Jesus told His disciples that faith, like a grain of mustard seed, can move a mountain. This podcast presents short ideas that bless when the concepts are put into practice and become habits.
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I love meaningful conversations, and this is probably what it would sound like if we had a chance to have that chat in my home office. It is my effort to process what I'm thinking out loud (and sometimes with friends.) I am a Christian, husband, father, pastor, church planter, community developer, author, and social entrepreneur. I am a mortal on a journey through this beautiful, delightful world God has given us, and I live in wide-eyed, child-like wonder. The name? I'm always gleaning life ...
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We simply share our enjoyment of Jesus Christ in our bible reading and daily living. We hope you enter into the enjoyment of Christ also by listening. Cover art photo provided by Aaron Burden on Unsplash:
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie The apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 1:3: "I thank my God every time I remember you." That sums up my thoughts on the people where I grew up: Hickman County, Centerville, Tennessee, and the Shipps Bend community. Listen as I recount how many people touched me and how significant their influence wa…
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Leadership Habits to Avoid (GNG EPISODE 105)
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15:22Avoid the habit of doing too much by taking these four steps: Evaluate, Eliminate, Delegate, and Automate Do you have a habit of avoiding conflict? Practice Matthew 18. Avoiding conflict will rarely make a bad situation better.
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Is your policy to buy things in cash or with credit? Have you thought about moving away from credit and paying cash? How could you get started? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Do you buy extended warranties? What is the best way to use our limited resources of time and money? Website for…
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Cultivating the Cardinal Virtues (GNG EPISODE 104)
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15:47Virtues are specific habits of excellence, and the four Cardinal Virtues are: 1 - Temperance 2 - Courage 3 - Justice, and 4 - Prudence There are many "sub-disciplines" of these virtues that will make our lives better. You can listen to the Double Win Podcast for more.
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie When you meet a person with no previous information or introduction, do you trust that person or not trust? How do you build trust? How do you let others know you are trustworthy? This podcast is brought to you in conjunction with the Ministry League Network. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qua…
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Three Essential Leadership Lessons (GNG EPISODE 103)
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17:36Here are three essential leadership lessons that I gleaned this week: Lesson 1 came from Jesse DeYoung Organizational doubt is real, and if we are going to lead effectively, we have to address it. Lesson 2: Your mess is your message. Great quote: "John doesn't have a drinking problem; he has a drinking SOLUTION." People are looking for "The Fix" in…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Does your attitude ever get "out of line?" Mine does. This talk is one way I try to get it back in alignment. My Attitude Adjustment Talk When you find a "mustard seed," please share the address of this podcast with a friend: If you'd like to discuss your roofing…
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What is Organizational Culture and Why It Matters (GNG EPISODE 102)
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23:44Thanks to Sean Morgan and "Leaders in Living Rooms" for the wisdom gleaned this past week. In this episode entitled "Need a Sabbatical? You're doing it wrong," he shared some points that were super helpful to me. I gleaned a lot from another podcast by Carey Nieuwhoff and Jenni Catron entitled, "How to Tell whether your culture is healthy" It was r…
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Settling conflicts before we have conflicts
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9:00Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie "You said you were going to do this." "I didn't say that." "Yes, you did say that. I remember exactly where we were and who was there." "Well, I may have said it, but I don't remember it." How can we prevent those conflicted discussions with people who are important to us: our family, friends, busi…
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What Kind of Conversation are We Having? (GNG EPISODE 101)
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19:30Coaching can challenge our thinking. "The problem with success is that you rise to a level that people stop challenging your thinking." - Charles Duhigg (author of How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection.) In this episode, I talk coaching, conversations, and self-awareness as leaders. (Yes, it's just me rambling again.)…
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Does this man have one wife or two wives?
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10:45Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie When a man is considered for an elder or a deacon, what if he has been married before and his first wife died or he divorced her? How many wives does he have? Is he "the husband of one wife? In this episode, we use Jesus' calculator in John 4 to find the answer. Click on the link below to see it in…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie How can I get through my disappointment? What use is it to know that relationships go through three stages: honeymoon, disappointment, and reality? Will I, or anyone else, be continually happy? This episode was brought to you by the Ministry League Network When you find a "mustard seed," please sha…
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100 - A Father-Daughter Review of The Top 10 GNG Episodes
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23:18For the 100th episode, Kaylynn is back! We review the top 10 episodes from the first 100 published. A good time was had by all.
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Have you reached a disappointment in your marriage, your church, or your job? What can you do? Is it hopeless, or an opportunity to make it better? This episode was brought to you by the Ministry League Network When you find a "mustard seed," please share the address of this podcast with a friend: …
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Our South African Adventure: A Report (GNG EPISODE 99)
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21:51Here is a report on the time that Samuel and I spent recently in South Africa and Lesotho. It was an adventure, and we are grateful for the opportunity that we had to travel and to share. Here are some highlights and lessons...
