Liderança, gestão, autodesenvolvimento, empreendedorismo, protagonismo e otras cositas más. Ideias e reflexões que provoquem sua melhoria contínua! Com Allan Pimenta
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Deep dive analytics in the world of music
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(Kb.) minden második héten a Szex-Akció Hírcsoport műsorvezetői kérdezőkből véleményvezérré válnak, és megfejtik az élet nagy kérdéseit a hallgatók/csetelők segítségével. Bő egy óra lazulás 'round the world! (A műsorban időnként csapongunk a témák között, így leírás nem vagy ritkán tartozik az adásokhoz, de a pontos kezdést és véget így is igyekszünk mindig beállítani.)
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Stu Allan Foundation Podcast service incorporates Stu Allan Radio - OSN Radio - OSN Radio PLUS - Bounce Nation Radio or search your app store for STU ALLAN....
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This is No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce, where one of the most famous names in Premier League management opens up his book of contacts each week to discuss all all the latest topics in the world of football. Each week, Sam is alongside presenter Natalie Pike, who gets to ask Sam and the guests all the questions a football fan wants to know, plus exclusive bits of insight and of course endless off-field and touchline stories!
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Devaajille suunnattu podcast pinnan alla tapahtuvasta ohjelmistoteknologian magiasta. Puikoissa Markus Hjort ja Yrjö Kari-Koskinen – rakkaudesta lajiin.
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En cada capítulo de este podcast, el cientista político Alfredo Joignant analiza los grandes hitos de la política internacional, junto a quienes han sido sus testigos privilegiados.
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Podcast by Allan M
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- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Join Brett weekly as he chats with your favorite celebrities from film, television, comedy, music and more. Plus, you never know who will drop in! Thanks for listening and being a part of the show!
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La storia raccontata – in ordine cronologico – da Ermanno Ferretti, in arte "scrip", autore di "Anche Socrate qualche dubbio ce l'aveva" e youtuber. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:
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Allan Walsh and Adam Wylde sit down each week with the biggest names in hockey to deliver you never heard before stories from within the game.
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The latest on the Scottish and UK economy from a leading independent economic research institute based in the University of Strathclyde.
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Un podcast che tratta quei dischi che osano, dividono e ci fanno chiedere se siano puro genio, disorientamento totale o solo una moda passeggera. Tra curiosità, ricordi personali e discussioni sorprendenti, ogni episodio è un viaggio tra suoni e storie indimenticabili!
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Nytolkningar av William Shakespeares klassiker Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Doreen Kanter
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Buscamos el empoderamiento femenino platicando sobre todo tipo temas importantes y necesarios de la mujer en la actualidad. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Spretig radio från Förbundet Allt åt alla
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With a straight down the middle approach, Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive on Newstalk ZB delivers the very latest news and views to New Zealanders as they wrap up their day.
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Welcome to the Fabulous Over 40 Podcast, where we celebrate, elevate, and empower those stepping into their most extraordinary years with style, grace, and unapologetic authenticity. I’m your host, Kara Allan, a Personal Stylist, Confidence Catalyst, and Style Expert, passionate about helping women and men shine at every stage of life. This isn’t just a podcast—it’s a movement. A celebration of reinvention, resilience, and radiance for those in their 40s, 50s, and beyond who are thriving, ev ...
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Debatimos cualquier tema relacionado con el mundo paranormal y crimen.
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A Piccoli Sorsi - Commento alla Parola del giorno delle Apostole della Vita Interiore
Le Apostole della Vita Interiore
Hai sete? L'acqua che disseta di più è quella che "zampilla per la vita eterna" (Gv 4). Le Apostole della Vita Interiore (AVI) ci offrono nei giorni feriali una riflessione sulla liturgia quotidiana. N.B. La domenica e le festività ci dissetiamo nelle nostre comunità parrocchiali.
