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João Moreira e José Santiago

Podcast onde se discutem (ou não) ideias para spinoffs de TV, cinema e BD. Com João Moreira, José Santiago e convidados.
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Spinoff Team

Questo è Spinoff, il podcast di tecnologia con tre conduttori di eccezione: Matteo Virgilio, che conoscete per i video su HDblog, Bernardo Fasano, opinionista e una delle penne di TuttoAndroid e TuttoTech, e Andrea Ricci, che ricorderete per i video sul canale di Ridble Tecnologia. Tre voci, tante opinioni diverse, molti argomenti da affrontare: ogni settimana sarà l'occasione per confrontarsi con notizie, argomenti scottanti e con le vostre opinioni, che potete mandare attraverso la pagina ...
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Spinoff Success

Beth Phillips

A weekly podcast hosted by Beth Phillips featuring people who leverage their expertise in a tool, piece of software, platform, system or skill in surprising ways to create a new income stream. These stories will help you look at your environment and your own not-so-obvious talents in a new way!
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Rick Wolter spent the majority of his adult life in prison. When he read about a program at San Quentin that was helping inmates prepare for life on the outside by teaching them how to code, he went about teaching himself through any means necessary. Now that he's employed as a programmer, he's helping other formerly incarcerated and underprivilege…
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Lisa Simmons is the single mom of six adult children who range in age from 29-19. This enterprising, multi-potentialite found herself at rock bottom after her narcissistic husband left her and their children with nothing. One eye-catching quote at her lowest point reminded her of the power of her mind which sparked a steady climb out of the hole sh…
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Deborah Hayward is a mother and grandmother from Kitamaat Village, B.C. who is sharing her story of surviving residential school as a teenager one clip at a time on TikTok. As her life memories surface, Debra shares them during daily posts to her 20+ thousand followers on the wildly popular social media platform. My goal was to give Debra a platfor…
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Joshua Lisec is a ghost writer with a unique talent stack. He helps his clients author award-winning and best-selling books and close contracts for their premium services and products. One of the keys to Joshua's success is his understanding and mastery of persuasion in every form of writing. He launched a new business teaching others how to persua…
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In questo episodio a sorpresa di Spinoff - che segna un ritorno molto atteso dopo la chiusura della prima stagione - ripercorreremo le notizie principali del 2020, dando voti alle aziende e ai loro prodotti di punta in questo anno particolare, con uno sguardo rivolto a quello che succederà nei prossimi dodici mesi. Una puntata imperdibile per chiud…
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Stephanie Penich was going about her life, enjoying her various jobs and practicing reiki, when she started to receive messages out of the blue for friends, family and clients from their loved ones who had passed. Steph recorded her experiences in a little black journal and turned those notes into a fascinating podcast called "Medium in the Middle"…
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Alex Fasulo joined Fiverr.com in 2015 hoping to earn an extra $50 a month. She listed a single gig offering to write press releases for just $5 with a goal to rack up 5 star ratings and an excellent reputation on the site. When she quit a PR job that was toxic after just a month, she turned to her Fiverr dashboard, offered a few more services and w…
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Brin Norman started an Etsy shop in 2015 to earn some extra income as a stay-at-home mom. When she acquired her first Silhouette machine, she pivoted her product line to scale her business. Her shop has continued to evolve from physical inventory to digital downloads and Brin has learned solid strategies for success on Etsy along the way. As a top …
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Like many Americans, Elizabeth Miller found herself struggling to balance a full time career, parenting active teenagers and helping her ailing and aging parents. As the demands piled on, she realized her health and well-being were suffering and was inspired to make small and simple healthy choices for 100 days in a row. That self-challenge turned …
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Una puntata speciale, condotta da Andrea e Bernardo più gli interventi di Matteo, a chiusura della prima stagione di Spinoff: un super recap delle notizie più calde di questa estate rovente, dagli imminenti nuovi Galaxy ai recente OnePlus Nord, più uno sguardo verso questa esperienza podcast e due riflessioni sugli orizzonti futuri. Una puntata com…
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Motorola viene presa in giro per il nome del suo nuovo smartphone che in realtà non è nemmeno malaccio. Dopo poco i tre si lanciano in un discorso più o meno articolato su Iliad che sta per arrivare anche nelle case degli italiani con la fibra. Gli shorts Tesla di Elon Musk sono solo una scusa per parlando degli acquisti online. Andrea, Bernardo e …
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Puntata clamorosa di Spinoff, dopo tantissime settimane è stato svelato il premio che arriverà a breve ai gloriosi vincitori di QuizOff. Le notizie della settimana provano a prendere il sopravvento della puntata, c'è un OnePlus Nord che prova ad attirare le attenzioni dei tre ma ci riesce poco e si becca pure qualche critica. I tre però tornano dol…
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Una puntata speciale per una settimana speciale: un recap incredibile di tutte le notizie della conferenza degli sviluppatori di Apple, la WWDC 2020, che ha rappresentato un passaggio storico per l'azienda della Mela. I nostri tre verranno affiancati virtualmente dai preziosi contributi di Antonio Monaco di HDblog e Irven Zanolla di TuttoAndroid, c…
