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Buhler MB Church

Curt Vogt

We are blessed by your presence with us! We do not believe your visit to our church was by chance, so we pray that you would experience God's blessing as we worship, learn, grow, and encourage one another.
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show series
Acts 1 & 2For Further DiscussionWhat comes to mind when you think of the term: “church”?Do you think about purposes of church? What are somepurposes of church?How would your life be different if you were involved less atchurch? Involved more?How would you answer the question: “Why do you go tochurch?”How important is the “how” we do church?…
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1 Corinthians 9:24-27For Further DiscussionDo you like the allegory of life as a race? Why or why not?What were the three areas to consider when running yourlife race? Which one is most challenging? Easiest?What do you think it might mean to be disqualified fromthe prize?Are you running in such a way as to win the prize? (Whichgroup are you in?) Ar…
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Ephesians 1:7-10For Further DiscussionWhat does “redemption” mean? What are we redeemedfrom?What are some things that God has lavished on us – fromthis passage and others?What does God lavishing us with the riches of His grace tellus about His love for us?How does this passage impact your understanding of yourrelationship with God?…
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Psalm 63For Further DiscussionWhat does David's thirst for God mean to you? Have youever felt a similar spiritual thirst? How did that resolve?How do we quench a spiritual thirst for God?What does it mean that “your love is better than life?”(vs. 3)How can we keep other (unsatisfying) thirsts in check?How does Psalm 63 encourage perseverance in our…
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1 Corinthians 13For Further DiscussionWhat are the five gifts (or areas) that people may believeare above more important than love? (vs. 1 – 3) Why arewe tempted to believe that other things are more significant than love?Review what love is and what it is not. How does Paul’sdefinition compare with the world’s view of what love is?Does it surprise…
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Exodus 19:4; Deuteronomy 32:10-12; Isaiah 40:31;Psalm 103:52 Samuel 23:8 & 18; Daniel 4:9 & 5:11;Ephesians 2:19 & 20; 1 Peter 5:4For Further DiscussionIs it necessary or essential for Jesus followers to gather forconferences, retreats, camps, etc.? Why or why not?How do gatherings like this grow us closer to Jesus?The eagle is an allegory or illust…
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2 Corinthians 5: 17 - 19; Matthew 5: 23 & 24;2 Corinthians 10: 3 & 4For Further DiscussionWhat does it mean that real reconciliation with God meanstransformation? How can we help others be reconciled toGod?Do we have to determine who was right and who waswrong to resolve conflicts? Can you think of an examplewhere our church handled a personal conf…
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Ephesians 4:32; Romans 12:2; Acts 2:46 & 47For Further DiscussionWhy is forgiveness important for meaningful community?Considering “vertical” or “horizontal” forgiveness, does oneseem more important than the other?Which discernment method – preaching, teaching,dialogue - is most effective for you? Is it difficult to practicediscernment in community…
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Luke 9: 23; Hebrews 1: 1 & 2; Philippians 2: 9-11For Further DiscussionDoes it seem ridiculously obvious that Jesus should be central? What do you think that means?How would you define discipleship? What role do beliefs, forgiveness and spiritual experience have in following Jesus?How does a “Jesus as central” approach affect our study and interpre…
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1 Corinthians 3:11For Further Discussion(Since groups have not met for a couple of weeks, please feel free to spend some time catching up with one another.)Had you heard the term “Anabaptist” before? What comes to mind when you hear the term?Do you think knowing some of the history of our tradition is important to know? Why or why not?Was there any…
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1 Corinthians 3:11For Further Discussion(Since groups have not met for a couple of weeks, please feel free to spend some time catching up with one another.)Had you heard the term “Anabaptist” before? What comes to mind when you hear the term?Do you think knowing some of the history of our tradition is important to know? Why or why not?Was there any…
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Matthew 8: 5-13; 19: 16-23Father God, as we embark on a New YearMay our lives overflow with joyNo matter what each day bringsMay we constantly come to You in prayerFor all things large and smallAnd may our hearts be filled with gratitudeTo acknowledge Your goodnessMay Your will be done in the New YearAnd bless us, we pray…
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Matthew 2:1-18For Further DiscussionWhat were some of Herod’s circumstances that affectedhis response to the new King (Jesus)?What kind of ruler (leader) do you think Herod was? How isJesus model of ruling (leadership) different from Herod’s?(keep in mind the Sermon on the Mount)Compare (and contrast) the responses to Jesus of Mary,the Magi and Her…
