Docu सार्वजनिक
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Dette er podcasten til, Norges ledende nettsted for uavhengige og agendasettende nyheter, politisk analyse og tankevekkende kommentarer, skrevet spesielt for den nye generasjonen av selvstendige og konservative tenkere.
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Documentales Sonoros


Este podcast está pensado para las personas como yo, que nuestros ojos ya no nos permiten ver lo que uno desea o le interesa y tienen curiosidad de aprender y conocer, también para aquellas que constantemente están fuera de casa por su trabajo o viajan asiduamente y aquellos que se desplazan en metro, en autobús o en cualquier otro medio porque su trabajo así lo requiere. Todos son Audios de documentales. Todo mi trabajo está realizado de manera altruista y no busco ninguna compensación, sol ...
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The Documentary Podcast

BBC World Service

A window into our world, through in-depth storytelling from the BBC. Investigating, reporting and uncovering true stories from everywhere. Award-winning journalism, unheard voices, amazing culture and global issues. From Syria after Assad to rebuilding Ukraine, to how AI changed our lives, The Documentary investigates major global stories. We delve into social media, take you into the minds of the world’s most creative people and explore personal approaches to spirituality. Every week, we al ...
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Documenter toutes les expériences de la vie, des cultures et des savoirs. Chaque semaine, un grand thème en quatre épisodes, autonomes et complémentaires. Du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 18h. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Docus Audio Latino

Docus Audio Latino

Documentales de Misterio, Historia, Ciencia y Aventuras todo en audio latino. Alienígenas Ancestrales, Secretos de la NASA, Cazadores de Ovnis, Expedición a lo Desconocido y mucho, mucho más! Seguinos en Twitter: @AudioDocus
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Os presentamos lo que va a ser un nuevo Podcast musical en Ivoox, repleto de Biografías, Documentales y las Caras B de los mejores discos de la historia. ¿Te lo vas a a perder?
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Multi award winning documentaries from Ireland and beyond telling real life stories. With over 1,800 documentaries on offer, the Documentary On One Podcast has the largest archive of documentaries available in the world, dating as far back as 1954, right up to the present day. Winner of over 400 national and international awards. Producer of podcast series 'Where is Jón?', ‘The Real Carrie Jade’, 'Runaway Joe', 'Finding Samantha', 'Tiger Roll', 'GunPlot' and 'The Nobody Zone'. Immerse yourse ...
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Documentary First

Documentary First Productions

Documentary First is your bi-weekly dose of fascinating stories, real-life adventures, and illuminating explorations. Join us as we delve into captivating and thought-provoking documentaries, and meet the filmmakers, experts, and visionaries behind them. Whether you're a seasoned documentarian, a filmmaker just starting out or simply a curious listener, Documentary First is your destination for in-depth storytelling, thought-provoking insights, and compelling entertainment. So tune in, sit b ...
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Coffee stories with an extra shot of history and science. Filter Stories is a podcast revealing coffee’s hidden microscopic secrets, its powerful past, and how your choice of beans impacts tens of millions of people. See the behind-the-scenes stories on Instagram @filterstoriespodcast. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the show and review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!
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Documentary on Newstalk


Listen and subscribe to Documentary on Newstalk on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App. You can also listen to Newstalk live on or on Alexa, by and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'.
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Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

Big Sky Documentary Film Festival

Now in its 22nd year, the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival is the premier venue for non-fiction film in the American West. Every year, the festival brings over a hundred beautifully-crafted, thought-provoking documentary films to Missoula, Montana. This podcast, a collaboration between the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival and the Missoula Broadcasting Company, gives you the chance to hear directly from filmmakers, gaining insight into what drew them to their subjects and the behind-the-sce ...
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Des reportages et des podcasts long format en Belgique et dans le monde. Pour comprendre le monde dans lequel nous vivons à travers une immersion sonore. Chez nous, d’abord, pour décrypter les enjeux de notre société, avec l’actualité politique : élections fédérales, régionales, communales, locales. Les gouvernements, parlements, les régions, les communautés, provinces et communes. Et les grands thèmes de société : démocratie, économie, travail, pouvoir d’achat, consommation, impôts, entrepr ...
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Are you struggling to turn your idea into a great documentary story? This podcast takes you through the steps that world-class documentary makers use to create compelling documentaries from real-life ideas. Whether it's for Netflix, The BBC, or Amazon, or you are just starting out, great storytelling is what your audience craves - it's the foundation of every successful documentary. Those skills aren't down to talent or desire - it's simply a matter of knowledge. Award-winning documentary ma ...
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Yo documental


