Conversations सार्वजनिक
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This Hindi Podcast brings to you in-depth conversations on politics, public policy, technology, philosophy and pretty much everything that is interesting. Presented by tech entrepreneur Saurabh Chandra, public policy researcher Pranay Kotasthane, and writer-cartoonist Khyati Pathak, the show features conversations with experts in a casual yet thoughtful manner. जब महफ़िल ख़त्म होते-होते दरवाज़े के बाहर, एक पुलिया के ऊपर, हम दुनिया भर की जटिल समस्याओं को हल करने में लग जाते हैं, तो हो जाती है ...
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Vinamre Kasanaa

Dostcast is the only Indian podcast with the widest range of conversations and interviews. Politicians. P*rnstars. Performers. Philosophers. No topic is out of bounds. No guest is too taboo. No conversation is too unsafe for this show. Watch or listen to Dostcast every Tuesday and Friday at 8 PM Indian Standard Time. About the host: Vinamre Kasanaa is a writer and content creator. He studied advertising and religion at Boston University and returned home to setup the best conversation networ ...
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Money Konnect

Edelweiss Mutual Fund Podcast

Stories – our first school. Come, lets learn all about investments through stories and conversations. कहानियाँ : हम सबकी पहली पाठशाला। आइए सीखे इन्वेस्टमेंट की बातें कहानियों के द्वारा।
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Shudh Desi Chai

ED Studios

Shudh Desi Chai is a fortnightly fun conversational podcast, where our hosts Himannshu Sharma & Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi sit across with some amazing guests to have amazing conversations and where they share some interesting facts about food & nutrition with their listeners. शुद्ध देसी चाय एक मजेदार संवादात्मक पॉडकास्ट है, जहां हिमांशु शर्मा और हरपाल सिंह सोखी अपने मेहमानों के साथ कुछ अद्भुत और सार्थक बातचीत करते हैं और जहां वे अपने श्रोताओं के साथ भोजन और पोषण के बारे में कुछ रोचक तथ्य साझा ...
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Ikka-Dukka, Economy

IVM Podcasts

इक्का-दुक्का इकॉनमी पॉडकास्ट पर अभिनव त्रिवेदी और उद्योग विशेषज्ञ बड़ी ही आसान और मनमोहक भाषा में बात करते हैं आर्थिक शब्दजालो, मुद्दों और विषयों की, और उनको जोड़ते हैं आप की जेभ से,आप की सैलरी से, आप की सफलता से, और आप की ज़िन्दगी से I आर्थिक विषय की जानकारी जरूरी तो होती हैं, हैं, पर यह हमारी रोज़ की ज़िन्दगी पर क्या असर डालते हैं, इस बारे में हम आमतौर पर अनभिज्ञ रहते हैं I ये पॉडकास्ट हमारी उस अनभिज्ञता को दूर करने की तरफ एक कोशिश हैंI हर मंगलवार एक नयें एपिसोड के साथ अपने ज्ञान कोष में एक नया ...
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Nitish Verma Talk Show


