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CLIQUES. is an infamous dnb group who have been releasing bangers and anthems since 2021. ”THIS IS CLIQUES.” delves into their creative processes, renegade art philosophies, and features conversations with friends and legends, shedding light on careers, personal journeys, and experiences of people from all different walks of life.
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Duplo Clique

Andrea Janer e Fernanda Belfort

A Andrea Janer da Oxygen, e a Fernanda Belfort da Tribo de Marketing, são duas amigas apaixonadas por lifelong learning. Toda semana, elas se juntam para dar um Duplo Clique nos principais temas de tecnologia, negócios e tendências. Conversas gostosas e descontraídas, mas cheias de conteúdo para você ganhar repertório e estar sempre atualizado. "As opiniões expressas aqui são estritamente pessoais e não devem ser interpretadas como representativas ou endossadas pela Salesforce, empresa onde ...
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The Clique Podcast

Dani Watson

Welcome to The Clique podcast, hosted by founder of The Clique and Self Love & Law of Attraction expert, Dani Watson. The Clique is a coaching company that helps women transform their mindset and use the Law of Attraction to create the life and business of their dreams. Within this podcast, Dani will share with you her tools for getting clear on what you want, identifying the blocks that are holding you back, transforming your beliefs and raising your vibration so that you can be, do and hav ...
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CliquePrize® seeks to create a meaningful dialog and understanding of customer needs and behaviors with small businesses through the power of digital promotions. Watch our Intro video to learn why. CliquePrize® believes growing a small business starts with strong data and customer research. The quickest and easiest way to obtain customer data is to give away a prize and survey customers. With a turnkey system to create and manage local promotions, CliquePrize® is the perfect tool to target, ...
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Clique 6

Clique 6

Conversation of friends who have known each other for over 20 years. Different opinions, different perspectives, on multiple topics. Facebook-Clique 6 Instagram- @clique_6_podcast Twitter-@clique_six
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Culture Clique


Culture Clique features a variety of topics creating awareness and understanding, while exploring the diversity of Winona, MN. Want to learn about Winona's past, present or future? Culture Clique brings you all things Winona.
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Plantation Clique

Brandon Clai & SnooK NaZty

Brandon Clai & SnooK NaZty bring you the Plantation Clique Podcast! Listen to our twisted views on relationships and everything pop culture. Follow us on social media. Twitter/Instagram: @plantationcliq // @brandonclai // @snooknazty Please subscribe to & review us on iTunes!
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Couch Clique

Couch Clique Podcast

Couch Clique is a podcast between two great friends. Tune in as we discuss pop culture and societal topics with a bit of flair and quirkiness, all from our beloved couch.
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V Ance Easter

Welcome to the GRAVITY CLIQUE podcast, where amazing things happen to the most amazing people. By holding each other down with the information and answers to life’s questions and Delivering topics from all aspects of life specializing in late night talks , spiritual energy’s - NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS HERE
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Clique Talk

Ryan Akeem

Welcome all of you to Clique talk, a place where we give our take on various things from social, political, and spirital views... Thank you for tunning in and enjoy. Support this podcast:
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Ça Clique!

Louis-Charles Bourgeois

Animé par le photographe Louis-Charles Bourgeois et la vidéaste Gabrielle Savard, “Ça clique!” vous présente des conversations relax et sans filtre avec divers invités de l’industrie audiovisuelle québécoise. On jase de photo, de vidéo, on discute des nouvelles caméras, de nos clients cauchemars… Du tout pour vous divertir pendant les fameuses nuits blanches d’editing!
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Curiosity Clique

Curiosity Clique

"Making Smart Cool Again" A series of audio-logs following the hosts Aly and Seif along their intellectual journey. In this Journey they will be discussing politics, ideas, and their passions through easily accessible language. As well they will be bringing in an onslaught of intellectual and passionate guests from all walks of life.
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Cocktails With The Clique

Cocktails With The Clique

Join Tina, Dez, Vicky & La La as we breakdown the juiciest topics all while having a nice pretty colored cocktail. You can have one too! Things may get a little steamy and who don’t like a little mess every now and then?! This is a show you do not want to miss!!
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NS-CLIQUEN Von Menschen und Mördern

Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Menschen, die im KZ arbeiteten, gab es zu Tausenden und in ganz verschiedenen Tätigkeiten. Sie wirkten mit an der Aufrechterhaltung des KZ-Systems. Warum wurden Menschen zu überzeugten Nationalsozialisten und Mittätern? Der Historiker Dr. Stefan Hördler, historischer Gutachter im Prozess einer zivilen Angestellten des KZ Stutthof, und die Journalistin Leonie Schöler gehen dieser Frage nach: Müssen wir nicht – um wirklich aus der Geschichte lernen zu können – begreifen, wer die Mörder waren u ...
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The True Crime Clique

The True Crime Clique

The True Crime Clique is the podcast for misfits. Ally and Hannah bring you a new case, many of which even the most fluent true crime aficionado have never heard of. Every Thursday, the TCC gives voices to the families of victims of violent crimes.
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Rachel K. Grim - the speaker & empowerHER behind Ditch the Clique - takes the brands empowering resources to the next level with the REAL women podcast. From confidence boosting hacks, to dream achieving strategies and community connection Rachel keeps goal-getting ladies inspired to move beyond limiting circumstances and into the life they dream Follow Rachel on Instagram @rachelkgrim and Ditch the Clique @ditchtheclique
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The Blue Clique: Expression of Spirit

