloodbornen, Elden Ringin ja viimeisimpänä Dark Souls 3:n kautta, ja sillä tiellä olen yhä. Oli iloinen yllätys päästä puhumaan näistä teemoista ja vaihtamaan pelikokemuksia Niklas Ahnbergin kanssa, jonka avulla löysin hyviä youtube -vinkkivideoita sekä Berserk -sarjakuvan. Luin myös ennen ha…
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Prosecutors Defend Evidence in Bryan Kohberger Case, Urge Judge to Deny Defense Motion Prosecutors leading the case against Bryan Kohberger are contesting defense claims that investigators overstepped in gathering evidence. In court filings, they assert that searches of Kohberger’s property and digital accounts were lawful and necessary, urging the…
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Im Februar 2008 erschüttert ein Finanzskandal die Düsseldorfer High Society. Die Polizei durchsucht die Häuser und Büros des Unternehmers Franjo Pooth, Ehemann von Verona Pooth, sowie zwei Sparkassenvorständen. Der Verdacht: Bestechung, Untreue und Insolvenzverschleppung. Den beiden Bankern wird vorgeworfen, leichtfertig Kredite vergeben zu haben. …
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On The Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and James Thomson discuss interest rates, productivity, Shayne Elliott's upcoming departure from ANZ, the Murdoch family, and answer questions on the housing market, superannuation, Bitcoin, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Eureka Report
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A former defense attorney for Ted Bundy, John Henry Browne, has drawn intriguing parallels between the notorious serial killer’s final actions and the charges against Bryan Kohberger, the suspect in the University of Idaho student murders. Browne, who represented Bundy during his trial, pointed out striking similarities in the actions of both men, …
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On the Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and Stephen Mayne dive into AGM season, discuss the resurgence of Myer, question the top of the market, and look at the property sector, interest rates, the RBA, and much, much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Eureka Report
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The defense team for Bryan Kohberger, the 29-year-old accused of killing four University of Idaho students in 2022, faced sharp criticism from the presiding judge after submitting more than 2,000 pages of exhibits that were deemed "largely irrelevant." Kohberger is charged with four counts of first-degree murder and one count of felony burglary in …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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On The Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and James Thomson discuss founder-led companies, Trump's tariffs, the correlation between bitcoin and bananas, interest rates, and answer a number of questions on CBA, superannuation, housing, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Saatanallinen paniikki on Katri Ylisen hieno narratiivinen tietokirja 90-luvun saatanallisesta paniikista, muistista, moraalipaniikeista, mediasta ja saatanallisen kentän monipuolisuudesta. Tenttasin Katria kirjoitusprosessista mutta kävimme läpi myös moraalipaniikkien anatomiaa ja erilaisia kirjan teemaa sivuavia aiheita. Kiitos Katri vierailusta!…
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This is the " The Year in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this year's most compelling headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that have dominated the news. This is not your average …
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Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Welcome to the "Week in Review," where we delve into the true stories behind this week's headlines. Your host, Tony Brueski, joins hands with a rotating roster of guests, sharing their insights and analysis on a collection of intriguing, perplexing, and often chilling stories that made the news. This is not your average news recap. With the sharp i…
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Could you ever imagine a more unlucky person—or does the sheer weight of evidence prove otherwise? As the murder case of four college students in Moscow nears its second anniversary, questions swirl around the accused, Bryan Kohberger. Despite an arsenal of defense tactics aimed at delaying and creating doubt, Kohberger remains at the heart of this…
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Who Will Be Called To The Stand In Kohberger's Idaho Murders Trial In 2025? Have you ever wondered what the people closest to a suspected killer *really* think? In the case of Bryan Kohberger, it’s not just whispers from the neighbors or the speculation of casual acquaintances—it’s a chilling uncertainty from those who know him best. We delve into …
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Did Bryan Kohberger’s nighttime star-gazing hobby really explain his alleged involvement in one of the most gripping murder cases we've seen in years? Nearly two years have passed since four college students were found murdered in Moscow, Idaho, and we're still a year away from seeing how this case concludes. Despite recent wins for the defense, li…
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If Bryan Kohberger Bought The Knife, Does That Make Him The Killer? Did the purchase of a simple knife seal the fate of Bryan Kohberger? As the trial looms ever further on the horizon, one puzzle piece stands out: the alleged Amazon purchase of a K-Bar knife, potentially linking Kohberger to the horrific crime at 1122 King Road. But even if DNA evi…
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Bryan Kohberger, the man accused of killing four University of Idaho students in 2022, will face the possibility of the death penalty if convicted, according to a recent ruling by Ada County Judge Steven Hippler. Kohberger’s defense team had argued to exclude the death penalty as a potential sentence, but their motions were denied. The judge’s deci…
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A Psychological Look Back At The Idaho Murders Two Years Later Was Bryan Kohberger’s defense strategy always about buying time and hoping the world would forget the sting of the Moscow, Idaho tragedy? Two years have passed since Kohberger’s white Hyundai Elantra was spotted outside the victims’ house, and it feels like the trial’s been perpetually …
