Fantasi सार्वजनिक
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ASMR Sissy Hypno Fantasien

Isabella`s erotische Hypnose

Sissy Hypno: für Deine Sissy Fantasien und Feminisierung. Hörproben von Lady Isabella`s Hypnose Audio Produktionen. Enthält: ASMR, Flüsterspuren und Spezialeffekte. Besuche:
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Fetisch Fantasien Podcast

Isabella`s erotische Hypnose

Fetisch Fantasien Podcast: Kinky Geschichten zum Eintauchen in die Fetisch Welt. Besuche: Dein Hörerlebnis in Virtual Reality Audio. Auf Isabella`s erotische Hypnose findest Du Hypnose Audios, die hypnotische Werkzeuge, zum Teil Brainwashing, Mindcontrol, Flüsterspuren, Deep Trance Sounds und mehr enthalten. Sogar Deine komplette Umprogrammierung zur Frau oder als totaler Sklave ist möglich. Viele Hörproben im Shop verfügbar.
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Dag & Nacht Media

Een podcast over het bouwen van fantasiewerelden voor storytellers & changemakers. Want fantasiewerelden zijn heerlijk om in weg te dromen én kunnen je laten zien hoe we onze eigen wereld kunnen veranderen.
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🔥BIENVENIDO AL MUNDO DE FANTASIOSOS🔥 El mejor contenido de FANTASY FOOTBALL en ESPAÑOL. ❗️Te daremos los análisis más completos, los debates más importantes, las preguntas más relevantes y toda la ayuda que necesitas, PARA DOMINAR TU LIGA❗️ 👉NO OLVIDES SEGUIRNOS EN TODAS NUESTRAS REDES SOCIALES👈 🎙️YOUTUBE Y SPOTIFY🎙️Tendremos podcast todas las semanas. 🎥INSTAGRAM🎥 Tendremos las noticias más importantes y actualizadas del momento. 🏈TIK TOK🏈 Videos explicando temas importantes y algunas sorpre ...
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David Sundin

Fantasipanelen är en humorpodcast där David Sundin och en panel med tre gäster sammanfattar veckan som gått och blickar framåt mot nästa. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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I "Fantasier" får Elisa Lykke hver uge besøg af to kendte gæster, så de sammen kan starte samtalen om noget af det mest tabuiserede, nemlig vores inderste lyster. For selv om sex er en vigtig del af livet, så har rigtig mange heller ikke helt det sexliv, de drømmer om, og vi er ofte rigtig dårlige til at tale om det. Derfor er Elisa på en mission for at gøre sexlivet både sjovere og mere legende ved at tale om vores fantasier. Lyt med og slip fantasierne løs. Produceret for DR af Beam Audio ...
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Fantasize Me

Zach Katz

A podcast where characters, real or imagined, are fantasized as Dungeons & Dragons characters. Support this podcast:
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Revenge Fantasies

Justin Silver

Hosted by Justin Silver and Dan Dunn, “Revenge Fantasies” offers a revolving carousel of high-profile guests the chance to assuage lingering feelings of humiliation, anger, hurt and victimhood by virtually settling the score with the jerks who made them feel that way. Each episode features real stories, recounted as they actually happened, followed by spirited ruminations about imagined, “alternative” endings to those stories. Basically, wild riffs on what coulda’, woulda’, shoulda’ been don ...
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Finding Fantasia

Danny Molloy

Join us as we take a dive into the infinite capabilities of the human imagination and mind. Life is magical if you know how to control this matrix-reality that we live in. We cover mindset, synchronicities, magic and creating a life that is dream-like. There are so many ancient and esoteric practices that will help us on our journey. If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. Fantasia is a REAL place and we are finding it together. It's time to fly!
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Urban fantasy stories happened in a fictional school with interesting characters and unexpected plots. An audio drama show written and told by a Taiwan writer with a funny accent. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Tiny Morbid Fantasies

Tiny Morbid fantasies

A podcast where we share short horror stories based on intrusive thoughts, the call of the void, and morbid daydreams. Turning scary thoughts into scary stories. You can contact us Twitter: @Tinymorbid Reddit: Tinymorbidfantasies Instagram: Tinymorbidfantasies Gmail: Support this podcast:
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Welcome to the Archaeological Fantasies Podcast. Join us as we explore the wild world of pseudoarchaeology. We look critically at topics including Transoceanic travelers, Ancient Aliens, Vikings in America, all the way to archaeological evidence of Big Foot. We interview a wide variety of archaeological and scientific experts about everything from DNA to ancient Rock Art. We dig into pseudoarchaeological topics and really look at the origins of some of the weirdest questions out there.
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Hablamos sobre cine, series y libros, especialmente acerca de obras de ciencia ficción, terror y fantasía. Encontrarás más contenidos como éstos, así como relatos, capítulos de nuestros libros, críticas, etc., en nuestra web El Biblioverso: Tienes la versión en vídeo de este podcast en Youtube: Y puedes encontrarlo también en Spotify, Apple Podcasts y Google Podcast.
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Den Sociologiske Fantasi

