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Hoffmantown Church

Hoffmantown Church

Our desire is that each person would be introduced to Jesus Christ in order to Know, Love, and Proclaim Him. Hoffmantown Church| Albuquerque, New Mexico www.hoffmantownchurch.org
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© 2025 meinsportpodcast.de

Hoffefunk ist der Podcast rund um den Fußball-Bundesligisten TSG Hoffenheim: Hier wird analysiert, berichtet, diskutiert und manchmal auch Frust geschoben. Am Mikrofon sind seit Juni 2020 die TSG-Mitglieder und -Fans David Rieß und Jonas Rieß, die wöchentlich neu über ihren liebsten Fußballverein sprechen. Unsere Inhalte sind dabei völlig unabhängig von einem Medium oder dem Fußballklub. Ihr hört schlicht unsere Sicht auf die Dinge. meinsportpodcast.de macht sich Äußerungen seiner Gesprächsp ...
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Pod der guten Hoffnung


Der Klima-Podcast der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung und Treibhauspost. Für alle, die Hoffnung und konstruktive Ideen für den Umgang mit ihren Gefühlen angesichts der Klimakrise suchen. Jeden zweiten Donnerstag sprechen Anna Brehm oder Jonas Witsch mit Ihren Gäst*innen über den Alltag und die Gefühle im Klimawandel. Fragen und Feedback zur Sendung gern an: hoffnung@boell.de.
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Hoffman Women's Sports

Craig Hoffman

Craig Hoffman leads coverage to provide insight, analysis, and interviews on everything women's sports! The veteran journalist is joined by colleagues to talk about the NWSL and WNBA, as well as the athletes we watch playing in them. Craig's been covering women's soccer and basketball for nearly 15 years, and you won't want to miss his unique perspective as well as the insights from the best insiders he's met along the way and chats with the athletes they cover.
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Colour Me Happy! - By Brandi Hofer Studios

Brandi Hofer Studios

Discover how to see the everyday ordinary as extraordinary by following your creative passions! Expect raw and authentic conversations—just like sitting down for coffee with an old friend, as we share inspiring stories and explore how creativity can impact community. We celebrate the triumphs, trials, of a creative life and delve into topics like women's health, parenthood and business. Don't miss out on our new book, "Colour Me Happy - See Your Everyday Ordinary as Extraordinary," available ...
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If you’re ready to step into the BIGGER version of yourself and your destiny, then you’ve found the right podcast, because we’re about to have some BIG conversations about just that. Hosted by entrepreneur, author, manifestation coach and Forbes most influential speaker Haley Hoffman Smith, the Big Conversations Podcast helps people of all ages and backgrounds amp up their motivation, manifesting abilities, and subconscious breakthroughs. With content aimed at obliterating limitations, conne ...
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Radio neue Hoffnung - «Der Mitternachtsruf»

Studio Mitternachtsruf, Radio neue Hoffnung, Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf

Radio Neue Hoffnung, kurz RNH, sendet christliche Radioprogramme über Internet, und zwar während 7 × 24 Stunden. Es ist dem Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf unterstellt und unser Motto lautet: «So kommt der Glaube aus dem Hören, das Hören aber durch das Wort Christi» (Römer 10,17). Dies ist der Podcast unseres Hauptprogramms - der täglichen Predigtsendung um 8 und um 20 Uhr (ausser Freitags).
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Craig Hoffman offers thoughtful sports commentary and himself on being smart and having a conscious while still having a really good time on the air. Craig has covered Washington’s NFL team on the beat and has worked as a fixture in the DC Sports Community for over 7 years. Craig is joined by a who's who of players, coaches, owners, and experts as well as a rotating cast of sports media friends from across the DMV and across the country. For more from Craig, follow him on Twitter @hoffmansho ...
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"Ein Dorf ist die Welt". Der TSG Hoffenheim-Podcast. Ein besonderer Bundesligist aus dem Kraichgau: die TSG Hoffenheim. Seit 16 Jahren spielen die Profis der TSG in der Fußball Bundesliga und messen sich mit den Großen der Branche: gegen Bayern München, Borussia Dortmund, Bayer Leverkusen und Co. Der TSG-Podcast „Ein Dorf ist die Welt“ soll Fans und alle interessierten Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer tiefer mit in den TSG-Kosmos hineinnehmen, Zusammenhänge erklären, Diskussionen aufnehmen und ansto ...
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The Sheri Kaye Hoff Show