Welcome to the (NVTS PODCAST) Nitish Verma Talk Show Podcast, your destination for all things related to Blogging, Digital Marketing, Technology, Cryptocurrency, and Business Ideas. Hosted by Nitish Verma, this Hindi podcast features in-depth conversations and expert insights on the latest trends and strategies in these fields. Whether you're a blogger, entrepreneur, or just someone looking to stay on top of the latest developments in the digital world, this podcast is for you. Website: http ...
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show series
Neeraj Goyat, an Indian professional boxer from Haryana, is the first Indian boxer to enter the WBC World Rankings, where he was ranked 20th. He was also a contestant on Bigg Boss. He has a professional boxing record of 19 wins, 4 losses, and 2 draws. He has appeared in Indian films like Toofan and RRR. Recently, he faced Whindersson Nunes on the u…
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Nikkhil K. Masurkar is the CEO of ENTOD Pharmaceuticals, a research-based pharmaceutical company specializing in ophthalmic, ENT, and dermatological medicines. He studied as a research pharmacist at King's College London and is a member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in the UK. He has played a key role in creating innovative treatments, such a…
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Harsh Beniwal born in New Delhi is an Indian YouTuber with over 16M+ subscribers. He is often referred to as one of the OG YouTubers of India, as he was one of the first YouTubers in India who started making comedy sketch videos and later began creating long-form videos on YouTube. He made his film debut in Student of the Year 2. He also acted in w…
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चीन की आर्थिक सफलता के पीछे कई विशेषज्ञ विभिन्न सेक्टरों में बेहतरी या इनोवेशन के अलग-अलग कारण बताते हैं। लेकिन क्या हम कुछ मूलभूत कारण सोच सकते हैं जो सभी क्षेत्रों में चीन की आर्थिक सफलता को समझा सकें? आज की पुलियाबाज़ी पर हम इस विषय पर सोच विचार करते हैं। और पिछले हफ्ते की चर्चा में कुछ तार अगर छूट गए हो तो उनको भी जोड़ने की कोशिश करते हैं, ताकि च…
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Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar is the Maharaja of Mysore. Born in 1992, he studied in Bengaluru and the United States, earning a degree in Economics and English from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is the head of the Wadiyar family and the custodian of Mysore State. In 2024, Yaduveer entered politics and became a Member of Par…
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All the articles and videos referenced in the podcast are available here: can buy Kushal's book here: Mehra is the host of "The Carvaka Podcast" and a commentator known for his discussions on Indian culture, politics, religion, and society. He critics issues r…
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भारत चीन को पीछे छोड़ते हुए दुनिया में सबसे ज़्यादा आबादी वाला देश बन गया है। लेकिन उपभोक्ताओं की बड़ी जनसँख्या के बावजूद क्यों भारत विदेशी निवेशकों को आकर्षित करने में पीछे छूट रहा है? इस सवाल का जवाब ढूंढने के लिए आज हम नज़र डालेंगे भारत और चीन के कंसम्पशन ट्रेंड्स पर। इस हफ़्ते पुलियाबाज़ी पर हमारे मेहमान हैं तक्षशिला इंस्टीट्यूशन से जुड़े स्टाफ रि…
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Order Tipu Sultan: The Saga of Mysore's Interregnum (1760–1799) here: can follow his work at: Sampath is an Indian historian, author, and researcher known for his work on the history of music, culture, and political history in India. He was elected as a Fellow of the prestigious Royal Historical…
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हम सफर क्यों करते हैं? जब हम अपने घर या शहर में रहते हैं, तो एक ही नज़रिये से दुनिया को देखने की आदत पड़ जाती है। सफर हमें मौका देता है कि हम अपने पुराने चश्मे उतारकर, दुनिया को एक नए नज़रिये से देखने की कोशिश करें। सफर का मतलब ही यह होता है कि हम अपनी आम ज़िन्दगी की उलझनों को थोड़ी देर के लिए भूलकर कुछ नया ढूंढने निकलें। अक्सर हमें यह पता नहीं होता कि…
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Reena Gupta is the Delhi Secretary of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). She is also AAP’s National Spokesperson and advises the Delhi government on environmental issues. She has a master’s degree in International Development. Before politics, she worked with organizations like Oxfam America and the World Bank, focusing on environmental and sustainable dev…
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Grab your MuscleBlaze Biozyme Performance Whey now: code DOSTCAST at checkout for the best discount.Vikrant Massey and Raashi Khanna are Indian actors who have made a big impact in the entertainment industry. Vikrant began his career in television before moving to Bollywood. His recent role in…
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पुलियाबाज़ी पर चर्चा में अक्सर ये बात उठती है कि भारत वैज्ञानिक संशोधन में दुसरे देशों की तुलना में कमज़ोर है। पर ऐसा क्यों? इस विषय पर पहले भी FAST, India और Change Engine के को-फाउंडर वरुण अग्गरवाल के साथ पुलियाबाज़ी हुई है। चर्चा को काफ़ी समय हो गया तो हमने सोचा कि इन वर्षों में रिसर्च और इनोवेशन की दुनिया में क्या बदलाव आये हैं इस पर और एक पुलियाबा…
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Rohan Mazumdar is a hybrid calisthenics coach based in Mumbai. He overcame substance abuse, turned his life around, and learned to master his body and now helps hundreds of people move better, become pain-free, and understand their bodies.You can follow Rohan at: this episode, Vinamre and Rohan discuss:- B…
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Michaela Stone Cross is an American writer, journalist, and social satirist living in India. She has written for Vice, Vox, CNN, and interned for Politico and NPR. She has visited 30+ countries and is interested in the rise of Asia, democracy, Indian politics, and the ways art and revolution mix. She also makes video essays on Instagram https://www…
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Welcome to another edition of Puliyabaazi! In today’s episode, we dive into the world of data journalism with noted data journalist Rukmini S. She is the founder of Data for India, a public platform aimed at uncovering new insights about India through data. In this conversation, we discuss the current landscape of data journalism in India. Has the …