Descubre la historia de una manera completamente nueva con Yo Documental. Desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta las conspiraciones más sorprendentes.@yodocumental
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Docurated is a Knowledge Management platform being adopted by leading companies like Acquia, Del Monte Foods, Gainsight, DigitasLBi, Havas, and The Weather Company. Docurated incorporates massive inputs and machine learning to consistently make the best evidence-based content recommendations to all employees for each specific situation.
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Lab Documental

Francisco Cauterucci

Producción y Dirección Audiovisual de género Documental y No-Ficción. Editoriales, opiniones, comentarios y conversaciones. Este podcast es parte de Lab Documental ➟
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Hey there, curious mind! Welcome to Documentary Stories, where we bring you compelling stories from around the world, diving deep into the past, present, and future with powerful storytelling and immersive sound design. Love real-life narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire? Look no further than Documentary Stories. Our podcast takes you on a journey through fascinating historical events, groundbreaking discoveries, and personal accounts that shed light on the human experience. At Do ...
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If you love documentary films, hear from the top storytellers on Pure Nonfiction. Host Thom Powers is well-connected in this world as a documentary curator for the Toronto International Film Festival, DOC NYC, and SundanceNow Doc Club. He leads conversations that are frank, funny and revealing. Listen to interviews with Oscar-winning filmmakers Barbara Kopple, Alex Gibney, and Roger Ross Williams; as well as the directors of “Making a Murderer,” “Weiner” and “OJ: Made in America.” Often the ...
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Cruising | A Queer Documentary Podcast