Immortals Beyond the Illusion

Blue is the expression of spirit. Blue Clique is comprised of a group of individuals sharing ideas, and discoveries, of Spirit, through, open, honest, authentic talk. Here we are exploring the many facets of consciousness, Chakras, enlightenment, spirituality, soul, family, relationships, parenthood, mediation, growth, kundalini, metaphysics and more, on our journey to discover our authentic self.
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After a brief hiatus, Dani returns with an exciting announcement—the launch of the Thalia App, a platform designed for deep healing, self-love, and manifestation. In this episode, she takes you behind the scenes, sharing the challenges, setbacks, and the pivotal moment she realized she had to start over from scratch. Plus, she offers an exclusive l…
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Send us a text Navegamos pelas políticas de tarifas de Trump e pelo panorama do SXSW, revelando como o festival de Austin se tornou epicentro global de inovação e mantém sua essência progressista mesmo enfrentando transformações. Esse ano o SXSW enfrenta novos desafios com a demolição do Austin Convention Center, mas continua sendo vital para quem …
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Dans cet épisode, nous vous parlons des relations amoureuses. Le dating étant en premier plan, nous nous appuyons sur nos expériences personnelles pour vous transmettre notre façon de faire et nos idées. Bonne écoute!द्वारा Dan & Frank
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In this episode, I am joined by a legendary figure from the Jungle and Drum and Bass scene, Jumping Jack Frost. This conversation goes deep, exploring his music career, good life choices, bad life choices, and how the last two years have been so impactful and life changing for him. It was a true honour to meet Jumping Jack Frost and hear his story.…
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Im dritten und letzten Teil der Podcasts über die Nürnberger Spielwarenmesse 2025 sprechen Smuker und Mathias über ihren Samstag vor Ort, die dort vorgestellten Spiele von Huch!, HeidelBär Games, Korea Boardgames, Zoch/Noris und Game Factory, sowie über ihre Erstpartie von Fromage. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören. Aufnahmedatum: 10.03.2025 Inhalt: 00:00:0…
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Smuker, Mathias und Nici waren natürlich nicht nur einem Tag auf der Nürnberger Spielwarenmesse 2025, sondern drei und folglich kommt nun der zweite von drei Teilen dieser Podcastserie über viele Frühjahrsneuheiten. Dieses Mal mit NSV, KOSMOS, Queen Games, Pegasus, Elznir Games, Cranio Creations und ein paar anderen Neuheiten. Viel Spaß beim Hören.…
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Send us a text Recentemente, um encontro entre Trump e Zelensky no Salão Oval provocou reações intensas e análises profundas sobre o futuro das relações políticas. A conversa abordou temas cruciais da geopolítica contemporânea e levantou questões sobre alianças globais e os impactos de decisões políticas em andamento. "As opiniões expressas aqui sã…
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Send us a text O episódio explora o impacto das tecnologias emergentes de Elon Musk, como o Grok 3 e o chip Majorana da Microsoft, enquanto examina a interseção da tecnologia com a política, como o alinhamento de Trump com Putin e as atuais eleições na Alemanha. Através de uma análise profunda dos avanços robóticos e as tendências destacadas no SXS…
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When Grim Sickers and Genesis Elijah hit the podcast together, you know you're in for a wild ride! In this episode, we talk about hip-hop beefs, life goals, performing on the main stage at Glastonbury, give real insights into artist life in 2025 and so much more. I've got a feeling this will be the first of many episodes featuring these two legends…
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In today's episode, CliquePrize® looks at the difference between Customer Appreciation Gifts versus Winning Prizes from a Giveaway. We will look at the Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of both promotional tactics, Why Giveaways Create Stronger Brand Connections, Why Giveaway Campaigns Last Longer, The Power of Random Drawings, and examine The Advanta…
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Send us a text Analisamos o impacto político e tecnológico atual, discutindo o "Make Europe Great Again" e as suas implicações na geopolítica, além da crescente tensão entre os líderes globais. Também falamos sobre o futuro do trabalho, as propostas de Musk para a OpenAI e as rígidas novas diretrizes para trabalho remoto no JP Morgan. "As opiniões …
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Im ersten Teil des diesjährigen Podcasts zur Nürnberger Spielwarenmesse 2025 sprechen Smuker, Nici und Mathias über die vorgestellten und größtenteils für Euch gedrehten Frühjahrsneuheiten. Dieses Mal geht es um Spin Master, Haba, HCM Kinzel, Kendi Games, frechverlag, Schmidt Spiele, Ravensburger, Piatnik und Moses. Außerdem geben sie ihren Erstein…
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Send us a text A interseção entre Donald Trump e Elon Musk revela um novo paradigma na política moderna, onde comunicação e entretenimento se fundem. Analisamos como as estratégias de distração de Trump e a imagem inovadora de Musk têm adequado o discurso e a resposta política no cenário atual. "As opiniões expressas aqui são estritamente pessoais …
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In episode 16, I am joined by the one and only BCEE. With over 25 years of releases and djing in his career to date, Steve is one of the true legends of the scene, creating music that resonates not only in raves but on a much deeper level. This is a two hour conversation where we explore many aspects of his life, from DJing to running the mighty Sp…
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Send us a text A revolução da inteligência artificial está em pleno andamento com a chegada da Deep Seek, que desafia as percepções tradicionais do que é possível com a IA. Essa discussão abrange o impacto da Deep Seek no mercado, a diferença entre open source e open weights, e as dinâmicas geopolíticas que moldam essa transformação. "As opiniões e…
