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Ps Steu speaks about the power of Yes. He breaks this into four areas along with personal anecdotes and scriptural references showing how 'yes' is the answer to being aligned with and serving God. The'yes' also usually results in changes that create a 'no' in other areas of our lives. 1 Samuel 17:32 (NIV) says "David said to Saul, “Let no one lose …
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The bible tells us that in all our getting we should get wisdom. The question is where do we currently source our wisdom from? Do you know that God wants to give you His. The same wisdom Solomon knew is ours in Christ.द्वारा Family Church Portsmouth
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On this Father's Day, Ps Sean speaks about the characteristics of God, of the Father's Heart, often comparing our Lord's unfailing and unchanging nature to the very variable many of us experience from our own earthly Fathers. Sean explains how God is unchanging, keep promises and above all is truly loving. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) states "Love is…
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Weaknesses and foolishness in the world view is not seen the same way by our Lord. This is demonstrated again and again in every book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation where God uses the most unlikely of people and sometimes implements to show his strength and wonderment at the hand of ordinary people seemingly able to do very little. The wor…
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Following the Trailblazers Youth conference at the weekend, the whole service today was led by our amazing you team including the messages and testimonies from our young people. Listen and be amazed!!!द्वारा Family Church Portsmouth
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Today Pastor Andy ends the current series on Jesus Saves with Part 7 all about how we are sons of God and are adopted by Him. Ps Andy expounds how God treats us as his children, how the fatherhood from God is so different from that of the world view and also how the concept of adoption as depicted in the times when Paul was writing letters to the e…
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In Saving us, God did not patch up a sinful us, rather He caused a regeneration and renewal by His Spirit that gave us a brand new birth and beginning. Ps Andy speaks today about how we are regenerated by a re-birthing, washing and renewal by the Holy Spirit. Our new birth is a spiritual birth which results in us being made alive spiritually. Ps An…
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On this Global Sunday we celebrate the diversity of Family Church from all the different cultures making us one Kingdom of God. Ps Sean speaks about how we are unified in Christ...Ephesians 2:19-20 (NIV) states "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built o…
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Pastor Steuart continues with Part 5 in our series - Jesus Saves. This week he speaks about Sanctification. Sanctification literally means "to set apart for special use or purpose", that is, to make holy or sacred. When we accept Christ as Saviour, our sins are immediately forgiven, we are set apart as holy, and we are reconciled to Him. The Bible …
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Ps Andy continues the series on Jesus Saves, part of our study on our salvation through Christ. Earlier messages looked at Forgiveness, Justification and Reconciliation - all made possible only through the sacrifice of Jesus' blood on the cross for us. Redemption is a term which implies that something has been paid for or bought back, like a slave …
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Ps Carla continues the current series exploring our salvation through Jesus Christ. This week her title is 'Reconciliation'. She talks about how we might be reconciled to each other as a result of various circumstances but more importantly how we are able to be reconciled back to God through our salvation with Jesus Christ. God's plan for us in all…
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Following last weeks message about forgiveness - being a key part of our understanding of our salvation through Jesus Christ, Ps Andy today speaks on 'Justification'. It is vital that we understand a;; a[sects of our salvation. If not, our lives will not be changed and we shall exist without the full knowledge of what Jesus has done for us. In forg…
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Following the previous series of messages on Christology, Pastor Andy begins a new series of messages on Soteriology. This is the study of salvation, coming from the Greek soterion, salvation and is also related to soter meaning Saviour. This is all within the framework of messages this year about being "deeply rooted". As Ps Andy speaks on our sal…
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On this Resurrection Sunday, Easter Day, Pastor Andy speaks about how Jesus is the 'door' to a new life for us. Jesus is the door to the Father. He refers to John 10;7-10 (NKJV) " Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear …
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Ps Sean rounds off the series 'Jesus is' by giving a recap on the messages so far then focusing today on the title 'Jesus is Lord'. What does it mean to be a Lord?, there are many daily uses of this word in secular language but Jesus is not just Lord, He is Lord of Lords. Scriptures abound here but the cardinal point of Ps Sean's message is this: I…
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Ps Paula continues the series on "Jesus is" -part of our teaching on Christology. This week, she speaks about Jesus being the only person able to fulfill the three titles of Prophet, Priest and also King. Prior to Jesus, these roles were only found to be held by separate individuals in the Old Testament. Ps Paula describes what these roles mean and…
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Ps Andy continues the series on "Jesus is", this week concentrating on the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. He explains how Jesus was and is the second Adam, the first Adam being sinless until he transgressed in the Garden of Eden. At that point he separated himself from God and all us since have been born into sin. This i…