Sheri Kaye Hoff

For living joyfully and successfully in your life and work. Get More Freedom, Happiness, and Success with Sheri Kaye Hoff. Sheri is a Heart and Soul-based Success Coach. She is the author of transformational books and a near-death survivor. Sheri uses a coaching approach that is transformational, intuitive, mindset-driven, vision-driven, spiritual, and action-oriented. She lives in beautiful Colorado and is married (for over 25 years) with three children, three step-children, and four grandc ...
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Christian Underwood und Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weigand

Willkommen bei HOFFNUNG IST KEINE STRATEGIE, deinem wöchentlichen Strategiepodcast! Du suchst nach frischen Perspektiven auf Strategie und Strategieentwicklung? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. In unserem Strategiepodcast entzaubern Christian Underwood und Prof. Jürgen Weigand den Mythos „Strategie“ und zeigen, wie Unternehmen in volatilen Märkten wachsen, digitale Transformationen meistern und Innovationen schaffen können – ohne dabei das Kerngeschäft zu vernachlässigen. Warum HOFFNUNG IST ...
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Welcome to St. Louis Cardinals: Beyond the HOF - Saluting Unsung Heroes. Your hosts are Tom Nance and Jon Krost, both lifelong Cardinals fans. Nance is a high school umpire and former baseball coach, and Krost is a research aficionado and underdog enthusiast who takes delight in the clutch hits of players like Daniel Descalso. Come along on this journey as they celebrate stories of greatness by role players that helped make the Cardinals a legendary organization. Enjoy the deep dives into th ...
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Hoffnungsgeschichten - 150x Gott erlebt

Allianz-Mission e.V.

Gott schreibt Hoffnungsgeschichten. Wo wir uns als Mitarbeitende der Allianz-Mission oder einfach als Christen in Deutschland und weltweit gebrauchen lassen, da schreibt er sie auch in unserem Leben und mit uns im Leben anderer. „Menschen bewegen, Welt verändern“ ist unsere Vision als Allianz-Mission. Zu groß abgebissen? Nein – denn wenn Gott eine Hoffnungsgeschichte schreibt, dann wird die Welt eines Menschen verändert. Und genau damit beginnt Veränderung auch ganzer Familien, Gemeinschafte ...
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Hoffnung hilft heilen

Martha Pany - Coaching, Training, Gesundheitsförderung

Wie können wir seelischen Herausforderungen gemeinsam menschlich begegnen? Interviews, Erfahrungsberichte und Informationen rund um das Recovery-Konzept, Traumaverständnis und seelische Gesundheit.
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What’s good? Welcome to Unfocused! The weekly podcast where my wife and I discuss marriage, life, work, thoughts, feelings and anything in between. Kick back, stay awhile and enjoy the show! Feel free to follow us for other content: @thejessehofford and @kelslizzz
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Hofstra understands that a busy high-school student doesn't have time to slow down, so we've made it easy for you to learn more about the admission process. Download these podcasts, recorded by our admission counselors, and listen to them on your schedule. If you have any questions, you can always give us a call at 1-800-Hofstra, or drop us an e-mail.
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Hallo Hoffnung

