P1:s hälsojournalistiska program. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Caroline Salzinger
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Krone Party is the original podscast from the Krone Records DJs! WEBSITE: www.kronerecords.com
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podkast o Biblii
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(Fotocredit: beerphotographer / Adobe Stock)
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Chcesz wejść do branży IT lub już jako programista poszerzać wiedzę niej? Świetnie trafiłeś! Tutaj poznasz branżowe słownictwo i zgłębisz zagadnienia, o których każdy programista powinien wiedzieć. W podcaście znajdziesz wskazówki dla początkujących developerów: o tym, jak uczyć się programowania i jak zdobyć pierwszą pracę w branży IT. Goście podcastu pokażą Ci również świat pracy programisty od podszewki i polecą materiały, dzięki którym poszerzysz swoje kompetencje.
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O Krok Do Przodu – to podcast dla wszystkich, którzy zajmują się wprowadzaniem zmian. Niech wam się przyda w zespole, w firmie i we własnym życiu. Posłuchacie tutaj o tematach z obszarów: - Zarządzanie międzykulturowe - Zarządzanie wirtualnym zespołem - Rozwój liderów A jeszcze więcej ciekawych treści znajdziecie na portalu www.okrokdoprzodu.pl Serdecznie zapraszam! Monika Chutnik
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Jak v práci dělat více zajímavých, smysluplných věcí a méně těch otravných? Příběhy a myšlenky o tom, jak získat kontrolu nad svou prací a čas i energii něco změnit. Jak se dostat k zajímavé práci? Jak se nezbláznit z meetingů? Kolik hodin pracovat? Jak zlepšit komunikaci? Jak přestat věci odkládat? To jsou palčivé otázky, na které každý hledá odpověď. Podcastem vás provází Jiří Benedikt, trenér, který pomáhá lidem ve firmě tvořit a růst v digitální době
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Join Astrologer Eugenia Krok, MA - Astrologer Trained in Psychotherapy, to discover the relationship between nature + human personality.
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A Long-time radio host with his own show as well as backing up as host for nationally syndicated broadcasts, Jeff is a fifth generation Oregon farmer, aviator, professional musician, former State Legislator, lobbyist, real estate developer, small business owner, firefighter, and served as an embedded broadcaster with Oregon National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jeff is a former Oregon State Representative and fifth generation Oregon farmer from Sublimity, Oregon. Kropf served as Chairman o ...
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The Chris Krok Show is heard every weekday evening, 8:00 – 12:00 on WBAP NewsTalk 820. Passion is the one word that sums up the Chris Krok Show. That’s what sets him apart from others… his energy and his passion. Krok is all about his family and his strong middle class values.. and his faith. He loves talking about how his dad was a cop and his mom was a nurse. The show’s about life… sometimes you’re angry at something that’s happened in the news… sometimes you’re sad. Other times you’re lau ...
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Klog På Kroppen er podcasten for dig, som ønsker viden om kroppens fantastiske funktioner, men uden at du skal bekymre dig om fake news, sensationsoverskrifter eller quickfixes. Her kan du trygt læne dig tilbage og få indsigt i tung kompleks sundhedsforskning som serveres ud fra et lytterorienteret, inddragende og underholdende perspektiv. Her er du, lytteren, en tredje medvært, netop fordi vi tror på, at vi sammen kan blive endnu Klogere På Kroppen. Med os i ørene, tygger vi sundhedsforskni ...
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Velkommen til Knute i kroppen. Det er en podkast som er skapt for å sette søkelys på temaer rundt det å leve med langvarige smerter. Ordets smerte er ikke så sentralt. Vi ønsker å inspirere deg til å gjøre veivalg som gjør at du kan leve ditt liv optimalt, på tross av. Hemmeligheten er kunnskap som gjør deg i stand til å kunne gjøre gode valg. Enten du er gravid eller er mamma: Du trenger ikke stå i det alene, i Landsforeningen kvinnelig bekkenleddhelse finner du et fellesskap.
