Official Podcast of Dr. Stephen Pidgeon at Cepher Publishing Group. Find out more at
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Horizont je podkast, ki te popelje onkraj meja vsakdana in ti pomaga razširiti svoja obzorja. Vsaka epizoda ti pomaga odkrivati nove ideje in načine razmišljanja ter premagovati meje rutinskega vsakdana. Pridruži se mi na poti raziskovanja in odkrij, kako lahko raznolike perspektive obogatijo tvoje življenje.
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A CEPIA é uma organização não governamental sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 1990, voltada para a execução de projetos que contribuam para a ampliação e efetivação dos direitos humanos e o fortalecimento da cidadania, e para tanto, desenvolve quatro programas: Empoderamento e formação de adolescentes e jovens, Empoderamento e formação em direitos humanos das mulheres, Direitos humanos, acesso à justiça e violência contra a mulher e Direitos humanos, saúde e direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. To ...
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El Canal de la Historia Antigua.
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The best in Christian Rock and Pop from then and now.
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Obrolan ringan di sore hari yang bisa menghibur
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Sebuah kerandoman 2 KPopers.
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Obral Obrol
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CeptyBrown adalah seorang Penulis yg Hoby banget traveling untuk mencari ide 2 kreatif yg akan di tuangkan ke dalam Novel.
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CEPOD (Cewe-Cewe Podcast) berisi bahasan receh tapi berbobot versi cewe-cewe kece!
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Where you can listen to podcast versions of shows from CEPTV online channel and network.
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Semoga kamu cepat tidur dan mimpi indah. Mau bagi cerita bisa direct message ke ig @kopandavil
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CePod Ngalup hadir dan berbagi celometan berfaedah melalui podcast. Mengajak tokoh-tokoh inspiratif buat ngobrol bareng dan cerita pengalaman di dunia karir gawe umak kabeh Sohibul Ngalup, ker!
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Cephalon Squared is a regular podcast about Warframe. Join your Cephalons Greg & Lucas every week as they discuss recent news and announcements, and provide tips and tricks for new and old players alike.
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The Cephalopodcast is a podcast hosted by the Giant Squidstravaganza, a giant squid trying to make his way in a difficult world full of humans and pollution. Written and produced by Paul and Joe DeGeorge.
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The Cambridge Endurance-sports Podcast is back! Pleas rate and share. Get in touch via our FB Twitter @camendurance. Instagram
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Tubidy, Mp3 indir, Müzik indir
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The Exacting Clam Cephalopodcast, the podcast tentacle of Exacting Clam magazine, offers an idiosyncratic and approachable perspective on contemporary arts and literature, with readings, interviews and more.
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Welcome to the Tugumisiriize PETER CEPHAS podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Live from the basements of the University, it's your new favorite music podcast! Turn off and tune into the boys from Food Club talk about music, events in the world, and day-to-day (...basically everything except country)! Join Jake, Joe, Joon, and Chad every week on all podcasting platforms!
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Welcome to the Cephas Karate-Jujitsu Elite Academy podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Bienvenid@s al Canal Oficial de YouTube de Cepin el Gps Oficial. ¡Encuentra todos los videos musicales y audios oficiales de Cepin el Gps Oficial para todos sus álbumes, incluyendo Quien Contra Mi, Hablan de mi, Ponte La Pila, Yo siento Un Gozo, Las Que No Iban a Salir y más! Cepin el Gps Oficial es un joven cantante, Merenguero Cristiano Productor de Música Y Productor de Video urbana originario de Republica Dominicana. Este talentoso artista ha demostrado un poder, una influencia y una dem ...
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Mental Performance Coach, Dr. Cassidy Preston, talks about the mental game of sports and life. Topics covered include confidence, focus, composure, resilience, and leadership. Mastering these mental skills is key to playing in the flow state, enjoying sport, and achieving Consistent Elite Performance.
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2017'den bugüne; Etik, Nitelik, Bilimsellik ilkeleriyle psikolojiye ilişkin proje, ürün ve hizmet üreten bir sosyal girişimdir. Meslek mensuplarınca yönetilmektedir. Psikolog, psikoterapist ve psikolojik danışman profillerini onaylar, listeler. Herkese psikolojik hizmet bulur. © 2017-2021
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Civitas Education Partners is a school management organization that is home to four Chicago International Charter Schools. Across the city of Chicago, our families, over 200 teachers, more than 2,300 students and a host of community partners, work collaboratively to create signature student experiences and highlight innovation in education. Welcome to the Cool In My CEP School Podcast, where we visit CICS ChicagoQuest, CICS Northtown Academy, CICS Ralph Ellison & CICS Wrightwood and highligh ...