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Tra il design un po' strano della nuova PlayStation 5 e i lanci strambi di LG e HTC, i tre di SpinOff si lasciano andare a commenti sconsiderati. Fortunatamente l'ospite della puntata, Mikhael Costa, il papà di TuttoAndroid, li riporta a considerazioni sane e lancia la puntata su uno sguardo al futuro sulle tecnologie che si stanno costruendo oggi …
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Incredibilmente anche il terzo quesito di QuizOff è stato indovinato in tempi record. Non siete ascoltatori ma detective. La puntata va avanti con le solite news della settimana, tra Mac con nuovi processori e la beta di Android 11, più la notizia fuffa fino al momento in cui Matteo si mette una mano sul cuore e chiede a Bernardo e Andrea cosa sign…
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Un episodio ricco di novità (e infatti anche il più lungo della storia di Spinoff): dall'atteso rilascio di Immuni, passando per Google Sabrina e arrivando infine a mascherine tecnologiche piene di LED. Ritorna anche Quizoff: sarete riusciti ad indovinare il primo smartphone moddato da Andrea? Nella seconda parte dell'episodio arriva Francesco Sgna…
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Incredibilmente qualcuno è riuscito ad indovinare la domanda di Quizoff in tempi record, Matteo inizia a sentirsi osservato. Il mega premio per i vincitori non è stato ancora svelato ma la punta va avanti a colpi di "esatto" di Andrea e una marea di battutine non riuscite a Bernardo. La puntata torna seria con i Spinoff Tech Tips! Il trio è stato i…
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Nella puntata di oggi quel trio di scalmanati prova a capire le ragione dei ritardi e dei problemi della linea di smartphone di Google. La puntata va avanti tra mascherine USB che si sanificano da sole e i nuovi indizi di QuizOff, chi è riuscito ad indovinare il segreto di Matteo? Al trio si unisce Tony Castano che ci svela i segreti del mondo degl…
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Signore e signori, qualcuno è riuscito ad indovinare la prima domanda di QuizOff e si porterà a casa un fantastico premio oltre alla gloria eterna. Tra i nuovi iPhone 12, gli inutili Realme e lo strambo Poco F2 Pro, i tre provano ad interpretare il nome del figlio di Elon Musk: X Æ A-12, e non stiamo scherzando. Il buon Elon però è molto più bravo …
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A Spinoff finalmente arriva il primo ospite: è Dario Caliendo, giornalista di Fanpage che di tecnologia ne sa a pacchi. Con lui affronteremo un viaggio tra brand, smartphone e servizi, guardando al passato - ripensando alle aziende e ai prodotti che ce l'hanno fatta a spiccare ed emergere - ma con un occhio al futuro, per cercare di capire chi sarà…
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Nessuno ha indovinato la difficilissima domanda di QuizOff, il quiz più bello di tutti i podcast. I tre però svelano un grande indizio per indovina il mistero e vincere un premio ancora più misterioso. La puntata va avanti tra nuovi Motorola, film a noleggio su Prime Video e gli scherzi di Matteo contro i complottisti. Andrea inzia a parlare di Win…
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Ma che ci fa Andrea Cervone in Spinoff? Questa è una puntata strana, ricca di novità con il momento notizia fuffa della settimana e l'introduzione di QuizOff, un contest difficilissimo che mette alla prova le abilità dei fan di questo insolito Podcast. Il montepremi è ricchissimo! Parte poi il momento nostalgia e i tre iniziano a ricordare le loro …
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Tim Cook continua a fare scherzetti al trio di Spinoff non presentando il nuovo iPhone per paura di un giudizio negativo nella puntata. Matteo parla dei nuovi OnePlus che Andrea non comprerà mai a 1000 Euro mentre Bernardo se ne infischia continuando a giocare con Google Stadia. Dopo poco, i tre iniziano a parlare del 5G tirando in ballo tantissimi…
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Andrea, figlio acquisito di Riccardo Palombo, ci parla dell'iniziativa di recupero hardware della voce del Mordente. Matteo invece cerca di entrare in call private di Zoom mentre Bernardo se la prende con Apple che non ha ancora presentato iPhone SE 2020. Dopo poco, sotto le grinfie dei tre ci finiscono gli assistenti digitali. In realtà solo Googl…
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Discussioni a ruota libera sulle notizie della settimana, su Hannah Montana e su uno degli argomenti preferiti di Matteo: il prezzo dei telefoni. Non staranno diventando un po' troppo cari? Continua a seguirci su Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spinoff.podcast/ e sul canale Telegram dei MiniPodcast: https://t.me/spinoffpodcast…
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Spinoff è il podcast di tecnologia di Matteo Virgilio, Bernardo Fasano e Andrea Ricci. Il motivo che ha spinto noi tre a lanciare un podcast? Indizi: note vocali, quarantena, microfoni cinesi da 30€ e uno Zenfone perduto. Continua a seguirci su Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spinoff.podcast/ e sul canale Telegram dei MiniPodcast: https://t.me…
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Ian Westermann turned a tennis oriented podcast and blog into the premier instructional site on the web. Essential Tennis boasts an extensive catalogue of free informational and instructional content including hundreds of videos on Youtube, two podcasts, "Essential Tennis" and "Shankcast" and blog articles. For the tennis enthusiast who wants more,…
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Cathy Sikorski is an Elder Law attorney who has been a caregiver for multiple family members and friends in need. She's also the author of two books, including the Amazon Bestseller, "Who Moved My Teeth?", a practical and humorous guide to the basic legal and financial instruments that every adult should have in place. Cathy has shifted her traditi…
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Stephen Warley describes himself as "happily unemployable" after nearly 20 years of working for himself when the dotcom bubble and the 2008 recession disrupted his career and the broadcast industry forever. Stephen has recognized and distilled a discreet set of unchangeable human characteristics that are rarely emphasized in traditional settings. S…