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Have you noticed that many things don't turn out as you had hoped? Are you often disappointed? When will you be totally satisfied, and continually happy? When will everything be perfect? This episode was brought to you by the Ministry League Network When you find a "mustard seed," please share the …
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Missionary Voices: Interviews from Africa (GNG EPISODE 98)
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10:28While in South Africa, we had the opportunity to interview missionaries Matt Smith and Ben Peters. While my equipment malfunctioned on the interview with Ben and I only captured the first question, I wanted to share it with you. These are great young leaders, and it was a honor to serve with them.
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Time management — planning your funeral
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9:47Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie How do you plan your time? How much time do you have to plan? I found planning my funeral has been a good way to plan the time I have left. In this episode, you hear my process and suggestions on preparing yourself and your family for this event. This episode was brought to you by the Ministry Leag…
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Lessons From South Africa (GNG EPISODE 97)
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21:05Sam and I share from South Africa about our trip and the lessons God is teaching us along the way.
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie The previous episode gives context to this one. In this episode, I discuss additions and adjustments I've made to my exercise habits. Channel 5 News report on September 18, 2024, on Jerrie Barber running barefoot As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. There is no additional charg…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Paul said in 1 Timothy 4:8, "For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things." Does that mean that exercise is useless and should be avoided? In this and the next episode, I tell my 55-year story of running and bike riding. This isn't a prescription for you but a de…
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Love Does - A Gathering Message (GNG EPISODE 96)
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30:11This is a message that I delivered to The Gathering at Victory Acres in 2022 and I'm sharing again today on this last Sunday of Advent 2024. I hope that it will be a blessing to you.
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These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things (GNG EPISODE 95)
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20:29I wanted to share some things that help make my days more happy and productive. I know that for some this might be a TMI episode, but since this podcast is really just me talking about whatever I jolly-well please, here you go. Here are links: - Uni-ball Vision Elite Pen - Energy Body Cream - Motivate Essential Oil - Chamomile Tea: - Full Focus Pla…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie How can we be helpful to friends who are thinking about "missing the mark," sinning?" What questions should we ask? What tone do we need to use? Is it OK to admit that sin is fun? How do we forget about thoughts and decrease our desire to do wrong things? Think about this principle: A person doesn'…
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Humility and Curiosity: Asking Questions and Inviting Feedback (GNG EPISODE 94)
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19:28"Curious people are rarely cynical, and cynical people are very rarely curious." - Carey Nieuwhof While one are you? Are you actively inviting other trusted people to take the "red pen" to your life? Are you interested or interesting? As a leader, humility and curiosity are essential. Are you a leader who is growing in relationship and building tru…
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Becoming A Shalom-Maker: Seeking the Peace of God for a Hurting World (GNG EPISODE 93)
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22:58Sharing from some of my experiences in third-world contexts and statistics from A Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns, I make the case for seeking the Shalom of God for the world in which we live. We cannot dismiss it, and to whom much is given, much is required. May God help us to seek the peace of the places where He has led us.…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie How do I make decisions about serious issues? Is it wrong to think about doing something wrong? Is it wrong to discuss what I'm planning with a trusted friend — even though what I'm thinking about doing is sinful? As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. There is no additional char…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Do I love my neighbor as myself when I allow someone to abuse me and others? But, what if I am the one who is slapping, suing, and demanding? What should I do? YouTube, How to Hear and Respond to Malicious Criticism YouTube (sermon starts at 17:40) As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying pur…
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The Once and Future Church (GNG EPISODE 92)
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42:24Here are some thoughts on the future of the church and what it will include. While these are trends that I am seeing, I hope that it will provide encouragement to that "Dollar General" pastor who is currently trying to evaluate next steps. Sure, you may be a car mechanic, but God may be calling you to lead a local group of believer as a pastor-shep…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie How long should a person insult and harm me with my permission? What can I do when I've reached my limit? Is it Christian to say to another person, "I've had enough? You aren't allowed to do that anymore"? As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. There is no additional charge to yo…
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This episode of Gleaning is a message that I shared with 500+ men in Seymour, IN in mid-September at Men Arise. Sharing on the edge of this lake in a huge amphitheater at dawn is an experience I hope I'll never forget. If you'd like a copy of the handout that includes source material and references, please message us at: [email protected]…
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Celebrating Well With The Band Of The Happy Few (GNG EPISODE 90)
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22:28All of my celebrating these past few days has caused me to glean and reflect on what makes for a good celebration. An important element are the PEOPLE with whom we are celebrating. Who's in your "band of the happy few?" There are some questions for you to reflect on from one of my favorite authors, Gordon MacDonald (A Resilient Life.)…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie It's stupid to hate criticism (Proverbs 12:1). But what if the criticism is false, unrelenting, wicked, and malicious? Should I continue to accept that? We begin this discussion in Episode 21. When you find a "mustard seed," please share the address of this podcast with a friend: https://www.buzzsp…
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The Joy of Beginning (GNG EPISODE 89)
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38:00My reflections on starting Victory Inner-city Ministries along with thoughts from The Founders Evolution by Scott Ritzheimer. Not everyone is an entrepreneur, but there are problems to be solved that will require new structures. You might be one of the people to do that!