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Die spannendsten True-Crime-Geschichten aus Österreich In diesem True-Crime-Podcast erfährst du alles über die dunkelsten Seiten des menschlichen Daseins. Von aktuellen Mordfällen bis hin zu historischen Kriminalfällen aus Österreich: In jeder Folge beleuchten unsere erfahrenen Journalisten einen neuen Fall. Wir gehen dabei auf die Hintergründe ein, recherchieren die Fakten und rekonstruieren die Ereignisse. So bekommst du einen spannenden und informativen Einblick in die Welt der Kriminalit ...
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Popkultur & Hörspielpodcast
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Kronos Productions Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/Kronos/support
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Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft - Der soziologische Podcast von Berthold Vogel und Julia Kropf
Berthold Vogel, Julia Kropf
Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Wir, das sind: Berthold Vogel, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Göttingen (SOFI) sowie Sprecher des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ) am Standort Göttingen und Julia Kropf, Soziologin und freie Moderatorin. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft im Gespräch über Fragen und Themen, die unsere Zeit bewegen. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Das klingt selbstverständlich. Aber es klingt in diesen Zeiten auch nach Luxus ...
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Cześć, tu Maciek i Rafał. Miło nam, że tu jesteś. Na początek ruszamy z serią "Małymi krokami", która jest częścią większego projektu „Włącz Siebie”. Będziemy w niej zmieniać nasze nawyki. Sami jesteśmy ciekawi jak to się dalej rozwinie :) Nowe odcinki w każdy poniedziałek.
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English 9 Podcast
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Ett program som tar kontakt med och lyfter fram olika kroppars historia. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Alisa Bosnic
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En podcast om kroppsøving fra Pål Jåbekk ved kroppsøvingsseksjonen på OsloMet-Storbyuniversitetet.
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Рейтинги и топы интернет-магазинов и сервисов на сайте https://krokoza.ru/ Выбирайте одежду обувь и аксессуары в проверенных магазинах. Покупайте строительные материалы и автомобильные запчасти в лучших интернет магазинах. Мы оценили качество работы интернет сервисов и составили рейтинг лучших cashback сервисов, онлайн кинотеатров, обучающих платформ и так далее.
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Anne Marte og Kroken startet som kollegaer og hadde morgenshow på radio sammen. Nå er de kjærester, foreldre samt bonusmor, og diskuterer ulikhetene et forhold møter på; kjærlighet, sex (eller mangel på), aldersforskjell, interesser, irritasjoner og samlivet generelt Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Et løftet bryn, et flakkende blik og korslagte arme ... Hvad er det egentlig kropssproget fortæller os? Et sprog som vi alle har og taler. Men som ingen af os rigtig har lært ... Pernille Slot er din guide, som tager dig med på opdagelse igennem interviews med andre eksperter, specialister og helt almindelige mennesker, som kan noget helt særligt med kroppens sprog. En podcast for dig, der ønsker en Parlør til Kropssprog.
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Kierkegaard på egen krop er et eksperiment i 5 afsnit. En slags biblio-terapi, hvor 47-årige Thomas søger råd og vejledning hos den afdøde forfatter og filosof, Søren Kierkegaard, om livets helt store emner: kærlighed, mod, tvivl, tilfælde og døden. Kierkegaards terapeutiske talerør er Christian Hjortkjær, som i mange år har forsket og undervist i Kierkegaard. Tilrettelæggelse: Camille Gudmand Lange. Klip: Jacob Heldt. Idé og medvirkende: Thomas Klinkby. Produceret for DR af Buddy Buddy.
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Weshalb verbessert mydealz eigentlich seine Suche nicht, was hat es mit der ominösen Firma "Pepper" auf sich und wieso kommt der Deal-Alarm immer so spät? In jeder Ausgabe des Community Podcasts stellt sich ein Experte aus dem Team euren Fragen und gewährt detaillierte Einblicke in Prozesse, die normalerweise hinter den Kulissen stattfinden. Euch brennt ebenfalls ein Thema unter den Nägeln? Dann schreibt es in die Kommentare und wir schauen, was wir in einer der kommenden Folgen beantworten ...
