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Bronstijd. Vuur van verandering

Rijksmuseum van Oudheden

De bronstijd was een sleutelperiode in onze geschiedenis. De introductie van het nieuwe metaal brons (een combinatie van koper en tin) leidde tot ingrijpende maatschappelijke, economische en religieuze vernieuwingen. Handel, migratie en intensieve netwerken legden een belangrijk fundament voor het huidige Europa. In deze nieuwe podcastserie van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, horend bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling die van 18 oktober 2024 t/m 16 maart 2025 te zien is, gaat conservator Luc A ...
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Looking at projects involving Burt Reynolds and Charles Bronson that span their entire career. I look at the project give my opinion and give you all an overview of what the project is about. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Support this podcast:
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Music icon Paul Anka and business visionary Skip Bronson are dear friends, and together they boast two of the greatest Rolodexes in Hollywood. Now they're inviting their famous friends to sit down for intimate chats about their lives and work. You'll get to know icons of film, music, television, sports and technology in a whole new way.
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Charlie Bronson is a young DJ and Producer from Spain of EDM, Techno and Hard-Techno. His experience is some streamings, clubs and radios. He wants learn every day more and more. This year will be release his first track with a independent label. COOL DROPS FROM SPAIN!.
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The CJ Bronson Show

CJ Bronson

What’s up guys. This podcast is unedited unfiltered, unadulterated, uncensored, and definitely under-appreciated. I discuss, or some may say vent, about news, politics, and sometimes even a little about life. And I do it all while finding the humor in things especially when there’s none to be found. So yeah, I’m basically a sexy, funny, amazingly awesome explorer that scours the internet for things that I find interesting and then make fun of it, usually at my own expense. Literally at my ow ...
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show series
De tentoonstelling 'Bronstijd - Vuur van verandering' in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden is bijna afgelopen. Na een lange en mooie winter kijken we met conservator Luc Amkreutz terug én vooruit! Tentoonstelling De tentoonstelling Bronstijd – Vuur van verandering is van 18 oktober 2024 t/m 16 maart 2025 te zien in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden. Kijk op …
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In this podcast I look at Death Wish!!! No... not that one the remake with Bruce Wills. What does this have to do with Charles Bronson? I review the movie on its own, but then I compare it to the original. How do these movies stack up to each other? Have listen and find out. Please support this movie with my Patreon page with the link below. This p…
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Am I just whistling past the graveyard? Here is Trump in the Arlington Cemetery, dishonoring fallen heroes by turning the visit into a campaign event. No man can go lower than Trump. I am, however, noticing for the first time, that the woman standing next to him is making the Devil's Hand Sign. Unbelievable! Did anybody notice it at the time the st…
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Paul and Skip have a hilarious talk with the longtime Saturday Night Live veteran, who opens up about his hit YouTube series 'Hiking with Kevin,' rumors of a 'Weeds' reunion, and his early years as a little German boy. He also recalls how he won over SNL producer Lorne Michaels for a spot on the iconic comedy mainstay, his enduring friendship with …
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One of the first podcasts I did for this channel was Cop And A 1/2. I'm doing it again with Miguel Sanchez. This was a staple in his house growing up, so we are getting his adult view of it and compare that to his kid's view. We got cops, gangsters, bikers and bullies...everything a 90s kids movie needs. See what we think. You can support this podc…
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Netwerken, verbinding: termen die passen bij de bronstijd en bij het millennium daar nog voor. Groepen mensen stonden met elkaar in contact, wisten van elkaar en reisden rond. Dat contact kon vreedzaam zijn... maar ook vijandig! Hoe zien we dat terug in bijvoorbeeld de archeologie? Of binnen de taalkunde? Wat weten we over de aard van die contacten…
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The 'Our Way' gents have an in-depth interview with a man who's responsible for shaping the look of the last 40 years. Peter Arnell is a pioneering graphic designer renowned for his transformative impact on brand identity in media and advertising. His creative expertise has extended to high-profile campaigns for global giants such as Chanel, Pepsi,…
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The titan of late night takes his turn on the other side of the desk for an in-depth interview with the ‘Our Way’ gang. Kimmel opens up about his early years in Las Vegas (when he played trumpet at Wayne Newton’s house!) and his breakthrough on the Comedy Central classic ‘Win Ben Stein’s Money.’ He also opens up about the rough beginnings of his lo…
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We go outside of the box in this podcast and look at the made for TV movie Reason For Living: The Jill Ireland story with Jill Clayburgh as Jill Ireland and Lance Hendriksen as Charles Bronson. Steph DeWaegenner joins me again and we talk about this 1991 release. We talk about the movie itself and how good the actors portrayed their real-life count…
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In 1966 Burt Reynolds would star in the TV series Hawk, this was his first starring role in a series. Will Fordyce and I talk about the pilot episode of the series. We discuss how close is Burt then to the star he would become. This episode also has a future Oscar winning in a supporting role. Have a listen and let us know what you think. You can s…