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As we continue the series "Jesus is", Ps Gina asks a key question...Why did Jesus come to earth? What was His real mission? Do we properly understand this as many misconceptions abound? Jesus didn't primarily come to sort out social justice or bring peace, or to free the people of the day from the Romans....disappointing many we are sure! Nor did J…
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Ps Andy continues the series "Jesus is", this week speaking about how Jesus is both fully man yet also fully God. Andy explains how Jesus is the pay of the Trinity, the reflection in human form of God Himself, yet was and is sinless being born of the virgin Mary. Jesus was the total expression of the Father.....if we want to know about God, just lo…
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Today, Pastor Sean begins to unpack the meaning behind Christology - that aspect of our faith relating to the person, nature and work of Jesus Christ. This is all part of our overall theme of being deeply rooted. Sean mentions how the word Christology comes from two words “Christ,” referring to Jesus, and “-ology,” meaning "the study of", ie the st…
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Ps Paula begins unpacking the theme of being Rooted for this year looking at the subject of Discipleship. Colossians 2:6-7 speaks of Spiritual Fullness in Christ (NIV) “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing wit…
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Following Vision Sunday last week, Pastor Andy begins speaking about being Rooted...theme for this year. Also the key topic is discipleship. he speaks at length about being deeply rooted in the Church and our relationship with God and not just being crowd attendees. We are all growing people on a pathway to full relationship with God. We may have p…
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Ps Andy speaks about the Mission, Vision and Strategy for Family Church for the forthcoming year of 2024. The Mission is summed up on three words: Reach; Grow and Empower. The Vision is based around ten areas: Congregations; Services; Communities; Impact; Discipleship; Empowered; Leaders; Young People; Governance and Premises. Pastor Andy details e…
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Ps Andy Speaks about Journeying with God and "getting to the other side". If it's a God journey, if our hearts are set on pilgrimage, we will get to the other side (as Jesus said to His disciples when they all got into a boat). However, there will be storms because if there aren't, it means that we are not moving! Storms imply wind and Ps Andy spea…
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Ps Steu speaks today about Doing the Right Thing. Doing the right thing is doing things God's way. Matthew 6:33 (NLT) says "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need". The Bible is God's inspired word, the right thing and tells us how to live in the Kingdom way. If we look at Jesus' life,…
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Ps Gina explores what we mean by saying "Happy New Year". What is 'happy'? Is it biblical to be 'happy'? She refers to Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) " Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day …
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Pastor Andy speaks about how we must move into 2024 with an attitude of faith and expectation. He uses several scripture references to explain how God will manifest Himself over our lives. In the book of Esther, God turns a situation around literally - the gallows meant for an innocent man become for the hangmen. God caused a reversing to occur. Ps…
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Pastors Sean and Paula have a discussion about the Heart of Christmas. Is it the presents, the gifts, is it the tree, is it the food, is it the excitement? Perhaps? No, its none of these things as they all fade away after the tree and the lights get packed away. The true Heart of Christmas is Jesus, not just as a baby as he was born, but as a grown…
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Pastor Andy speaks at the Christmas Carol Service for Family Church, Portsmouth. He believes there is plenty for us to be disappointed over during this season, but if we keep the main thing the main thing we will never be disappointed. Leaving Christ out of Christmas just leaves 'mas' or even a mess! Some in our society favour stealing Jesus from o…
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Pastor Andy preaches a rip roaring message today about the power of the cross in our lives. We've got to be a group of believers who don't just come to a building on Sunday saying they believe certain things, but then living life where there's no evidence of what we say. We need to be full of God. We must be Jesus Christ followers on Monday, as muc…
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Following the series on House of Prayer, Pastors Andy and Paula reflect on the series, looking at their favourite pieces of teaching and remembering how crucial it is that we understand how we are both Natural and Spiritual beings and that our prayers and our warfare with demons etc take place in the Spiritual realm. Pastor Andy also reflects on ho…
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Pastor Andy concludes the series on House of Prayer by this week speaking about spiritual warfare. We exist in a physical realm on earth but when we pray we engage in a spiritual realm. The Bibles tells us we battle against spiritual powers and principalities. Ps Andy unpacks this crucial subject, speaking of angels and demons and the role Christ h…
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Today, Pastor Andy continues he series on House of Prayer, speaking about praying for the sick and oppressed. God wants us to be praying for others, standing in the gap for others, rebuking their sicknesses and with the authority of Christ in us, praying for their healing. We may be praying for them directly - standing next them, or from afar. List…
