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Was unterscheidet Menschen von Cyborgs? Was passiert, wenn wir sterben? Was hat Rap mit Religion zu tun? Gibt es Schuld und einen freien Willen? Was steht wirklich in der Bibel und wie ernst nehmen Muslime den Koran? In der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft der Universität Zürich wird zu diesen Fragen, zu Spiritualität und verschiedenen Religionen geforscht. Jeden zweiten Freitagabend spricht Dorothea Lüddeckens mit Kolleg:innen und Gästen über ihre Forschung, ihre Perspektiven auf Spiritu ...
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Der Podcast rund um das Thema Spiritualität für Jedermann: Mit diesem Podcast nehme ich Euch mit auf meinem Weg zum Medium. Ich, dass ist Annette, ein Medium mit Herz. In den Folgen geht es um die Themen Spiritualität, Sensitivität, Medialität, mein Geistführer und ich, meine Arbeit als Medium, Interviews mit Menschen die mich auf dem Weg zum Medium begleiten. Und das alles mit ganz viel Leichtigkeit und meinem Kurpfälzer Charme.
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Wocheninspiration mit Eva-Marie Schmidt - Die Kenntnis der Lebensgesetze bringt dir die Freiheit, mit Hilfe deiner Schöpferkraft alle Schwierigkeiten zu meistern, alle Hürden zu überwinden und dir das Leben zu ermöglichen, was du dir wünschst.
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Entdecke Dein Inneres Universum – Dein Podcast für Bewusstsein, Integration, Transformation & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Psychologie, Spiritualität und psycho-energetischen Prozesse. Wir begleiten Dich auf Deiner Reise zu mehr Selbstverständnis und innerer Freiheit. Erlerne, wie Du hinderliche Muster auflöst und ein erfüllteres Leben führst. Perfekt für alle, die tief in ihr eigenes Innenleben eintauchen und es voll und ganz leben möchten. Abonniere ...
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Der Podcast für moderne Spiritualität mit Bahar Yilmaz. Ein Podcast für Menschen, die nach mehr Erfüllung, Sinnhaftigkeit und Energie im Leben suchen. Bahar Yilmaz teilt in Ihren Folgen Ihr umfangreiches Wissen und Erfahrung auf den Gebieten Spiritualität, Heilung, Yoga und Meditation. Bahar Yilmaz wird auch gerne als die Stimme der neuen Spiritualität bezeichnet, denn sie räumt mit spirituellen Gefängnissen auf und begleitet Menschen darin, ihre Selbstverantwortung für ihr Leben wieder voll ...
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In der S-Bahn, im Auto, auf deiner Laufrunde: Wann immer du ein offenes Ohr hast und aufbauende Worte, kritische Reflexionen oder tief gehende Einsichten brauchst – mein Podcast liefert sie dir frei Haus! Jede Woche kommen zwei neue Beiträge dazu und versorgen dich mit Wissenswertem, Nachdenklichem und vor allem mit Gedanken und Tipps, die dir dabei helfen, gesünder und glücklicher zu leben. Darunter Interviews mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten, Vorstellungen wundervoller Produkte, Diskussi ...
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Veda Spirit - Ayurveda und Spiritualität für mehr Lebenskraft und ganz viel Herz

Natalie Baldys | Ayurveda Ernährungstherapeutin | New Spirit Coach

In diesem Podcast erfährst du, wie du mit Ayurveda und moderner Spiritualität ein Leben führen kannst, das du dir wünschst. Natalie ist Ayurveda Ernährungstherapeutin, New Spirit Coach und Yin Yoga Lehrerin und begleitet dich zu einem bewussten Leben mit Gesundheit und mehr Lebensenergie auf allen Ebenen. Ein Leben mit Sinn, Intuition, Verbundenheit, Balance und ganz viel Herz. In ihren Folgen teilt sie mit dir ihre Erfahrungen, Ayurveda Tipps und Meditationen, die dich als feinfühligen Mens ...
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Mit Herz und Verstand - Channeling und gelebte Spiritualität

