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Lino Bottani und Nicola Deflorin

Herzlich Willkomme bi FLAKONPOST – dim Schwiizer Podcast für spannendi Gspröch, ehrlichi Iblick und inspirierende Theme. Mir, Lino Bottani und Nicola Deflorin, redet über alles, was euses Läbe grad bewegt. Vo Gschichte us eusere Parfum-Firma, bis zu tiefgründige Diskussione und unterhaltsame Anekdote. Als Gründer vo BODÉ STUDIOS teiled mir eusi Erfahrige, Herusforderige und Learnings us de Welt vom Unternehmertum und us eusem Privatlebe. Machs dir bequem, schnapp dir en Kafi und lah dich von ...
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History Flakes - The Berlin History Podcast

Pip Roper & Jonny Whitlam

Explore the history of one of the world’s most captivating cities with "History Flakes - The Berlin History Podcast." Your hosts, seasoned tour guides Pip Roper and Jonny Whitlam, take you through the highs and low-lows of Berlin's past, exploring events, lives and stories from Berlin's past. From the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall to the artistic renaissance of the Weimar Republic and the dark days of the Nazi dictatorship, each episode is a blend of history, stories from the tour guide s ...
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Μέσα από τους Trip Flakes, ένα ταξιδιωτικό Podcast κανάλι, ο Χάρης και ο Αργύρης, μιλάνε για αυτά που ξέρουν καλύτερα: ταινίες που θα σε ταξιδέψουν σε άγνωστα μέρη αλλά και για εμπειρίες από τις ταξιδιωτικές τους εξορμήσεις. Εσύ, πόσα κοινά μπορείς να βρεις μαζί τους;
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Flutie Flakescast


Former NFL quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Doug Flutie hosts the all new podcast “Flutie FlakesCast”. You may know Doug from his days tossing Hail Mary’s and scoring touchdowns, but his life is much more than just football. Along with other passions like music, baseball and yeah, surfing, he's been able to travel the globe, catch some huge waves and make incredible memories along the way. Each week, he'll get together with friends from across sports and entertainment to share stories o ...
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Give The Flak Podcast

Give The Flak

Here at Give The Flak, we usually critique the things we watch and listen to in text form. However, no one actually reads nowadays, so instead we have created an audio version for your ears to feast upon! Join Kai and Tyus as they talk about all things entertainment, whether they like it or not.
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Hacks & Flaks

Hacks & Flaks

Welcome to Hacks and Flaks, the only series where you'll get the inside scoop on how journalist hacks and the flaks of government work behind the scenes to decide which stories, you'll be reading with your morning coffee and perhaps more importantly, how they keep certain headlines off the front pages. What happens if a public figure is the subject of a salacious story? When does a scandal make or break a career? And how do you really know what is or isn't fake news? All these subjects and a ...
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The Flaky Foodie


The Flaky Foodie is all about the stories, history and science behind amazing food. Come along for the ride as Jess discusses notable people and fun facts in food, and listen as she chats with food experts, chefs and other gurus to learn more about the origin of our favorite dishes and eateries. The Flaky Foodie is the only show where the discussion is delicious and there's chatter to chew on.
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The Flaky Biscuit Podcast