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Pastor Gina continues the series 'House of Prayer', this week speaking about praying for others. This is also called 'standing in the gap' or intercession. Prayer is a tool which is powerful and effective, and is a gift, a grace for others when we pray for them. We are given the privilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit's prayer. It's a pr…
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Pastor Paula speaks this week on Types of Prayer - continuing the series on House of Prayer. When we use all types of prayer in our prayer life, we get to experience God in different ways. Psalm 100:4 tells us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with Praise. Psalm 107 tells us to give thank to the Lord for he is good. Ps Paula conti…
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Today Pastor Andy continues the series on House of Prayer. This week he speaks on Prayer Languages. There are two different languages of prayer a believer can know. Pastor Andy speaks at length on these – namely praying in our own understanding (the language we use every day), and praying in tongues (praying in the Holy Spirit). As Pentecostals, we…
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Pastor Andy continues the series on House of Prayer, this week speaking about Praying in and with Faith. He recounts the baseline scripture references - Matthew 21:13 (NIV) ["It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it ‘a den of robbers'"] and 2Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) [ if my people, who are cal…
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This week in our series House of Prayer, Ps Steu speaks about Corporate Prayer. This is sometimes known as gathered prayer or collective prayer. Its clear from the Bible that we should be praying together. In Acts, we read about the first century Church, coming together regularly to pray. Acts 2 explains the purpose for which the believers gathered…
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Today is Global Sunday in Family Church with over 70 different nations represented in the Portsmouth Congregation alone. We've been talking about prayer over the last few weeks in Family Church, and this morning we're going to be just talking about praying from Christians who are praying for the Persecuted church. Persecution of Christians is not a…
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Ps Sean continues the series 'House of Prayer', quoting again the scripture from Matthew 21:13 (NKJV) "And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ” He goes on to speak about how we are the House of Prayer, carrying the House of prayer everywhere we go, individually and…
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Pastor Andy continues speaking on the subject 'House of Prayer', his title this week is 'Teach us to Pray'. As we take time to consider how we are going to be the “House of Prayer” Jesus calls us to be, we cannot overlook The Lords Prayer. In this relational prayer that was never meant to be just religiously recited, He gives His followers a powerf…
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After Pastor Andy's introduction to our new series "House of Prayer" last week, Pastor Gina begins in earnest this week by asking "what is prayer". She discusses what prayer really is and looks at some of the difficulties we have associated with praying and why this is.द्वारा Family Church Portsmouth
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Today, Pastor Andy launches a new series called House Of Prayer. This has been on his heart for a while and all FC congregation will focus on this for the rest of 2023. How can we be a praying people? Prayer is not a bolt on for church!, its a central part. Other faiths call people to prayer from tall towers, some churches ring bells. Jesus was pas…
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Pastor Andy gives a mind boggling message about our thoughts! What are we thinking? Do we even ever think about what we are thinking - typically 60,000 thoughts per day. How we think determines how we act and hence the fruit of our thought can be negative or positive....Godly or accordance with Kingdom living or not. Give careful thought t…
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Pastor Sean ends the current series of "what are we carrying". He asks if we are carrying things in the darkness, because we cannot be in the light and the darkness at the same time. He explains how the enemy wishes to trip us up in the dark places, but also how God gives us light. .... 1 Peter 5: 7 says (NIV) "Cast all your anxiety on him because …
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Pastor Carla continues the series ‘What are we Carrying’ by speaking specifically about shame and guilt. She explains how guilt is the opposite of innocence; how it lets people down. Guilt triggers a response in us, it reflects upon something which is not right with God. It should cause us to repent and change and change our lives, maybe trigger a …
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Ps Sean begins a new series “What are you carrying”. He begins by asking us about what Jesus asks us to carry rather than all our natural junk we tend to carry around. Matthew 11:28 say “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Jesus wants to give us rest, not religion and certainly not the anxieties of this world.…
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Today Pastor Andy speaks about the pursuit of Wisdom. In Proverbs 4, the Bible instructs us to get wisdom at any cost. Andy's message concentrates on the pursuit of wisdom form a Godly point of view. We need to ensure we do not turn our backs on God's wisdom, relying on wisdom from worldly sources. We must question ourselves regarding our philosoph…
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Pastors Sean and Paula interview May Famuditi & Shelley Parsons who both reveal life changing stories which build faith beyond belief. This could have been titled "Our God Reigns"....listen to learn real life stories of how God impacts lives here and now!द्वारा Family Church Portsmouth
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