Sarah Gabrielli, Rachel Karp, and Jennifer McGinity

A series about sapphic spaces, history, and culture. Not sure where to start? You don’t have to listen in order! Pick your favorite city, space, or LGBTQ+ icon and dive in. Season 1 follows creators Sarah Gabrielli, Rachel Karp, and Jen McGinity on their 2021 cross-country road trip to every lesbian bar in the U.S., sharing the stories of the humans that run these spaces and the humans that call them a home. Season 2 features 14 more spaces, chronicling the current lesbian bar resurgence AND ...
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Welcome! This is a documentary travel podcast that follows Bob's life as an American Actor, Filmmaker, and Travel Blogger. His journey (so far) includes navigating a global pandemic throughout Europe, surviving a devastating earthquake in Croatia, exploring small town beauty in the Yorkshire area of north England, and living on an island (hammock included!) in the blue waters of the Adriatic Sea. Bob made a huge change, later in his life, to explore Europe and pursue a passion from his young ...
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show series
Feminisme, sosialisme og venstresidens dominans blant unge kvinner – hvorfor trekkes så mange jenter mot venstre, og hva kan konservative kvinner gjøre for å snu trenden?I kveld har Lise Sørensen med seg FrP-politiker Kristin Lode, som nylig skapte debatt med et innlegg om hvorfor hun ikke lenger kaller seg feminist. De tar blant annet for seg hvor…
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Hey there, curious mind! Welcome to Documentary Stories, where we bring you compelling stories from around the world, diving deep into the past, present, and future with powerful storytelling and immersive sound design. Love real-life narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire? Look no further than Documentary Stories. Our podcast takes you on…
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Durante siglos se han documentado avistajes de criaturas serpenteantes que acechan las aguas oscuras de nuestro planeta. El equipo investigará 2 leyendas muy conocidas para intentar descubrir la verdad acerca de qué se esconde bajo la superficie. ¿Con qué se encontrarán?
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Hans Rustad deler sine tanker og refleksjoner mens han går tur med hundene i skogen. Hvis du setter pris på skogpoddene, så Vipps oss gjerne på 13629. Alle bidrag hjelper. Følg oss også på iTunes og alle steder der podcasts finnes. Husk å rate oss med 5 stjerner, så flere likesinnede sannhetssøkere finner oss der!…
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Cuando una glamurosa influencer desaparece repentinamente de su barrio residencial en las afueras, los detectives analizan un vídeo de sus últimas horas que resulta extraño. Entonces, una pista conduce a una búsqueda exhaustiva en el desierto y a algo mucho peor y más personal de lo que nadie esperaba.Un artista de la vieja escuela y propietario de…
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César aspira a convertirse en cónsul, el cargo político más alto de Roma. Para ello, establece alianzas peligrosas y tuerce las reglas de la república, cortejando el voto popular, explotando la división y utilizando el soborno y la intimidación para salirse con la suya. Pero su enfoque poco convencional de la política y su desprecio por las costumb…
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In November 2024, six people died after visiting a bar in Vang Vieng, Laos. Authorities in the country said it was a suspected mass poisoning - the culprit, methanol. It made headlines around the world, but it was not an isolated incident. It is happening across South East Asia, Central America and the Middle East, often in countries where drinking…
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In November 2024, six people died after visiting a bar in Vang Vieng, Laos. Authorities in the country said it was a suspected mass poisoning - the culprit, methanol. It made headlines around the world, but it was not an isolated incident. It is happening across South East Asia, Central America and the Middle East, often in countries where drinking…
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«Det grønne skiftet» krasjer med virkeligheten og avvikles i USA, men i Europa tviholder noen på utopiene og vil ta opp kjempelån i uunngåelig forgjeves forsøk på å virkeliggjøre dem. Hvor lenge skal galskapen vedvare? Velkommen til Dagsorden med Christian Skaug og Kent Andersen.
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El tiempo y su medición es un constructo social. Este documental revisa nuestra manera de relacionarnos con el tiempo a lo largo de la historia y cómo los cambios sociales han influido en nuestra forma de medirlo. Al explorar el significado del tiempo, intervienen varios factores: la civilización humana, el estilo de vida y nuestra comprensión de l…
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Document nyheter med programleder Lise Sørensen gir deg de usensurerte nyhetene om det viktigste som skjer i Norge og verden.Følg med kl. 14:00 på YouTube eller Rumble.Document er avhengig av din støtte for å lage sendinger, skrive saker og reise for å gjøre gode reportasjer som gir deg innblikk i den usensurerte virkeligheten.Send ditt bidrag på V…
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Hey there, curious mind! Welcome to Documentary Stories, where we bring you compelling stories from around the world, diving deep into the past, present, and future with powerful storytelling and immersive sound design. Love real-life narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire? Look no further than Documentary Stories. Our podcast takes you on…
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"Rett på sak" med programleder Lise Sørensen – et bedre, skarpere og mer ærlig alternativ til morgenens nyhetssendinger.Document vokser kraftig, og vi er nå i tøff konkurranse med de største mediehusene i Norge. Derfor tar vi opp kampen og oppgraderer morgensendingene våre fra radio til direktesendt TV.Hver morgen, mandag til onsdag kl. 09.00, send…