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En inte så vetenskaplig podd om de härliga kroppar vi tillbringar våra liv inuti.
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Wenn Fußballer zu erzählen beginnen: krone.at-Sportchef Michael Fally trifft Legenden des heimischen Ballsports.
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Krone Geschichte – Der Podcast. Menschen. Leben. Hintergründe. Martina Winkelhofer und Rüdiger Landgraf sprechen über Menschen, Hintergründe und Geheimnisse aus Österreichs Geschichte.
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Hvad sker der, når to mennesker tager alt tøjet af og sætter sig fuldstændigt nøgne over for hinanden og begynder at tale sammen?
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Soy Maxi Kronenberg, periodista. Trabajo en varias secciones del diario Clarín. Aquí encontrarás mis entrevistas en crudo con artistas, pintores, escritores y diversos personajes que forman parte de mis notas. Además, soy y autor del libro "Peron, Gardel y los deportes" (Leamos). Disponible únicamente en formato digital en BajaLibros.com http://bit.ly/2qqKLHm
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Kronede Dage er en podcast om penge. Vi kommer omkring en lang række emner, der alle vedrører privatøkonomien. Podcastens formål er at oplyse bredt om privatøkonomi og at bidrage til at fremme interessen for økonomisk frihed blandt danskerne. Her kan du høre om aktier, obligationer, REITs, alternative investeringer, budgetlægning, crowdlending, at spare i hverdagen og meget, meget mere. Ny podcast udgives hver mandag kl. 10.
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Trond-Viggo Torgersen i samtale om kroppen fra Litteraturhuset i Bergen. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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Cześć! Z tej strony Pani Nutka. Witam Was w moim podcaście pt. "Skrzypce: zrób pierwszy krok" skierowanym do wszystkich osób dorosłych, które od dawna marzą, żeby rozpocząć grę na skrzypcach, ale do tej pory jakoś nie miały wystarczająco sprzyjających okoliczności, żeby się za to marzenie zabrać. Jeżeli Ty jesteś właśnie kimś takim, to wiedz, że bardzo dobrze trafiłeś :) Może to, co tutaj ode mnie usłyszysz całkowicie zmieni Twoje przekonania na temat gry na skrzypcach, które do tej pory mia ...
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I Kroppspodden pratar Hillevi Wahl med intressanta personer om vilken relation de har till sin kropp. Det kan handla om kroppsideal, när kroppen förändras, tacksamhet över vad kroppen kan och frustration över vad den inte klarar, vad kroppen mår bra av – och mycket mer. En intim och personlig podcast som ställer kroppsnära frågor! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Marcel van Roosmalen, Noortje Veldhuizen en Roelof de Vries rommelen zich het leven door en zoeken naar het beste op het gebied van video. Wat moet je zien en wat kun je prima wegklikken? Marcel, Noortje en Roelof zijn je onmisbare gidsen.
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Över min döda kropp - True crime på riktigt! Anna Jinghede och Lena Ljungdahl har ägnat hela sina yrkeskarriärer åt att nörda ner sig i krim. Med spaning, utredning, kriminalteknik och dödligt våld som expertområden lotsar de lyssnarna genom rättsväsendets alla hörn. Med rapp dialog, starka åsikter och tung fakta vänder och vrider de på brott och straff och fenomen som engagerar och förbryllar. Alltid rätt men aldrig tråkigt! Bli lärd, bli äcklad och bli road varje torsdag. Nya avsnitt varje ...
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Join Astrologer Eugenia Krok, MA to discover the relationship between nature + human personality.