Kristina Sacken - Medium & Mediale Ausbildung

Du bist der wichtigste Mensch in Deinem Leben und Du erschaffst Deine Realität! Willst Du die Botschaften aus der geistigen Welt erfahren, die Dir helfen, selbstbewusst und mutig zu sein? Medium Kristina Sacken teilt ihre wertvolle ENERGIEVORSCHAU und gibt Dir mit den TIPPs DER WOCHE ihre Erfolgs-Werkzeuge an die Hand. Mit dabei: Moderatorin SUSANNE BRÜCKNER Dieser Podcast ist für alle, die hören wollen, was die AKTUELLE ZEITQUALITÄT für sie bereithält. Und KONKRETE TIPPS wollen, um noch BES ...
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Tune in and discover how Kay uses spirituality to navigate the material world. From a young girl in New York City working in the corporate field to a meditation and yogic philosophy teacher in Asia. Kay is here to share her experience and insight for living a more meaningful life.
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Three Cups and a dash of Spirituality

Michelle Milne, Carissa Cano, Stacy Curtis

Listen in to find out what happens when you bring 3 psychic mediums together to talk spirituality. With nothing off limits, Stacy, Carissa and Michelle, will share their journeys and their unique abilities. They will then combine their knowledge to bring in broader perspective and understanding.
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Science and Spirituality

Chris and Kevin Carton

Science & Spirituality Podcast creators Chris and Kevin Carton dive deep into universal spiritual principles, while grounding them in modern scientific research. Coming from a relationship that has evolved over 31 years, these brothers have a uniquely fun and playful approach that is like a breath of fresh air in the personal development space. Expect to be challenged to think outside the box as you expand your consciousness by learning practical tips to apply right away! Join our subscriber ...
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Welcome to Psychedelics, a podcast with guidance and tips for your next mushroom trip, the power of plant medicine, and how it all relates to spirituality, mindset, and your soul's destiny. Join the psychedelic tribe at jamesxandertrip.com ~ RESOURCES Here are epic resources to help your spiritual journey: • Newsletter – jamesxandertrip.com • James Xander – youtube.com/@emperorjames • Unlock God Mode - unlockgodmode.org • Mushroom Trip Checklist - mushroomchecklist.com • Mushroom Trip Music ...
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While religion and science often seem at odds, there’s one thing they can agree on: people who take part in spiritual practices tend to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. The big question is: Why? In How God Works, professor Dave DeSteno takes us on a journey to find out how spirituality impacts our minds and bodies, as well as the world in which we live. He speaks to leading scientists and philosophers, religious thinkers, and thought leaders to explore what we can learn from the wo ...
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Discover new ways to think, feel and heal while exploring your spiritual-side with Sandy C Newbigging - bestselling author, meditation teacher, trauma and mind-body connection expert and creator of Mind Detox and Calmology. This podcast includes highlights from Sandy’s Calm Clan community club, expert interviews, guided meditations and more - all so you can benefit from unifying therapy and spirituality.
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Welcome to Talks with Maria Podcast, a Spiritual & Business Podcast for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Author: The Boss Mom Mentality: https://amzn.to/33lZGAa 📬 info@talkswithmaria.com www.talkswithmaria.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/selfhelppodcast/support
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The Playful Spirituality podcast is the home for your unbridled wildness! A place to discover your magic and your superpowers (yes, you have them), remind you of your connection to Spirit, and tap you into the unconditional love and support that is flowing to you. In this playground, you will find many resources - from tools and teachings to guided meditations and energy healings, with occasional special guests and even live readings. Cara offers practical and fun guidance to help you raise ...
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Timeless Spirituality

Daniel "The Past Life Regressionist"

