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Variety of topics anywhere from gaming to political talks blogs and more Cover art photo provided by Jason Leung on Unsplash:
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The Station that Cares. Hope you too will be blessed.
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AMC_RD.ID.55693 ♻🌍
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The Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada (AMC) is a national organization with global impact and a member-driven industry association representing more than 275 agricultural equipment manufacturers and the many companies that support them. Our mission is to foster and promote the growth and development of the agricultural equipment manufacturing industry in Canada.
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Welcome to The AMCIS Podcast, the place for anyone in Admissions, Marketing and Communications in Independent Schools. Each episode we'll be talking to someone in the school marketing sector and finding out more about the association, the schools and the annual conference.
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AMCAP (As Many Chats As Possible) is my podcast where each show I chat to an interesting guest who is doing something of note that they are passionate about. These are people I’ve met or come across and not the usual circuit of gurus. Just regular inspiring people who have something interesting to say and are mad enough to agree to come on my podcast. Nothing too serious, not going to change your life but might just make you a little bit better and give you a bit of a laugh
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AMCMS is a 7th and 8th grade public school in College Station ISD. The CatCast is to share all of the great things that occurs on a daily basis at AMCMS! Enjoy the goodness of our school.
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Een serie interviews waarin ik, Marcel van der Quast, langs ga bij interessante professionals op het gebied van arbeidsmarktcommunicatie, employer branding, recruitment marketing en alles wat daar in de buurt ligt.
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流行文化,check! 經典歌曲,you bet! 英語學習,absolutely! 在這裡,我們會以最有趣的方式,帶大家深入探討多元議題。 從戀愛騙局到埃及文明,從英文成語到多益雅思高分密技 《AMC Sounds》都會以最深入淺出的英語拓展你的認知世界! Pop culture? Check. Classic hits? You bet. English learning? Of course! Join us on an exciting adventure through a wide range of topics, all delivered in a fun and engaging way. From uncovering the tricks behind romance scams to exploring the marvels of Ancient Egyptian culture, and from breaking down English idioms to sharing must-know TOEIC and IELTS tips, AMC S ...
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This podcast helps you on your personal growth journey through shared aspirational, transformational and spiritual teachings handed down through time. You will be inspired by timeless upbuilding information and ordinary people who have changed their lives and the lives of those around them. The material is designed to encourage you to grow in your self confidence, spirituality and self belief, in addition to realising your potential for success. Remember, success is the progressive realisati ...
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This is a podcast about AMC's Immortal Universe television series Interview with the Vampire and The Mayfair Witches, adapted from Anne Rice's extensive body of work. Friends and vampire fans Joann, Marc, and Kristina will review and discuss each episode bringing a combination of Jersey Girl sass, philosophical wit, and the analysis of a frustrated academic to bear. For updates and snark please follow us on Twitter @vampire_insider NEW EPISODES COMING AUGUST 3rd 2022
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The AMC+ Interview with the Vampire Podcast is the official companion podcast to AMC's adaptation of the legendary Anne Rice work, Interview with the Vampire. Each week, host Naomi Ekpergin (comedian/actor/writer/vampire enthusiast) unpacks the show with the stars and crew who share exclusive behind-the-scenes stories. Plus she goes deep on all things vampires with experts on horror and Anne Rice. The AMC+ Interview with the Vampire Podcast is produced by AMC in conjunction with Pineapple St ...
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How you're innocently playing into the hands of global criminal organizations. Read the articles. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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AmCham's 'How Business Really Works' Podcast
The American Chamber of Commerce in Australia - AmCham
The AmCham Podcast shines a spotlight on some of Australia's leading business professionals, who share their knowledge and best business practices with you. Join us regularly to hear professionals from a range of diverse industries and also to get the latest updates from AmCham Australia.
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A. McGee is a driven plus size diva that love’s to spread joy, laughter, motivation, and all around good vibes with everyone she comes in contact with! Here with this podcast you could simply laugh for hours, gain some knowledge or even shed a tear, but it’s up to us as women to inspire each other and uplift each other to higher levels in everything that we do! “”Let’s talk about it!””