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The new era in America,is called Trump,Trumpism, Donald Trump. Welcome to my Podcast,my name is Gloria Allanah,this is where to listen to the latest,breaking political news ,on Donald Trump and his policies, as the 47th president of the United States of America. My name is Gloria Allanah and on this Podcast, we believe in making America, great again and supporting, Donald Trump and his policies and vision, of making America great again. I am a published,poet and author on Amazon,with 3 books ...
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Mas allá del estetoscopio, es un podcast dirigido a médicos en formación sin importar el nivel académico. Funciona ser una ventana a historias reales del residente de medicina interna, Reniell X. Iñiguez, MD. El Dr. Iñiguez, comportara sus vivencias, desafíos y triunfos mientras navega por el complejo mundo médico. Descubrirás cómo "Más Allá del Estetoscopio" pretende desentrañar las narrativas personales y a menudo conmovedoras que dan forma a la medicina moderna. Desde historias de superac ...
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Film alla Radio: la trasmissione che vi porta al cinema con le parole. Ti piacciono i film? Ti piace ascoltare le storie? Allora non perderti Film alla Radio, la trasmissione che ti porta al cinema con le parole. Ogni settimana, un team di esperti ti racconta un film in 40 minuti, parlandoti della trama, dei personaggi, del regista, dell’ambientazione, dei costumi e di tutto quello che rende un film un’opera d’arte. Ti faranno vivere le emozioni, le risate, le lacrime, le sorprese e i colpi ...
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Welcome to the Rehan Allahwala podcast, where amazing things happen.
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O grupo de “Estudos de Obras Selecionadas” (EOS) Manaus realizou o estudo da obra “O Livro dos Espíritos”. Este “podcast” é destinado à divulgação desta atividade. . Obra básica da Doutrina Espírita publicada em 1857. Este estudo iniciou-se em 26/02/2021. . É o primeiro livro da Codificação da Doutrina Espírita. Contém os princípios do Espiritismo sobre a imortalidade da alma, a natureza dos Espíritos e suas relações com os homens, as Leis Morais, a vida presente, a vida futura e o porvir da ...
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ALLATRA TV è una INTERNET TV di Volontariato Internazionale del Movimento Sociale ALLATRA, i cui partecipanti vivono in tutto il mondo. Storie affascinanti sulla conoscenza di sé stessi, conversazioni sincere sulle cose più importanti per ogni persona, buone notizie, interviste esclusive, programmi educativi, corsi di montaggio video, ecc. Questo e molto altro ancora sul canale educativo, creativo, mondiale è in continuo aggiornamento ALLATRA TV. Per partecipare ai progetti o per esprimere l ...
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Long-term investors have to make sense of a barrage of information, from market movements and geopolitical news to economic developments and personal finance trends. Through conversations with investment professionals from Allan Gray and various expert guests, we aim to give you insight into how we view the world and how this shapes the way we construct our portfolios to deliver long-term returns for our clients. Allan Gray is an authorised financial services provider.
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¡Te doy la bienvenida a ”Más Allá Con Ivelisse”! Soy Ivelisse López, tu apasionada guía en el fascinante viaje de la vida y los negocios. Como Coach de Vida y Negocios, Mentora en Bienes Raíces y Emprendedora apasionada, mi visión trasciende los límites convencionales. Aquí, nos sumergiremos juntos en el terreno donde convergen la vida, los negocios y la realización personal. Mi enfoque como coach se centra en desbloquear tu potencial, cultivar la resiliencia y construir una base sólida para ...
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Welcome to the Allana Ferreira podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Prof. Sanel Ramić Serijal predavanja o Allahovim lijepim imenima
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Audioguida NON UFFICIALE per la visita alla Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano
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Aprende sobre estilo de vida, belleza, espiritualidad y psicología.
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Join Dr. Allana Da Graca and upgrade your personal and professional goals. Learn how to leave procrastination, activate your genius and strive with a tribe. Join the drdinspyre tribe today at Dr. Allana wants to help you to do the following: 1. Pivot into the Post Pandemic Economy 2. Learn to Convert Your Fans into Consumers 3. Increase Your Brand Organically 4. Learn Ways to Attend Drdinspyre Live Virtual events SUBSCRIBE: Download the Official Upgr ...