Timeless Spirituality, hosted by Daniel "The Past Life Regressionist," is a captivating podcast that explores the depths of spirituality and its connection to time. Join Daniel and his guests as they delve into past life regression, astrology, and the timeless essence of existence. With occasional humorous moments, this podcast offers profound insights, making it a unique blend of enlightening entertainment. Tune in to connect with your inner self and uncover the totality of who you are and ...
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The ins and outs of this crazy spiritual journey. I offer my own experiences to help others recognize the similarities in their journey. In service to all 🙏🏽❤️ Cover art photo provided by Joel Filipe on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joelfilip
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🔆Qu'est ce que Manipura ? Manipura est une plateforme de développement spirituel pour vous aider à re conscientiser votre plein pouvoir, en prenant confiance en vos capacités, en étant aligné avec vous-même et avec les énergies de l'Univers. Objectif : étudier votre microcosme en relation avec le macrocosme pour vous harmoniser sur votre plan mental et émotionnel ; vers un ego sain et équilibré. 🔆Pour qui? Manipura est un podcast à l'intention des futurs énergéticiens, cartomanciens, astrolo ...
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Hier ist der offizielle Podcast des Sera Benia Verlags – mit über 100 Folgen für deine Selbstfindung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, für mehr Achtsamkeit, Authentizität und Leichtigkeit im Leben. In diesem Coaching-Podcast gewinnst du einen neuen, erfrischenden Blick auf dich selbst und deinen Alltag. Spiritual Life Coach Seraphine Monien und unser Creative Director Benedikt Heiming sprechen über die ganz normalen Themen des Lebens, über die großen und kleinen Herausforderungen und Probleme, ...
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Sage Spirituality

Joil A Marbut

Reaching back, leaning in and seeking out a deeper experience with God. Go deeper with your host Joil Marbut. Visit us at https://www.sagespirituality.com/ for more information about our podcast
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Set sail for an unforgettable conversation! Spill The Spirituality, brought to you by Hope & Anchor, is the podcast that's not afraid to dive deep into the stories and issues that matter most. It's fun. It's vibrant. It's honest. Truthfully? It's a space where nothing is off-limits and where everyone is included. Hosted by Trey Hall and Jaz Ampaw-Farr, it's a space for honesty, authenticity, and a healthy dose of humour along the way. Inclusive to everyone – whether you're a person of faith, ...
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UAP Investigator Mike and Reverend Stu tackle E.T and Spirituality. Fueled by the July 2023 US Government UAP hearings of unknown objects, non-human intelligence, and non-human ‘biologics’, that also brought forth legislation titled “The UAP Disclosure Act“, together with the European Union hearing of similar nature in March of 2024, and statements from the Vatican not long ago; we embark on a new journey and take this conversation in a different direction by discussing the emerging question ...
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Luxury Unplugged where Luxury meets Spirituality

Neeti Keswani | Host 'Luxury Unplugged' | Exploring Life of Lux Spirituality

Can Luxury and spirituality co-exist? In a world often defined by materialism, we invite you to unplug from the ordinary and embark on a transformative quest for self-improvement. Join us as we delve into the realms of mindfulness, personal development, and the art of living luxuriously, not just externally, but internally. This is your go-to place where opulence meets enlightenment, and the pursuit of a truly luxurious life intertwines with the journey of spiritual growth. I'm your host Nee ...
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Ready to transform your life and manifest your dreams? Welcome to Canny Crystals; Manifestation, Mindset & Spirituality, the podcast that empowers you to harness the Law of Attraction, master your mindset, and elevate your spiritual journey. Each episode is packed with actionable insights, inspiring stories, and powerful tools to help you create a life of abundance and purpose. Whether you're new to manifestation or looking to deepen your practice, join me and special guests as we dive into ...
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🌟 Discover the Path to Inner Peace in Just Minutes! 🌟 Welcome to a transformative space where personal growth meets practical spirituality. ✨ This podcast is your guide to applying timeless spiritual concepts in your daily life, offering easy-to-follow exercises and bite-sized insights that simplify your journey toward calm, clarity, and self-discovery. 💡 What you’ll find here: 🧘 Mindfulness made simple: Learn actionable steps to harmonize your mind and emotions. 📿 Buddhist principles for mo ...
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Practical Spirituality

