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English ESL

Don La Bonte

Free 40 hour self directed, progressive video lesson plan with multiple reviews to help develop English conversation skills emphasizing common conversation patterns.
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The ESL Teaching Podcast

Ieva Grauslys, ESL/ELL teaching

Welcome to The ESL Teaching Podcast, a place for K-12 teachers of English learners who are looking for simple and easy-to-implement ways to engage their students and for inspiration and empowerment in their day-to-day teaching. Whether you need a boost of confidence in reaching ESL/ELL newcomers, students in mixed proficiency level classes, or clarity in how to help them access content in the mainstream classrooms, this podcast will quickly become your go-to spot for inspiration and support. ...
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This Is Not A Drill with Gavin Esler


Exploring threats to global stability from Ukraine to China to the Middle East with host Gavin Esler – former BBC News presenter, Washington correspondent and host of Newsnight – plus Ukraine-based war reporter Oz Katerji and independent conflict analyst Emma Beals. This Is Not A Drill dives deep into the dangers, corruption, conflicts, disinformation, rivalries and ruthless realpolitik that are making our world ever more dangerous. Support This Is Not A Drill on Patreon from just £3 per mon ...
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Coffee and Conversation for ESL Listening

Donielle and Khrystyna

Real English conversations for ESL listening practice. Each episode, your hosts introduce a new topic of conversation for upper intermediate and advanced English learners to practice their listening skills and learn new vocabulary. Throughout the conversation, there are also opportunities to learn about American culture. You'll benefit from just listening to these authentic conversations, but to get the most out of this podcast, be sure to download the show notes for each episode. There you ...
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Everybody ESL


The podcast for everybody who wants to improve their English, practice their English, or just learn more English. (Contact Ben with questions about English or suggestions or comments:
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Emma's ESL English


Hi, I'm Emma. I'm an Native English Speaker and CELTA Qualified ESL teacher with 10+ years of experience. This podcast was created to help English learners at intermediate and advanced levels by providing listening practise, cultural information, and going into more detail about grammar and vocabulary, as well as identifying and explaining common errors and answering learners questions. I know for many English can be a door to a better future and I want to help you get there. This podcast no ...
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How do I plan for my ELLs? Am I doing enough to support my ESL students? Am I a good ESL teacher? How do I lead a professional development about ESL in front of my peers? How can I have a successful ESL classroom? And the biggest question that every ESL teacher asks is, “How can I ensure my students succeed?” Welcome to Adventures in ESL Podcast! This is the place you want to be to answer all your burning questions about teaching ESL students in grades K-12. My Adventures in ESL Podcast serv ...
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The DIESOL Podcast | EdTech in ESL

Brent Warner & Ixchell Reyes

The DIESOL Podcast covers EdTech in the field of English as a Second or Other Language. The show helps teachers consider best practices for their English Learning students and how to integrate technology into the classroom to help students where they are. DIESOL: Developing Innovation in English as a Second or Other Language
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Arsenio's ESL Podcast

Arsenio Buck

Already having a personal development podcast, Arsenio takes to the ESL world to get as much material as he can to his thousands of academic studying listeners around the world. My goal is to get every accent in the world on my podcast, so for those of you who are listening around the world, dare to ask me in my email down below how to come on for a conversation with me!Early Access: iBT Reading Course: https://arseniosesl ...
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More than 15 million people in 189 countries have learned English from Speak English with Start speaking English using a proven method that's fast, effective, and fun. These daily and cultural English lessons are brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan, former professors of applied linguistics and education. Want to improve your English even faster? Become an Unlimited English member and get more than 1,800 lessons, or subscribe directly on Apple Podcasts to get thr ...
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ESL Aloud

Sherman Rosen

Each podcast is a lesson for people who are learning English as a second language. Users listen to and repeat groups of sentences that are related in one way or another.
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ESL journal