Christiane Stenger & Stephan Phin Spielhoff

Jede Woche reden Christiane und Phin über die Hoffnung. Es geht um Enya, Schanigärten, Jurassic Park oder auch Emil Cioran. Und darum, wie schwer, hell, einfach, verlogen, wackelig, fantastisch, unmöglich und notwendig Hoffnung sein kann.
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One minute Speaking Tips for the busy speaker with Alan Hoffler. Alan is a public speaking coach, keynote speaker, trainer, Executive Director of MillsWyck Communications, and author of Presentation Sin: The Practical Guide to Stop Offending (and Start Impressing) Your Audience, Silver Goldfish: The 10 Keys to Delivering Memorable Business Presentations, and The Virtual Presenter.
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Godsdienstige overpeinzingen in dichtvorm bij een wandeling door een hof. Tijdens een wandeling op zijn landgoed Sorghvliet in 's Gravenhage, waar nu nog het Catshuis staat, wekten de schoonheden en zinnebeelden van de natuur de dichter Jacob Cats op tot het schrijven van gedichten hierover, die gepubliceerd werden in het boek "Hofgedachten" (1655). Jacob Cats (1577-1660), ook bijgenaamd Vader Cats, was de bekendste dichter van Nederland en zeer geliefd bij het gewone volk. Veel mensen hadde ...
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Hosted by Christie Hoffman, Flip Flops & People Ops is the show that teaches you how to build a better culture by putting your employees first! This podcast breaks down proven strategies and summarizes easy takeaways for organizations of any size to start making their employees feel more engaged, empowered, and connected.
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Kaum ist die Radioshow bei egoFM beendet, geht es für Hoffmann & Kollmann noch ein wenig weiter. "Völlig überzogen" versorgen sie euch mit Geschichten und Storys, die es nicht in die Sendung geschafft haben. So sprechen die beiden mit Menschen, die außergewöhnliche Jobs haben, fesselnde Geschichten erzählen können und einzigartiges erlebt haben. Abenteurer*innen, Charakter, Persönlichkeiten - Hauptsache alles andere als Alltag. Moderation: Elise Hoffmann & Dominik Kollmann
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Conversion Podcast | Malte Helmhold & Felix Hoffmockel