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Send us a text A edição deste ano do World Economic Forum em Davos refletiu sobre a interação entre as decisões políticas e os avanços tecnológicos em meio a um cenário global em mutação. As discussões abordaram a influência da nova presidência de Trump, as tensões em torno da tecnologia e a urgência por regulamentações que garantam um uso ético da…
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In Episode 15, I am joined by Film Director Jamie Ross-Hulme to discuss his monumental new film, HYPER: The Stevie Hyper D Story. Focusing on the legendary Stevie Hyper D, Jamie, alongside Stevie's nephew Darrell, has spent over 10 years creating a masterpiece that not only showcases Stevie's rise to fame within the 1990s drum and bass scene but al…
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Send us a text Nesse episódio exploramos as complexas interações entre tecnologia, política e crise climática, abordando o iminente encerramento do TikTok nos EUA, as implicações da posse de Trump no Fórum de Davos, e a crescente preocupação com refugiados climáticos. Através de uma análise abrangente, discutimos mudanças nas políticas de diversida…
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Send us a text E o Duplo Clique nasceu!! No primeiro episódio comentamos algumas notícias do começo do ano e demos um Duplo Clique no tema do Trump, Elon Musk e a polêmica decisão do Mark Zuckerberg em retirar a moderação do conteúdo na Meta. Por que isso importa tanto, quais as implicações e o que nos espera? Clique pra ouvir e dar um duplo clique…
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In the final episode of 2024, it’s a CLIQUES. special. We go deep on where we are heading, play music you’ll soon be able to get your hands on, discuss the current dnb scene, share experiences of recording with Grime and Hip Hop legends and why in 2025 we are going to show people what we are truly about…
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As we wrap up 2024, we’re celebrating a year of growth, transformation, and powerful conversations by revisiting some of the best moments from the podcast over the past 12 months. From mindset shifts to harnessing your feminine energy, unlocking the law of attraction, and building a coaching business, this episode is packed with wisdom and inspirat…
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This episode is a special re-release of one of our most-loved episodes from last year: "Reinventing Yourself and Making Next Year Your Comeback Year." If you missed it the first time or want a fresh dose of inspiration, this one's for you! We're diving into the art of reinvention, and we have a special workbook crafted to be your guide—packed with …
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Dreaming of building a coaching business but still working a 9-to-5? In this episode, Dani is sharing her best tips to help you make it happen without the overwhelm! Whether you’re feeling stuck in the daily grind or just starting to map out your transition, this episode is packed with practical strategies and mindset shifts to get you on track. St…
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In this episode, Dani is sharing the powerful signs that your manifestations are on the way—yes, your dreams are about to manifest! Sometimes, it can feel like you’re stuck in the waiting game, but there are always clues the universe gives us when things are aligning. Dani will walk you through the key signs to look for, how to stay in flow with yo…
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In this episode, im joined by electronic music legends, Orbital – a band who have blazed a trail through the music scene for decades, creating raw, uncompromising, and iconic tunes, while also blowing people’s minds with their live shows. I joined Phil Hartnoll to dive into the history of electronic music and Orbital, the process behind some of the…
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In this episode, we’re diving into a topic that can be tough to handle: navigating relationships with emotionally immature people. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a partner, dealing with emotional immaturity can be exhausting and confusing. We’ll explore what emotional immaturity looks like, why some people struggle with it, and how i…
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In this episode, Dani dives into the fear of being seen and how it often stems from trauma. She shares valuable insights on why this fear holds so many of us back and offers practical strategies to overcome it. If you've ever felt the urge to shrink back or hide, this conversation will empower you to embrace your visibility and step into your true …
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Pick up your glasses and put on your glasses because today on Culture Clique, we're bringing you a part 2 of 3 series the 38th Nerd Nite hosted at the No Name Bar. Nerd Nite is a monthly event hosted for nerds, by nerds, with drinks. This event was put on by WSU Professors Dr Carl Ferkinhoff and Dr Emily Ruff where three candidates get 15-30 minute…
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In this episode, we’re getting real about something so many of us face—breaking patterns of addiction and learning how to self-soothe. Whether it’s reaching for food when you’re stressed, getting lost in endless scrolling, or repeating the same unhealthy relationship dynamics, Dani is here to remind you: you don’t have to stay stuck in those cycles…
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Pick up your glasses and put on your glasses because today on Culture Clique, we're bringing you a part 1 of 3 series of the 38th Nerd Nite that was hosted at the No Name Bar. Nerd Nite is a monthly event hosted for nerds, by nerds, with drinks. This event was put on by WSU Professors Dr Carl Ferkinhoff and Dr Emily Ruff where three candidates get …
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In 2019, promising rugby player Noah Rees fell 25 feet from Brighton's seafront railings and suffered multiple life-threatening injuries. Faced with the prospect of having to learn to walk, talk, and live again, Noah has proven himself to be a true warrior, fighting to overcome every challenge he faces. He now has his sights set on winning a gold m…