Shondaland Audio and iHeartPodcasts

Welcome to The Flaky Biscuit Podcast! Each episode, award-winning baker, Bryan Ford, welcomes fellow chefs, comedians, actors, musicians, change makers and more to his kitchen table. The guest's favorite, most nostalgic meal sets the tone for the stories of their childhood, growth, failure, triumph, and everything in between. These meals could be anything from a homemade version of a packaged baked good like a Twinkie, to re-creations of a special family gumbo. Bryan will do his best to make ...
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show series
Dearest Listener! Please enjoy this very special bonus episode! We welcome Dirk Hoffmann-Becking, from The History of the Germans Podcast. If there’s something this man doesn’t know about the Wittelsbachs, I sure as hell don’t want to hear about it! Dirk takes Jonny and I from the earliest context surrounding the founding of Berlin and introduces u…
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Mir hend eusi langjährigi Gschäftsbeziehig mit eim vo eusne erste B2B-Partner ufglöst und reded drüber, wie es überhaupt dezue cho isch. Zudem thematisiered mir de Schwachsinn wo d'Lüüt uf LinkedIn posted und verzelled vo eusne Idol und Vorbilder. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/probe-set⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.…
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Mir reded über s'Thema Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehme und öb Konsumente würkli en grosse Wert uf nachhaltigi Produkt leged, oder, öb de Priis vom Produkt nach wie vor de gröschti Ifluss uf de finali Kaufentscheid hed. Dadezue gömmer au uf d'Gschäftspraktike vo Temu ii und verzelled au, wie mir bi BODÉ STUDIOS versueched möglichst nachhaltigi Produkt …
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‼️👉 Click here to sign up! 👈‼️ Link not working? Look up “Pay What You Want Tour - International Women's Day Special with Pip Roper” on eventbrite.com Pay What You Want Tour - International Women's Day Special with Pip Roper It’s international Women’s Day! Come along for a special tour led by Pip Roper of History Flakes, Gender Historian and highly…
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Eifach mal sini Komfortzone verlah und öppis mache, womer eigentlich ned so gern macht. Wie zum Bispiel de Lino, wo sich an en Fasnachtsparty gwagt hed. Mir lueged zrugg, wie mir eus ide letschte Jahr entwicklet hend, weli Rolle euses Business debi gspielt hed und debattiered, ob mer innerhalb vode Familie es Unternehme gründe sött oder lieber ned.…
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Mir reded über d’Wichtigkeit vo Branding bi D2C-Unternehme und verzelled, wie mir eusi Schwiizer Parfum über s’Internet vertriibed. Debi verzellemer eusi Learnings drus use, wie mir eusi Conversion-Rate im Webshop dütlich hend chönne verbessere und wo es eusere Meinig na langfristig druf a chund. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.…
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Josephine Baker...Josi Bakes as we've taken to calling her, respectfully. Fizzing with energy, talent, and pure GUMPTION. The only African American woman to be inducted in the Pantheon of France. Her story takes us from the poverty and violence of segregated St. Louis, to the scandalously modern revues of interwar Europe. Beloved in Berlin, but fin…
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Mir verzelled lustigi Gschichte us eusere Schuelziit vode Oberstufe, unter anderem wie mir amne Kolleg de Arm broche hend, wieso euse Pause-Kiosk kei Umatz erwirtschaftet hed und wer sich ide Huuswirtschaft ständig ufem WC versteckt hed, um ned müesse putze und ufruume nachem choche. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/probe-set⁠⁠…
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Mir reded drüber, was bi eusere Firma grad abgad und wie es mit em dritte Parfum vorwärts gad. Mir verzelled unterhaltsami Gschichte vo Restaurant-Bsüech in Frankriich und ned allzu zartem Entrecôte und diskutiered, was eusi Meinig dezue isch, wenn es mit de Firma ned klappe sött. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/probe-set⁠⁠⁠ Yo…
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Join us for a discussion with Berlin tour guiding legend Matti Geyer, as we tackle the sad, mad and certainly very bad Stella Goldschlag. Born and raised to a secular Jewish Berlin family, she would take advantage of her ability to pass as 'aryan' to aid the Gestapo as a chief ‘Greifer’ or ‘catcher’ of Jewish people during the Nazi period. We talk …
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Mir reded über eusi Schuelziit, wie mir eus ide vergangene 5 Jahr veränderet hend und wie sich eusi Persönlichkeit entwicklet hed. Mir reflektiered eusi Schwäche und Stärke und reded über Sache, wo mir bi eus selber zuekünftig verbessere wend. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/probe-set⁠⁠⁠ YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/flakonpost-yt…
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Mir reded über s'Thema Niid und Support us eusem Umfeld bide Gründig vo BODÉ STUDIOS, über s'Thema Moral, euses persönliche Wertesystem und woruf mir bi andere Persone achtet. Zudem verzellemer en witzigi Gschicht usem Alltag und wieso Kundezufriedeheit eusere Meinig nach s'Fundament für jedes erfolgriiche Business isch. Jetzt euses Discovery Set b…