Malte Helmhold & Felix Hoffmockel

Mehr Conversions und Conversion Optimierung für Agenturen und deine Kunden? Du suchst einen Online-Marketing Podcast bzw. einen Marketing Podcast? Wir haben das richtige für dich. Den Marketing Podcast schlechthin. Mehr Umsatz und Kunden mit dem Conversion Podcast – ihr Podcast für automatisierte Neukunden Gewinnung über das Internet. Verkaufspsychologische Conversion-Optimierung und Markenaufbau. Die besten, wissenschaftlich fundierten, Strategien für Websites, Online Shops und Amazon-Listi ...
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show series
Many father/son duos have been on the field of play in MLB: Ken/Ken Jr. Griffey, Bobby/Barry Bonds, Sandy/Roberto Alomar, Felipe/Moises Alou, Ray/Bob Boone, and Jose/Jose Jr. Cruz to name a few. However, only one duo had both the father and son sporting multiple WS rings with each of them having a WS ring as a St. Louis Cardinal. This episode revea…
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Sendung «Der Mitternachtsruf» vom 22.03.2025 (8 bzw. 20 Uhr) auf «Radio neue Hoffnung». Das volle RNH-Programm finden Sie unter: https://bit.ly/rnh-de Radio Neue Hoffnung, kurz RNH, sendet christliche Radioprogramme über Internet, und zwar während 7 × 24 Stunden. Es ist dem Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf unterstellt, allerdings strahlen auch andere c…
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Send us a text The NWSL's opening weekend was interesting to say the least. Craig Hoffman, André Carlisle, and Jason Anderson roll through all the matchups, discuss what they learned from each team, and what carries over into Week 2. They then dive into the monster matchups between Gotham and Orlando Pride as well as Washington Spirit's home opener…
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In this episode of Colour Me Happy, we chat with bad ass Elba Raquel from San Jose about finding your power, passion, and lifting others up.Learn how she built her business and empowered women in her community. Get ready to be inspired and take action on your dreams! 3 Tips to Own Your Dreams: 1. Clarify Your Passion – Identify what excites you and…
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Sendung «Der Mitternachtsruf» vom 20.03.2025 (8 bzw. 20 Uhr) auf «Radio neue Hoffnung». Das volle RNH-Programm finden Sie unter: https://bit.ly/rnh-de Radio Neue Hoffnung, kurz RNH, sendet christliche Radioprogramme über Internet, und zwar während 7 × 24 Stunden. Es ist dem Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf unterstellt, allerdings strahlen auch andere c…
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Strategiewissen mit Christian Underwood In der neuesten Folge von "Hoffnung ist keine Strategie" erklärt Strategieexperte Christian Underwood, warum ein klares Target Operating Model für Unternehmen essenziell ist, um langfristig erfolgreich zu bleiben. Viele Organisationen setzen in unsicheren Zeiten auf schnelle Kostensenkungen und Personalabbau …
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1:12 - Hoffman Show Hour 1 - Deebo Samuel Contract Restructured, NFL Rule Change Proposals + Eric Edholm on Commanders Draft 38:26 - Hoffman Show Hour 2 - Men and Women’s NCAA Tournament Previews + Craig Responds Back to Connor Orr1:25:18 - Hoffman Show Hour 3 - Jazz-Wizards Preview, Trip to Denton’s Office + Real Things…
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MMQB's Connor Orr reacts to the show's discussion about whether the Commanders made the right move in "microwaving" their offseason by trading for Deebo Samuel and Laremy Tunsil instead of building through the draft. Craig pushes back, arguing that Washington didn’t have much homegrown talent to begin with due to the previous regime’s shortcomings.…
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Craig welcomes The Athletic's Ben Pickman for an in-depth breakdown of the Women's NCAA Tournament. Pickman discusses the depth of the upcoming WNBA Draft and which players have the most to gain during March Madness. He also analyzes each region, highlighting the favorites and potential upsets on the road to the Final Four.…
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Craig welcomes ESPN NBA Draft Analyst Jeremy Woo to break down the top NBA Draft prospects competing in the NCAA Tournament. They also discuss high-upside players like Ace Bailey and Dylan Harper, who aren't in March Madness but remain top draft targets. Woo highlights which prospects Wizards fans should keep an eye on as potential future stars for…
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Hour 1 1:12 - Commanders Re-Work Deebo Samuel's Contract9:18 - NFL Rule Changes Proposed Ahead of League Meetings19:14 - Draft Strategy Breakdown with Eric Edholm36:06 - Connor Orr Responded to Lynnell and Craig
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Craig welcomes NFL.com writer Eric Edholm to discuss what the Commanders might do with their first-round pick in the NFL Draft. They dive into the likelihood of Washington selecting an edge rusher at No. 29 and which prospects could be available. With cornerback also a key need, Edholm shares potential options the Commanders could target if they go…