Learning English is my first dream in Canada, because what I am see is the people who educated is has more opportunities in Canada than those people who don’t educated.
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An ESL student talks about using Canvas in her English course. She believes Canvas is very interesting, engaging and helpful in improving her English. Cover art photo provided by Frank Septillion on Unsplash:
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A podcast for English As Second Language (ESL) learners and lovers from an ESL learner and lover. I hope to share my experiences and lessons to help other's like myself, and in so doing, help spread my love of the beautiful language. Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash:
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show series
In this episode I will read a short excerpt from Terry Pratchett's Raising Steam. In this section we are in a dwarf meeting. We hear the king and his direct rival having a conversation. Unfortunately this book is set in difficult/exciting times in Discworld, some dwarves have become terrorists and they think they are fighting for all dwarfdom, but …
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Reading is always a hot topic for good reason, and it's something every teacher thinks about no matter the grade level. But when it comes to teaching reading to English learners, there are extra layers to consider, especially around language proficiency and age. I'm excited to share something I've been trying out with my middle schoolers, something…
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Episode 406 of the Everybody ESL podcast is a mini episode that teaches you the common phrase “down memory lane.” Send your questions about English and your comments and suggestions to (And let me know if you’d like to record the introduction to a future episode.)द्वारा Ben
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In this week’s episode of My Adventures in ESL, we’re exploring one of the most powerful tools you can use to support your English Language Learners: the student needs assessment. You'll learn what a needs assessment is, why it’s crucial in an ESL setting, and how to effectively implement one in your own classroom. Whether you teach newcomers or lo…
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Send us a text Support the show WhatsApp: +66 (Thailand) 06 3359 0002 Emails: ////// Instagram: Second Instagram: Facebook: Youtube:…
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Join the conversation and share your thoughts! What’s your favorite way to relax? In this episode, Donielle and Khrystyna chat about hobbies — from baking and reading to board games and gardening — and share some laughs along the way. Grab a cup and join the conversation! Show Notes Support the show To get the most out of this podcast, be sure to d…
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Are you heading to TESOL 2025 in Long Beach? Brent and Ixchell share all the details about their presentations, including panels on AI in materials development, AI-generated artwork for language learning, and strategies for individualizing writing. Get the inside scoop on the revival of Drinks with DIESOL as well as their live podcast recording at …
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El 27 de marzo celebraremos el 40 aniversario de la primera transmisión radiofónica emitida desde la pirámide invertida. Con esta ocasión les traemos la quinta, es decir la última parte de la serie de entrevistas relacionadas con la construcción de este edificio y de su puesta en marcha. Luego visitaremos el pueblo de Zuberec donde suelen dar la bi…
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March 25 is the anniversary of 1988's Sviečková manifestácia, or candle demonstration which took place in Bratislava. The peaceful demonstration was brutally put down by the authorities, but is seen as one of the first steps that would lead to November 1989 and the fall of the regime. Ben Pascoe talked with organizer František Mikloško and historia…
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Miroslav Balogh; multidisciplinárny umelec, tanečník, choreograf, tanečný lektor, režisér, DJ, grafický dizajnér, maliar a fotograf - Miro, známy ako Bao Miro vo svete vizuálneho umenia a Spunkey BKP v tanečnej komunite, patrí medzi najvýraznejšie postavy súčasnej slovenskej kreatívnej scény. Jeho multidisciplinárna tvorba prepája tanec, film, maľb…
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2. Анкета RSI. Интервью с главным редактором Международного радио Словакии Й.Миклеовой 3. 6 урок словацкого языка для начинающих
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Slávny strihač, Američan Jay Rabinowitz, ktorý má na konte spolupráce s režisérmi ako Jim Jarmusch a Darren Aronofsky na filmoch Rekviem za sen či Noc na Zemi alebo na biografických snímkach o hudobníkoch ako Bob Dylan či Eminem, bude v štúdiu Rádia Devín hovoriť nielen o týchto legendárnych filmoch, ale aj o tom, ako pristupuje k svojej tvorbe, al…
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Povesti o hradoch už v detstve podnietili jeho záujem o históriu. Dejiny rodných Šurian pozná dokonale a dnes je správcom a kurátorom tamojšieho mestského múzea, ktoré pomáhal zakladať. Miroslav Eliáš sa už roky intenzívne venuje výskumu rodu Forgáchovcov (niekedy uvádzané ako Forgáčovcov) a protitureckých bojov, píše o tom knihy a vo voľnom čase p…
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Jediná metalová relácia v celoslovenskom éteri. Headbanger_FM je program pre všetkých priaznivcov extrémnych foriem gitarovej hudby. Zaujímaví hostia, horúce novinky i vykopávky, aktuality, pozvánky na koncerty, súťaže o voľné vstupy, profily, rozhovory a veľa iných prekvapení.
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Slovenská hudba so 100% hodnotou. Kultové albumy, hudba včerajška i minulého storočia. Demovnicové kapely i veľké hviezdy, mixtapeoví umelci i čakatelia na 15 minút slávy. S Demeterom, Danielom Balážom a Luciou Haverlík všetko čo ste už aspoň raz počuli. Alebo aj nie.
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Záznam z koncertu sólistov Konzervatória v Bratislave a Symfonického orchestra Slovenského rozhlasu - Jakub Žiak: Tribeč; Jean Sibelius: Koncert pre husle a orchester d mol; Béla Bartók: Koncert pre violu a orchester; Jacques Ibert: Koncert pre flautu a orchester.
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Hostia: Roman Chotár (riaditeľ lekárskej posudkovej činnosti Soc. poisťovne) a Samuel Arbe (programový riaditeľ ITAPA a riaditeľ HealthHub). | Inovácie a digitalizácia prinášajú mnohé výhody nielen do zdravotníctva, ale aj do sociálneho systému. Aj v tomto roku majú byť služby Sociálnej poisťovne opäť bližšie k občanovi. Čo všetko budeme môcť vybav…
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Actualités. Gros plan. Le 20 mars était la journée internationale de la francophonie, événement que Radio Slovaquie Internationale fete via ses émissions en français chaque année. Klara Novotna, diplomate, représentante personnelle du président de la République slovaque pour la Francophonie. Suite de son entretien exclusif accordé pour Radio Slovaq…
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V rusínskych Rádionovinách vám priblížime, o akých témach na svojom zasadnutí diskutovali členovia Rusínskej obrody na Slovensku. Pozveme vás na podujatia, ktoré v rámci projektu Cerkov s mladými organizuje občianske združenie molody Rusyny. Dozviete sa viac o fungovaní Spolku rusínskych spisovateľov na Slovensku a témou bude aj Svetový deň vody, k…
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