Gareth Michael & Kim Jewell

Join this fascinating discussion between Kim, a behavioral specialist with a deep curiosity about spirituality, and Gareth, a spiritual channel of Michael, as they address and explore the biggest and most meaningful questions we face in our day-to-day lives. Featuring direct, open and informed conversations about the things that impact us the most - from self-love and self-acceptance through to channeling and spiritual understandings. Discover new ways to connect to the deeper meaning of the ...
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This podcast is for anyone who wants to feel inspired towards authenticity and self-awareness. It explores astral travels, spirituality, philosophy, self-discovery, and more. Divine Energy shares experiences and lessons, offering guidance to those facing similar challenges. Filled with profound questions about identity and our place in the universe. Authenticity is key to understanding and breaking free. Unauthorized distribution or alteration of content is not allowed. Additional stories ar ...
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Der Podcast DIE KUNST ZU LEBEN von Steffen Kirchner bietet dir tiefgründige Inspiration und sofort umsetzbares Praxiswissen in den Bereichen Lebensglück, moderne Spiritualität, emotionale Freiheit, Lebenssinn und berufliche Erfüllung. Alles was du brauchst, für ein selbstbestimmtes, freies und erfülltes Leben. Dieser Podcast bereichert dich durch fundiertes Wissen und inhaltsstarke Coachings von Steffen, außergewöhnliche Gespräche mit hochrangigen Experten und inspirierende LIVE Mitschnitte ...
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Faith and spirituality sometimes leave us with more questions than answers. The Compass podcast shares stories about deconstructing faith, finding meaning, seeking justice, and deepening spiritual connection through contemplative practices and worship. Join fellow spiritual seekers Michelle Maldonado and Ryan Dunn as they seek orientation to the Divine presence in the day-to-day through a Christian perspective. A production of United Methodist Communications.
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Are you ready to start a journey of personal growth and spiritual development? Look no further! This captivating podcast is here to help you live a more authentic and joyful life. Whether you’re going through a spiritual awakening or just looking for ways to improve your well-being, this podcast is perfect for you. Join us as we explore topics like self-improvement, manifestation, transforming your mindset, finding spiritual enlightenment, relieving anxiety, and even unlocking your psychic a ...
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Spirituality on High

Kylie Howland

Welcome to Spirituality on High, your complete guide to all things wellness, personal development and living a holistic lifestyle. Podcast host, Kylie Howland, has created this space to empower you to love yourself in all forms, break out of old toxic cycles & become the person you're destined to be. Each week, you will gain insights and clarity on how to make massive shifts in your everyday until you don't recognize the old you - in the best way possible. Please support the podcast by subsc ...
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Teaching you how to master your thoughts and raise your vibration. My name is Andy. It took about 20 years of intense suffering, but I managed to breakthrough and elevate my vibration to the next level, this instantly transformed my life internally and externally! Follow my high vibrational, spiritual, and conscious journey. Life can be fun, life can be full of joy and wellbeing. Raise your vibration and connect to source energy with me. 1 on 1 coaching: https://calendly.com/andysteaching/15 ...
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Deep Spirituality

Deep Spirituality

Follow our Deep Spirituality Podcast Network to meet all your spiritual podcasting needs. Join our Editor-in-Chief Russ Ewell and guests as they have candid discussions on spiritual topics ranging from faith to anxiety to vulnerability, or check out our narrative podcasts for an immersive storytelling experience of biblical stories. You could also listen to our scripture playlists to learn more about God and yourself as you go about your week. Check out our book "He's Not Who You Think He Is ...
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Immerse yourself in the channeled guidance from Yeshua, Archangels, etc that leads to self-discovery & spiritual growth. Release negative emotions & self-sabotaging patterns. Master manifesting abundance, connecting to your higher self, and living a happier life! Align with the Golden Earth frequency. Moumita Paul is your host and a gifted vocal channeler, clairaudient, and seasoned self-mastery coach. Her spiritual journey began with experiencing narcissistic abuse, corporate burnout, and d ...
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High Vibes And A Mic | Motherhood, Family, Friendships, International Culture, Wellness, Spirituality

Veronique and Silvia -- Immigrant Moms - Motherhood Conversations, Energy Healing, Family Dynamics, Bilingual Families