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A weekly Podcast giving news and latest releases in video and computer games from around Europe. Hosted by Chris O'Regan AKA Kropotkin from the SuperHappyFunTimeShow
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Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution is a book by Peter Kropotkin on the subject of mutual aid, written while he was living in exile in England. It was first published by William Heinemann in London in October 1902. The individual chapters had originally been published in 1890-96 as a series of essays in the British monthly literary magazine, Nineteenth Century. Written partly in response to Social Darwinism and in particular to Thomas H. Huxley’s Nineteenth Century essay, The Struggle for Exis ...
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Velkommen til Podcasten Totum og kropsterapien. En podcast om livet som kropsterapeut, og hvad kropsterapien er, kan hjælpe med og selvfølgelig krop/psyke sammenhængen. Emnerne vil handle om: Hvad er kropsterapi? Og krop/psyke sammenhængen Hvad kan kropsterapi hjælpe med? Hvem kan have gavn af det? Hvordan foregår det? Hvordan er det at uddanne sig til kropsterapeut? Hvordan er det at starte op som selvstændig kropsterapeut? Hvordan er det at leve som kropsterapeut? Og meget andet. Så podcas ...
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roppens teologi er en programserie over 24 episoder på St Rita Radio. Hver episode blir sendt i tre deler mandag, onsdag og fredag kl 20.45. Hele episoden sendes søndagen etter, kl. 19.00. Eirik A. Steenhoff er utdannet i teologi ved MF, Oslo, og Pontifical John Paul II Institute, Washington, D.C. I denne serien presenterer han Johannes Paul IIs onsdagskatekeser om kroppens teologi. Om du ønsker å støtte dette prosjektet og St Rita Radio økonomisk kan det gjøres på Vipps 650212
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Ohren auf, liebes Apotheken-Team! Die PTAs Theresa und Michael sind Radio Offizin und bringen euch in jeder Podcast-Folge ein neues, spannendes Thema für den Alltag in der Apotheke.
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Trump Blasts Congress's Bipartisan Spending Deal
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Trump also wants to raise the federal debt ceiling. Do you agree with Trump here, or, like Westside Jeff, do you believe the Republican Party needs to be more on the same page on day one of Trump’s inauguration? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Westside Jeff: "Our Schools Need a Fundamental Reboot"
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Jeff believes students at every level are uneducated, overmedicated, and indoctrinated with radical ideas. Do you agree? If you want to overhaul the American education system, how should we go about it? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Trump Blasts Congress's Bipartisan Spending Deal (Hr. 2)
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Trump also wants to raise the federal debt ceiling. Do you agree with Trump here, or, like Westside Jeff, do you believe the Republican Party needs to be more on the same page on day one of Trump’s inauguration? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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2014 ermordeten zwei junge Bankbeamte einen ihrer besten Kunden – einen Millionär aus Graz. Beinahe wäre es ihnen gelungen, die Leiche ihres Opfers für immer verschwinden zu lassen.
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द्वारा Jeff Kropf
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Do you have a favorite Christmas gift?
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Jeff asks an important question: What is the most memorable Christmas gift that you've ever received? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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Jeff talk's Trump Derangement Syndrome within the family and asks the question: What is the most memorable Christmas gift that you've ever received? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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The drone sightings are spreading, yet D.C. still hasn't provided a concrete answer as to what they are exactly and why they are in our airspace. Do you think our government is hiding something? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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OKDP 080: Jak zapowiedzieć zmiany?
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Żyjemy w otoczeniu BANI, gdzie jeszcze bardziej mówimy o zmienności i niepewności. Wydaje mi się, że otoczenie, w jakim funkcjonujemy, jest przesiąknięte zmianą. Dziś rozmawiam z Izabelą Kostrzewską, która o zmianie wie jak nikt inny. Opowie o tym, jak przygotowywać się do zmiany, a zwłaszcza jak ten pierwszy komunikat o zmianie przygotować i popro…
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Political Coffee 12-17-24: Rep Ed Diehl oped about Dems turning OR's billions of forest assets into a loss, OR govt waste in 2024, Trump's election is a miracle of God and can Trump's 3-3-3 strategy grow ...