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Gone to Texas - A Podcast About AMC's Preacher by the Midwest Film Nerds Podcast
Midwest Podcast Network
A recap podcast about AMC’s Preacher by the Midwest Podcast Network. Alex hasn’t read the comics but Nick has! Compare and contrast the show with the source material alongside Alex and Nick. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Better Call Saul - Better Talk Saul | An unofficial discussion about AMC's original series Better Call Saul
The Watch and Talk Film & TV Podcast Network
A Weekly podcast about AMC's Original Show "Better Talk Saul" with Dylan Schuck, and a rotating panel of co-hosts discussing what they liked, didn't like and everything in between!
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Send us a text Your morning routine plays a huge part in your success journey. Something to help you along Support the showद्वारा Rubina Patterson
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Send us a text Darlings relax and listen to the calming sounds of Serenity Support the showद्वारा Rubina Patterson
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School marketing on a budget with Amy & Helen
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26:17In this conversation, Simon Jones speaks with Amy Lindley and Helen Lewis-McPhee about their experiences in marketing and admissions within independent schools. They discuss the structure of their marketing departments, the challenges of working with limited budgets, and the importance of collaboration between teams. The conversation also touches o…
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Modern Agriculture Takes Flight: The Role of Drones
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39:43This episode explores the use of drones in agriculture with insights from Matthew Johnson, Vice President of Volatus Aerospace. From his keynote presentation at the 2024 Expo AMC Conference, Matthew shares updates on advancements in drone technology, upcoming regulatory changes in Canada, and their implications for Canadian farming. Discover curren…
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Hier is AMC - Afl 74: Communicatie-strategie voor iedereen (zelfs recruiters), met Matthijs Roumen
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56:33In aflevering 74 probeer ik samen met zelfstandig strateeg Matthijs Roumen communicatiestrategie zo klein mogelijk te maken. Want met een paar simpele stappen kan iedere werkgever als een communicatiemens met AMC aan de slag.In deze podcast interview ik mensen die te maken hebben met het vakgebied arbeidsmarktcommunicatie. In lekkere gesprekken van…
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Dr Dennis Kimbro best selling author of Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice
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48:50Send us a text Welcome to the classroom of the legendary Dr Dennis Kimbro. This is an interview you do not want to miss. Professor Kimbro's book Think And Grow Rich A Black choice has changed the lives of millions throughout the world. Listen carefully, welcome to the classroom! Footage courtesy of Think And Grow Rich a Black Choice Support the sho…
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Trailer : Think and Grow Rich with best selling author Professor Dennis Kimbro
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2:13Send us a text The legendary Professor Dennis Kimbro best selling author, thought leader, Professor at Clark Atlanta University. This is a trailer for the full interview coming out in January 2025. Initial content rfom Think And Grow Rich A Black Choice the movie Support the showद्वारा Rubina Patterson
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🔹 法國留學對語言學習經驗的影響是? 🔹 雅思考試專員都在做什麼? 🔹 語言學習最重要的是設立目標! 本集AMC SOUNDS邀請到多才多藝的Jeremie老師, 從法語文學學士到政治學博士, 現在是雅思考試專員, 還擁有兩張Toastmasters的證照。 快來聽聽老師從各種角度剖析語言學習的盲點! -- Hosting provided by SoundOnद्वारा AMC空中美語
