Weekly podcast discussing all things sports in Helena, Montana, including the Carroll College Fighting Saints, Capital Bruins, Helena Bengals, East Helena Vigilantes, Helena Bighorns, and Senators, and more.
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Um podcast apresentado pelas primas Alana Azevedo e Raíla Azevedo, com histórias desinteressantes pra ouvir a caminho da clínica. Sim, aqui, você é uma Helena do Maneco. Apoie e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: orelo.cc/donahelenapodcast Instagram: instagram.com/donahelenapodcast
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Tap into your feminine energy and magnetism to effortlessly attract the life and love of your dreams! If you want to learn the secrets to attracting the man you want and inspiring his love, devotion and commitment, get my FREE “3 Keys To Attract The Man You Want” report and audio training here: https://helenahartcoaching.com
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What the Helena is a podcast from Forward Montana that attempts to answer the questions: what the hell is going on in the Montana State Legislature, and why should I give a shit? Each week, we will provide updates on the goings-on at the Capitol, as well as tell listeners exactly what they can do to make their voices heard.
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Although very spiritual, and once ranked one of the world's top psychic healers, Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn is known for being very outspoken and is not afraid of speaking out, saying things the way they really are. In spite of this she fun and usually takes a positive approach to looking at our world . Her vast life experience and spiritual knowledge is without comparison in today's inspirational- motivational arena and you'll learn a lot through her programs. Author of award winning books Co ...
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Programa semanal de psicología y desarrollo personal creado por la psicóloga Helena Echeverría. Diseñado para encontrar la calma, confianza y libertad que buscas. Semana a semana te acompaña en el camino hacia tu bienestar con herramientas, recursos y ejercicios que podrás aplicar en tu día a día. Siempre con un enfoque claro, sencillo y práctico. Cada episodio es una invitación para entrenar tu mente, conectar con tu cuerpo y vivir más consciente. ¡Adelante!
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Hi, I'm Helena. On this podcast, we talk about everything business, AI and automations.
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Welcome to the Helena podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@staticlaw
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Welcome to Helena Evans, where amazing things happen.
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Real. Relevant. Relatable. Encouraging messages that will challenge and inspire you.
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Activities of support
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Olá! Cover art photo provided by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@aridley88
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O IMHO traz as histórias de vida da Maria Helena, uma cearense que viveu no Maranhão e no Piauí e gosta de jogar conversa fora.
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These are messages given at Christ Community Church, PCA in Helena, AL. Our website is www.cccbham.org
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Welcome to Helena Garcia, where amazing things happen.
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A podcast designed with personal development lessons about dating, resilience, and self improvement for women and men, who are interested in our thought process.
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Podcast of the events in the town of Helena Alabama
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On her Podcast Defining You, Helena J invites incredible women, who come on, and get vulnerable, share their extraordinary stories of triumph and encourage her audience to overcome fear and live the life they always wanted by doing what they love ❤️
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Helena Brodtkorb er en frittalende kunstskribent fra beste vestkant. Thea Glenton Raknes (Thea & The Wild) er en bohemsk popmusiker fra Løkka. Begge har de bare ett ydmykt ønske her i livet: alt. I denne podcasten forsøker de å komme til kjernen av hva det egentlig innebærer.
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The St Helena Podcast where we talk just about anything St Helena the Island where Jonathan is the oldest living animal and Napoleon came for a long visit. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesthelenapodcast/support
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Sex tips and techniques for modern lovers who want to create more passion, love and playfulness. Great Sex with Helena is a modern, informative and relevant podcast for singles and couples desiring more pleasure, fun and fulfilment in their bedrooms. Helena Nista is a gifted sex therapist and educator. She brings together passion, vision and a desire to educate. Helena's approach is both insightful and practical. She is also a Tantra practitioner with a deep passion for ancient ecstatic prac ...
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Helena com 8 anos e Cecilia com 1 ainda são muito novas pra ouvirem certos assuntos. Por isso, decidi guardar esses pensamentos pra depois, torcendo pra elas quererem ouvir. Mas além de falar o que é importante pra formação delas, vou pôr pra fora tudo aquilo que acho interessante refletir. Cada episódio traz um tema que merece ser esclarecido, tanto pra mentes jovens quanto adultas. [email protected] Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/historiasprahelena/ Facebook – https://www ...
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Learning how to do gentle towards yourself can be, for you, the key to loving living life. At least, that's what doing gentle did to me, Helena Roth, once I understood that it was actually an option. Imagine having turned 30+ before ever realizing it's possible to be gentle with myself. From that moment in time, I've re-learned how to be in the world - both inside and outside of myself. Here I will be sharing the tools and tricks I've picked up along the way, hoping it will help you transfor ...