Janus Emil Mariager & Victor Kalsen Nissen

Den Sociologiske Fantasi er en podcast, der formidler sociologisk forskning gennem uformelle interviews med forskerne bag. Podcastens hensigt er at udbrede de enorme mængder af viden, som konstant produceres bag universitetets mure, ud til et publikum, der ikke nødvendigvis beskæftiger sig med sociologi til daglig. Bag podcasten står Victor Kalsen Nissen og Janus Emil Mariager, der begge er kandidatstuderende i sociologi på Københavns Universitet. Sociologien spænder vidt, så temaerne vil va ...
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Rache – Geschichte und Fantasie

Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt, Max Czollek

Podcast zur Ausstellung im Jüdischen Museum Frankfurt mit Max Czollek. Gefördert von der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, der Art Mentor Foundation, der Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer des Jüdischen Museums e.V. und der Schleicher Stiftung.
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This is a podcast about sex, where three sex positive friends - who also happen to be globally accredited coaches - share their own journey through super sexy adventures and incredibly fulfilling sex lives. By learning how to effectively communicate needs and desires, we unlocked our own sexual energy, and our erotic lives have completely transformed. We’ve discovered an amazing new world of possibilities, where you can feel safe to express yourself sexually, guilt- and shame- free, and we’r ...
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show series
Gefangen im Crossdresser Labyrinth – die fesselnde Fortsetzung von Crossdresser unter der Toga – führt Pauls Suche nach Identität in die schillernde, aber gefährliche Welt der Mode. In Paris wird er als „Paula Piretti“ gefeiert, doch hinter dem Glamour lauert der exzentrische Modezar Antoine, der Pauls außergewöhnliche Erscheinung erkennt – und völ…
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In dem spannenden Hörbuch „Crossdresser unter der Toga, gerät Paul durch einen magischen Zeitsprung ins alte Rom. Dort taucht er in eine sinnliche Welt ein, in der er als femininer Verführer in edlen Gewändern erstrahlt. Doch hinter den prachtvollen Fassaden lauern Intrigen und Machtspiele, die sein zart erwachtes Glück bedrohen. In letzter Sekunde…
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In dem spannenden Hörbuch „Crossdresser unter der Toga, gerät Paul durch einen magischen Zeitsprung ins alte Rom. Dort taucht er in eine sinnliche Welt ein, in der er als femininer Verführer in edlen Gewändern erstrahlt. Doch hinter den prachtvollen Fassaden lauern Intrigen und Machtspiele, die sein zart erwachtes Glück bedrohen. In letzter Sekunde…
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Erlebe meine Macht in der Aphantasiereise „Die anmutige Herrin“. Mein Blick durchdringt dich, meine Worte formen dich und meine Präsenz lässt dich deine wahre Stärke erkennen. Unter meiner Führung findest du den Weg zu deiner inneren Kraft.द्वारा Isabella`s erotische Hypnose
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Lass dich von der Aphantasiereise „Die Feder des Verlangens“ in eine sinnliche und luxuriöse Welt entführen. ✨ Spüre die sanfte Berührung einer seidigen Feder, die über deine Haut gleitet, deine Sinne schärft und ein tiefes Verlangen weckt. Erlebe Entspannung, Lebendigkeit und innere Ruhe wie nie zuvor.…
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In dieser Aphantasiereise nehme ich dich mit an einen ruhigen, weiten Strand. Die sanften Wellen des Ozeans umspielen die Küste, während eine warme Brise dich umhüllt und den salzigen Duft des Meeres zu dir trägt. Du spürst den weichen, warmen Sand unter deinen Füßen, der sich wie eine liebevolle Berührung anfühlt. Vor dir ziehen perfekt geformte F…
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In dieser Aphantasiereise führe ich dich an einen ruhigen Strand, wo du den warmen Sand, die sanfte Brise und die rhythmischen Wellen spürst. Barfuß nimmst du jeden Schritt intensiv wahr, fasziniert von der Eleganz und Harmonie wunderschön geformter Füße vor dir. Diese sinnliche Erfahrung schenkt dir Ruhe, Tiefe und ein Gefühl von vollkommener Zufr…
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Guess what! We’ve been live for 6 months already, and we have a big surprise coming up for you! We are closing out Season 1 of the Deeper Sex Podcast to come back with Season 2 and offer something even more exciting and useful to you and your lover, in and out of the bedroom. We believe that sex should not be the driver of arguments and unhappiness…
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In der „ Bukkake Bitch“ Hypnose wirst du unter meiner Kontrolle stehen und den Männern auf einer exklusiven 20er-Jahre-Party als gehorsames Sextoy dienen. Du wirst ihre Wünsche ohne Wenn und Aber erfüllen und dich von ihnen benutzen lassen. Diese Nacht offenbart dir, dass deine wahre Bestimmung darin liegt, als Hure zu dienen.…
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In der „ Bukkake Bitch“ Hypnose wirst du unter meiner Kontrolle stehen und den Männern auf einer exklusiven 20er-Jahre-Party als gehorsames Sextoy dienen. Du wirst ihre Wünsche ohne Wenn und Aber erfüllen und dich von ihnen benutzen lassen. Diese Nacht offenbart dir, dass deine wahre Bestimmung darin liegt, als Hure zu dienen.…
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Will and Chiara are interviewed by Human Design coach Adriana to explore how they transformed their lives through sexual exploration and liberation. They’ve made intimacy coaching their life’s purpose, because there’s so much fun and sex to be had in life, that everyone should be able to experience it! They talk about their journey of following the…
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In this episode, intimacy coaches Will and Chiara share their transformative experiences at a festival (OZORA) in Europe, where Chiara’s boobs in particular had many adventures :). They discuss the concept of Openness, the importance of curiosity, and what it means to feel comfortable in your own body, opening the doors to a profound sense of freed…