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Rep Ed Diehl on Oregon’s ruling Marxists turning our Billion dollar asset of our forests into a loss: https://oregoncatalyst.com/82698-rep-diehl-billion-asset-turned-billion-loss.html OR Govt waste examples for 2024: https://oregoncatalyst.com/82652-vote-worst-government-waste-2009.html Trump’s election is a miracle of God: https://rootforamerica.c…
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Flimmer, infarkt och dubbelslag. Kan man göra något för att inte drabbas? Och hur går man vidare när det redan hänt? Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Antalet som drabbas av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar har minskat stadigt de senaste decennierna. Dödligheten i hjärtinfarkt har rasat på en generation, från 30 % till 5 %. – Det är en av de största…
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The Supreme Court has been asked by TikTok to make a ruling by January 6th about being sold to the U.S. but is TikTok REALLY the issue or is there something deeper? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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Have We Grown Numb to School Shootings? (Hr. 2)
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Fox News: Yesterday morning, a 15-year-old identified as Natalie Rupnow opened fire inside Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin, killing a student and teacher while injuring six others, two currently in critical condition, before committing suicide, police believe. As difficult as it is to say, are school shootings unpreventable, or…
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Have We Grown Numb to School Shootings?
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Fox News: Yesterday morning, a 15-year-old identified as Natalie Rupnow opened fire inside Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin, killing a student and teacher while injuring six others, two currently in critical condition, before committing suicide, police believe. As difficult as it is to say, are school shootings unpreventable, or…
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Dronegate: Who's Behind the Drones Along the East Coast? (Hr. 2)
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Chinese spyware? Is the U.S. military conducting training exercises? Why do you think there are unidentified drones hovering in our airspace, and why is the government so secretive about it? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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Political Coffee 12-16-24: The greatest threat to your personal liberty is the economy, can Trump Constitutionally serve a third term? Bannon says maybe and drone manufacturer for the govt says drones ...
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What’s the greatest threat to your personal liberty? It’s the economy not booming in the first two years of Trump’s administration cause the Dems will take over the House, impeach Trump and stop his agenda to dismantle the deep state that steals your freedom. https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/trump-to-inherit-years-of-steep-inflation-4-things-t…
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#26: Protein del 2: Kan protein fremme sund aldring og hvilke kilder bør vi prioritere?
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Stil os et spørgsmål eller kom med ris/ros her Om afsnittet: I dette afsnit tager vi hul på endnu et delemne om protein. Her kigger vi på, om personer, der spiser mere protein, ser ud til at leve længere? Vi forsøger også at dykke mere ned i, om der er visse kilder til protein, vi bør prioritere. Derudover deler vi praktiske tips til at øge indtage…
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Dronegate: Who's Behind the Drones Along the East Coast? (Hr. 3)
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Chinese spyware? Is the U.S. military conducting training exercises? Why do you think there are unidentified drones hovering in our airspace, and why is the government so secretive about it? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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Dronegate: Who's Behind the Drones Along the East Coast?
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Chinese spyware? Is the U.S. military conducting training exercises? Why do you think there are unidentified drones hovering in our airspace, and why is the government so secretive about it? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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Political Coffee 12-13-24: More admin lies about drones, OR special session approves hundreds of millions to fight forest fires from state/fed mismanegement, SOS failed to update legislature on non citizen ...