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In this episode, Tony Brueski digs into the latest ruling in the Bryan Kohberger case, where Judge Steven Hippler has cleared the path for the death penalty to be considered as a sentencing option. With a detailed breakdown of the court’s decision, we explore the legal arguments made by both sides and the emotional reactions from the victims’ famil…
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What If Kohberger's Defense Gets DNA Thrown Out? Did Bryan Kohberger's alibi just go stargazing into nowhere? With two years gone since the Idaho murders, the spotlight is finally narrowing in on Kohberger as he waits behind bars for his repeatedly rescheduled trial. While his defense team argues he was merely out enjoying the scenic night skies, d…
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Will Bryan Kohberger Face Trial In 2025? What does it take for a family to begin doubting one of their own? As Bryan Kohberger sits in his cell, his defense faces a mountain of evidence, and yet they’ve managed to weave a tale that includes star-gazing alibis and expert witnesses. Jennifer Coffindaffer breaks down how a new judge is cracking down o…
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On the Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and Stephen Mayne go around the grounds of AGM season, look at Trump’s latest appointments, discuss the RBA's outlook on rates, and answer a number of questions on ETFs, superannuation, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Eureka Report
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Two Years Into the Idaho Murders Kohberger Case And Still No Valid Alibi How does a routine “nightly drive” turn into the defense's most head-scratching alibi? As the two-year mark approaches in the brutal murders of four college students in Moscow, the case against the accused, Brian Werner, keeps unfolding in frustratingly slow motion. With the t…
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Bryan Kohberger’s defense team is mounting a fierce legal challenge to suppress critical evidence, arguing that police violated his constitutional rights in the Idaho murders case that shocked the nation. Kohberger is accused of killing four University of Idaho students: Xana Kernodle, Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, and Ethan Chapin, in their off…
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A federal appeals court overturned the conviction and seven-year prison sentence of Russell Laffitte, the former CEO of Palmetto State Bank, who had been convicted of multiple counts of bank fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy. The decision, made by a three-judge panel from the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, found significant constitutional vi…
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On The Money Café this week, Stephen Mayne and James Thomson review the latest Trump appointments including Elon Musk, go around the grounds of AGM season, look at what’s going on at Cbus, sound a warning from Nouriel Roubini, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Eureka Report
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Keskustelimme Mikko Granrothin kanssa hänen tuotannostaan ja kirjojen teemoista tai niihin linkittyvistä asioista kuten tekstin hämäryydestä, lukijan kokemuksesta, maaperästä, pimeydestä ja vanhemmuudesta. Kiitos Mikko vierailusta!Takakansi-podcastSome ja www:Instagram: https://instagram.com/takakansipodcastFacebook: https://facebook.com/takakansip…
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On this episode, Tony Brueski digs into the latest courtroom battle in the Bryan Kohberger case, as his defense team fights to have the death penalty removed from consideration. We’ll explore the constitutional arguments, the prosecution’s unrelenting push for capital punishment, and what this high-stakes legal showdown could mean for the upcoming …
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On the Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and Stephen Mayne unpack the US election result and what to expect from a Trump presidency, put Qantas under the microscope, and answer a number of questions on superannuation, the housing market, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Im zweiten Teil der Doppelfolge zur Aufarbeitung der deutsch-deutschen Geschichte sprechen Hans Onkelbach und Christian Herrendorf über Karl Wienand. Der Politiker war in der SPD der Mann fürs Grobe. Im Auftrag des Fraktionsvorsitzenden Herbert Wehner kümmerte er sich um Verhandlungen in der juristischen Grauzone. Den Austausch von Informationen mi…
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On The Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and James Thomson discuss Woolworths, inflation, mineral resources, the super sector's growing pains, and the highly anticipated U.S. election. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Eureka Report
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On this episode, Tony Brueski digs into the dramatic new developments in Bryan Kohberger’s legal strategy, revealing the defense’s decision to enlist Dr. Barbara Wolf—an expert forensic pathologist from O.J. Simpson’s trial. As the defense mounts a fierce opposition to the death penalty and questions the integrity of forensic evidence, tensions ris…
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On the Money Café this week, Alan Kohler and Stephen Mayne discuss the news engulfing Richard White and Chris Ellison, go around the grounds of AGM season, and answer a number of questions on how to invest for your children, the housing market, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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On the Money Cafe this week, Alan Kohler and James Thomson discuss the third year of the bull market, the upcoming US election, Elon Musk, and answer questions on AGM season, retirement, online brokers and ETFs, and much more! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Eureka Report
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