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Cold Brew Podcast

David Gasper

Baseball and Beer. A perfect combination. The Cold Brew Podcasts discusses all the latest happenings with the Milwaukee Brewers while drinking some ice cold beers. Brought to you by the crew of Reviewing The Brew and a series of special guests.
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Cold Brew Got Me Like

Chris Crofton

Chris and Greg Crofton have you over for a cup(s) of nitro, and a wide-ranging discussion of whatever is on their minds. Topics typically include injustice, poetry and payphones. New episode every Monday!
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Coffins and Cold Brew

Alyssa Mellizo and Valerie Rader

Dive into the enchanting world of Coffins and Cold Brew, where witchcraft meets the paranormal in a spellbinding podcast experience. Join our friendly hosts as they explore the mystical realms of magic, hauntings, and everything in between. Each episode unravels chilling tales, interviews with seasoned practitioners, and practical tips for navigating the esoteric. Whether you're a seasoned witch or simply curious about the supernatural, our cozy discussions and captivating narratives will br ...
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Welcome to "Convos Over Cold Brew with Emma Abrahamson." Emma is a cold brew fanatic with a background in running, who shares her life on her YouTube channel and Instagram. Tune in to hear conversations with her friends about anything from relationships, social media, food and running. New episodes each week. Follow Emma on Instagram and YouTube.
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Hot Seats and Cold Brews

