Politische Berichte, scharfsinnige Analysen, verständliche Erklärungen
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Der Polit-Talk im ZDF mit Moderatorin Maybrit Illner
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Populárny denný spravodajský newsletter Ranný brífing denníka SME prinášame aj v audio verzií. Prehľad najdôležitejších správ dňa tak môžete každé ráno počas pracovného týždňa nielen čítať, ale aj počúvať. Text načítava syntetický neurálny hlas.
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I concerti di Ameria Radio del sabato sera
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100 chefs-d'œuvre littéraires.
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Personal finance nerd at heart! Making content to entertain and educate. Want to be on the show? Email us at casting@calebhammer.com Sponsorship and business inquiries: business@calebhammer.com Get new episodes a week earlier on our YouTube channel!
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Xin chào các bạn, mình là Hà Thái. Mình yêu văn học Việt Nam và muốn được đọc lên những thanh âm rất đẹp đấy. Hy vọng các bạn ghé qua đây sẽ thấy tiếng Việt đẹp, văn học Việt Nam đẹp và con người Việt Nam cũng thật đẹp. Tuy vậy, các bạn vẫn nên mua sách để ủng hộ sách giấy và nghe Podcast Nằm nghe đọc truyện những lúc cần nghỉ ngơi, ở đây mình còn 1 tách trà do mình tự pha (Hathaya's teacup) Những lúc mệt mỏi, mời bạn ghé uống Email: namnghedoctruyen@gmail.com Nếu có nhu cầu donate cho kênh: ...
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100 Great Audiobooks of Literary Masterpieces!
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Uncover the hidden forces shaping our world. Zev applies his skills gained as a journalist and news executive for 30 years to give viewers and listeners an unparalleled view of events changing our world. Narativ is Where Truth Lives.
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This Week in Tech is the top-ranked flagship tech podcast from TWiT.tv. Every Sunday, Leo Laporte and a roundtable of insiders explore the week's hottest tech news from AI to robots, and PCs to privacy. When it comes to tech, TWiT is IT. Records live every Sunday at 5:15pm Eastern / 2:15pm Pacific / 22:15 UTC.
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Die 20 Uhr Nachrichten von heute zum Nachhören. Hier findet ihr immer, was am Tag aktuell und wichtig ist in den News. Die tagesschau ist Deutschlands erfolgreichste Nachrichtensendung im Fernsehen.
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Dharma talks given by Gil Fronsdal and various guest speakers at the Insight Meditation Center. Each talk illuminates aspects of the Buddha's teachings. The purpose is the same that the Buddha had for his teachings, to guide us toward the end of suffering and the attainment of freedom. To learn more about the Insight Meditation Center, visit our website at https://www.insightmeditationcenter.org/.
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The world-famous audio guide for the Annabelle H. Godfrey Historic Estate and Museum. Please do not touch the art. This is for your own safety. New episodes released monthly. Though this is a self-guided tour, the Estate recommends that you start at the beginning.
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La Biblia en Audio. Voz: Merari Medina
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A strange letter. An impossible sender. Secrets hidden in the ground. From STUDIO5705, a scripted fiction podcast set in present-day Washington State about a man’s journey to unlock a family mystery—and find things long ago buried. 1.5+ million downloads. Season 4 now underway. Part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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Listen to professionally narrated audio from each issue—just for subscribers, from The Atlantic.
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Die Nachrichten von heute und immer die Frage: Was bedeutet das? Die tagesthemen liefern Erklärung und Analyse sowie Beispiele von vor Ort. Sie bieten weiterführende Informationen und Kontext zu dem, was aktuell in den News ist. Hier zum Nachhören als Audio-Podcast.
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Are you looking for a convenient way to review medicine on the go? Look no further, as we have found the perfect solution for you! AudioBoards! What sets AudioBoards apart is its accessibility and convenience. You can simply plug in your headphones and listen while you go about your day. This means you can review cases and topics while doing household chores, running errands, or even during your daily workout.
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Democracy Now! is an independent daily TV & radio news program, hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. We provide daily global news headlines, in-depth interviews and investigative reports without any advertisements or government funding. Our programming shines a spotlight on corporate and government abuses of power and lifts up the stories of ordinary people working to make change in extraordinary times. Democracy Now! is live weekdays at 8am ET and available 24/ ...
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
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The Audio Long Read podcast is a selection of the Guardian’s long reads, giving you the opportunity to get on with your day while listening to some of the finest longform journalism the Guardian has to offer, including in-depth writing from around the world on current affairs, climate change, global warming, immigration, crime, business, the arts and much more. The podcast explores a range of subjects and news across business, global politics (including Trump, Israel, Palestine and Gaza), mo ...
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CFR Events Audio
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Talks by Mei Elliott at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA
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DAB | Der Audiobeweis ist der regelmäßige Podcast zur ADMIRAL Bundesliga und den Sporthemen von Sky Sport Austria. Hier werden aktuelle Sportthemen besprochen und kritisch aber auch humorvoll diskutiert. Die Sky Sport Austria Redaktion spricht hier abwechselnd mit Gästen aus der Welt des Fußballs. Audiobeweis RSS Feed: https://dabderaudiobeweis.podigee.io/feed/mp3
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Illusions auditives
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Welcome to The GaryVee Audio Experience, hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, content creator, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk. On this podcast, you'll find a mix of the Podcast With Friends episodes, WineText TV recaps, Keynote Speeches on marketing and business, interviews, and fireside chats I've given. Enjoy!