Looking for a relatable and fun moms podcast? Look no further than High Vibes and a Mic! Silvia and Veronique, longtime friends from Brazil and France, share their life stories (successes and failures), discuss relationships, motherhood challenges and blessings, life as immigrants in the US, spirituality and other fun topics. They also interview incredible guests who are experts in their fields. This uplifting show will bring positive energy, good laughters and high quality advise to moms fr ...
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The Earthkeepers Podcast promotes global connection among ecological-minded people who believe that earth care is an integral part of spiritual life. Through conversations about topics like ecology, climate change, gardening, farming, social enterprise, theology, environmental justice, outdoor recreation, conservation and community development, we aim to inspire a movement of ordinary earthkeepers who will help heal the world.
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show series
Hast du dich jemals gefragt, ob unsere Gesundheit systematisch verhindert wird? In diesem Video gehe ich gemeinsam mit André Blank der Frage nach, warum so viele Menschen trotz medizinischer Fortschritte an chronischen Krankheiten leiden. Wir beleuchten, wie das Gesundheitssystem und gesellschaftliche Strukturen uns in einem Zustand von Krankheit u…
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Matthew Ian Fleming on Compass: Finding spirituality in the everyday. Matthew dives deep into the enigmatic Book of Revelation, shedding light on its broader message of hope, justice, and new creation, far from its often misinterpreted doom and gloom reputation. Learn about his unique approach to understanding Revelation, anchored by Psalm 139, and…
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In this empowering episode of Awaken Your Inner Awesomeness, we dive deep into the transformative power of vulnerability and how embracing it can unlock your truest, most authentic self. Join us as we explore the fears that often hold us back from showing up fully in our lives and relationships, and discover practical tools for stepping into vulner…
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In this episode, we talked about our bad habits, sharing personal experiences and insights on overcoming them. We discuss the challenges of quitting smoking, the importance of living in the present, and the impact of judgment on relationships. The conversation also touches on the significance of letting go of worries about others' opinions and the …
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Join me today as I speak with co-founder of Awakened Magazine David Trotter as we discuss: His journey from being a Christian pastor to opening up to supernatural and metaphysical understandings of consciousness; How profound spiritual experiences awakens us to deeper gifts within; The difference between performing and serving; His undertaking with…
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Today I challenge three common assumptions people make about how we can create 'peace on earth'. I argue for why it's necessary to feel negative emotions (wait, what?!), and question our assumptions about how peace can be achieved in our relationships and in the wider-world. Yes, if we all managed to find 'inner peace' then 'peace on earth' would b…
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In dieser Podcast-Folge sprechen wir über die kraftvollen Botschaften der geistigen Welt für die nächsten 7-10 Tage. Was ist diese Woche anders? Du wirst aufgefordert, Ruhe zu finden, dich zu zentrieren und gleichzeitig offen für Botschaften zu bleiben, die unerwartet auf dich zukommen könnten. Wir teilen mit dir: 🌿 Innere Stärke & Balance: Wie du …
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#596 - Bewusst leben nach dem Bleistift-Prinzip In dieser Folge von Die Kunst zu leben stelle ich dir das „Bleistift-Prinzip“ vor – eine inspirierende Lebensweisheit, die uns daran erinnert, bewusst, flexibel und mutig durchs Leben zu gehen. Basierend auf einer berührenden Geschichte von Paulo Coelho geht es darum, wie wir mit Fehlern umgehen, unse…
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The holiday season is full of joy, connection, and celebration—but it can also feel like a tricky time to stay grounded in your goals and dreams. In this episode, Kevin shares a powerful personal story of how he stayed connected to his purpose during a two-week vacation in Spain, using lessons from his mentor about the art of mental focus. He explo…
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CYBER MONDAY 50% SALE: Join the 'Unlock God Mode' Experience – A 30-Day Manifestation Course Unlock God Mode is a unique, 30-day course designed to elevate your reality creation skills and align you with your deepest desires. Join this tranformative audio course designed to help you connect deeply with life and achieve your goals with clarity and p…
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In recent past episodes you might recall hearing the term “edgewalkers”—and by that term, we mean those of us who have moved away from the center of conventional church and faith praxis, and moved toward the creative edges of the institutional church where new imaginings and alternate expressions of faith life are being explored. That includes, of …
