Welcome, all! This channel is my attempt to pay forward the knowledge, the lessons, the mistakes and the wisdom I've garnered throughout my academic, my professional, my philanthropic and my all too often unconventional life in hopes that by sharing my experiences others will find, at times when nothing else does, something to relate to.
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Suicide Watch - e07 - The Personal Side
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in the segment i speak openly about my personal experiences with suicide, it's impact on my life, and i encourage others to speak out openly as well about their experiences as this global epidemic requires the support and influence of the entire world community to turnaround.द्वारा Jmj Solutions for Life
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in this segment i really get down and dirty with the data and statistics that have been gathered around the subject of suicide, both domestically and globally. my resources are The Center of Disease Control, The National Institute of Mental Health, The National Institute of Health Statistics, The World Health Organization, The New York Times, The W…
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in this segment i introduce the subject matter of suicide awareness and touch upon the current state of the global epidemic that it truly is.द्वारा Jmj Solutions for Life
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in this segment i touch upon the hoped for goals and desired impact of this documentary series.द्वारा Jmj Solutions for Life
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Suicide Watch - e03 - The Settings
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in this segment i discuss why i chose to film in the locations that i did and not in a studio or in "antiseptic" and "flawless" environments.द्वारा Jmj Solutions for Life
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in this segment i introduce myself, why i feel i am qualified to discuss the subject of suicide, and i detail the format of the documentary series.द्वारा Jmj Solutions for Life
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