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Bienvenidos a Escuela de Vida, un espacio de desarrollo personal y profesional que tratará temas de educación,parejas, liderazgo, emociones y salud mental.
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O Estilo Possível é um podcast que traz reflexões sobre moda, tendências, comportamento e principalmente estilo pessoal. Marina Santa Helena propõe conversas sobre esses temas e convida a audiência a refletir sobre moda e estilo de um jeito leve, democrático e sem frescuras. Porque basta usar roupas para ter estilo!
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En podd om höga berg och djupa dalar, där äventyr möter näringsliv. Följ platsutvecklaren Helena Karlberg och äventyraren Renata Chlumska. I närmare 20 år har de varit bästa vänner, men nu för första gången gifter de ihop sina världar.
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Ont-moeten gaat over jezelf ontdoen van moeten zodat je de meest mooie versie van jezelf mag ontmoeten. Een podcast over de weg naar innerlijke wijsheid, het vergroten van je bewustzijn en persoonlijk leiderschap. Hoe je moeiteloos en intuïtief kunt ondernemen zonder daarbij je daadkracht en ambitie te hoeven verliezen. Ik neem je mee op mijn persoonlijke reis hierin als ondernemer; in al mijn kwetsbaarheid en openheid deel ik mijn kennis, inzichten onzekerheden en successen. #Mindset #Mindf ...
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Helena Nyblom (1843-1926) was born in Denmark. But in 1864 she Married University Doctor Carl Rupert Nyblom and moved to Uppsala, Sweden. Her debut as a story- and fairytale writer was in 1897, when she was 54 years old. She was a very productive and popular author around 1900 and in the early 20th Century. Alienation, lack of understanding, appreciation and sympathy, and the conflict between doing ones duty and freedom were often underlying themes of her stories. This collection of Fairy ta ...
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Há quem diga que “filho de peixe, peixinho é”. Pri, você concorda com isso? Ou acha que pode existir algum “peixinho” fora do padrão da família por aí? Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast
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55. We REALLY think you should call your representative
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37:22This week ended with some drama!! like, "tmr we're gonna duel" type drama. In this episode we chat about some important legislative bills, a villain who is scared & petty, and a hero who stood up for the health of montanans. Remember, folks these senators and representatives, represent YOU. and so we REALLY REALLY want you to reach out to them so t…
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A Helena Good Sports Show #29: Put Your Name on the Dotted Line
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1:08:06This week Conlan, Daniel, and Stew kickoff the show with some football "signing day" coverage(7:18). They move to the hardwood and talk Carroll College hoops(27:43), and high school hoops(41:25). Finally the rundown(54:20).द्वारा Stewart
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If He's Not Ready For A Relationship Or Commitment But You Still Want To Be With Him, Say THIS...
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39:45Learn what you can do and say if a man isn't ready for a relationship or deeper commitment but you still want to be with him in this livestream with Teal Elisabeth. If you'd like some support around your personal situation, you can book a free call with Teal here: https://calendly.com/tealeriege/hh-love-breakthrough You can watch a video of this ep…
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Comprender el Sufrimiento con Mindfulness y Aceptación | 315
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26:09En este episodio hablamos del sufrimiento, distinguiendo entre el primario y secundario. Veremos cómo podemos relacionarnos de otra manera con nuestro dolor físico, emocional y mental, teniendo presente un enfoque basado en mindfulness y aceptación. -------------- 🎧 Audio-curso gratuito para calmar la ansiedad: https://psicoguias.com/audiocurso 💬 I…
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Q&A, Recent Questions in My Mail Box
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47:00Helena answers many questions every day in her work,Here are some that have not been answered before about Extra Terrestials, UFOs, fate of planet Earth, healing abilities and Eternal Life and the new year.द्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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Nem a ciência explica o absurdo que alguns homens cometem, como por exemplo: mexer com eletricidade sem nenhuma proteção. Depois, desprende o pezinho e não sabe o por quê! Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast
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54. It’s Giving… Legislative Burn Book
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38:49I think someone forgot to tell us that they were recording Mean Girls 3 in Helena this week? We were SO disappointed in the anti-trans bills that reared their ugly faces this week. These bills are just more of the same discriminatory b.s. we've seen in the past. On the brighter side of things, we saw the housing fairness tax credit bill (HB 154) pa…
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A Helena Good Sports Show #28: And His Hair Was Perfect
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1:40:00On this episode of AHGSS Conlan, Daniel, and Stew get haircuts.... and talk some Helena sports.. They tip-off with Carroll Hoops(7:33), before handing out mid-season grades to all of the Frontier Conferences women's(19:55) and men's(36:49) teams, as well as mid-season Players of the Year. On the high school hardwood they breakdown the "Crosstown" b…
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3 Surprising Signs A Man Is The Right One For You + Ask THESE Questions...