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How to build a new country Step 1: No, not like that! Step 2: Stalin, do you like your birthday present? Step 3: We must make Stalin a nice birthday present, this time while singing a catchy song. Step 4: Oh, Stalin, are you dead? This episode Pip & Jonny explore how the grand buildings on Karl-Marx-Allee, formerly Stalinallee, came to be. The stor…
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Mir reded über de Umgang mit Lüge us eusem Umfeld und wie mir persönlich demit umgönd. Mir debattiered unter anderem au d'Moral vo Lüge und ob es eusere Meinig nach in Ordnig isch, Unwahrheite z'verbreite. Zudem schniidemer s'Thema künstlichi Intelligenz ah, was es eusere Meinig nach mit de zuekünftige Arbetswelt macht und wie mir sie i eusere Firm…
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Mir reded über d'Reaktione us eusere Familie, als mir en eigeni Firma gründet hend und wie euses Umfeld druf reagiert het. Zudem besprechemer s'Thema Niid und de Ifluss vo eusere Vergangeheit und diskutiered über Cancel Culture und Social Media. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: https://bit.ly/probe-set YouTube: https://bit.ly/flakonpost-yt Instag…
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What happened when civil rights activist, one-time FBI’s most wanted, scourge of J Edgar Hoover, Angela Davis met the GDR? A lot actually. Want to find out? Join us as we dive into Angela’s early years and into her eventful 20s, growing up surrounded by threats of death and violence in the southern US to studying in Paris, Frankfurt and Berlin. And…
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Mir lönd s'Jahr 2024 Revue passiere und reded über eusi Highlights us de vergangene 12 Mönet. De grossi B2B-Deal in Kuwait, euse erste Bsuech ade Parfum-Mäss in Italie und unter anderem au über euse Sieg am Zuger Jungunternehmerpriis vo dem Jahr. Zudem redemer über s'Thema Glück und Erfolg und ob mir persönlich de Meinig sind, dass mer sich Glück u…
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Mir reded über s'Konsumverhalte vo eusere Gsellschaft und verzelled weli materielli Käuf mir us eurere Vergangeheit bereued und was mir hüt andersch mache würed. Zudem thematisiered mir Social Media und was de vermeindlichi Erfolg anderer Persone uf dene Plattforme mit dinere Psyche macht. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: https://bit.ly/probe-set…
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Mir reded unter anderem über s'Thema Burnout und Überarbeitig und teiled eusi Erfahrige demit usem letschte Jahr und wie mir hüt mit eusem Arbetspensum umgönd, währenddem mir nebebii es Parfum-Unternehme ufbauet und versuechet z'skaliere. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: https://bit.ly/probe-set YouTube: https://bit.ly/flakonpost-yt Instagram: ht…
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And what a special it is! We're joined by the Berlin Companion herself, Beata Gontarczyk-Krampe, author of the wonderful Berlin Companion blog. Beata's deep dives into Berlin history most people have never heard of are consitently fascinating and delightful. If you like this show, you'll love her blog! Beata blessed us with surprising stories of Be…
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Mir verzelled d'Gründigsgschicht vo eusere Firma und wieso mir eus damals dezue entschiede hend, eigeni Parfum z'entwickle. Mir verzelled unter anderem was ide vergangene 4 Jahr eusi gröschte Learnings gsi sind und wie mir scho s'eint oder andere mal abzoge worde sind. Jetzt euses Discovery Set bstelle: https://bit.ly/probe-set YouTube: https://bit…
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What makes a king “Great”? In this episode, we follow up on our exploration of Frederick’s intense and domineering father, the Soldier King, to uncover what shaped Frederick into a true Renaissance man. With secret lessons in music and literature, famously philosphers, the flute, and an incredible instinct for survival, Frederick became one of hist…
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THIS guy...This. Guy. Meet Friedrich Wilhelm II. The Soldier King. Father of Friedrich the Great, second ever King of Prussia. He's a fighter not a lover, unless you're over 6 foot, in which case watch out, he might love you so hard you'll be taken away to join his battalion of giant human toy soldiers. In what was a surprisingly fulfilling fall do…
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Wanna have a coffee? Well, I hope you're not an East German in the '70s & '80s, 'cos it's gonna be tough (and taste like wood). On this episode of History Flakes Pip & Jonny dive deep into the lukewarm cup of coffee that is East Germany's struggle to procure the brown stuff for its people. To do that we've enlisted the help of TikTok's own Call Me …