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In this episode of the Practical Spirituality Podcast, Gareth and Kim examine why maintaining consistency in everyday life often feels challenging. Their conversation considers how fear, expectations, and the pressures of adult responsibilities—work, parenting, and finances—affect the pursuit of stability, drawing on personal stories to highlight t…
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In this engaging conversation, Véronique and Silvia share humorous and insightful anecdotes about life lessons learned later than expected. They discuss various topics, including the simple trick to removing deodorant caps, the importance of dental flossing, household hacks like using comforters, learning to drive as adults, and the significance of…
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⭐️ Podcast-Empfehlung: die schönsten „All about life“ Folgen noch mal hören. Heute „Folge deinem Stern – so öffnest du dein Drittes Auge“. ⭐️ ✨ Was passt wirklich zu mir? ✨ Wie finde ich meinen Sinn im Leben? ✨ Wo finde ich Erfüllung? In dieser Podcast-Folge erfährst du, wie du es schaffst, deiner Seele mehr Vertrauen zu schenken und einen neuen kl…
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This episode from 2023 is one of our all-time listener favorites. We're sharing it again for anyone who may have missed it, or could do with a refresher, especially at the holiday season! Surveys show feelings of sadness and despair peaked in 2023. So as we look to the new year, it’s understandable why any of us might be feeling pessimistic, even h…
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CYBER MONDAY 50% SALE: Join the 'Unlock God Mode' Experience – A 30-Day Manifestation Course Unlock God Mode is a unique, 30-day course designed to elevate your reality creation skills and align you with your deepest desires. Join this tranformative audio course designed to help you connect deeply with life and achieve your goals with clarity and p…
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Was wäre, wenn wir unsere Realität aktiv gestalten könnten, statt uns von Spaltung und Manipulation leiten zu lassen? Genau darüber spreche ich mit Peter Denk. Wir diskutieren, wie Desinformation – nicht nur in den Mainstream-Medien, sondern auch innerhalb der alternativen Szene – viele Menschen negativ beeinflusst und wie wichtig es ist, Respekt u…
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Was sind die wichtigsten Botschaften der Geistigen Welt an uns betreffend 2025? Was erwartet uns 2025 energetisch gesehen? Welche Hürden und Aufgaben haben sich bereits jetzt in den Endzügen von 2024 angekündigt? Worauf solltest du jetzt und zu Beginn des Jahres achten? Welche energetischen Phänomene könnten auftreten und wie kannst du sie deuten? …
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Erinnerung an die Energie der Dankbarkeit In der heutigen Folge von pink spirit talk möchte Gibi an die Energie der Dankbarkeit erinnern. Und wie wichtig diese Energie für die Menschheit ist. Mehr von Annette erfahrt ihr unter:www.pink-spirit.deद्वारा Annette Meng
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CYBER MONDAY 50% SALE: Join the 'Unlock God Mode' Experience – A 30-Day Manifestation Course Unlock God Mode is a unique, 30-day course designed to elevate your reality creation skills and align you with your deepest desires. Join this tranformative audio course designed to help you connect deeply with life and achieve your goals with clarity and p…
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Wie gehen Menschen damit um, wenn ihnen eine KI bzw. AI unterstellt, sich für extremistische Inhalte zu interessieren, nur weil Merkmale wie «muslimisch» und «arabisch-sprechend» auf sie zutreffen? Wieso sind Passfoto-Automaten immer dann «kaputt», wenn eine Frau mit Kopftuch Fotos machen möchte? Und wer steht eigentlich hinter den Entscheidungen v…
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Dubai-Schokolade für ein unvergessliches Weihnachten ... ist natürlich ironisch gemeint. Im Angesicht der großen Veränderungen gibt es selbstverständlich Dinge, die uns nicht weiter von uns selbst wegführen, sondern näher zu uns bringen sollen. Genau darauf sollten wir unseren Fokus richten. Ob Schokolade dabei eine Rolle spielt, erfährst du in der…
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In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um das Thema Balance zwischen Macht und Demut – eine der zentralen Energien des Dezembers. Die geistige Welt zeigt uns, wie wichtig es ist, diese beiden scheinbar gegensätzlichen Kräfte miteinander zu verbinden, um die Herausforderungen und Chancen dieser intensiven Zeit zu meistern. Im Dezember wirst du immer wiede…
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In this episode, I dive into the transformative idea of turning your home into a physical vision board. Your space is an extension of your energy, and by making intentional changes - like decluttering, adding meaningful decor, and anchoring your goals with symbols - you can align your home with your dreams and create a manifestation powerhouse. I s…
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Stop Stress in Its Tracks in Just 5 Minutes with Heart Coherence! Feeling overwhelmed by stress and emotions? In this episode, I’ll reveal a simple yet incredibly powerful technique to help you find your inner calm in just 5 minutes: heart coherence. 💡 Why listen to this episode? Because managing your stress has never been easier. By harmonizing yo…
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