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Matthew 2: 1-12For Further DiscussionFrom what we know of the Magi, why was their response to the coming of King Jesus a little odd?What might this story have to say about people seeking the King? Or honoring the King?How does the Magi’s response to Jesus compare (or contrast) with Mary’s response?What can the Magi’s story teach us about responding…
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1 Samuel 8:5-9; 2 Samuel 7:16; Isaiah 9:6 & 7; Matthew 5-7For Further DiscussionIs it difficult to grasp the idea of a true, definitive King thatshould be followed and obeyed?Do you think people, in general, want to have a king overthem? Why or why not?What are the positive aspects of following King Jesus withcommitted allegiance? Are there negativ…
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1 Samuel 8:5-9; 2 Samuel 7:16; Isaiah 9:6 & 7; Matthew 5-7For Further DiscussionIs it difficult to grasp the idea of a true, definitive King thatshould be followed and obeyed?Do you think people, in general, want to have a king overthem? Why or why not?What are the positive aspects of following King Jesus withcommitted allegiance? Are there negativ…
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1 Samuel 8:5-9; 2 Samuel 7:16; Isaiah 9:6 & 7; Matthew 5-7For Further DiscussionIs it difficult to grasp the idea of a true, definitive King thatshould be followed and obeyed?Do you think people, in general, want to have a king overthem? Why or why not?What are the positive aspects of following King Jesus withcommitted allegiance? Are there negativ…
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Isaiah 48:11Missionary SpeakerHow then can they call on the One they have not believedin? And how can they believe in the One of whom they havenot heard? And how can they hear without someone topreach? And how can they preach unless they are sent? Asit is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bringgood news!”Romans 10:14-15…
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Matthew 7: 13-29For Further DiscussionWhat might “good fruit” look like in someone’s life? What about “bad fruit”? (vs 17-20)Verses 21 – 23 can be quite alarming. How should we navigate this section?How can we build our house on the strong foundation? (vs. 24-27)What aspects of the Sermon on the Mount stand out to you?…
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Matthew 7: 7-12For Further DiscussionWhy is it difficult to ask for help from others? Is it difficult to ask for help from God?What do Jesus’ illustrations indicate about God as our ultimate Father? (vs. 9-11)How does the Golden Rule (7:12) sum up the Law and Prophets?What seems easy about the Golden Rule? What seems hard?…
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Matthew 7: 1-6For Further DiscussionIs a follower of Jesus ever called to judge? Why or why not?In a culture that often views the Church as increasingly judgmental, how can a follower of Jesus interact with others while holding fast to the truth?Give an example (positive or negative) of an instance when you have seen the difference between judgment…
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Matthew 6: 25-34For Further DiscussionWhat are some things you find yourself worrying about?What really comes out of worrying?How do you understand Jesus’ case for not worrying? What can we learn from birds and flowers?What should we do instead of worry? What does it mean to “seek first His Kingdom?”How do worry, anxiety and fear relate to our trus…
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Matthew 6: 9-15For Further DiscussionWhat does “holy” mean? How can we encourage God’s namebeing recognized as holy?Why would anyone be resistant to God’s Kingdom (rule, reign)coming?Is it difficult to pray just for daily provision? What does this suggestabout our relationship with God?Why is it hard for us to forgive others when we know how muchGo…
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Matthew 6: 9-15For Further DiscussionWhat does “holy” mean? How can we encourage God’s namebeing recognized as holy?Why would anyone be resistant to God’s Kingdom (rule, reign)coming?Is it difficult to pray just for daily provision? What does this suggestabout our relationship with God?Why is it hard for us to forgive others when we know how muchGo…
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Matthew 6: 9-15For Further DiscussionWhat does “holy” mean? How can we encourage God’s namebeing recognized as holy?Why would anyone be resistant to God’s Kingdom (rule, reign)coming?Is it difficult to pray just for daily provision? What does this suggestabout our relationship with God?Why is it hard for us to forgive others when we know how muchGo…
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Matthew 6: 1-18For Further DiscussionWhy are we often pulled toward acting as hypocrites orpretenders, especially in “righteous” practices? Do you believe thatpretty much everyone is looking for approval from others?What do you think Jesus is referring to when He mentions“rewards”?What compels a Kingdom dweller to practice these acts ofrighteousnes…
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Matthew 5: 33-48For Further DiscussionWhy are we compelled to use things like oaths? Why is itbetter to just leave them out?How should a Kingdom dweller understand “eye for an eye…”?Do unresistant people seem like “door mats”? Why or whynot?What does it really mean to love our enemies or those thatare annoying, tiresome, mean, unpleasant…?…