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Come enjoy an atmospheric walk around a cemetery bursting with history! Let's explore the Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde in this beautiful, golden Autumn together. Listen at home, or follow along with a blog post, map, and photos - you could even follow the route as you walk through the cemetery! How do you do that? Check out this link to find a m…
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Dear Listener, Come closer to the fire, pull your shawl a little tighter about your shoulders...pay no attention to the pale looking figure staring longingly at your neck from the shadows. It is our great pleasure to kick off History Flakes Season 2 with a celebration of Halloween and the story of film maker F. W. Murnau and his most infamous film …
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Let's dive into the wild and bruising life of Germany’s best-known pugilist, Max Schmeling—the man who went from Weimar wonder to darling of Nazi propaganda, and somehow managed to emerge in post-WWII West Germany with an intact reputation. Schmeling’s life reads like a script from the golden age of cinema—coming of age in the chaos of Weimar Germa…
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Anita Berber, pioneering dance performer extraordinaire, or violent thieving drug-addled lunatic? Why not both!? Join us during our first live recording as we talk about the life and times of Anita Berber, the ultimate performance wunderkind of Weimar Berlin. There’s quite a bit bubbling up under the surface, and the inter-war peace feels pretty te…
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Finally, the most important part of any super spy’s career… Le Sex. Markus Wolf continues to prove himself second to none in spy mastery. We hear about his highs and lows…but mostly highs because he wrote the book on himself which we’re using and he’s both humble but amazing actually (and epic in bed). Join us as we try to remain un-seduced by Mark…
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Who’s the greatest spy that ever spied and love machine spreading Communism throughout the world? WOLF! Markus Wolf that is. Join us as we discuss the early days of the elusive and seductive spy master of East Germany. Born in Germany, raised partially in the Soviet Union during WWII to committed communist parents, Wolf is perfectly placed to estab…
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Where can you find a former air field, military parading ground, amusement park, Turkish cemetery, concentration camp and kite surfer’s paradise?! Not all at the same time, it’s Tempelhofer Feld of course!!! We’re going through the history of this one incredible site which dates back over 800 years, starting on the fringes of what will become the m…
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Are you enjoying the Football? Or do you feel like it’s very much happening at you?! Either way, enjoy the latest episode of History Flakes! How else would you know that there was an English Football league in Berlin during WWI? Crazy! Find about Derby Legend Steve Bloomer and what the hell Bumberino is, I think you’re gonna like it! You can get in…
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This episode is a 3 in 1! We talk about 3 distinct characters broadcasting to enemy soldiers during WW2. William Joyce, aka Lord Haw Haw, a seemingly confused Irishman with a pretty serious alcohol problem. Mildred Gillers, aka Axis Sally, a failing, racist actress, who would be labelled as particularly stupid by the FBI, and Iva Toguri D'Aquino ak…
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In this episode, me and Alicia reviewed and discussed the latest disney plus animated series "X-Men 97", created by Beau DeMayo and starring Ray Chase, Jennifer Hale, Mathew Waterson, Lenore Zann, Alison Sealy-Smith, Cal Dodd, Holly Chou, Gui Agustini, George Buza, Adrian Hough, A.J. LoCascio, JP Karliak, Ross Marquand, and Theo James. We talked ab…
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Ok, let’s see how this guy ends. In part 2 of our episode on Law and Justice in Nazi Germany we talk about some of the big legal events which make life increasingly difficult for those categorised 'undesirable' by the Nazi regime and sees Roland progress in his attempt to gain full control of the Nazi legal system, right the way up to this sudden a…
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Strap in nerds. In the first episode of our first two-parter, we use the career of Roland Freisler to track some of the huge legal changes that would secure the dictatorship of the Third Reich. We get up to 1934 here, where the Nazis are on the cusp of becoming the one and only political force in the country, having outlawed all other parties. Watc…
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In this episode, we reviewed and discussed the recent Amazon Prime series "Fallout", show-runned by Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson Dworet, and starring Ella Purnell, Aaron Moten, Walton Goggins, Leslie Uggams, Moises Arias, Sarita Choudhury, Frances Turner, and Kyle MacLachlan. We discussed about the visuals, the soundtrack, characters and thei…