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28:04Discover three signs that a man could be the right one for you (PLUS some questions you should ask no matter where you are in your love life to make sure you're not settling) in this episode with Chelsea Rose. If you're interested in coaching, you can book a FREE Breakthrough Love Call with Chelsea here: https://chelsearoses.as.me/breakthroughloveh…
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Estão sentindo o cheirinho de rosas invadindo o ambiente? Nossa alma perfumadíssima traz conselhos sobre como conviver com os outros sem querer dar uma voadora na cabeça de ninguém. Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast…
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Cómo Convertir Tu Diálogo Interno en Tu Fortaleza | 314
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31:26¿Cómo te hablas a ti mismo? ¿Cómo es tu conversación interior habitual? En este episodio tienes una propuesta práctica para convertir tu diálogo interior en una fortaleza personal y apoyarte en formas de pensar más realistas y constructivas. -------------- 📚 Recursos gratuitos: https://psicoguias.com/recursos 💬 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/…
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53. Week 3....*internally screaming*
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40:28Week three down! The capitol is buzzing with hectic energy. From medicaid bills, pro-housing billing, judicial attacks, and another anti-trans bill. Our hosts give you all the details - brace yourself - this one might get spicy. HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT As with most things related to the State of Montana there are always changes. If you want to…
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A Helena Good Sports Show #27: We Love That Basketball
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57:43On this episode of AHGSS, Conlan, Daniel, and Stew hit the hardwood to talk about the surging Carroll College Fighting Saints basketball teams(4:06). It's also Crosstown Round 1 in high school hoops as the Capital Bruins and Helena Bengals are ready to tip off inside the Jungle(22:15).They then discuss the Montana High School Association's decision…
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Você nem joga na Mega da Virada, mas tá em uma discussão árdua com os parentes para saber como o prêmio vai ser dividido. Afinal, amamos uma discussão hipotética. Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast
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5 Powerful Secrets To Become The Person Who Attracts What You Want In Every Area Of Life
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28:20Discover five secrets to let go of what's no longer serving you and attract what you want in any area of life in this episode with Diana Dorell. Diana also shared an intuitive reading for my listeners at the end of the episode! You can book a private intuitive oracle reading with Diana here: https://dianadorell.com/readings-hh/ Check out …
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Cómo Afrontar La Tristeza y Manejar Tus Emociones | 313
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20:36¿Qué hacer cuando la tristeza aparece? En este episodio te propongo cinco estrategias para afrontarla y manejarla desde un enfoque más consciente y amable. Porque no se trata de evitar o juzgar lo que sentimos, sino de aprender a tener una relación saludable con nuestras emociones. -------------- 📚 Recursos gratuitos: https://psicoguias.com/recurso…
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7 Facts about Happiness. Including a Feel-Good Meditation
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47:00Are you blaming your boss, partner or something else for not being happy.Do you know at all what or who makes you happy? Sometimes the answer is coser than you think,we just have to think in a different directionद्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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52. Love thy neighbor and mind thy business
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35:45Wow week two showed up and brought a large crowd rallying for medicaid, a disappointing state of the state address, and a hero fighting for those lost to families across montana. Our hosts update us on the bills we’ve been keeping an eye on and updates on other happenings in Helena. For more information on how to get involved with medicaid advocacy…
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Vamos começar hoje com aquele faxinão na nossa vida, tirando tudo o que não serve mais e o que não queremos mais pra gente, pra que o ano de 2025 seja xuxu beleza! 4Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast
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3 Feminine Secrets To Detach From The Outcome And Become Magnetic To What You Want In Life And Love
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40:59Discover three feminine secrets to detach from the outcome and become magnetic to what you want in life and love in this livestream with Mat Shaffer. Join Mat's "Mastery of Connection" course for FREE here (it starts on on February 17th!): https://matshaffer.typeform.com/to/YRMRQl You can watch a video of this episode here: https://youtu.be/QjkZK0t…
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Cómo El Ritmo de Vida Acelerado Influye en Tu Salud | 312
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21:12En este episodio reflexionamos sobre cómo el ritmo acelerado en el que vivimos afecta a nuestra salud y bienestar. Tendrás estrategias prácticas para desacelerar, reconectar contigo y elegir un ritmo más consciente. También profundizamos en el concepto de 'aceleración social' del sociólogo Hartmut Rosa, para entender cómo esta presión constante por…
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51. Let the 2025 Legislative Session begin...