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In this episode, Dani is diving deep into a transformative journey that so many women face — healing the mother wound. Whether you’ve experienced feelings of rejection, abandonment, or not feeling fully seen, the mother wound can be a heavy weight we carry. But here’s the truth: you can heal it and step into the empowered, whole version of yourself…
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In the episode, we discuss addiction, overcoming challenges, mental and physical health, production, and Raps huge career to date, including her time as a major label artist and the Rap tribe that has been built over the past few years. This is a crucial conversation which we are releasing to celebrate and acknowledge World Mental Health Day and th…
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In this episode, Dani dives deep into the art of detaching from your desires and manifesting in a more feminine, intuitive way. She will be sharing how to let go of the need to control the outcome, trust in divine timing, and allow the universe to support you in manifesting your dreams. Tune in to learn how to shift into a state of ease, flow, and …
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In this episode we are joined by Hologram. Three artists and friends in the form of Degs, Citrus Fly and Detune, this is the story of their individual careers to date, how lockdown created a situation for them to form this group, the highs and lows of promoting your own events and so much more. This was a full gang recording with all members of CLI…
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Smuker und Nici waren auf den KOSMOS Pressetagen 2024, um dort einige der Neuheiten zu testen und zu filmen. In diesem Podcast sprechen sie über das Event und die gewonnenen Ersteindrücke zu den gespielten Spielen. Auch Mathias taucht kurz auf und spricht über CATAN: Energien. Inhalt: 00:00:00.000 - 00:00:12.131: Intro 00:00:12.131 - 00:00:23.551: …
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In this episode, Dani dives into the heart of what it truly means to embrace and cultivate self-love without conditions. You will learn the foundations of unconditional self-love, learning how to build a strong and nurturing relationship with yourself. This episode provides a transformative experience for anyone looking to deepen their self-love jo…
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Joining us for this episode are the legends, The Ragga Twins. We talk through their lives growing up, hosting sound systems, creating the legendary Reggae Owes Me Money album, their journey into the rave world, jungle music, creating anthems, and so much more.द्वारा cliqueshq
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In this episode, Dani dives into the evolving landscape of the coaching industry. With the sector expanding rapidly and more people investing in coaching than ever before, Dani reflects on the remarkable successes many coaches have achieved. However, this surge in popularity has also led to a rise in individuals claiming the title of "coach" and ch…
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Jo Gardner is a management superstar who has overseen campaigns for many leading dance music artists, resulting in millions of streams, double platinum achievements, and worldwide fame. In this episode, we discuss all things Pendulum, including their journey to a sell-out show at the O2, a theory involving 1,000 fans that can help artists generate …
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Nicht von Beginn an wurden in den KZ Menschen zu tausenden und durch ausgeklügelte Mord-Methoden umgebracht. Auch hier "experimentierte" die SS und erst allmählich entstanden Abläufe, Vorrichtungen und auch Personengruppen, die sich explizit der Frage des effizienten Mordens annahmen. Wilhelm Schäfer war Teil davon, indem er mit anderen Tausende so…
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This week we are joined by Dave Columbo Jenkins. He’s is a shining light in the scene and for many years has celebrated and promoted the music of dnb artists and labels. Dave is now in an exciting new chapter of his career, djing and smashing it with his own platform 1morething. Expect a deep dive into Dave’s history in music, the meaning behind hi…
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Frauen, die in die sog. Sippengemeinschaft der SS durch Heirat aufgenommen werden wollten, mussten bestimmte Anforderungen erfüllen. Wie wichtig es war, "die Richtige" auszusuchen, zeigt das Beispiel von Paul Werner Hoppe, des Kommandanten des KZ Stutthof (und als solcher Chef der aktuell vor Gericht stehenden KZ-Sekretärin Irmgard F.). Für ihn bed…
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Eine frühe und starke ideologische Verbundenheit mit den Nazis zeigt sich oft über die Mitgliedsnummern von NSDAP- und SS-Mitgliedern. Je niedriger, desto früher traten Menschen den Organisationen bei. Bei Egon Zill und seinen Freunden aus der SS in Plauen lässt sich dieses Phänomen besonders gut belegen. Es sind Männer, die das Netzwerk der Nazis …
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Korruption war in der SS allgegenwärtig. Die Bereicherung Einzelner führte sogar zu Todesurteilen gegen SS-Männer. Anhand der Kantinenverwaltung der KZ mit Sitz in Dachau kann man nachvollziehen, wie groß das Problem war und wie mit Menschen umgangen wurde, die der Korruption überführt wurden – wie Albert Breh, der in der Kantinenverwaltung arbeite…
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In this episode, we are joined by UK Hip Hop legend Genesis Elijah and Terry Hooligan (Atomic Hooligan & Owner of On The Rise DJ Academy). We talk through recording killer verses, bodying other rappers by staying true to yourself, appearing on the cover of DJ Mag, the highs and lows of a lives in the music industry and a few of the wildest moments …
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In this episode, Dani is chatting with the amazing Marina Yanay-Triner. Marina is a transformational coach dedicated to helping people reignite their connection with life, overcome burnout, and embrace joy and vitality. With her trauma-informed approach, she explores the deep-rooted causes of limiting beliefs and patterns, drawing from childhood ex…
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