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In this episode of Deeper Sex, we delve into the importance of communication in enhancing sexual relationships. Drawing from our personal and professional experiences, we share practical tips on initiating open dialogues about desires, needs, and fantasies with partners. As always we want to emphasise on creating a safe space for vulnerability, avo…
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Entdecke die Herausforderungen und Prüfungen im luxuriösen Umfeld der Sklaven Burg von Lady Isabella und beweise deine Hingabe und Ausdauer als Rimming Sklave in einem fesselnden BDSM – Szenario, das du nicht vergessen wirst.द्वारा Isabella`s erotische Hypnose
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In this episode, intimacy coaches Will and Chiara answer some of the most common questions they get form clients and listeners about improving their sex life and intimacy. We go from dealing with lack of sexual desire to the risks of opening a relationship, tackling jealousy, trust, male/female dynamics, same sex and group play. All the answers pro…
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Today we are exploring more fantasies… Have you dreamt of joining a threesome but never dared ask your partner? It’s a universal fantasy, and one that can become reality with trust and good communication. In this episode, we share another intimate experience where we pushed our sexual boundaries further than ever before: Will is away on an expediti…
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Nach einer stressigen Woche suchst du Erholung in einer düsteren Bar. Dort trifft dich Lady Amaras hypnotische Dominanz. In einem geheimen Hinterzimmer erlebst du mit ihr und ihren Freundinnen intensive bisexuelle Lust und völlige Hingabe.द्वारा Isabella`s erotische Hypnose
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What is “The Lifestyle” with capital L? Who are “Vanilla Friends”? Should you tell them that you are curious and “Spicy”? We discuss all this and more in this very raw, honest and heartfelt episode of Deeper Sex. While we could not wish for deeper connections and the personal growth that we gained from diving into Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM), we hav…
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Sign up for our next SENSUALITY SIGNATURE WORKSHOP >>: Join The Waitlist === Follow & Chat with Us on Instagram === Join Will and Chiara live from the podcast bed this weekend in Berlin, the latest stop on their sexy European tour 2024. We check out some new kinky corners of the city’s vibrant underground scene – from a sophisticated penthouse swin…
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Join The Waitlist now for our Sensuality & Soft Touch Signature Workshop In this episode we discuss the transformative power of sensuality and soft touch to enhance sexual experiences. Will describes his birthday surprise, when he was blindfolded and treated to an erotic experience, not knowing who or how many women were touching him… We explore ho…
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Almost everyone carries with them a sexual fantasy they don’t dare to share. We hesitate to reveal our desires, even to a loving partner, out of shame or fear of judgment. Some fantasies are scenes you might like to live out for real. Others will remain sexy movies that we play just for ourselves. Either way, fantasies are erotic fuel – and their p…
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Download our free guide “10 phrases to help you start deeper conversations with your partner” == It’s the Origin Stories episode! Hear about the journeys that brought Allie, Will and Chiara from conservative childhoods, breakdowns, divorces and body shame to happiness and the strongest relationships of our lives. We explain how we “fell” into non-m…
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Today’s episode is all about a very common problem for both men and women: body image. You’ll hear how negative perceptions can impact intimacy and relationships, and how healing and personal growth can transform your sex life and deepen your relationship. Women in particular often feel negatively about their appearance due to societal standards, s…
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Download our free guide “10 phrases to help you start deeper conversations with your partner” In this special edition which we recorded naked (!!), we cover the differences between transactional sex vs. deeper, more intimate and sensual connections. We share our personal journey of learning how to shift boundaries in the kinky world that we sometim…
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In this episode we talk about how non-monogomy can strengthen relationships, contrary to what many people fear. You’ll learn something seemingly counterintuitive: how can adding more “bodies'' into a relationship strengthen a bond? We unpack concepts like open communication, trust, honest conversations, respecting boundaries, and navigating complex…
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In this first episode we dive deep into the challenges that couples face in maintaining a fulfilling sex life, especially as responsibilities grow and the initial spark fades. We have a very open and honest discussion about the importance of creating time for intimacy and sensuality - which is not just having “sexual intercourse” as your main goal.…
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This is a podcast about sex where three sex positive friends - who also happen to be globally accredited coaches - share their own journey through super sexy adventures and incredibly fulfilling sex lives. By learning how to effectively communicate needs and desires to partners, we unlocked our own sexual energy, and our erotic lives have been comp…
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