Listen to the weekly sermons from the Evangelical Free Church of Crystal Lake.
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Crossview EFCA Church
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Weekly Teaching from Summit EFC
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Finding Joy in Christ
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We hope that you have been blessed by our pulpit ministry. We would like to continue extending our audio sermons to as many as possible.
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A podcast were EFCA worship leaders hear from each other in order to connect, encourage and inspire.
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Sunday Morning Messages from Pastor Vince Deagler, Prescott EFC Church, Modesto, CA
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Somos jovens com um chamado, cada um da sua forma, usando tudo o que temos é tudo o que somos para espalhar a única mensagem: ELE VEM!!
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KC Liu currently serves at EFC Irvine as the English Ministry Pastor, as well as the Missions Pastor. His passion is to mobilize believers for world missions, and has taken many teams to the 10/40 Window. He is married to Amy and has four amazing kids, Micah, Karis, Kaden, and Skylar.
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EFC Soccer Talk is brought to you by EFC Owners Dan & Neil. They discuss various aspects of coaching as well as any relevant topics in the world of Soccer.
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The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) unites Evangelicals to bless Canada in the name of Jesus. The EFC is the national association of evangelical Christians in Canada. It gathers Evangelicals together for impact, influence and identity in ministry and public witness. The EFC also publishes Faith Today, Canada’s Christian magazine. The EFC podcast features some of the best, most provocative articles from Faith Today, interviews with Canadian Christian leaders and thought-shapers, as wel ...
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Listen: The Good Life (Genesis 2:4-17)
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33:00Message #3 by Pastor Doug Corlew--"In The Beginning" (Genesis 1-11) Sermon Seriesद्वारा Pastor Doug Corlew
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Hannah's Song-Prayer 1 Samuel 2:1-10 Pastor Zeke Pipher https://heartlandefc.orgद्वारा Pastor Zeke Pipher
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Kingdom People (Woodlands Centre)Speaker: Lim Keng YeowScripture: Matthew 5:1-16द्वारा Covenant EFC
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EZEKIEL: GOD’S PASSION FOR HIS GLORY #3 | When God Leaves Pastor Jay Childs | Ezekiel 8-11 False Worship in the Temple (chapter 8) Judgment on the People (9:1-11:15) Hope Announced for the Future (11:16-25)द्वारा EFCCL
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EZEKIEL: GOD’S PASSION FOR HIS GLORY #2 | When God is Against Us Pastor Jay Childs | Ezekiel 4-5 God’s Anger Pictured (4:1-5:7) God’s Anger Unleashed (5:8-17) God’s Anger Appeased (5:13)द्वारा EFCCL
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March 16, 2025 The post Ugly and Beautiful appeared first on Crossview EFCA Church.द्वारा admin
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Kingdom People (Bukit Panjang Centre)Speaker: Sandra ChiScripture: Matthew 5:1-16द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Kingdom People (East Centre)Speaker: Lee Da-WinScripture: Matthew 5:1-16द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Listen: The Climax Of Creation (Genesis 1:26-2:3)
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37:00Message #2 by Pastor Joe Rock -- "In The Beginning" (Genesis 1-11) Sermon Seriesद्वारा Pastor Joe Rock
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EZEKIEL: GOD’S PASSION FOR HIS GLORY #1 | God’s Prophet in Iraq Pastor Jay Childs | Ezekiel Overview A Vision of God’s Glory (Chapters 1-3) Judgment For God’s People (Chapters 4-24) Judgment For the Nations (Chapters 25-32) A Promise of Hope and Renewal (Chapters 33-48)द्वारा EFCCL
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March 9, 2025 The post A Good Place to Start appeared first on Crossview EFCA Church.द्वारा admin
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Asked For 1 Samuel 1:1-28 Pastor Zeke Pipher https://heartlandefc.orgद्वारा Pastor Zeke Pipher
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Follow Me (Bukit Panjang Centre)Speaker: Timothy YeoScripture: Matthew 4:17-25द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Follow Me (Woodlands Centre)Speaker: Tony YeoScripture: Matthew 4:17-25द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Follow Me (East Centre)Speaker: Matthew LoScripture: Matthew 4:17-25द्वारा Covenant EFC
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EFCA Worship Leader Podcast - Episode 1, Charlie Flack
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42:33Welcome to the EFCA worship Leader podcast episode one. Today we interview Charlie Flack, Associate Pastor for Worship Ministries at Spring Lake Church in Green Bay, Wisconsin.द्वारा EFCA Worship Leaders
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #8 | Blessed Are The Persecuted Pastor Jay Childs | Matthew 5:10-12 The Blessing of Persecution The Promise of Rewardद्वारा EFCCL
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Listen: And It Was Good (Genesis 1:1-25)
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31:00Message #1 by Pastor Doug Corlew--"In The Beginning" (Genesis 1-11) Sermon Seriesद्वारा Pastor Doug Corlew
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I'll Wait Various Passages Dr. Colby Kinser https://heartlandefc.orgद्वारा Dr. Colby Kinser