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O improvizaciji, televiziji in kreativnih izzivih - Horizont Podkast #03 - Jure Godler
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बाद में चलाएं
1:22:44V tej epizodi podkasta Horizont se nam pridruži Jure Godler, večkratni TV voditelj, imitator, avtor in glasbenik. Pogovarjava se o njegovih začetkih v televizijskem svetu, improvizaciji, ustvarjalnem procesu, pisanju knjig in seveda njegovemu legendarnemu šovu "Ta teden z Juretom Godlerjem". Spoznajte njegovo pot od radijskih skečev, stand-upa do v…
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Episódio #08 - Diversidade Sexual: Referências e Potências
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1:08:02Quando falamos sobre diversidade sexual, o que vem à nossa cabeça? Esse é um conceito que abrange muitas experiências, identidades e formas de viver a sexualidade. Quais são os desafios, as conquistas e os espaços de acolhimento para diferentes identidades? Esse é o tema do 8o episódio deste nosso podcast “Diversidade Sexual: Referências e Potência…
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Cephas Hour Episode 138द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Cephas Hour Episode 137द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing.
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Cephas Hour Episode 136द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing.
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing Group.
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Episódio #07 - O trabalho não remunerado e de cuidados realizado pelas mulheres no Brasil
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बाद में चलाएं
58:45Você já ouviu falar sobre o trabalho não remunerado e de cuidados realizado pelas mulheres? Com certeza sabe bem o que é isso na prática, ainda mais se você é uma mulher! Esse é o tema do 7o episódio de nosso podcast “O trabalho não remunerado e de cuidados realizado pelas mulheres no Brasil”. Vamos entender o conceito de divisão sexual do trabalho…
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing.
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Cephas Hour Episode 135द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Cephas Hour Episode 134द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Miti in resnice o prehrani - Horizont podkast #02 - Jernej Ogrin
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1:10:54V tej epizodi se z Jernejem pogovarjava o različnih vidikih prehrane in življenjskega sloga. Razpravljava o tem, kako je začel s prehrano, koliko obrokov na dan je optimalnih, in razgljabljava o mitih in resnicah o prehrani. Dotakneva se tudi implementacije novih navad, definicije 'zdrave' hrane, in na kaj biti pozoren pri konzumiranju informacij o…
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Pastora Luz Testimonio rebasa el Cancer I Cepin el Gps
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52:12Sobrevivir al Cáncer: Mi Historia de Esperanza y FortalezaSí pero ya tú sabes yo me puse a llamar yo en emergencia Eso fue grito grito Se hizo un velorio en la casa de mi mamá con todas mis hermanas Un velorio dando viva porque cuando tú te dicen que tiene cáncer tú piensas cuántos planes cuántos proyectos cuántas metas cuántas cosas por alcanzar q…
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Cephas Hour Episode 133द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Zavedanje svojega telesa in odpravljanje kroničnih težav - Horizont podkast #01 - Blaž Jurečič
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बाद में चलाएं
1:42:10V prvi epizodi Horizont podkasta je z nami Blaž Jurečič, strokovnjak za odpravo kroničnih bolečin in “skritih” posledic stresa. Posameznikom že vrsto let pomaga do boljšega telesnega in psihičnega počutja. Z nami je delil nasvete, kako se bolj zavedati svojega telesa in kako posledično lažje odpraviti kronične težave in stres iz našega življenja.…
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Dulce sabor amargo Proceso el éxito Un viaje desde la calle hasta la cima Eury López I Cepin el Gps
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बाद में चलाएं
44:58Dulce sabor amargo Proceso el éxito Un viaje desde la calle hasta la cima Eury López I Cepin el Gps Dulce sabor amargo Proceso el éxito Un viaje desde la calle hasta la cima Eury López I Cepin el Gps Dulce sabor amargo Proceso el éxito Un viaje desde la calle hasta la cima Eury López I Cepin el Gps
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Cephas Hour Episode 132द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Shabbath with Cepher Publishing.
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Cephas Hour of Peace - September 6, 2024
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1:02:31Cephas Hour of Peace - September 6, 2024द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Cephas Hour Episode 131द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Cephas Hour Episode 130द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Today Kurt Luchs begins a series of readings of poems from Death Row Row Row Your Boat, his new collection from Sagging Meniscus. This episode's poem is the first in the collection: "A Mist in the Tree".द्वारा Exacting Clam
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing Group.
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Cephas Hour Episode 129द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Episódio #06 - Educação sexual abrangente
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57:39Você já ouviu falar sobre Educação Sexual Abrangente? Esse será o tema do 6o episódio de nosso podcast ‘’Educação Sexual é responsabilidade de quem?’’ Vamos entender o que é educação sexual abrangente a partir da escuta de adolescentes e jovens que participaram do projeto Educação sexual se fala com jovens! Neste episódio Kézia Sampaio, assistente …
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Cepher Shabbat Group
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Cephas Hour Episode 128द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Shabbat with Cepher Publishing
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Cephas Hour Episode 127द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Cepher Shabbat Group
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Cephas Hour Episode 126द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Cepher Shabbat Group
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A New Way for Athletes, Coaches, and Parents to Approach Sports & Life
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44:30As part of a high-performing team you want to collaborate, support each other, and be a team player… but in the same breath, you also want to hit your numbers, earn your bonus, and chase down your next promotion. You try to be ‘positive’ but the projects, responsibilities, and requests keep piling up. And you try to be a team player but the gnawing…
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Cepher Shabbat Group
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Cepher Shabbat Group
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Cephas Hour Episode 125द्वारा Cephas Hour
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Cepher Shabbat Group
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Shabbat with Dr. P
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