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「他說他是美國的軍官,需要我資助他投資,之後會飛來找我……」 你也看過這種詐騙嗎,或者就發生在你身邊呢? 本集AMC SOUNDS,Ronnie和Sherry要來揭露愛情詐騙陷阱,幫你防範愛情騙子! 🔍 本集生字: Manipulate (v.) 操縱 Example: Politicians sometimes manipulate public opinion to gain support for their policies. 政客有時會操縱公眾輿論以獲得對他們政策的支持。 Facade (n.) 表面;假象 Example: Despite the cheerful facade, he was feeling quite sad inside. 儘管表面上看起來很快樂,他內心其實…
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Data Matters: Transparency and Security in Ag Manufacturing
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37:21This episode explores the critical role of data in the agricultural manufacturing sector, featuring insights from Danielle L. Graff, Partner at MLT Aikins LLP in Winnipeg, Manitoba. With a deep understanding of agriculture and technology, Danielle recaps discussions from the recent AMC Momentum Meetings series and examines the opportunities and cha…
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夢到底是什麼,又代表什麼呢? 夢裡追著你跑的怪獸,可能就是白天工作壓力的象徵? 在這集Podcast中,Sherry老師將帶你揭開夢境的神秘面紗。 一起來探索夢境的奧秘吧! 🔍 本集生字: anxiety 焦慮 High levels of anxiety can lead to frequent and intense dreams. 高度焦慮會導致頻繁而強烈的夢境。 subconsciousness 潛意識 The study of subconsciousness continues to challenge scientists and philosophers alike. 關於潛意識的研究持續挑戰科學家和哲學家。 interpretation 解釋;解析 Dream interp…
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Hier is AMC - Afl 73: 5 inzichten van SteamTalmark uit 12 jaar samenwerking met Defensie
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22:47In aflevering 73 hoor je een talkshow die ik heb gehost op het event Digitaal Werven in oktober 2024. Aan het woord komen Mariska van den Belt en Maarten Kuipers van SteamTalmark. Zij hebben 12 jaar lang voor het Ministerie van Defensie gewerkt, en presenteren 5 inzichten (plus 1 bonusinzicht) daaruit voor iedereen die iets doet binnen AMC, employe…
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🔹 從音樂系到醫科預備都選過? 🔹 日德都通!Sophie語言學習的經歷與心得為何? 🔹 要怎麼成為口譯員?是不是真的需要反應很快? 🔹 托福、雅思、多益,這些測驗的秘訣到底是什麼?! 在這一集AMC SOUNDSs中, 我們邀請到一位學經歷非常精彩的來賓——Sophie。 她精通中文、英文、德文和日文, 多次參加檢定考試並取得優異成績, 並在美國求學及工作長達20年, 現在更是一位資深的自由口譯員。 快來聽Sophie分享她的故事, 以及英語測驗的高分秘訣! -- Hosting provided by SoundOnद्वारा AMC空中美語
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這次AMC SOUNDS將穿越時空,進入古埃及神話世界。 尤其Leo老師就是埃及人,聽到賺到! 本集也會提到《黑亞當》、《月光騎士》等對埃及神話的當代描繪,千萬別錯過! 🔍 本集生字: worship (v.) 崇拜 The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods, each responsible for different aspects of life. 古埃及人崇拜許多神祇,每一位神負責生活的不同面向。 mysterious (adj.) 神秘的 The concept of the underworld was mysterious to the ancient Egyptians, filled with both fear and fasc…
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“Upside, inside out! She's livin' la vida loca!” 即使沒去過波多黎各,肯定也聽過瑞奇馬汀! 這個充滿生命力的島嶼,每年吸引超過600萬名遊客。 跟著有波多黎各血統的Corey老師,一起探索這個熱情之島, 了解其豐富的歷史和自然奇觀! 🔍 本集生字: colonize (v.) 殖民 The Spanish colonized Puerto Rico, deeply influencing its culture and society. 西班牙殖民了波多黎各,深刻影響了其文化和社會。 territory (n.) 領土 Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, but it is not …
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Summary In this engaging conversation, Simon Jones speaks with Scott Delleville, Gwen Byrom, and Emma Hart about the evolving landscape of education, particularly in admissions and marketing for international schools. They discuss innovative approaches to recruitment, the importance of family engagement, and the role of technology in enhancing the …
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ED編輯秘傳心法:高階英語學習必看 📍準備學測英文,就從每天閱讀一篇文章開始? 📍英語Podcast、TED演講和原文書,怎麼用最能加強英語程度? 📍職場人士如何利用零碎時間學英語? 這集AMC SOUNDS邀請到《English Digest》雜誌編輯Sunny, 分享如何準備學測英文和提升英語能力的實用建議。 無論是準備大考的學生,還是希望增進英語能力的職場人士,都千萬不能錯過! -- Hosting provided by SoundOnद्वारा AMC空中美語
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Showcasing your Independent School