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Cybersecurity guru Steve Gibson joins Leo Laporte every Tuesday. Steve and Leo break down the latest cybercrime and hacking stories, offering a deep understanding of what's happening and how to protect yourself and your business. Security Now is a must listen for security professionals every week. Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 21:30 UTC.
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Where and how is waldo
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The Doctor Who Audio Dramas is the world’s longest running family friendly production of Doctor Who. Started in 1982, this series spans eight Doctors, a host of companions, and over 200 stories. Thousands of episodes are downloaded every month. New episodes appear on iTunes two weeks after they premier on the main website. Note that, due to the age of some of the material, quality will vary. www.dwad.net or www.facebook.com/groups/doctorwhoaudiodramas/
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Industry expert Mikah Sargent, brings you interviews from tech journalists who make or break the top stories of the week. Get the freshest perspective and in depth insight into the fast-paced world of technology from Tech News Weekly. Records every Thursday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.
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Myanmar Audiobooks Read by Win Ei 📚 🌃 New Episode Every Saturday Night 🌃 Listen on YouTube : https://youtube.com/channel/UCppKwVXFL1Ixu2gl9Icvt8A
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Talks by Gil Fronsdal at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA
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A sports podcast that is made for fans of all sports.
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Audio recordings by myself of the works of Rudolf Steiner. To search use volume number and 'Steiner'
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Auditiver Sperrmüll von Hakon und Just_Karsten ist ein anarchisches Klangchaos voller Witz, Ironie und ungewöhnlicher Perspektiven. Die beiden wühlen sich durch Geschichten, die irgendwo zwischen skurril und nachdenklich schweben, während sie alles Mögliche von absurden Alltagserlebnissen bis zu tiefsinnigen Gedanken behandeln. Hier treffen schräge Ideen auf unerwarteten Humor – ein audiovisueller Abenteuertrip in die Welt der beiden kreativen Köpfe! Bart und Bizeps - eine Satire-Show zum An ...
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One year. Every day. 365 days through the Bible chronologically in community with tens of thousands of others around the globe following the same quest.
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Enjoying Everyday Life® is a daily TV and radio broadcast provided by Joyce Meyer Ministries.
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Deutscher Bundestag - Mediathek
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Audio-Aufnahmen vom Corona-Ausschuss
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Deutscher Bundestag - Mediathek
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tagesschau 20 Uhr
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တင်မိုး - သင်္ချိုင်းကုန်းမှာ (ဝတ္ထုတို)
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17:27ဒီညအတွက်ကိုတော့ ဆရာတင်မိုးရေးသားထားတဲ့ “သင်္ချိုင်းကုန်းမှာ” ဆိုတဲ့ ဝတ္ထုတိုလေး ဖတ်ပြပေးထားပါတယ်ရှင့်၊ နားဆင်ခံစားပေးကြပါဦး မိတ်ဆွေတို့ ❤️
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Support the show La Biblia en Audio - Rocío para el almaद्वारा Merari Medina
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Week 8, Session 5: True Northद्वारा Riverlife Baptist Church
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Week 8, Session 4: Appointed Times
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15:44Week 8, Session 4: Appointed Timesद्वारा Riverlife Baptist Church
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Week 8, Session 3: Health Checkद्वारा Riverlife Baptist Church
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Week 8, Session 2: Exercising Desire
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14:18Week 8, Session 2: Exercising Desireद्वारा Riverlife Baptist Church
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Week 8, Session 1: Where Do You Want To Grow?