Tobias Woggon, Dennis Stratmann

In diesem Podcast "Hot Seats and Cold Brews - der Mountainbike Podcast" geht es um Mountainbikes und alles drumherum. Zusammen mit der Downhill Racerin Nina Hoffmann sprechen wir über alles rund um den Downhill Sport. Von Christian Textor alias Texi erfahrt Ihr die neusten News und Hintergründe aus dem Bereich Enduro. Dennis Stratmann und Tobias Woggon sprechen mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten aus der Rad Szene.
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St. Peter said to “Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence.” (1 Peter 3:15, RSVCE). This podcast is dedicated to sharing and defending the truths of the Catholic faith through friendly talks and conversations. These dialogues are all meant to explain what the Catholic Church teaches and provide biblical and historical evidence to support these teachings. So grab a drink, pull up a chair, and ...
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show series
Dave Gasper and Matt Carroll prepare you for Brewers pitchers and catchers reporting that happens this week! There's an update on Brandon Woodruff to break down and the guys take a look at Dave's Top 50 Brewers prospects list which dropped this week, and break down some of the big names and some potential surprises.…
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Heads up witches and weirdos, this episode may not be for small ears. Use your best judgment in you listen with your kiddos. Val and Alyssa explore some of Alyssa's "gardening" stories and the debauchery of celebrating Lupercalia with a sad ghost love story of an Irish Lady in White. Happy season Of Love!!! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★…
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雑談回ではありますが大きなご報告もあります。。 みなさん、大粒ラムネの新作はマジで弩級の美味さです! お便りは here :) フォローアップ(S-kaine・ふつうの軽音部) 嫌われた監督 落合博満は中日をどう変えたのか コーチング研修 ご報告  点描の唄 将棋ウォーズ 大粒ラムネRefreshすっぱいレモン味 朝倉未来
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We're back!!! Summary: A journalist is dragged out of a Blinken press conference - and his "colleagues" don't lift a finger to help him. Song of the Week - Here We Go Crazy": Patreon: Try to stay strong, and we will too! Love, Chris and Greg…
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Dave Gasper and Matt Carroll discuss some changes going on with their writing homes and then dive into the baseball with the news that William Contreras avoided arbitration with the Brewers in a big win for both sides. Also, among the several non-roster invitees to Brewers spring training this year, who are Dave and Matt's favorites to make a big c…
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In der aktuellen Episode des Hot Seats and Cold Brews-Podcasts sprechen Tobias Woggon und Nina Hoffmann über Tobis Trip in Finale Ligure ,die Wetter Kapriolen und die Trails . Nina ist aktuell in Queenstown, Neuseeland, wo sie sich gemeinsam mit ihrem Mechaniker auf die kommende Downhill-Saison vorbereitet. Außerdem geht es um die legendäre Red Bul…
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The Bee Gees - "Country Lanes": Good Morning Patreon: THE LAST SUNSET -for Sam Armstrong I missed it I missed the last sunset I even knew it was gonna be the last one - it was on the news and everything but I was worrying and running around like always and I lost track of time but…
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Eric Bachmann - "Belong to You": Good Morning Patreon: “SHOCK AND AWE” HITS AMERICA and we get the PG-13 version but with the same aim: frighten everyone maim the poorest and while we’re tending to the wounded steal all the moneyद्वारा Chris Crofton
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Dave Gasper and Matt Carroll are preparing for Brewers spring training to start up in a few weeks where there will be robo umps present. Dave and Matt break down what it means and how things will look with the new robo ump system. Also discussed in this week's pod is the possibility of trading the 2027 season for a salary cap. Would you do it? Also…
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In der neuesten Episode des Hot Seats and Cold Brew Podcast sprechen Tobias Woggon und Christian Texi Textor über das Thema Wintertraining, wie man die kalte Jahreszeit effektiv nutzt, um fit zu bleiben, und welche Rolle mentale Stärke dabei spielt. Außerdem teilen die beiden ihre persönlichen Neujahrsvorsätze und geben Einblicke in ihre Ziele für …
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Join Valerie and Alyssa as they chat with Merm about her experiences with dreams, sleep paralysis, the archetypes within those dreams, and ALOT of silly banter. Hold tight, this episode is much more loosey goosey than usual and is a little bananas. We hope you laugh!!! You can find Merm at: Join our patreon for bonus…
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Dave Gasper and Matt Carroll break down the Brewers case in arbitration with All Star catcher William Contreras and why one side is clearly favored in this hearing, plus a look ahead to Wednesday's opening of International Free Agency and who the Brewers are looking to sign.
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2025年明けましておめでとうございます! 今年もよろしくお願いします。 新年一発目の特集はMCバトルの最高峰・KOK2024感想回! あとは漫画や髭剃りのお話。 お便り こちら ! 紅白 KOK2024 呪術廻戦 ふつうの軽音部 ダイヤモンド解散 ラムダッシュ パームインシェーバー ソファ
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4zig – Was macht der Jens eigentlich?Alle Projekte laufen unter dem Dach von 4zig, egal ob die Bücher, Foto/Videoproduktionen, Corporate Design oder Social-Media und Marketing-Beratung: Jens Projekt "Testpilot": TESTPILOT Custom Paintjob und Nerd-Aufbau Nerd-Podcast mit Dave WeagleTeil 1:…
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This week Val and Alyssa catch up on some horror themed attractions in LA, Horror themed coffee drinks, and chat with Stephanie Peters, AKA Witchbythestars. Hang out with us as we learn about Stephanie's spiritual path as a practitioner of 26 years, favorite magic practices, and their experience with The Infernal Divine, King Belial. Ave King Belia…
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In dieser Folge von Hot Seats and Cold Brew spricht Tobias Woggon mit Dennis Stratmann darüber, wie sie ins neue Jahr gestartet sind und was aktuell auf den Trails abgeht. Die beiden tauchen tief in die Herausforderungen des winterlichen Bikens ein: Wie beeinflussen Kälte, Nässe und matschige Bedingungen das Setup eines Bikes? Welche Anpassungen si…
