In this Chabura we learn Rebbe Nachman's Torah primarily from Likutei Moharan. Our goal is to understand the wisdom of Rebbe Nachman and how to implement his advice in a real and lasting way. (Most often we learn from the Likutei Moharan Mevuar edition which contains added explanation within the text of Likutei Moharan) If you have questions or comments please email Check out the other podcasts: Niggun Chabura Bitachon For Real Nesivos Shalom Working on Middos Nesivos ...
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It's contains my own song OC.
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The Breslov Yeshuva is the first english speaking yeshiva for breslovers in Eretz Yisroel!
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Tefillah with kavana and proper perspectiveद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Davening with kavanaद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Bring your hishtadlus bring your fireद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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What to do when foreign thoughts come in during davening…द्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Teshuva always worksद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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What to do when Hashem is making decreesद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Short Torah in honor of the Tzaddikद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Be victorious and He will be happy!द्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Sichos Haran - Shiur 2द्वारा The Breslov Yeshiva
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Sichos Haran - Shiur 1द्वारा The Breslov Yeshiva
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Sichos Haran Introductionद्वारा The Breslov Yeshiva
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Talk to Himद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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What’s a meshugenah and how not to become oneद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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How to davenद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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The way to save our childrenद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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High positions are not proofs to the position of the manद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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The imposters of tovद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Two levels of הדרי ביद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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The world of wisdom and mixupsद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Chochma and Binahद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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The danger of building and the steps needed to stay out of dangerद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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לכו חזו - preparation for Lag B’Omer
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We learn the Hakdama to Likuttei Moharan as we prepare for Lag B’Omerद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Chinuchद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Big advice how to say the Haggadah that brings one to geulaद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Rebbe Nachman’s fear of deathद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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What is taaveh and the mistakes we make in our thinkingद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Hashem doesn’t make anything twice - is Olam HaBa good?द्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Dancing clapping and seeking Rebbe Nachman’s adviceद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Emunah is the key to a good lifeद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Everything in the works screams כבוד ה!द्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Taavos - mind over heart - have confidence in yourselfद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Choosing spirituality and approaching gashmiyus like golfद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Big chunks of wisdom from Rebbe Nachmanद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Simple ideas and advice are not simple ideasद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Rebbe Nachman’s main chizzukद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Settle down and think for onceद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Last of the manifesting series - how to and the conditions ofद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Sichos HaRan 46/62 - Manifesting II
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Continue the sugya of manifestingद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Rebbe Nachman teaches us about the powerful mind and how one can manifest realityद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Your name is bigger than youद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Remembering you name - and the role simcha plays in thatद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Difference between עצבות and לב נשברद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Short idea that connects with Torah Bais of Likuttei Moharanद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Where is teshuva taking us?द्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Simplicity of the Shofar and Torah (Likuttei Halachos)
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תרועה = תורה עद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Understanding the לב נשברद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Piece of Likuttei Halachosद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Sichos HaRan 39 - Feel Your Brother
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Rebbe Nachman teaches us how to simultaneously help others and ourselves by opening up our emotionsद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Sichos HaRan 35-38 Emunah Pshuta VI
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बाद में चलाएं
We continue our long discussion about emunah pshutaद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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Davening from dveykus and without dveykusद्वारा Reb Yirmi
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