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30:01Take a deep breath cause the first week of the 2025 Legislative Session is over! Anyone else feel like each Session gets a little bit more chaotic? In this episode meet our two new hosts Zuri & John, as they take us through the happenings of the week from senate drama to a hopeful affordable housing bill! Events: Wednesday, January 15th join Montan…
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A Helena Good Sports Show #26: A Helena Year
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1:07:30Happy New Year! AHGSS is back for 2025! First Conlan, Daniel, and Stew take a look back at 2024, a Helena very good year in sports(4:05). Next they look at how the hoops teams are faring thus far(28:55), before talking a little football as Carroll recruiting has some big news(54:20).द्वारा Stewart
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Chegou ele, o nosso episódio de número 100! Prepare o seu traje de gala para participar do nosso tapete vermelho. Vamos relembrar o início, quando tudo ainda era mato, e anunciar os vencedores do Dona Helena Awards! Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast…
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How To Make A Man Fear Losing You (Without Games, Manipulation Or Being Inauthentic!)
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16:29Learn what makes a man afraid of losing a woman (without games, manipulation or being inauthentic) in this livestream with Helena Hart and her husband, Tom. You can watch a video of this episode here: https://youtu.be/7mAn1XlFX2U?si=NBWrETQhMmCgyVRA If you want to learn the secrets to attracting the man you want and inspiring his love, devotion and…
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Learn About This To Make A Difference in Your Life
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45:00Life is not, and never was, meant to be a struggle. The universe gives us shortcuts all the time and it is up to us if we want to follow that information or not .द्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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The Hidden Weight Loss Blocks That Lead To Self-Sabotage & Prevent You From Feeling Confident In Your Body
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31:32Discover the hidden physical, emotional and energetic weight loss blocks that lead to self-sabotage and prevent you from feeling confident in your body (PLUS how to start turning things around) in this episode with Amber Romaniuk. Here's where you can learn more about Amber's Release Masterclass Series to finally unravel to layers of your weight lo…
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Our Biggest Enemy is Hidden Behind These 4 Disguises
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46:00You may come across this every day with yourself and you see it with others but you don't understand the real reason behind it.द्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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Personal Greeting for the Holidays including an Inner-Peace-Meditation
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33:00Tune in for a personal Inner Peace Meditation, My Gift for my Listenersद्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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Escritura Terapéutica: Un Momento Para Reflexionar | 311
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27:29En este episodio te invito a realizar un ejercicio práctico de escritura terapéutica para reflexionar sobre el año que termina y prepararte para el que comienza. A través de preguntas clave, podrás a hacer balance de lo vivido y a enfocarte en nuevos objetivos, retos y aprendizajes. Merece mucho la pena que te tomes el tiempo para realizarlo. Verás…
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Helena is a great believer that just about everything can be fixed it you really want to.द्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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Well here we are - at the end of 2024. Kiersten & Lyla convene to chat about how our year went at Forward Montana. We also hear from Zuri, our new Legislative Director, about what we can expect next year during the 2025 session. Be sure to tune back in next year where we will be providing weekly updates - here & on our website! Looking for more inf…
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Do these 4 Things to Know How to Live - or Not To Live - Your Life
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46:00Based on previous conversations with thousands of clients, Helena will share ideas about what worked well for some people, when they were looking for a good positive change in their lives.द्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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Self-Love For True Love, Breaking Free From The Ego & Becoming A Magnet For Your Desires
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31:13In this episode, Marcy Neumann and I talked about self-love for true love, breaking free from the ego and becoming a magnet for your desires in any area of your life. Learn more about Marcy's "Self-Love For True Love" program here (use the coupon code LOVEIN2025 to get $70 off!): lovemyself.selfloveuniversity.com/self-love-for-true-love/k2a7o Check…
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Pris, sentem-se à nossa mesa imaginária, pois Richard irá servir a nossa ceia de Natal. O cheiro de peru vai invadir o ar, pra abrir o apetite! Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast
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Meditación Mindfulness: Observa Tus Pensamientos y Encuentra La Calma | 310