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More lies from the administration about drones: we don’t shoot them down cause they are ours! https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/12/12/dhs-fbi-say-no-evidence-suggests-drone-sightings-pose-national-security-threat/ OR special session approves hundreds of millions for ODF wildfires fighting: https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2024/12/lawmakers…
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Józef Egipski ujawnia swoją torzsamość
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Wiele osób chciałoby czytać Pismo Święte, ale wstrzymują się przed podjęciem tego zaangażowania, ponieważ szukają dobrego podejścia do "tekstowego kontynentu", którym jest Biblia. Łatwo bowiem, zapuszczając się do jego wnętrza, znaleźć się na pustyni spraw, które wydają się być odległe o lata świetlne od naszego życia, albo zabłąkać się w gęstym le…
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Live fra Kulturhuset - Myter om bekkenleddsmerter med Britt Stuge
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Vi avliver myter om bekkenleddsmerter live- med fysioterapeut og forsker Britt Stuge. Vi har laget vår første livepodkast og vi har ingen ringere enn internasjonalt anerkjente Britt Stuge med oss live fra Kulturhuset i Oslo. Vi stiller spørsmål om det virkelig er slik at kvinner bør la være å henge opp klesvasken, støvsuge, vaske gulvet eller gå på…
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Elizabeth Warren speaks in defense of Luigi Mangione
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Donald Trump opened today's trading at the New York Stock Exchange and Elizabeth Warren makes a statement in defense of why Luigi Mangione shot the United Healthcare CEO. Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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How are Texas Schools handling the end of pandemic era financial aid?
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Financial aid from the pandemic era is finally coming to a close in Texas, how are school districts dealing with this loss of funding? District trustees in Lewisville are voting to close 5 elementary schools. What would you propose to save money? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Political Coffee 12-12-24: Wildfire special session today, is the ODF shorfall because of mismanagement? Who and why are so many SUV sized drones flying over NJ? Are they Iranian from a mothership off ...
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Wildfire special session today: is ODF really 218M short for fighting wildfires and is shortfall because of mismanagement? https://oregoncatalyst.com/82513-mismanagement-leaves-oregon-218-million-short-wildfire-costs.html Are the SUV sized drones flying around NJ ours and why are the flying? Looking for something like dirty bomb radiation? Congress…
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Is the Government Hiding Info Regarding TikTok from Us?
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Westside Jeff points out the hypocrisy in Biden banning the use of TikTok by military personnel, even though he, the Commander in Chief, used it after the fact. If the government is afraid that the app is Chinese spyware, then why are they using it? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy informatio…
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Do You Think Luigi Mangione Was Radicalized?
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Do you think the alleged killer of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson simply snapped days before pulling the trigger, or was he slowly conditioned to hate the healthcare system by an outside influence? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Will Bill Belichick Sink or Swim at the University of North Carolina?
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The legendary coach who many thought would lead the Cowboys next season is taking his talents to Chapel Hill. Do you think the notoriously strict Belichick will work out with college athletes? Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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Doba se zdá šílená, ale nebojte se, je to v klidu. Naučím vás pár návyků, jak ji zvládnout: Ukážu vám, jak si vytvořt svůj AI poradní sbor, jak si hrát a jak dosáhnout skvělých výsledků za pár sekund denně. O podcastu Jak v práci dělat více zajímavých, smysluplných věcí a méně těch otravných? Příběhy a myšlenky o tom, jak získat kontrolu nad svou p…
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Political Coffee 12-11-24: Sheriff Richard Mack on how sheriff's can help Trump with deportations, Get the CSPOA newsletter on latest laws and why OR MAGA must develop a conservative social media ecosystem ...
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बाद में चलाएं
Sheriff Richard Mack interview about how sheriff’s can help Trump deport: https://cspoa.org/ Get CSPOA newsletter about Fed bills: https://cspoa.org/legislative-lowdown/legislative-lowdown-for-december-2024-by-rick-dalton/?utm_content=14744587&utm_medium=Email&utm_name=Id&utm_source=Actionetics&utm_term=Email Why developing a conservative ecosystem…
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What are Your Suggestions for Christmas?
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बाद में चलाएं
Heartwarming gifts, stories about families coming together, west side jeff shares personal tales from his family about being a grandpa for the first christmas this year! Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा WBAP | Cumulus Media Dallas
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West Side Jeff in for Chris Krok discusses the New York subway hero Daniel Penny who was found not guilty. We also cover the current events and updates on the shooter accused of the CEO assassination. Support the show: http://www.wbap.com/chris-krok/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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