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15:22Week 8, Session 1: Where Do You Want To Grow?द्वारा Riverlife Baptist Church
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Joshua 1-4द्वारा dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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Amateur de rock sous toutes ses formes ou presque? Cette émission s’adresse à vous!Nouveautés, découvertes et rock en tout genres!L'émission qui est en constante évolution propose une vision éclectique et parallèle de la musique actuelle: Indie, artistes émergents, musique alternative, psychédélique, progressif, classic rock, folk rock, country, al…
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Auditorium 215 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Requiem in re minore per soli, coro e orchestra, K 626
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54:14a cura di Paolo Pellegrini PROGRAMMA Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Requiem in re minore per soli, coro e orchestra, K 626 1. Requiem - soprano e coro - Adagio 2. Kyrie - coro - Allegro 3. Dies irae - coro - Allegro assai 4. Tuba mirum - soli - Andante 5. Rex tremendae - coro - Grave 6. Recordare - coro - Andante 7. Confutatis - coro - Andan…
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tagesschau 20 Uhr
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Just a quick reminder for you This Saturday 😉
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Support the show La Biblia en Audio - Rocío para el almaद्वारा Merari Medina
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March Madness round 1 recap Aaron Rogers watch continues + NBA NHL NASCAR and round of 32 picks.द्वारा Austin Gehrke
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2025-03-21:Rumen Milkov (Journalist),Andreas Thiel (Philosoph, Satiriker),Lars Hünich (Mitglied des Brandenburger Landtages)
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Deuteronomy 32-34, Psalm 91द्वारा dabteam@dailyaudiobible.com
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Mit den Themen: Entscheidung im Bundesrat - Grünes Licht für Finanzpaket; Machtkampf im Sudan - Tote und Verletzte in Khartum; Internationaler Tag des Waldes - Wälder werden umgebautद्वारा ZDFde
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tagesschau 20 Uhr
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Víkendový výber: Nenávidieť Meghan patrí k trendu, báť sa o svojho tínedžera tiež
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13:12Prečítajte si Víkendový výber: Nenávidieť Meghan patrí k trendu, báť sa o svojho tínedžera tiež 1. Rasťo Piško: Bulvár si robí svoju prácu, koho by už zaujímal zdravý autor 2. Jej mozog je studnica hlúpostí, je falošná a pozor na ňu. Nenávidieť Meghan patrí k novému fenoménu 3. Má trinásť, mohol zabiť spolužiačku? Puberta je svet, ktorý ani efektív…
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She Gaslights Me For 1 Hour and 35 Minutes | Financial Audit
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1:42:12▶ *MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT* I'm super excited to be launching my MUCH ASKED FOR real estate program (low launch price until end of month) https://calebhammer.com/realestate *OR* to sweeten the deal, my 4-class bundle is now nearly *40% off* !!!!!! Check it out here: https://calebhammer.com/classpack/ ▶This post show is JUIICCYYYYY- we call and confront …
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Introducing 4 Steps To Manifest Miracles & Abundance | David Ghiyam from The School of Greatness. Follow the show: The School of Greatness I'm going on tour! Come see The School of Greatness LIVE in person! Get my new book Make Money Easy here! What if the path to financial abundance begins with spiritual transformation rather than business tactics…
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Dharmette: Samadhi (40) Deep Contentment
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14:05This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.03.21 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/gycWAeqs-xU?si=7HvoOMtprFifAcs-&t=1934. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at http…
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Dharmette: Samadhi (40) Deep Contentment
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14:05This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.03.21 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/gycWAeqs-xU?si=7HvoOMtprFifAcs-&t=1934. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at http…
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Guided Meditation: Infinite Patience
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31:30This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.03.21 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/gycWAeqs-xU?feature=share. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodhar…
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Guided Meditation: Infinite Patience
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31:30This talk was given by Gil Fronsdal on 2025.03.21 at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, CA. Video of this talk is available at: https://youtube.com/live/gycWAeqs-xU?feature=share. For more talks like this, visit AudioDharma.org If you have enjoyed this talk, please consider supporting AudioDharma with a donation at https://www.audiodhar…
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In der 251. Folge unseres Podcasts "DAB I Der Audiobeweis" sprechen Moderator Otto Rosenauer, Kommentator Martin Konrad und Sky-Experte Alfred Tatar mit Joachim Standfest. Wir sprechen mit dem ehemaligen Trainer des SCR Altach u.a. über den Meister- und Abstiegskampf in der ADMIRAL Bundesliga, die Punkteteilung sowie über Österreichs Playoff-Duell …
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Výber šéfredaktorky: Kotlár je Ficov zločin
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11:04Prečítajte si Výber šéfredaktorky: Kotlár je Ficov zločin Pekovej analýza nič nedokázala. Báť sa netreba, ani keby mala pravdu Soňa Peková, žena, ktorá čaká na záblesk a žiari Migaľ, rebel na predaj Ani voči Huliakovi nebol taký ostrý. Šesť momentov Pellegriniho diplomatického útoku na Migaľa Údajná Ficova vila v Chorvátsku: Čo ukázala kauza, ktorú…
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Peter Kornbluh on JFK Files & Trump's False Pledge to Run "Most Transparent Administration in History"
Watch an extended conversation with Peter Kornbluh, senior analyst with the National Security Archive, who has been analyzing the newly declassified files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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Democracy Now! 2025-03-21 Friday Headlines for March 21, 2025 Trump vs. Public Schools: Executive Order Aims to Dismantle Department of Education Mahmoud Khalil Update: From ICE Jail, Khalil Warns of Trump's War on Dissent & Targeting Palestinians "Catch and Revoke": AI-Driven State Dept. Program Targets Pro-Palestinian Students & Visa Holders Decl…
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Human Rights Attorney Wolfgang Kaleck on Double Standards in International Law, from Russia to U.S.
Wolfgang Kaleck, founder of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, talks about the need for a universal, international criminal justice system instead of one where only some nations are held to account. Kaleck is a longtime human rights attorney who has represented Edward Snowden. He twice filed war crimes suits against former U.S…
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Support the show La Biblia en Audio - Rocío para el almaद्वारा Merari Medina
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My life as a prison officer: ‘It wasn’t just the smell that hit you. It was the noise’
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27:16I saw first hand how prisons are having to use segregation units for acutely mentally ill inmates who should not be in prison at all Written and read by Alex South. Help support our independent journalism at theguardian.com/longreadpodद्वारा The Guardian
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