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Revisando las mentiras, noticias falsas y bloqueos políticos que pueden haber contribuido al resultado del referéndum, profundizando en la campaña por el Brexit y en la compleja y rara vez cordial relación entre el Reino Unido y Europa. Enfrentados a una grave crisis económica y social, muchos británicos han pasado del Brexit al Bregret. En los alb…
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Hey there, curious mind! Welcome to Documentary Stories, where we bring you compelling stories from around the world, diving deep into the past, present, and future with powerful storytelling and immersive sound design. Love real-life narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire? Look no further than Documentary Stories. Our podcast takes you on…
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Forget about the original “The Dating Game,” not to mention “The All-New Dating Game” and “The Celebrity Dating Game.” This is director Violet Du Feng’s “The Dating Game,” which just had its world premiere at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival. Of course, this is a documentary not a Chuck Barris game show and, like Violet’s previous film, the sublime …
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Kristen Becker is a standup comedian and activist based out of Provincetown, Massachusetts. Becker also has a long history of touring, living, and organizing in the Deep South. In 2006, she founded the "Dykes of Hazard," an all-lesbian comedy group that toured the Deep South for a decade. In 2014, Becker testified before the Louisiana State Legisla…
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Después de un desaire en Múnich, los soviéticos hacen un pacto con los alemanes para repartirse Polonia. Las dos dictaduras atacarán, ocuparán y se repartirán Polonia. Con la invasión de Polonia, la pretensión de paz desaparece cuando Francia y el Reino Unido declaran la guerra a Alemania. En Dunkerque los alemanes están a punto de dar un golpe det…
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Daily protests across the country have continued in Georgia since disputed elections in October, particularly since the ruling Georgian Dream party announced it would suspend discussions about joining the EU. Outside election observers identified a number of shortcomings and violations in the voting process. Critics of Georgian Dream say it is cosy…
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Daily protests across the country have continued in Georgia since disputed elections in October, particularly since the ruling Georgian Dream party announced it would suspend discussions about joining the EU. Outside election observers identified a number of shortcomings and violations in the voting process. Critics of Georgian Dream say it is cosy…
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La Gran MortandadEntre el Ordovícico y el Pérmico, la Tierra sufrió catástrofes recurrentes. La mayor fue una crisis climática provocada por la mayor erupción volcánica que ha vivido el planeta. La extinción de los dinosauriosEl mundo de los dinosaurios llegó a un final abrupto hace 66 millones de años, cuando fue golpeado por un enorme asteroide q…
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Hans Rustad deler sine tanker og refleksjoner mens han går tur med hundene i skogen. Hvis du setter pris på skogpoddene, så Vipps oss gjerne på 13629. Alle bidrag hjelper. Følg oss også på iTunes og alle steder der podcasts finnes. Husk å rate oss med 5 stjerner, så flere likesinnede sannhetssøkere finner oss der!…
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Det er klart for Dagsorden kl. 20.00 med Merete Skar og Christian Skaug direkte fra studio.Shakespeare "avkoloniseres" etter at forskere har konkludert at dramatikeren fremmer "hvitt overherredømme". Samtidig velger England en islamsk fundamentalist som ny tilsynssjef for utdanning og barnevern. Europa er i endring, og USAs visepresident J.D. Vance…
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durée : 00:59:03 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Quentin Tenaud - Comment faire évoluer les imaginaires liés à la neige ? En Savoie, quelques avant-gardistes tentent d’imaginer la montagne de l’après-ski, pendant que d’autres recyclent un vieil imaginaire olympique. - réalisation : Agnès Cathouद्वारा France Culture
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durée : 00:58:21 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Quentin Tenaud - Si la neige cesse de tomber, faut-il la fabriquer ? Tous les acteurs de la montagne ne sont pas de cet avis et la bataille de neige s'empare des vallées alpines. - réalisation : Agnès Cathouद्वारा France Culture
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durée : 00:58:23 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Quentin Tenaud - Comment a-t-on réussi à dompter la neige, à en faire un produit sur lequel capitaliser, pour le vendre à des clients toujours plus riches ? Réponses depuis une station emblématique du Plan Neige, Avoriaz. - réalisation : Agnès Cathou…
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durée : 00:58:34 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Quentin Tenaud - Comment la neige crée-t-elle une culture et des imaginaires dans les pays où elle tombe ? En Lozère et en Isère, la neige fait rêver autant qu’elle effraie petits et grands enfants. - réalisation : Agnès Cathouद्वारा Quentin Tenaud, Emmanuel Laurentin
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Hey there, curious mind! Welcome to Documentary Stories, where we bring you compelling stories from around the world, diving deep into the past, present, and future with powerful storytelling and immersive sound design. Love real-life narratives that captivate, educate, and inspire? Look no further than Documentary Stories. Our podcast takes you on…
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