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Aquí brindamos información, análisis y entrevistas sobre las artes, cultura y deportes como te gusta a ti.
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Podden Mot Alla Podds är ett projekt där de två vilsna själarna från Göteborg delar med sig av sina erfarenheter av missbruk, rädslor, tillkortakommanden och blottläggar alla möjliga tabun.Podden är ett verktyg för att hjälpa andra att också krossa stigmat och våga ta steget att bryta farliga livsmönster. Podden är även ett roligt samt allvarsamt projekt där vi leker med koncept såsom fiktion men även killgissningar. Kan innehålla spår av humor och anekdoter,restskatt m.m. Med Jimmy Raussi o ...
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My thoughts on the world through my observation, interpretation and understanding
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Love Allah and His Prophet more than anything and get Jannah as Reward.
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RandomMakingMovies Podcast med Jonsson, Kulan och Jonas. Nya avsnitt varje onsdag och specialavsnitt för publicerade videos en gång i månaden på YouTube. Längre och reklamfria avsnitt hittar ni på vår Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Un podcast creado por una persona común y corriente donde hablo sobre el crecimiento personal, la resilencia mental, lecciones aprendidas de la vida, historias, motivación, descubrimiento personal, sanación emocional, temas más allá de la vida y las crisis existenciales. Dale like, follow, comparte y habla conmigo. Me gustaría saber de ti!
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Allan experiments with podcasting and makes a new episode every other week.
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Podcast by ALLAN DRAX
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Impostare la lista della spesa su Alexa, ordinare un pacco e riceverlo il giorno dopo, guardare una serie tv. Sono azioni entrate nel nostro quotidiano e che svolgiamo con naturalezza. Di tutto ciò, però, vediamo solo il risultato. Ma come funzionano alcuni dei servizi che hanno cambiato le nostre vite? È arrivato il momento di aprire le porte dell’universo Amazon, con un racconto itinerante che, attraverso la voce di Matteo Curti, farà emergere un mondo fino a ora inedito. Buon viaggio!
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Allan Mandindi
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Allan McLennan shares his stories as a birding enthusiast from the Sapphire Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
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Effekten av världens starkaste luktsalt & den suspekta crackpipan (Patreonavsnitt)
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1:28:38Kulan överraskar oss med världens starkaste luktsalt och vi testar givetvis effekten. Vi har också fått in en lyssnarfråga som vi besvarar och den här veckan bjuder vi på ett Patreonavsnitt så att ni kan testa på hur livet som Patreon är. På vår Patreon hittar ni ännu ett nytt avsnitt och 127 tidigare avsnitt helt utan reklam här: https://www.patre…
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riflessioni sulla seconda lettura di Martedì 25 Marzo 2025 (Eb 10, 4-10) - Apostola Briana
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5:50- Premi il tasto PLAY per ascoltare la catechesi del giorno e condividi con altri se vuoi - + Dalla lettera agli Ebrei + Fratelli, è impossibile che il sangue di tori e di capri elimini i peccati. Per questo, entrando nel mondo, Cristo dice: «Tu non hai voluto né sacrificio né offerta, un corpo invece mi hai preparato. Non hai gradito né olocausti …
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Episode 109: Ep.109: Fight Club (1999)
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51:43Basato sull'omonimo romanzo di Chuck Palahniuk, il film offre una visione altamente critica del consumismo e dell'alienazione dell'uomo moderno, è stato inserito nel 2008 al 10^ posto nella lista dei 500 migliori film della storia secondo la testata giornalistica britannica Empire. Il film è uscito nelle sale cinematografiche statunitensi il 15 ott…
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Välkommen till Malmö #76: Död katt i fönstret
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48:16Vi pratar om att SD-styret i Bjuvs kommun faller isär, att Magnus lider av Malmö-mentalitet, och rapporteringen om kriminella Malmö-barn. Stötta gärna oss på vår Patreon! Handla gärna i vår Webshop! Följ oss gärna på Twitter!द्वारा Radio åt alla
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141 Mi vida siendo un hombre trans con Daniel Ibarra González