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25:10Summary In this conversation, Simon Jones engages with Laura, Jo, and Hina from three different independent schools to discuss the changing landscape of school open days and parental expectations. They explore how schools are adapting their recruitment strategies, enhancing open day experiences, and utilising digital tools to engage with prospectiv…
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👻世界五大鬧鬼景點👻 巴黎地下墓穴、捷克鬧鬼教堂、 墨西哥娃娃島、史丹利飯店、班夫溫泉酒店, 這五個猛鬼聚集地,你去過哪些呢? 這次Harsh老師在AMC SOUNDS開聊五大生人禁區的隱密, 千萬別錯過! 🔍 本集生字: eerie (adj.) 怪異的;陰森的 An eerie fog settled over the town as night fell. 夜幕降臨時,一陣陰森濃霧籠罩了整個小鎮。 paranormal (adj.) 超自然的 The investigation team specializes in documenting paranormal phenomena. 這個調查團隊專門記錄超自然現象。 folklore (n.) 民間傳說 Local folklore …
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Send us a text Meet Christian Scotland-Williamson an inspirational Barrister, Professional Sportsman and Trailblazer. Listen to Christian's inspirational journey in sport, academia and the secular world. From Rugby Union and the American Football League to the Law Chambers! Remember, always pick up the phone, you never know who is calling! Support …
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Send us a text Learnings from Think And Grow Rich.Going for your goals means you have to give up something in exchange. What price are you prepared to pay? Support the showद्वारा Rubina Patterson
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🛫迷失航班:馬航MH370🛫 2014年3月8日,馬來西亞航空MH370班機,在飛往北京途中神祕消失。 可能原因從機長蓄意自殺、劫機犯罪到機械故障,各界眾說紛紜。 最終,只在留尼旺島找到少量殘骸。 馬航的未解之謎,就聽Sandy老師在AMC SOUNDS娓娓道來。 🔍 本集生字 vanish (v.) 消失 The flight mysteriously vanished from the radar. 航班神祕地從雷達中消失了。 Mayday call (n.) 求救信號 There was no Mayday call from the plane. 沒有人收到飛機的求救訊號。 聽完記得訂閱AMC SOUNDS,和我們一起探討多元英語話題 -- Hosting provided by S…
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In this episode, Cultivate revisits Paul Buczkowski’s insightful presentation from the 2024 AMC Shift Convention. As President and CEO of PAMI (Prairie Agricultural and Machinery Institute), Paul shares the importance of culture, employee motivation, and strategic direction in his talk, Repeat or Evolve. Leaders across industries will find valuable…
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🌟 4U主編告訴你:身為編輯需要具備的是什麼 🌟 📍主編要規畫主題、協調作者,還有……聯絡藝人經紀公司? 📍除了細心之外,優秀的編輯編輯還要掌握…… 📍學習英語最重要的是養成習慣,而且不要怕犯錯! 這集AMC SOUNDS邀請到《English 4U活用空中美語》雜誌主編Emily, 分享她的工作日常和學習英文的秘訣。 快按下播放鍵,聽聽Emily主編最完整的分享! -- Hosting provided by SoundOnद्वारा AMC空中美語
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🎓此話怎解?英文成語大公開(二)🎓 上集成語解析播出後, 很多粉絲表示想學更多實用的英文成語。 今天Lucy與Corey老師再次聯手, 精選幾個職場和學業相關的成語給各位粉絲! 🔎Get one's foot in the door 成功卡位 由來:過去推銷員在門即將關閉時,會用腳擋住門從而進屋推銷商品,如今引申為成功卡位。 An internship at a major company can help you get your foot in the door in the industry. (在大公司實習可以讓你在業界成功卡位。) 🔎Burn the midnight oil 熬夜學習/工作 由來:在電燈發明前,人們需要燃燒油燈以便於夜晚學習、工作。因此這句話就成為了熬夜工作的象徵…
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🎓此話怎解?英文成語大公開🎓 正在學英文的你,是否常被母語人士的成語搞得一頭霧水? 不用擔心,本集AMC SOUNDS的Corey和Lucy老師, 要帶你來了解這些英文成語的深意與用法! 🔎A dime a dozen Dime是美元單位中的「角」,而dozen是「一打」。如果可以用一角的價錢買到一打的東西,就代表商品非常稀鬆平常、到處都買的到。 例句:Books like these are a dime a dozen.(這些書非常划算。) 🔎We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it 這句話和中文的「船到橋頭自然直」意思相近,拖延症必學! 例句:Don’t worry about the test now. We’ll cross that br…
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Send us a text Relax and imagine what you want. Image in Support the show
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A+主編偷偷說:怎樣運用線上教學最有效 📍線上課程為何流行?效果好嗎? 📍現在的線上課程竟然有課程顧問、客製化學習計劃? 📍利用線上課程學習英文有什麼小技巧? 這集AMC SOUNDS邀請空中美語《A+ English 空中美語》雜誌主編Casey, 分享線上教學的優勢與小技巧。 對線上課程🈶興趣嗎? 快搜尋空中美語,預約免費試讀,學好英文不再遙不可及! -- Hosting provided by SoundOnद्वारा AMC空中美語
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Hier is AMC - Afl 72: Aan de knoppen van een wervingskeuken, met Claudia Zwitser van NS