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Dan Fogelberg - "Same Old Lang Syne": Good morning Patreon: JIMMY CARTER I grew up in a Republican home so I was told he was a "disgrace" and a "weakling" I was 10 years old and had food on my table and a backyard to play in so I believed it. Now I know that anybody a Republican t…
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Join Val and Alyssa as they chat with Sarah Valmai, A cemetery council member who cares for and provides cemetery services at several cemeteries in Nottingham, England. Sarah also provides tours at the historical cemeteries and is a paranormal tour guide. She is a wealth of knowledge on cemetery etiquette, symbolism, and connections of different sp…
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今年もshindyuくんお招きしてM-1感想回で締めくくりです、 2024年もお世話になりました! お便り こちら —— M-1グランプリ2024 令和ロマン ヤーレンズ 真空ジェシカ マユリカ ダイタク ジョックロック バッテリィズ ママタルト エバース トムブラウン 最終決戦
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In dieser besonderen Folge nehmen wir uns einen Moment, um Danke zu sagen – danke an euch, unsere treuen Hörerinnen und Hörer, die dieses Jahr mit uns gelacht, nachgedacht und jede Folge zu etwas Besonderem gemacht haben. Wir wünschen euch ein wunderbares Weihnachtsfest, erholsame Feiertage und einen schwungvollen Start ins neue Jahr! Bleibt gesund…
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Dave Gasper and Matt Carroll are taking a look at the best seasons in Brewers franchise history and draft the best lineup they possibly can. Once a player is picked, they cannot be used again. A full lineup, including DH, five starting pitchers, and two relievers. Who drafted the best overall team? Listen and you decide.…
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Billy Squier - "Christmas is a Time to Say I Love You" (MTV video,1981): Good Morning Patreon: LEFTOVER AMBROSIA SALAD -for Alicia Scott ohhh leftover ambrosia salad. you don’t say! how much is left? or wait, don’t answer that. let me guess! is it…ALL OF IT?!!! the whole 55 gallon…
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The Tragically Hip - "Fireworks": Good Morning Patreon: “The Importance of Getting a Physical When You’re Like 35” -for Tim DeClerck yeah, get a physical at age 35 but treat the doctor as an adversary don’t admit how much you drink don’t admit how much you smoke say stuff like “Ho…
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The Tragically Hip - "Ahead By a Century": Good Morning Patreon: CAFFEINE-FREE (poetry window 2020) a car with no engine a boat with no sail a poet without access to the crazy wordsद्वारा Chris Crofton
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Dave Gasper and Matt Carroll break down a big week for the Brewers from moves at the Winter Meetings, including a Rule 5 pick and a loss, the trade of Devin Williams to the New York Yankees, plus the rumors circulating that the Brewers could trade Rhys Hoskins this winter. All of that and more on this week's Cold Brew Podcast…
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Carly Simon - "Coming Around Again": Good Morning Patreon: GARGOYLE PRACTICE -for Mariah Jensen look at us crouched on the ramparts of our own lives making faces, shouting profanities strutting self-consciously on our filthy little ledges reducing mysterious miracles to investment…
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Barry Manilow: "Mandy": Good Morning Patreon: CONSENSUS REALITY -for Ian Pope still-living stragglers from past generations insisting that their reality’s not dead the last few living corporatists grasping at all the things they treasured: racism, the Cold War, The Eagles but the …
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Valerie and Alyssa discus personal favorite holiday time activities, basic Yule origins and traditions, modern Yule Traditions, and Krampus tales. Email: [email protected] Website: Patreon: Shout outs: Casket of Lilacs shop on Etsy…
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RFK Jr. is a Kardashian. ALSO: Adult jungle gyms, and late-capitalism's horrible aesthetic. PLUS: Chris hates chicken fingers, a new Can Do Cold Brew ad - and a song of the week from Tom Waits!!! Tom Waits - "Old Shoes (& Picture Postcards)": Cold Brew Patreon: Channel Nonfiction:…
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Leo Sayer - "More Than I Can Say": Good Morning Patreon: A FAINTLY FAMILIAR SONG -for Sam Armstrong I can’t let anything remain faintly familiar I have to track it down no help! don’t tell me! I’m pretty sure this dogged pursuit of musical memories negatively affects my annual inc…
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Dave Gasper and Matt Carroll are back with a fresh episode of the Cold Brew Podcast. Dave and Matt get you caught up on what's been happening these last several weeks, discuss Willy Adames leaving the Brewers for the Giants, Juan Soto's massive contract, Devin Williams trade rumors, and the Brewers rumored interest in Garrett Crochet. It's a locked…
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In der neuesten Folge des Hot Seats and Cold Brew Podcasts sprechen Nina Hofmann und Tobias Woggon über Ninas großen Schritt: ihren teilweisen Umzug nach Innsbruck. Wie verändert das die Trainingsmöglichkeiten? Wie ist das Leben inmitten der Alpen und was bedeutet das für Ninas Alltag als Profisportlerin?Außerdem werfen sie einen Blick auf ein abso…
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Glen Campbell - "Country Boy (You Got Your Feet in LA)": Good Morning Patreon: EXPOSURE I spent 20 years chasing exposure it was so upsetting that I had to drink myself silly now I concentrate on the work no money in either but dignity in one…
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右腕や歯が痛い師走ではありますが、、もうすぐM1グランプリ ! ついでにビルボード2024年間チャートも振り返りました。 特集はNISAとiDeCo。僕たち学び直し!! お便りは こちら ー! 怪我 / 歯医者 / 物価高 M-1グランプリ2024 流行語大賞 ビルボード2024年年間チャート NISAとiDeCo Bose Ultra Open Earbuds Nano-texture M4 Mac iPad mini A17 Pro UFC310
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Graham Nash - "I Used to Be a King": Good Morning Patreon: HAZELNUTS THAT SHINE LIKE JEWELS I can picture them on the table in the servants' quarters in the medieval dusk dazzlingद्वारा Chris Crofton
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Father John Misty - "Mahashmashana": Good Morning Patreon: END OF THIS GODFORSAKEN YEAR I talked to a tree frog about this year and he said he enjoyed it immenselyद्वारा Chris Crofton
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