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Craig kicks off the show reacting to the Commanders reworking Deebo Samuel’s contract, guaranteeing $17 million of his salary and adding $3 million in incentives. With Deebo now playing on a one-year deal worth up to $20 million, Craig discusses what this means for Washington’s offense and ponders why Adam Peters would be doing this at this point i…
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Wir haben uns gefragt, wie sehr der Klassenerhalt unserer TSG nun gefährdet ist, aber auch, warum wir gegen St. Pauli keinerlei Torgefahr ausgestrahlt haben. Dank Oli Baumann gab es allerdings auch noch Positives zu bereden. Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dann schaue auf www.kostenlos-hosten.de und inform…
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Kyla and Lyle from the Beyond Brave Podcast join us on Colour Me Happy to share their journey of courage, resilience, and family. We talk about their incredible kids, Waylon and Bella, and how launching their podcast has given them focus, hope, and a way to inspire others. Plus, I’m sharing my top Be Brave Day tips from my book Colour Me Happy: See…
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Sendung «Der Mitternachtsruf» vom 19.03.2025 (8 bzw. 20 Uhr) auf «Radio neue Hoffnung». Das volle RNH-Programm finden Sie unter: https://bit.ly/rnh-de Radio Neue Hoffnung, kurz RNH, sendet christliche Radioprogramme über Internet, und zwar während 7 × 24 Stunden. Es ist dem Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf unterstellt, allerdings strahlen auch andere c…
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Phil Hoffmann is joined by Anthony Flores from Grand Pacific Tours to explore the wonders of travel through New Zealand, diving into their exceptional offerings and what truly sets them apart. Phil also reveals some extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime tours through Vietnam and China that are sure to leave you amazed. All this and more on the Talking T…
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Phil Hoffmann sits down with Georgie from APT Tours to discuss their stunning River Cruises through Europe and the exciting ERC events hosted by APT. He also shares a travel update on the CLIA Awards and reveals the thrilling adventures he has in store for 2025. Tune in for all this and more on the Talking Travel show with Leith Forrest on FIVEaa!…
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Hour 11:12 - Terry McLaurin’s Next Payday: Will He Break $30M Per Year?12:04 - Big Money WRs: Should the Commanders Invest $50M in McLaurin & Deebo?19:59 - March Madness Fast Break: Kevin Brown’s NCAA Tournament Preview
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Craig welcomes ESPN’s Kevin Brown to break down everything you need to know about the NCAA Tournament in 25 minutes or less. From bracket busters to Final Four favorites, Kevin gives his expert insights on the biggest storylines heading into March Madness.
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With NFL teams paying top dollar for elite wide receiver duos, should the Commanders follow suit? If Terry McLaurin gets a $30M per year deal and Deebo Samuel bounces back to elite form, would it make sense for Washington to invest $50M in both? Craig says yes—and the rookie contract of Jayden Daniels is a big reason why.…
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With Tee Higgins and Ja'Marr Chase securing massive deals with the Bengals, what does this mean for Terry McLaurin and his upcoming contract negotiations with the Commanders? Could he join the elite $30M+ AAV club for wide receivers? Craig and Anthony break it all down.
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From 'Take Command' (subscribe here): The Commanders need help on the edge, but who should they target in the 2024 NFL Draft? Craig Hoffman and Logan Paulsen break down the top edge rush prospects, discuss who fits best in Washington’s system, and analyze how the team can rebuild its pass rush after key departures.…
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SO mind blowing - but our subconscious mind loves to simply copy & paste past experiences/paradigms/emotions/stories again, again, again, and again - it is its JOB as our internal processor. AND it's neutral to the information - it doesn't know or care if it's a positive or negative belief! It's just PROGRAMMING. And, when there are unresolved emot…
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Sendung «Der Mitternachtsruf» vom 18.03.2025 (8 bzw. 20 Uhr) auf «Radio neue Hoffnung». Das volle RNH-Programm finden Sie unter: https://bit.ly/rnh-de Radio Neue Hoffnung, kurz RNH, sendet christliche Radioprogramme über Internet, und zwar während 7 × 24 Stunden. Es ist dem Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf unterstellt, allerdings strahlen auch andere c…
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Have you been thinking about starting something new but feel stuck because you don’t have it all figured out? Whether it’s a big goal, a passion project, or a fresh direction in your life or business, the journey can feel both exciting and overwhelming. In this episode, I’m sharing the four key steps that will help you move forward with confidence:…