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53:58In aflevering 72 is mijn gast Claudia Zwitser van NS. We bespreken een van de mooiste wervingskeukens van Nederland. 5400 vacatures vervuld in 2023, heel veel verschillende doelgroepen, elke dag in het nieuws. Hoe organiseer je dat? Hoe zorg je voor maatwerk, en hou je het toch bij elkaar? Hoe laat je de mensen en de typische cultuur overal in door…
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還記得〈Mamma Mia〉這首ABBA的經典金曲嗎? 這次【AMC SOUNDS】將帶你深入了解這首歌! 從馬林巴琴的特殊音效到歌詞背後的故事, 還有ABBA樂團的有趣冷知識都會一一揭露! 不過在聆聽前,我們先來來學學這集的重點單字: 🎧 stand out 突出 Alice wore a bright red dress to the party so she could stand out from the crowd. 愛麗絲穿了一件亮紅色的洋裝參加晚會,讓自己能脫穎而出。 🎧 spiral out of control 情況失控 The situation started to spiral out of control when more and more people join…
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Hier Is AMC - Afl 71: Over creativiteit in AMC en bureaus met Rene Van Der Kroon (Radancy)
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56:39In aflevering 71 ben ik te gast bij René van der Kroon van Radancy. We praten over creativiteit in AMC en bureaus. Wat is creativiteit, waarom heb je dat nodig als werkgever en wat moet je nou wel en wat niet aan een bureau vragen. In deze serie interview ik mensen die te maken hebben met het vakgebied arbeidsmarktcommunicatie. In gesprekken van o…
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空中美語全新podcast節目【AMC SOUNDS】來了, 揭開序幕的是──辣妹合唱團的經典暢銷曲〈Wannabe〉! 這首歌可是千禧世代的共同回憶, 直到今日依然火熱。 一起來發掘熱門單曲背後的冷知識吧💿 這次的podcast中,我們會介紹幾個實用的英語詞彙和片語,例如: 🎧 Millennial (n.) 千禧世代 As a millennial, I grew up with technology as a natural part of my life. 作為千禧世代的一員,我從小就把科技視為自己生活中的一部分。 🎧 Diva (n.) 知名女歌手 Beyoncé is considered one of the greatest divas of our time. 碧昂絲被認為…
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"We're about children, not politics" - HMC Chair Elect Philip Britton MBE
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23:13Summary Philip Britton MBE, Head of Foundation at Bolton School and HMC's Chair Elect, discusses the challenges and opportunities facing independent schools as we begin the new school year. He highlights the importance of understanding your school's strategic direction and communicating clear messages to current and prospective parents. Britton als…
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📍編輯的工作只有閱讀稿件跟校對嗎? 📍遇過最奇怪的文章提案竟然是【這個】? 📍編輯如何保持創新、避免重複? 你對編輯工作感興趣嗎? 閱讀雜誌的時候是否好奇過: 究竟編輯們是怎麼把這些主題搭配得天衣無縫? 這次 AMC SOUNDS特別邀請空美雜誌總編Celine, 來分享編輯工作的挑戰與趣事, 還會提供我們學習英文的建議💯 #空中美語空中家教 #編輯日常 #英語學習 #AMCSOUNDS #Podcast -- Hosting provided by SoundOnद्वारा AMC空中美語
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Frances Houghton MBE 5 x Olympian 4 x World Champion 3 x Olympic Silver Medallist
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32:55Send us a text Listen in the the learnings of five times Olympian Frances Houghton MBE. You will learn about life challenges and how to change habits for success. Get her book LEARNINGS FROM FIVE OLYMPIC GAMES Support the showद्वारा Rubina Patterson
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Over the past few years, there’s no denying that work and life have changed, and perhaps our energy and focus with it. This makes it the ideal time to embrace what Michelle Cederberg calls the Power of (Re) and the idea that with everything, there’s a benefit to fresh starts and perspective shifts. Even when success and stamina are on your side, it…
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AMC'S Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 8 Part 2: Meet Me at Our Spot
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1:21:26In today’s episode (the second of a two-parter) Joann and Kristina welcome industry veteran and Anne Rice fan, Erica Robert Pallo. Erica joined us on several episodes last season and we couldn't have done this one without her! Her knowledge is deep and her insights are powerful. The season finale "And that's the end of it. There's nothing Else" lef…