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Hannah Sutor and her husband had everything except time with each other and memorable experiences with their new daughter outside of their demanding jobs. They traded in 90% of their possessions and their suburban lifestyle for an RV adventure on the road. Learn how the Sutors leveraged technology, Youtube and other platforms to learn how to make a…
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Anna Harrison has a unique background that dovetailed perfectly into her business as a travel consultant who provides custom itineraries for experienced and novice travelers alike. In this episode, we discuss Anna's fascinating childhood and post-graduate experience, the business model which allows her to personalize her business at no extra cost t…
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Ed Latimore is multi-dimensional. What's more interesting is that his dimensions are not your typical past-times. In this bonus episode, you'll hear the parts of our conversation that weren't related to his explosive Twitter presence including life after graduating with a degree in Physics, how he prepares for a professional boxing match, other pro…
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Dr. Charles Bullock is a living legend at UGA. He first began his career here in 1968 and in the time since has established himself as an expert in legislative politics and elections and electoral systems and is the state’s pre-eminent scholar on Southern politics.In this episode, Dr. Bullock discusses two topics he’s quite passionate about and has…
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Dr. Shane Singh has focused much of his research on compulsory voting and its unintended consequences. In this episode of the SPIA Spinoff, Singh discusses little-known effects of compulsory voting as well as why compulsory voting does not necessarily fix low voter turnout.Dr. Singh is an associate professor in the Department of International Affai…
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U.S. National Security Expert, Dr. Loch K. Johnson began his career working for Frank Church, the Senator who started the Church Committee to develop oversight for intelligence agencies after the New York Times discovered the CIA was spying on American citizens. In this episode, Dr. Johnson discusses his recent book, Spy Watching, as well as recoll…
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In part two, Matt McWilliams dives deep into affiliate and marketing strategies. He discusses how to sell your audience what it wants, launch vs membership models and how never to run out of content.द्वारा Beth Phillips/Matt McWilliams
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Matt McWilliams is a marketing and affiliate genius. From doubling his family golf school to managing multi-million dollar affiliate programs, Matt has leveraged his expertise to help clients launch successful products and services and created a thriving business teaching others how to master affiliate programs.…
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I share a story about how producing this show helped me realize that I took my skills in the legal practice completely for granted 20 years ago. I think the story will help you recognize skills that you use daily that you're probably taking for granted.द्वारा Beth Phillips
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Kelly Garrett has been curious and eager to try new technologies since the earliest days of desktop publishing and dot matrix printers. She combined her IT and graduate degree in marketing to start her own freelance business designing websites and other projects for clients after graduate school. Fast forward 12 years and Kelly is the founder and M…
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Carrie Olsen is one of the original inspirations for this podcast and the idea of using a skillset to pursue a career and lifestyle that most people only dream of. Not only did Carrie leverage her corporate skills to pursue the craft of voiceover acting as a business from the beginning but she used the same skills to create courses and a model to t…
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Todd Brison is a writer who adopted the publishing platform, Medium.com, early to develop a consistent writing habit and find his audience. He employed a few specific strategies to grow his followers to 56K that are still effective today, even if you're a brand new writer.द्वारा Beth Phillips/Todd Brison
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Jocelyn Paonita Pearson paid for her entire college education by finding and applying for scholarships that were overlooked or ignored by others. The oldest of five children, her parents made it clear that they were not in a position to pay for or take on debt for her higher education. She turned her relatively unique experience of graduating compl…
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Convidámos o João de Almeida para o programa e o sacana trouxe um jogo que tinha ouvido noutro podcast. A escolha provou-se certeira, uma vez que despertou um espírito competitivo que há muito não viamos. O João também é conhecido no meio da música como Elite Athlete, The Love Making Of, Aquamatrix, Dj Inspector da PJ e deve ser isso...…
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Ed Latimore is a multi-faceted, multi-talented entrepreneur who has used Twitter strategically to blow up his platform, make connections globally and promote his projects, ideas and products. From a casual user to an account with nearly 50K followers, Ed shares practical tips to help every Twitter user improve his engagement and experience on the p…
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Jennifer Gallagher was a successful trainer for an aerospace engineering company when she decided to design a work life that would support her rather than own her. Without any prior technical experience, she was hired by a VA company to complete projects. By the time she left to start her own business, she was running the company. Now she and her c…
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