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3:07:14En este episodio, hablamos con Daniel Ibarra González, hombre trans, docente, psicólogo y defensor de los derechos humanos y la comunidad LGBTIQ+. Daniel comparte su testimonio sobre su transición en la adultez, su infancia en una familia tradicional y cómo vivió la disforia, la depresión, la ideación su1c1da y el rechazo social por no sentirse ide…
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Sähköposti on yksi internetin vanhimmista palveluista ja se on myös edelleen yksi tärkeimmistä internet-teknologioista. Tässä jaksossa sukellamme sähköpostin syövereihin ja keskustelemme siitä mistä kaikista komponenteista moderni sähköpostipalvelu oikeastaan koostuu. Asiantuntijavieraana on Aki Tuomi Dovecot-yrityksestä, jossa kehitetään suosittua…
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Bienes Raíces - Mentalidad de Abundancia - Dejemos de Sobrevivir y Accionemos a la Prosperidad
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12:17¿Sientes que trabajas demasiado para resultados mínimos? ¿Sientes estrés por la competencia, la economía o las oportunidades que no llegan? Déjame decirte algo claro y directo: «No es el mercado, no es la competencia, no son las tasas de interés… es tu mentalidad la que realmente determina tu éxito.» – Coach Ivelisse López En este episodio de Más A…
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Le battaglie decisive tra 1942 e 1943
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20:38Acquista il mio nuovo libro, “Anche Socrate qualche dubbio ce l'aveva”: Tra la metà del 1942 e l'inizio del 1943 arrivarono alcune battaglie che avrebbero cambiato il corso della Seconda guerra mondiale. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:…
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Francisco Verdes-Montenegro: "¿Qué es el bukelismo?"
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32:18¿En qué consiste el estilo y la forma de gobernar del presidente de El Salvador, Nayib Bukele? Son preguntas que Alfredo Joignant aborda con el Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Francisco Verdes-Montenegro, en un nuevo capítulo de la séptima temporada de Hay Algo Allá Afuera…
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Oie 🙋♀️ Você já ter ouvido falar de Liderança Servidora, né? Mas você sabe exatamente sobre o que é isso? É uma abordagem que valoriza a equipe e coloca as necessidades deles em primeiro lugar. Eu acho isso incrível! 🙌 Mas liderança servidora não é só sobre bater metas e aumentar a produtividade. É sobre criar um ambiente em que todos se sintam va…
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Donald Trump: A Threat to National Security
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2:47Is Biden,Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton a threat to National Security? President Donald Trump just revoked their security clearances and more on deportation in the United States. Listen to the podcast, support the podcast with your donations and leave a review. Follow me on Instagram: and support my work with you…
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🔴 LÍDER DE ELITE – DIA 1 – A NOVA LIDERANÇA: Os desafios do líder pós-digital
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1:22:18🚨 AULA 01 – NÃO VENHA ESPERANDO O ÓBVIO. O que você vai ouvir amanhã não está em livros de liderança, nem em cursos com PowerPoint colorido. Porque quem vive a liderança de verdade sabe: o mundo mudou e quase ninguém está preparado. ⚠️ A liderança tradicional morreu. Mas o mercado continua premiando quem repete o discurso velho. ⚠️ O líder “operaci…
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Enda Brady: UK correspondent on Prime Minister Keir Starmer vowing to fix every pothole in Britain
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5:00Over in the UK, Prime Minister Keir Starmer has promised to fix every pothole in Britain. In an earlier radio interview, Starmer announced plans to provide a 'record amount' of money to local authorities to fill 7 million potholes a year. UK correspondent Enda Brady says Starmer promised to use AI and technology to speed this process up. LISTEN ABO…
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Jamie Mackay: The Country host on former Special Trade Envoy Mike Petersen issuing a warning to Kiwi primary exporters
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3:40One former Special Trade Envoy has issued a warning to Kiwi primary exporters amid the escalating trade war. Mike Petersen has joined the chorus of international trade experts who say New Zealand will be caught in the crossfire between the US and China - and he's warning exporters to 'be ready to be nimble'. The Country host Jamie Mackay explains f…
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Brad Olsen: Infometrics Principal Economist on the recent boom in cherry exports