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Send us a text So amazing speaking to the inspirational Tash Sanganoo, a social media expert, highlighting her journey as a young black female in business. Tash shares her challenges and how she shows resilience as an entrepreneur an in her personal life. Did you know she was a martial arts black belt at just 12 years old? Please support Tash in he…
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AMC'S Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 8 Part 1: The Size of the Balls Really Don't Matter
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58:09In today’s episode (the first of a two-parter) Joann and Kristina welcome industry veteran and Anne Rice fan, Erica Robert Pallo. Erica joined us on several episodes last season and we couldn't have done this one without her! Her knowledge is deep and her insights are powerful. The season finale "And that's the end of it. There's nothing Else" left…
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AMC'S Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Yes You Could Have Prevented It You Lying Liar Who Lies
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1:46:22In today’s episode Joann and Kristina welcome IWTV fan and Jacob Anderson fan page curator Nado (@astronaut_Nado) who is here to help us dissect the events of season 2's penultimate episode: I Could Not Prevent It. This is a harrowing episode, one that we've been waiting for from the beginning, and one that has left so many fans heartbroken but in …
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Hier is AMC - Afl 70: Over cultuur, communities en communicatie, en ook nog over AI, met Wortell
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58:18In aflevering 70 zit ik aan tafel bij Bryan Peereboom en Friso Visser van Wortell. Als IT-werkgever weten zij als geen ander dat de cultuur en energie met de eigen medewerkers de basis is voor een goed employer brand. En zijn ze helemaal gewend aan een latente doelgroep. Daar praten we over, en ook nog een beetje over AI. In deze serie interview ik…
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AI in school Marketing and Admissions - with Martin Broadhurst
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22:59Summary In this conversation, Martin Broadhurst discusses the use of AI in various fields, particularly in marketing and education. He highlights the benefits of AI in improving productivity and creativity, such as generating meeting notes and brainstorming ideas. Martin also addresses concerns about job security and the need for AI literacy and po…
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AMC'S Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: Oh Armand
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1:38:13In today’s episode its just Joann and Kristina talking Episode 6: Like the Light by which God Made the World Before he Made Light. This is a critical episode, that defines the term slow burn. We get into lots of details and hash over the huge mistake Armand makes at the end of it all, but the reality of this episode is that we spend a huge amount o…
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AMC'S Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: Actually THIS is the Best Episode Yet
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1:34:19We appreciate your continued patience in posting delays, we will be back on track next week. West Coast work travel meant a delay in editing. In today’s episode Joann and Kristina welcome content creator and vampire superfan Black Girl Talk Fangs as we recap and react to S2E5 of Interview with the Vampire: Don't be Afraid, Just Start the Tape. We d…
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