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March 2, 2025 The post The Gift and the Giver appeared first on Crossview EFCA Church.द्वारा admin
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True Obedience (Bukit Panjang Centre)Speaker: Ann ChanScripture: Matthew 3-4:16द्वारा Covenant EFC
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True Obedience (Woodlands Centre)Speaker: Sharon FongScripture: Matthew 3-4:16द्वारा Covenant EFC
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True Obedience (East Centre)Speaker: Benjamin SunScripture: Matthew 3-4:16द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Listen: Repentance Made Simple (Malachi 3:6-12)
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45:00Message #4 by Pastor Doug Corlew--"Call To Me" Stewardship Seriesद्वारा Pastor Doug Corlew
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #7 | Blessed Are The Peacemakers Pastor Marty Voltz | Matthew 5:9 The importance of peace in the biblical narrative. JESUS: the supreme peacemaker. Christians as peacemakers in a world at war with God and others. The reward for those who do the difficult work of making peace.…
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Who? Where? 1 Samuel 1 Pastor Zeke Pipher https://heartlandefc.orgद्वारा Pastor Zeke Pipher
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February 23, 2025 The post The Same Blessing Abraham Received appeared first on Crossview EFCA Church.द्वारा admin
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Four Surprises (Others)Speaker: Edmund ChanScripture: Matthew 2:1-23द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Listen: Jesus Encounters A Wealthy Man (Mark 10:17-31)
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44:00Message #3 by Pastor Mark Farran--"Call To Me" Stewardship Seriesद्वारा Pastor Mark Farran
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #6 | Blessed Are The Pure in Heart Pastor Marty Voltz | Matthew 5:8 Our Terms Defined. Our Dilemma Acknowledged. Our Options Considered. God’s Provision Set Forth.द्वारा EFCCL
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Our Prayers - Part 2 James 5:16-20 Pastor Zeke Pipher James 5:16-20द्वारा Pastor Zeke Pipher
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February 16, 2025 The post To Those Willing to Listen appeared first on Crossview EFCA Church.द्वारा admin
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Who is Jesus? (Bukit Panjang Centre)Speaker: Tan Kay KiongScripture: Matthew 1:21-25द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Who is Jesus? (East Centre)Speaker: Chua Chung KaiScripture: Matthew 1:21-25द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Who is Jesus? (Woodlands Centre)Speaker: Edmund WongScripture: Matthew 1:1-25द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Listen: Joyful Generosity (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
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42:00Message #2 by Pastor Doug Corlew--"Call To Me" Stewardship Sermon Seriesद्वारा Pastor Doug Corlew
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #5 | Blessed Are The Merciful Pastor Marty Voltz | Matthew 5:7 The Nature and Source of Mercy. How One May GROW in Mercy. Practical Obstacles to Growing in Mercy The Rewards of Growing in Mercy Personal Evaluation.द्वारा EFCCL
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February 9, 2025 The post Generosity Poorly Received appeared first on Crossview EFCA Church.द्वारा admin
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Our Prayers - Part 1 James 5:13-15 Pastor Zeke Pipher https://heartlandefc.orgद्वारा Pastor Zeke Pipher
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Your Kingdom Come! Overview of the Gospel According to Matthew
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53:48Your Kingdom Come! Overview of the Gospel According to Matthew (Others)Speaker: Benjamin SunScripture: Matthewद्वारा Covenant EFC
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #4 | Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness Pastor Jay Childs | Matthew 5:6 The Call The Promiseद्वारा EFCCL
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Listen: Where's My Heart? (Matthew 6:19-24)
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38:00Message #1 by Pastor Joe Rock -- Call To Me Stewardship Sermon Seriesद्वारा Pastor Joe Rock
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When the Winds Are Against Us Acts 27:1-37 Pastor Bob Seeger https://heartlandefc.orgद्वारा Pastor Bob Seeger
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February 2, 2025 The post One Very Generous Giver appeared first on Crossview EFCA Church.द्वारा admin
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Fully Abundant (East Centre)Speaker: Gilbert SngScripture: John 10:10, 2 Corinthins 9:8द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Fully Abundant (Bukit Panjang Centre)Speaker: Timothy LiawScripture: John 10:10, 2 Corinthins 9:8द्वारा Covenant EFC
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Fully Abundant (Woodlands Centre)Speaker: Patrick ChiowScripture: John 10:10, 2 Corinthins 9:8द्वारा Covenant EFC
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THE BEATITUDES: GOD’S PATH TO MATURITY & JOY #3 | Blessed Are The Meek Pastor Jay Childs | Matthew 5:5 The Call to Meekness The Promise of Inheritanceद्वारा EFCCL
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Listen: Loving Our Neighbors (Jeremiah 29:1-14)
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34:00Message #4 by Pastor Doug Corlew--Jeremiah: Call To Me Sermon Seriesद्वारा Pastor Doug Corlew
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Yeses and Nos James 5:12 Pastor Zeke Pipher https://heartlandefc.orgद्वारा Pastor Zeke Pipher
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