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This episode we'll be talking about Jazz's reception in Berlin and Germany more broadly, from its early arrival in the 20s to the Third Reich's attempts to stamp it out. Minister for Propaganada and Enlightenment Joseph Goebbels has a plan to make really cool and great white supremacist music actually… but the results are as one might expect. We al…
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Just weeks before the beginning of the Second World War, a dark spectre begins to stalk a particular section of the S-Bahn train line in Berlin. The press under Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels is loathe to publish news of anything but glorious German victory and the crimes of their supposed enemies within and without. As more and more wome…
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You know how it is, you want Greta Garbo in your next Hollywood Talkie, but she's awkward and weird and won't get on the phone, you need Salka Viertel. Weimar Theatre Actress, Consummate Hostess, tireless anti-fascist, Garbo whisperer. You might not have heard of Salka Viertel but some of the greatest connections and collaborations made in the earl…
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In this episode, me, Alicia, and Maya reviewed and discussed on the latest Denis Villeneuve film and sequel "Dune PT 2", starring Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Javier Bardem, Rebecca Ferguson, Austin Butler, Josh Brolin, Stellan Skarsgard, Dave Bautista, Florence Pugh, Lea Seydoux, Charlotte Rampling, and Christopher Walken. We talked about the visua…
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It’s November in Germany, so you know that there's History afoot. Join Jonny Whitlam and Pip Roper as we discuss some of the context leading up to the November Revolution, (29th October-9th November) and try to detangle the confusion of those in the thick of it. Kaiser Wilhelm II doesn’t know when to leave the party, Rosa Luxemburg’s fresh out of p…
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In this episode, me and my sisters discussed about the recently finished hit anime series "Attack On Titan." Since the season finale finally came out, we thought it would nice to have a discussion on the series as a whole, reflect on it, telling how we got into it, how we discovered it, express our thoughts on the characters, arcs, twists, animatio…
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Host Bryan Ford is joined by Chef Michael Carter AKA Chef Mike. Known locally as “The Flavor Regulator,” Mike is the Executive Chef at Down North Pizza in North Philadelphia. Mike started his chef journey as an inmate in prison, selling improvised meals to his fellow detainees. Now he runs his own restaurant as part of the Down North Foundation, wh…
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Host Bryan Ford is joined by actor and comedian Jason Biggs. With an extensive acting career that began at the age of five, Jason is best known for playing Jim Levenstein in the American Pie comedy film series, Leonardo in the first two seasons of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Larry Bloom in the Netflix original series Orange Is the New Black. …
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Host Bryan Ford is joined by Chef Roshara Sanders, also known as Chef Ro. Deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan as a member of the 4th Engineer Battalion, Chef Ro started cooking professionally after she returned stateside and joined the 395th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, where she cross trained as a food supply specialist. In 2016, NBC Bl…
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Host Bryan Ford is joined by Dan Pashman, host of The Sporkful podcast, and inventor of the pasta shape cascatelli. Dan is the creator of The Sporkful, which is a James Beard and Webby Award-winning podcast. The series and his pasta shape, cascatelli, were featured by the NY Times, NPR, CBS This Morning, People Magazine, Access Hollywood, and more.…
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Host Bryan Ford is joined by artist and musician Mashonda Tifrere. After the release of her first album produced by Kanye West, Swizz Beatz, and Raphael Saadiq, Mashonda has been featured on and co-written many hits, as she’s worked alongside artists such as Jay-Z, DMX, and more. More recently, Mashonda partnered with Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD and Gucci’s …
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Host Bryan Ford is joined by comedian Hari Kondabolu. The NY Times called him “one of the most exciting political comics in stand-up today” in response to his 2018 Netflix special, Warn Your Relatives. His 2017 truTV documentary, The Problem with Apu, created a global conversation about race and representation, and is now used in high school, colle…
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Host Bryan Ford is joined by cookbook author and LA Times food journalist— Ben Mims. Ben has written three cookbooks and has worked as a food editor and recipe developer for several food media publications, such as Lucky Peach, Food & Wine, Saveur, Food Network Magazine, and Buzzfeed/Tasty. Bryan and Ben get down on Deer Meat, a dish Ben’s father u…
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