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Matthew 5: 21-32For Further DiscussionWhy do you think Jesus would begin this section of theSermon on the Mount talking about anger and lust?How is lustful intent similar to anger? How do these show non-righteous living?Why do you think Jesus used such provocative language about cutting off body parts?How do Jesus’ comments about divorce raise the …
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Matthew 5: 17-20For Further DiscussionWhy would people think that Jesus was interested in doingaway with the Law & Prophets (Hebrew Scriptures)? What seems to be His true view of scriptures?What are some ways that Jesus fulfills Hebrew Scriptures?What does the term “righteousness” mean? Can it have negative connotations?How can we help each other b…
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Matthew 5: 3-16For Further DiscussionHow should we understand this Kingdom that Jesus ispreaching about?What do you think it means to be “blessed”?Which of these blessings is most encouraging? Mostsurprising?Why is it significant that Jesus indicates that blessed peoplemay not look like his audience imagined they should?What does it mean to be salt…
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Matthew 5 - 7For Further DiscussionIf you are familiar with it, what comes to mind when youhear “Sermon on the Mount?”Does it seem that our culture is becoming less and lessamicable to Christian ideas and living? If so, how should wereact to that?How does it make you feel that Jesus was intentionallyaddressing ordinary (i.e. not particularly specia…
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For Further DiscussionConsidering all 5 chapters of 1 Peter, what sticks out to you most (Leaders: bewilling to expand on this and let it take your discussion wherever it mightgo. This may be the only question you get to during your time!)?What must happen in your life for you to be “done with sin?” (4:1) Discuss what alife that is done with sin wo…
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For Further DiscussionDoes a regular quiet time seem important or not tooimportant?What do you think it means to “abide” in Jesus?Why do we struggle with intentional, alone time with Godon a regular basis?What are some things that would help with your quiettime?द्वारा Curt Vogt
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We are blessed by your presence with us! We do not believe your visit to our church was by chance, so we pray that you would experience God's blessing as we worship, learn, grow, and encourage one another.द्वारा Curt Vogt
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We are blessed by your presence with us! We do not believe your visit to our church was by chance, so we pray that you would experience God's blessing as we worship, learn, grow, and encourage one another.द्वारा Curt Vogt
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We are blessed by your presence with us! We do not believe your visit to our church was by chance, so we pray that you would experience God's blessing as we worship, learn, grow, and encourage one another.द्वारा Curt Vogt
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We are blessed by your presence with us! We do not believe your visit to our church was by chance, so we pray that you would experience God's blessing as we worship, learn, grow, and encourage one another.द्वारा Curt Vogt
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Psalm 57For Further DiscussionWhat comes to mind when you hear the word “exalted”?What are some other ways to express: “Be exalted, O God”?What attributes or characteristics of God do you see in this Psalm?How do we typically react to being at a very low point (“in a cave”)?What does Psalm 57 teach us about how to react to those low places?…
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Romans 8:16“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.”I Am LovedStory: Luke 15: 11 – 24Parable of the Lost SonVerse: 1 John 3:1“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should becalled children of God! And that is what we are!”I Am ForgivenStory: Luke 5: 17 – 26Paralyzed Man is Forgiven and HealedVer…
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We are blessed by your presence with us! We do not believe your visit to our church was by chance, so we pray that you would experience God's blessing as we worship, learn, grow, and encourage one another.द्वारा Curt Vogt
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saiah 25: 6 – 8; Revelation 19: 9; Matthew 22: 1 - 14For Further DiscussionWhy do you think eternity with Jesus is depicted as a feast (dinner)?What do you think it means to be “invited” to the banquet?What do you think it might mean for us to not be “properly clothed”?Why do you think Jesus said, “Many are called but few are chosen”?…
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Luke 7: 36-50For Further DiscussionDo you find yourself comparing your sinfulness with others?What do you think makes us want to compare ourselves with others this way?How can we encourage one another to not be judgmental of others?Is it difficult to approach Jesus when we come face to face with our sinfulness?In what ways can we be like the woman …
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For Further DiscussionWas it important for Jesus to give warnings about abetrayer, a denier and difficult times ahead at this dinner?What about His brief lesson on greatness?What do you think of when you hear the word “covenant”?What are the significant aspects of the new covenant?What can we learn about God as He establishescovenants?How does part…
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