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Wat weten we over taal en schrift in de bronstijd - meer specifiek die periode in wat we nu kennen als Nederland? Conservator Luc Amkreutz gaat in deze special met verschillende experts uit de podcastserie 'Bronstijd. Vuur van verandering' in gesprek over de reconstructie van oude talen en een wereld waarin schrift geen rol lijkt te spelen. Tentoon…
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No New Year's resolutions, only goals. Cancel Adobe and Amazon. Adobe is easy, but Amazon is integral to my consumerist life now. I am determined, however, extract myself from the dubious luxury of Bezos's honey trap.द्वारा Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Happy New Year!!! We start of 2025 with a Charles Bronson classic. Kristi Kroll and I look the movie 10 to Midnight. It was marketed as an action movie, but we look at all the other genres that it ticks off. This was Kristi's first time watching the movie so we will get her take of the movie through fresh eyes. Please support this podcast with my P…
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I am sharing one last song (a demo) from my next album, "Why Did You Have To Smile At Me?," because I am so happy with it. Also a brief meditation on 2024 and the challenges of warehouse living. Art keeps me going. Happy New Year!द्वारा Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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De beroemde hemelschijf van Nebra: gevonden in 1999 en nog altijd voer voor vele discussies, theorieën, complotten en controverse. Wat weten we over dit unieke object? En welk spannend verhaal gaat er schuil achter de ontdekking van deze schijf in het Duitse Nebra? In het tweede deel van de tweedelige kerstspecial 'Nacht van de gouden sterren' gaat…
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Hoe bepaalden mensen het ritme van het jaar, van de seizoenen en van het leven in de bronstijd? Welke rol speelden zon, sterren en maan in het ritme van onder ander zaaien en oogsten? En wat hebben plekken als Stonehenge, Pömmelte en Tiel daar eigenlijk mee te maken? In dit eerste deel van de tweedelige kerstspecial 'Nacht van de gouden sterren' ga…
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We've hit the bottom of the barrel with this podcast. Not only the worst movie in the series, but one of the worst of all time!!! The Canadian Movie crew guys and I suffer through Smokey And The Bandit 3. We look at why this movie was made and talk about why it shouldn't have been made. Please support this podcast with my Patreon page below. This p…
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On BlueSky, people are posting twenty book covers of the books that impacted their lives, without any explanation or illumination of their importance. So I'm doing a podcast to accompany my choices.द्वारा Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Passed a major milestone today: I uploaded my first test audio file to ACX—The Amazon platform for audiobooks—and it passed! I was so nervous; the technical requirements are rigid and unyielding. So ... I'm including the reading of "Straight Facts About Flapping" here. Listen and learn about Flapping, grasshopper.…
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I remember, as a child in the fifties, the Republicans screaming about the Communist threat and the arch-enemy Russia. Reagan called Russia the evil empire. We now have a Russian asset heading into the White House and the Republican party has metastasized into a coalition of grifters and Trump sycophants, all of whom seem to be sucking on Putin's t…
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Aan al het goede komt een einde, dus ook aan de bronstijd. Van brons gaan we naar ijzer. Maar hoe verliep die overgang van late bronstijd naar vroege ijzertijd? Wat veranderde er en welke dingen bleven hetzelfde? En waarom zijn de beroemde vorstengraven uit Nederland, waaronder de ‘Vorst van Oss’, zo kenmerkend voor deze periode? Over deze vragen g…
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I had a revelation the other day about how I could make money. Any number of people have told me over the years I should do voice-over work. For whatever reason, I poo-pooed the idea. And then I was researching how to produce an audiobook of my own book, "The Rise & Fall of the HoneyBun Empire" and found this website where I could hire voice talent…
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Conservator Luc Amkreutz vervolgt zijn gesprek met Liesbeth Theunissen en Stijn Arnoldussen, waarbij ze met elkaar op zoek gaan naar een reconstructie van het leven in de bronstijd. Hoe moeten we ons het leven in de periode van de geschiedenis voorstellen in wat we nu kennen als Nederland? Hoe zagen gehuchten, gemeenschappen, huizen en het landscha…
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Before there was Death Wish, there was The Stone Killer. Bronson plays a no-nonsense cop who wants to take down the mob. Will Fordyce is back, and we take a look at this 1973 cop flick. This was Bronson's last film before his super stardom of Death Wish... check it out. Please support this podcast at my Patreon page with the link below. This podcas…
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The comedy legend behind iconic characters on 'The Simpsons' is now taking on a new voice: Bruce Springsteen! Hank Azaria stops by the 'Our Way' studios to discuss his innovative new tribute act to The Boss, Hank Azaria & The EZ Street Band — which is making stops at Brooklyn Bowl and The Stone Pony in Asbury Park, New Jersey (naturally) this Novem…
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The best music podcast I have ever heard. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I'm very happy he's only 2/5 of the way through his exhaustive and fascinating history of the popular music and the world of the second half of the twentieth century.द्वारा Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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We vervolgen het verhaal in deze podcastserie met de volgende stap in de tijd: naar de vroege bronstijd. Conservator Luc Amkreutz zal in deze aflevering aan tafel gaan met twee nieuwe gasten: Liesbeth Theunissen van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed en Stijn Arnoldussen van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Wat is brons eigenlijk? Hoe kwam he…
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