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1:12 - Hoffman Show Hour 1 - Ja’Marr Chase + Tee Higgins Massive Contracts, March Madness is Here + Calls on Next $40M Non-QB39:17 - Hoffman Show Hour 2 - Not My Beat, Reaction to Laremy Tunsil Comments at Podium + Weekend Review1:21:58 - Hoffman Show Hour 3 - Craig + Anthony NCAA Trivia Game, Wizards-Trailblazers Preview+ Real Things…
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As the Wizards visit Portland, Craig welcomes Blazers TV analyst Tom Haberstroh to revisit the Deni Avdija trade from last year's NBA Trade Deadline. Initially skeptical about Avdija’s floor spacing, Haberstroh now believes the young forward has All-Star potential. They discuss how the trade has benefited both teams and why Avdija has emerged as a …
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Hour 11:12 - March Madness Is Here9:29 - Ja’Marr Chase Resets the Market – Who’s Next?20:03 - Calls: Who’s Next? The Future of $40M Non-QBs28:29 - Pay Now or Pay the Price Later: Lessons from the Bengals
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Craig breaks down why NFL teams should pay their star players sooner rather than later, using the Bengals as a prime example. After waiting to extend Ja'Marr Chase and Tee Higgins, Cincinnati is now on the hook for massive contracts—far more than they would have paid had they acted earlier. Craig explains how teams can avoid this costly mistake and…
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With Ja’Marr Chase securing a historic four-year, $161 million deal to become the highest-paid non-quarterback in NFL history, Craig and Anthony dive into what this means for the league moving forward.Could other elite players demand $40 million per year? Is this a trend limited to wide receivers, or could we see players at other positions—like pas…
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Sendung «Der Mitternachtsruf» vom 17.03.2025 (8 bzw. 20 Uhr) auf «Radio neue Hoffnung». Das volle RNH-Programm finden Sie unter: https://bit.ly/rnh-de Radio Neue Hoffnung, kurz RNH, sendet christliche Radioprogramme über Internet, und zwar während 7 × 24 Stunden. Es ist dem Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf unterstellt, allerdings strahlen auch andere c…
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Send us a text Craig Hoffman sits down with Washington Spirit CEO Kim Stone to discuss her second year leading the club. They break down how the Spirit have built a top-class environment at Audi Field, get the latest update on the team's rebrand, and dive into some of the exciting initiatives planned for the 2025 season. From fan experience to long…
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Sendung «Der Mitternachtsruf» vom 16.03.2025 (8 bzw. 20 Uhr) auf «Radio neue Hoffnung». Das volle RNH-Programm finden Sie unter: https://bit.ly/rnh-de Radio Neue Hoffnung, kurz RNH, sendet christliche Radioprogramme über Internet, und zwar während 7 × 24 Stunden. Es ist dem Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf unterstellt, allerdings strahlen auch andere c…
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Sendung «Der Mitternachtsruf» vom 15.03.2025 (8 bzw. 20 Uhr) auf «Radio neue Hoffnung». Das volle RNH-Programm finden Sie unter: https://bit.ly/rnh-de Radio Neue Hoffnung, kurz RNH, sendet christliche Radioprogramme über Internet, und zwar während 7 × 24 Stunden. Es ist dem Missionswerk Mitternachtsruf unterstellt, allerdings strahlen auch andere c…
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Craig welcomes ESPN’s Clinton Yates for his weekly appearance on The Hoffman Show. Clinton opens the segment by sharing a personal story about the late John Feinstein, the legendary Washington Post sportswriter and best-selling author, who passed away on March 13 at the age of 69.After honoring Feinstein’s legacy, Craig and Clinton dive into NFL fr…
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Craig kicks off the show with the latest free agency updates for Washington. The Commanders have added offensive lineman Nate Herbig, bolstering their depth up front. Meanwhile, former Commanders edge rusher Dante Fowler is heading back to the Dallas Cowboys on a one-year, $8 million deal. Craig breaks down what Herbig brings to Washington’s offens…
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From 'Take Command' (subscribe here): Craig Hoffman and Logan Paulsen react to the Commanders’ trade for Laremy Tunsil and break down what the elite left tackle will bring to Washington. They discuss his impact on pass protection, the run game, and the locker room, plus how he fits into Kliff Kingsbury’s offense. To learn more about listener data a…
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1:12 - Hoffman Show Hour 1 - Remembering John Feinstein with DA + Commanders Building Depth in FA41:04 - Hoffman Show Hour 2 - Mark Bullock Breaks Down Commanders Offseason Moves + Take Command1:28:00 - Hoffman Show Hour 3 - Wizards-Pistons Preview, Commanders Re-Sign Players + Real Things
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