This series will examine the different types of psalms as well as the various literary devices used by the authors of this book.
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This series provides an in-depth look at the most well-structured gospel record originally designed to address Jewish questions about Jesus but later used by the early church as a primer for new Christians.
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In this study, Mike will provide a comprehensive introduction to Isaiah explaining the structure, style and various themes Isaiah addresses as well as several lessons developed from key passages in Isaiah's book.
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Mark's gospel is a rapid-fire account of Jesus' ministry focusing primarily on His many miracles. This eyewitness account presents the boldest and clearest witness of Jesus' identity as the Son of God with power!
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This 12 part series is an easy to understand explanation of Paul's epistle to the Colossian church. In it, the Apostle describes the many facets of Christ's pre-eminence (superiority) in both the physical and spiritual worlds thus establishing the reasons for His Lordship over all.
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This series explains in simple terms the relationship between these two books of the Bible. Each book will be reviewed to better understand the meaning of the symbolic language used in both and the message that the writers were communicating to their readers as well as a modern application for today's Christian.
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Unlike l Corinthians, II Corinthians is a subjective book. I Corinthians teaches the church how to do things and how Christians conduct themselves in various situations. II Corinthians reveals what it is like to be an Apostle.
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The Galatian letter is Paul's response to those in every age who would try to tamper with the essential message of the Gospel: That salvation is obtained by faith, not law, and that freedom in Christ moves us to live by the Spirit of God, not the spirit of this world.
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