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3:07Export prices are sitting in a strong position - with cherries seeing a surge in overseas demand. New data shows cherry exports over the 2024/25 season reached 5.07m kg, up 33 percent from the prior season. Infometrics Principal Economist unpacked this data further. LISTEN ABOVE See for privacy information.…
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Martin Hawes: financial adviser on the number of Kiwis working past the age of 65
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4:22New data shows a significant number of Kiwis are working past the retirement age. A new report from Stats NZ shows there are almost 200,000 New Zealanders aged 65 or older that are still in the workforce. This research also reveals at least 1200 Kiwis in their 90's are still working. Financial adviser Martin Hawes says many of these people will nee…
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Full Show Podcast: 25 March 2025
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1:40:19Listen to the Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive Full Show Podcast for Tuesday 25 March. Get the Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive Full Show Podcast every weekday evening on iHeartRadio, or wherever you get your podcasts. See for privacy information.द्वारा Newstalk ZB
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The Huddle: Can we afford either stadium option?
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9:13Tonight on The Huddle, Ali Jones from Red PR and Nick Leggett from Infrastructure New Zealand joined in on a discussion about the following issues of the day - and more! How do we feel about taxpayer funding of a new Auckland stadium? Can we afford this? New electorate boundaries have been drawn up by the electoral commission. What could this mean …
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Meena Satishkumar: Tech Beyond Gender founder on why more female and gender-diverse tech professionals are reconsidering roles
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5:47A new report exploring the tech sector has raised concerns among experts. A new survey by Tech Beyond Gender found that over half of all female and gender diverse technology workers who took part in the study have contemplated leaving their positions - while a third considered leaving the sector altogether. Tech Beyond Gender founder Meena Satishku…
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Owen Evans: Lo-Fi Productions managing director expresses concern over proposed regulations impacting events
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4:12There's fears stricter regulation of event organisers could hurt smaller promoters most. Three companies connected to Juicy Fest and Timeless Summer have gone into liquidation - with ticket holders yet to receive refunds. Eccles Entertainment co-founder Brent Eccles is pushing to force ticketing companies to hold money until an event has ended. But…
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Gertjan Verdickt: Auckland University finance lecturer unpacks research revealing whisky, Lego and handbags might be safer investments
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4:02New research shows investors looking for the best returns might be better off putting money into whisky or Lego, as opposed to the share market. University of Auckland finance lecturer Gertjan Verdickt has released new research into alternative investments, including Lego, instruments, classic cars, wine, whisky and baseball cards. Verdickt says th…
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Michael Gordon: Westpac senior economist on the declining confidence in the labour market
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2:53Confidence in the labour market is shrinking, according to new reports. The Westpac-McDermott Miller index shows employment confidence has reached its lowest level since mid-Covid - in September 2020. It fell in 4 out of 11 regions - including the biggest jobs market - Auckland. Westpac senior economist, Michael Gordon, says businesses are advertis…
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Shane Henderson: Auckland Councillor ahead of Thursday's stadium vote
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2:59An Auckland Councillor says he's leaning towards choosing an improved Eden Park to be Auckland's national stadium. The other option is a new stadium at Quay Park. Council staff say neither proposal is entirely feasible - relying on funding from the Council or the Government. Stadium Working Group chair Shane Henderson says Aucklanders want certaint…
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Barry Soper: Newstalk ZB senior political correspondent weighs in on latest shake-up of electorates