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie How do you deal with change? When your hopes and plans are interrupted, do you think the end has come — that you'll never be happy again? Have you noticed that disappointments come often? Look for a "mustard seed" in this episode to deal with those large and small interruptions. Transition Chart, W…
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Why Systems Matter (GNG EPISODE 88)
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21:10When you're young it may seem like passion is enough to power through, but through the years, I have learned the importance of systems. In this episode I share what I am working on with regards to group coaching and Two Months Towards Transformative Action - our program to help leaders start the new year with a new system. I'm super excited about i…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie What could be helpful about going to work in a grocery store at 11 years old? How could that provide wisdom in years to come? When you find a "mustard seed," please share the address of this podcast with a friend: If you'd like to discuss your roofing needs, call…
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Conversations with Calvary Life Fellowship (GNG EPISODE 87)
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46:15I am grateful for the influence of Wayne Ostrander and David Odell. They have spent over 60 years with Calvary Life Fellowship currently located in Kasilof, AK. At a recent Prayer Convocation at Fellowship Farm, I caught up with them. In this episode, they share some of the stories and history from their time in ministry and being led by God's Spir…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie How will you know what I'm thinking and feeling? How will I know what you're thinking and feeling? How will we transfer that information? If you'd like to discuss your roofing needs, call Jerrie Wayne Barber at 931.928.3390 When you find a "mustard seed," please share the address of this podcast wi…
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Designing Our Days (GNG EPISODE 86)
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25:46Are you living with purpose, or do you feel like your life is happening to you? Here are some thoughts on designing our days.
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Anniversaries and other significant dates can be good times to reflect on how God has worked in our lives and blessed us despite our lack of knowledge, wisdom, and doing everything right. It's good to ask, "What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?" — Psalm 116:12 If you'd lik…
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Memories of Mode - Why You Need A Place Like This in Your Life - GNG EPISODE 85
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35:17These are a few more of the conversations that I had with my friends from Mode Camp, reflecting on their collective memories of this place and the people that have shaped it.
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Do I want to know what others think? Could they have something that could help me? May they hesitate because they fear how I might respond? How can I make it easy for them to tell me? If you'd like to discuss your roofing needs, call Jerrie Wayne Barber at 931.928.3390 Link to audio of the workshop…
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Living and Leading with a Full and Grateful Heart (GNG EPISODE 84)
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19:40Are you leading with "everything in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom?" Maybe it's time to do something about that. We are offering a FREE Schedule Optimization Workshop - October 15 @ 7:00am ET October 22 @ 7:00am ET October 29 @ 7:00am ET. For a limited time, you can sign up at and receive a resource th…
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Conversion to Inviting Criticism 4
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10:33Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie In an hour-long counseling session with James Jones, I changed from running from criticism to asking for criticism. When you hear this episode, you might want to walk down the aisle during the invitation song. Or, maybe you're already a member of the criticized church and are happy about it. If so,…
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How Victory Acres Began And What It Is Becoming (GNG EPISODE 83)
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15:02It all began with a prayer retreat in October 2005. God has done a lot in these past 19 years, and we believe that He has great things in store for the days ahead. Do you need a place to reflect and to reconnect with God? How long has it been since you took time to seek God in extended prayer? Maybe you need to think about a time of your own.…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Proverbs 12:1 summarizes the episodes about criticism: Those who love knowledge want to be told when they are wrong. It is stupid to hate being corrected (Proverbs 12:1, GNT). Website for Braden Parsons Photography Braden Parsons' email: [email protected] As an Amazon Associate, I earn from …
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie If Moses, Aaron, Paul, and Jesus were criticized by their own people, should I feel like a failure when I receive criticism? Website for Braden Parsons Photography Braden Parsons' email: [email protected] When God Builds a Church When you find a "mustard seed," please share the address of th…
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Priorities and Putting Your Project in a Box (GNG EPISODE 82)
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18:33"Work expands to the time allotted to it." Prioritizing and then defining a "box" for your project before you begin (and become emotionally involved) is important to maintaining balance in life. This is something that I have been gleaning, especially lately. This is a good, old-fashioned episode of me behind the microphone blathering away. If you'r…
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Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie Can I work hard enough, pray enough, serve enough, and try enough that everyone will like me and no one will criticize me? In the Bible, did God's great servants receive criticism? Will I be better than them? Website for Braden Parsons Photography Braden Parsons' email: [email protected] Whe…
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