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25:29En este episodio te guío en una práctica de mindfulness para observar tus pensamientos sin lucha. Descubre cómo cultivar calma, aceptación y recuperar la libertad de elegir cómo responder a lo que surge en tu mente. Acompáñame y transforma tu relación con tus pensamientos. 📚 Recursos gratuitos: https://psicoguias.com/recursos 💬 Instagram: https://w…
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4 Feminine Traits Men Can't Resist + 4 "False Feminine" Traits That Turn Men OFF And Push Them Away
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9:45Discover four feminine traits that men find irresistible (plus four "false feminine" traits that turn men OFF and push them away) in this livestream with Helena Hart. You can watch a video of this episode here: https://youtu.be/UIi2qZtD3fg?si=JWT5SOW5nViB953A If you want to learn the secrets to attracting the man you want and inspiring his love, de…
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Ex-Harvard Professor Reveals the Hidden AI Formula for Explosive Startup Growth
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39:16Imagine spending millions on AI, only to have it fail spectacularly. That’s exactly what happened to McDonald’s when their AI drive-thru chatbot misunderstood orders, sparking viral TikTok memes about 300 chicken nuggets or bacon on ice cream. AI is transforming businesses—but not always in the ways we expect... In this episode, former Harvard prof…
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Pris, aqui, nessa mesa de bar (nesse episódio), você vai escutar centenas de casos de amor (mas também de confusão e gritaria). Desce o gelo, amigão! Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast
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Surprises About Christmas. To be followed by an Inner Peace Meditation
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50:00Chistmas can be a tricky time for many- if you are alone or with others, let's make it a good time. Stories about Christmases pastद्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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Automating Routine Tasks with Anthropic's Claude
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12:32Ever wished work could just do itself? In this episode, we explore how AI is making that dream a reality. Meet Claude's Computer Use, an AI tool that automates routine tasks—everything from managing spreadsheets to responding to emails and even navigating your computer for you. We’ll break down a live demo showing how this technology completes vend…
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In this episode two of our staff members: Ashley & Sage talk about Montana's Housing Crisis. We talk about Zoning, Homelessness and the overall cost of housing in Montana. Here are some resources pertaining to housing in Montana: thehrdc.org/housing/ www.prohousingmissoula.org/ bzntenantsunited.org/ mthousingcoalition.org/ www.missoulahousing.org/ …
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2024 Capital Bruin Football Season Ending Interview
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21:25The Capital High Bruins claimed their 13th Montana Class AA state championship in program history after defeating the Glacier Wolfpack 34-21 in the 2024 title game. Stewart Davis sat down with Head Coach Kyle Mihelish, Offensive Coordinator Matt Reyant, and Quarterback Merek Mihelish, to talk about the special season on an episode of "Cup of Joe", …
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Cómo Hacer de la Soledad Tu Mejor Aliada | 309
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29:09¿Sabías que la soledad puede ser profundamente reparadora? En este episodio te comparto un artículo interesante sobre sus beneficios psicológicos y cómo esos momentos a solas pueden ayudarte a recargar energía, regular tus emociones y encontrar el descanso que necesitas en el día a día. 📝 Referencia: “Solitude can be profoundly restorative. Here’s …
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Dezembro chegou e, com ele, o décimo terceiro! Às vezes dá para curtir, mas, outras, mal dá tempo de sentir o cheirinho. Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast
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A Low-Effort Man Thinks You're Going To Wait Forever? Do These 5 Things...
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बाद में चलाएं
40:58Discover five things you should do if you're dealing with a man who's not putting in as much effort as you'd like in this livestream with Jack Butler. Here's where you can sign up for private coaching with Jack (use the coupon code HELENA to get 50% off for a limited time!): https://jackbutler.thrivecart.com/special/ You can watch a video of this e…
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La Mentalidad Para Afrontar y Superar La Ansiedad | 308
बाद में चलाएं
बाद में चलाएं
30:07En el episodio de esta semana, exploramos cómo desarrollar una mentalidad que te ayude a superar la ansiedad y el miedo. Hablamos sobre cómo cambiar nuestra forma de pensar puede ser clave para afrontar las dificultades con mayor fortaleza y claridad, convirtiéndose en una auténtica llave para salir de la ansiedad. 🎧 Audio-curso gratuito para calma…
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3 Important Things You Probably Didn't Know About Being Thankful
बाद में चलाएं
बाद में चलाएं
46:00There are so many unknown benefites, both personal and intimate, happening to body,mind,soul, through our sincere actions of Thankfulness,.द्वारा Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
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Qual o seu “império romano”? Aquele assunto que você poderia falar por horas, até o momento que se toca e pensa: caraca, tô monotemática! Quer ouvir episódios extras? Apoie a partir de 10 reais e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos: linktr.ee/donahelenapodcast
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