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5:35Feedback is being sought on a major shake-up of electorates. The Representation Commission is proposing replacing Wellington's Ōhāriu, Mana and Ōtaki, with new electorates, Kapiti and Kenepuru. A number of Auckland boundary lines would be redrawn, including New Lynn, Kelston, Te Atatū - becoming Waitākere, Glendene and Rānui. Panmure-Otahuhu would …
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Murray Olds: Australian correspondent speculates ahead of the 2025 Federal Budget
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4:34Over in Australia, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers is set to hand down the Albanese Government's newest Budget tonight. This is the last Budget ahead of the upcoming federal election in May - so the pressure's on for Labor to outline their policy agenda. Australian correspondent Murray Olds outlines his predictions ahead of this evening's announceme…
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D'Arcy Waldegrave: Sportstalk host on the All Whites advancing to next year's Football World Cup
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3:16Captain Chris Wood expects the excitement of qualifying for next year's Football World Cup to be a slow burn for the All Whites. The win over New Caledonia in the Oceania final booked New Zealand a berth at the tournament for the third time in the team's history. They're just the fifth team to qualify for the 48-team event so far - alongside co-hos…
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Cath Cronin: Health NZ Deputy Chief Executive says investigations underway after 11 year old mistakenly sent to mental health facility
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4:24Health NZ says it is investigating in depth as to how an 11-year-old girl was taken to a Hamilton mental health facility in a case of mistaken identity. She was mis-identified as a 20 year old patient seen climbing Fairfield Bridge's railings - then cuffed and injected with antipsychotic drugs. Health NZ Deputy Chief Executive Cath Cronin says they…
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LIVE 08 - Sua Liderança Está Pronta Para o Futuro?
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47:36🚨 A liderança como você conhece está com os dias contados. Nos próximos 3 anos, o mundo vai mudar mais do que nos últimos 10. Quem continuar liderando com o mesmo mindset, os mesmos hábitos e a mesma postura… vai ser engolido. ⚠️ Equipes mais exigentes. ⚠️ Novas relações com o trabalho. ⚠️ Inteligência artificial decidindo o que antes era papel do …
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DJ Pressure Radio Show (23-03-2025)
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1:56:36DJ Pressure Radio Show (23-03-2025)द्वारा Stu Allan Foundation
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In this episode, I finally discuss the short lived series, The Idol, from The Weeknd and Sam Levisonद्वारा Sebastian Star
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In questa puntata del mondo alla radio focus sull’emergenza umanitaria in Ucraina, dopo oltre tre anni di guerra, con la testimonianza di Giovanni Visone, responsabile della comunicazione di Intersos e a Gaza, dove si continua a morire dopo la fina della tregua con Monica Minardi, presidente di Medici Senza Frontiere Italia. Presentata poi questa m…
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📊 Você tem foco ou só um monte de planilhas e reuniões inúteis? 📌 Planejamento estratégico sem clareza é só teatro corporativo. Toda empresa diz que tem uma estratégia, mas a maioria não tem foco real nem decisões corajosas. 🚨 Estratégia é saber escolher. 🔥 Saber dizer “não” para o que distrai e “sim” para o que realmente move a agulha. Se sua equi…
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Energy transition and digital transformation present enormous opportunities
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41:23PARTICIPANTS Professor Mairi Spowage, Director, Fraser of Allander Institute Angela Mitchell, Senior Partner for Scotland & Northern Ireland, Deloitte Lesley McEwan, Director in Deloitte's Infrastructure and Capital Programme Team, Deloitte TIMESTAMPS (10:50 ) What purposes could public land be put to? (14:10) Taking the demand to the supply – data…
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Gavin Grey: UK correspondent on the investigations into the Heathrow shutdown
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3:58New reports have revealed power was available to keep London's Heathrow Airport open throughout the recent shutdown. Two other substations remained operational and capable of powering the airport - but the shutdown was called due to the time it took to switch from the damaged substation to the other two. UK correspondent Gavin Grey says this update…
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