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Gajendra Kothari, a financial expert, is the Managing Director and CEO of Etica Wealth Private Limited, a financial services firm specializing in portfolio management and wealth advisory, helping individuals achieve financial freedom. He has over 15 years of experience in both Indian and international capital markets, Gajendra is a Chartered Financ…
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Satish Ray from Chapra, Bihar, is an actor and writer who has appeared in many TVF sketches and Panchayat Season 2. He also has a YouTube channel @SatishRay1 , where he makes satirical videos and funny sketches.In this episode, Vinamre and Satish discuss:- Why he took a break from social media, Handling Negative Emotions- When Pankaj Tripathi calle…
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एक वोट, एक मूल्य ये प्रजातंत्र का मूल सिद्धांत है। इसी बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए, बदलती जनसंख्या के साथ लोकसभा की सीटों का बंटवारा भी बदलने की व्यवस्था हमारे संविधान में की गयी थी। हर दशकीय जनगणना के बाद जनसंख्या के अनुपात में सीटों का बंटवारा होना था। लेकिन, इमरजेंसी के दौरान इस व्यवस्था को पच्चीस सालों के लिए स्थगित कर दिया गया। २००१ में इस बंटवा…
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Grab your MuscleBlaze Biozyme Performance Whey now: code DOSTCAST at checkout for the best discount.Sharan Hegde is the founder & CEO of 1% Club - a finance community which helps people achieve financial independence and creates content to educate people about finance, money management and inv…
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Abhijit Chavda is a geopolitical analyst, historian, and podcaster with expertise in world history, international relations, and geopolitics. Chavda is recognized for his in-depth analysis of complex global issues, including conflicts, political dynamics, and historical perspectives. He is also the host of the Abhijit Chavda Podcast and the [#AskAb…
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एंटीबायोटिक की खोज मानव जाति के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण क्षण था। इससे इंसानों का जीवनकाल बढ़ा और स्वास्थ्य सेवा में क्रांतिकारी बदलाव आया क्योंकि लोग अब मामूली चोटों और संक्रमणों के कारण नहीं मर रहे थे। लेकिन अब एक नया खतरा मंडरा रहा है - सुपरबग बैक्टीरिया अब तक खोजे गए एंटीबायोटिक्स के प्रति तेजी से प्रतिरोधी होते जा रहे हैं। एंटीबायोटिक प्रतिरोध को तेज…
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Sourabh Luthra is an arms dealer from Batala, Amritsar, and the Director of Luthra Gun House. He's a second-generation arms dealer and gun enthusiast. Many Bollywood stars and Punjabi singers get their guns from him. He also has a Youtube Channel In this episode Vinamre and Sourabh talk about: - Different types…
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Prakash Gupta is an Automotive Content Creator and founder of @Biturbomedia , a YouTube channel that focuses on in-depth analysis and reviews of automobiles. His content dives into the history and science behind different vehicle technologies. Prakash gives detailed knowledge on how various car systems work, the development of automotive technologi…
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In this episode, we’re diving into two heavyweight investing styles: Growth and Quality. Explore what makes a company a future giant, like a promising biotech firm developing groundbreaking drugs! We’ll cover key indicators of growth investing, such as sales and earnings growth, market potential, and the significance of research and development. Ne…
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Why is the housing market in India so expensive? Why is buying a house a decision fraught with risk and uncertainty? How can we find clues about the nexus between the builders and the politicians? This week, we speak to Vaidehi Tandel, an urban economist, who has researched into the issues that plague India’s housing market. भारत में घर इतने महंगे …
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You can check out Adivasi Hair Oil on: to order:KAJAL: 7676384325VINESH: 6361130878SUNDARA: 8088010772VINAY: 7676349110Kajal and Vinesh belong to the Haki-Piki Adivasi community. Their product, “Adivasi Hair Oil” is very popular among Indians who prefer hair oils with natural ingredients. At the same time, Adivasi is…
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Pavneet Singh is an author and educator who teaches aspirants for the Indian Civil Services Examination. He has deep knowledge of international relations and runs a YouTube channel @SpyGamesPavneet . Pavneet has authored 23 books, such as R&AW in Saudi Arabia, Passport to LBSNAA, Internal Security, and many more.In this episode, Vinamre and Pavneet…
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नमस्कार, जासूसी कथा और कमांडो मिशन के किस्सों में किसे दिलचस्पी नहीं होती। हालिया, आईसी-814 के हाईजैक पर सीरीज़ के चलते ये किस्सा फिर से चर्चा में है, तो हमने सोचा कि क्यों न किसी ऐसे मेहमान से बात की जाए जो खुद इस घटना में शामिल थें। आज की पुलियाबाज़ी पर हमारे मेहमान हैं आनंद आरणिजी जो IC-814 की घटना में उन पांच अफसरो में से थे जिन्हें भारत सरकार के…
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Sonia Narang is a dietitian in Delhi who helps with medication, healthy eating plans, weight loss, and workout routines. She believes in making small, realistic lifestyle changes that let you enjoy your meals while still reaching your health goals—no strict diets. She’s worked as a nutritionist for some well-known leaders, like the former Health Mi…
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Last week, the long ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah saw an escalation with the blasts of pagers and other communication devices given to the members of Lebanon based political party and terrorist group Hezbollah. As we write this post, this situation is still evolving and it will take some time before the long term consequences of the…
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त्वरित संदर्भ मार्गदर्शिका