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Un podcast créé par Cathy Intro, coach de français, pour vous aider à mieux connaître les francophones et à améliorer votre français. Conçu pour les niveaux intermédiaires-supérieurs et avancés intéressés par la culture française et nord-américaine ou qui préparent un test (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF). Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mypolyglotlife/support
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Polyglot Software Development

Krish Palaniappan and Varun Palaniappan

We’ve been doing Software Development and Architecture work for a while at Snowpal, and currently have several B2B and B2C products in production. In this podcast, we’ll share our experiences on a regular basis to help you & your teams build great software. The topics covered in this podcast will include Product Management, Project Management, Architecture, Development, Deployment, Security, Release Management, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, and just about everything else an ambitious, fast ...
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This podcast is for people who already have some basic knowledge of Catalan or speak some other Romance languages. Using the natural approach, I speak using comprehensible words and speed. Can’t wait for the next episode? You will find more than 50 videos to learn Catalan on my YouTube channel, including subtitles in English and Catalan: https://www.youtube.com/c/CouchPolyglot Aquest podcast és per a persones que ja tenen un nivell bàsic de català o que ja parlen altres llengües romàniques. ...
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Self-Taught POLYGLOT

Self-Taught POLYGLOT

Hello! My name is Ralph Valentino Jean. And my podcast is about language learning. I am a polyglot, I want to share my techniques with you you. And I also want to teach Haitian creole language, English, and French. So have fun with the podcast "Self-Taught POLYGLOT" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-x4mbvzo-Vfq5dxI5XV2xA
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Road to Polyglot With Sam

Road to Polyglot

Hey everyone! My name is Samuel (or Sam pick one) and I'm on my way to become a polyglot! I speak Portuguese, English and Spanish. I'm learning Italian, French and German. Hopefully, through my experiences (and my struggles) I can help you learn languages too!
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Software Engineer and Developer Advocate, Nic Raboy, shares all his tips and tricks to becoming a polyglot developer. Learn about the latest trends in web, mobile, and game development and how you can quickly get ahead in becoming an incredible developer. With a background in programming languages such as Java, Android, Node.js, and Golang and a background with frameworks such as Express, Ionic Framework, NativeScript, Zend Framework, and Apache Cordova, Nic Raboy is a polyglot with a lot to ...
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This is a podcast about languages and language-learning from a unique perspective. Since 2018, I have spent thousands of hours studying (to varying degrees) 16 languages (!), and I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, from apps to websites to books to YouTube channels, podcasts and more. Join me as we explore the process of language learning, as well as the languages themselves (the true stars of the show!).
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A podcast about language, language learning, and sociolinguistics from a polyglot's point of view! Be sure to follow @PolyglottalPod on Twitter and @ThePolyglottalStop on Instagram and Tiktok! Buy me a coffee or buy yourself a little song: https://ko-fi.com/angeliquevoices. Join the Patreon family: https://patreon.com/angeliquevoices Happy Learning!
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show series
Bon dia, com va tot? Espero que estiguis molt bé! :) Ara que s'acosta Nadal, us vull parlar d'algunes tradicions nadalenques catalanes. He fet servir aquest article: https://www.barcelona.cat/nadal/ca/tradicions/tradicions-de-nadal Espero que hagis passat un molt bon 2024, que passis bones festes (tant si ho celebres com si no) i que tinguis un mol…
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan delves into the advanced strategies of day trading, building upon the foundational knowledge from the previous course. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the risks involved in trading, the process of selecting securities, and the significance of structuring one's trading day effectively. The course also …
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Une série de 3 épisodes du podcast autour de la prononciation et du fait d’avoir un accent quand on parle une langue étrangère. Aujourd’hui, commençons avec un épisode pratico-pratique: 5 conseils pour améliorer la prononciation française. Tu trouveras ce contenu sous forme vidéo, audio et article de blog: https://francais.mypolyglotlife.com/2024/1…
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This course on day trading introduces the concept, its risks, and the demographics of those who engage in it. The instructor emphasizes the importance of understanding the basics of day trading, the reasons individuals choose to day trade, and the inherent risks involved. The course aims to provide practical insights and strategies for potential da…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan introduces the fundamentals of product management through a practical example using the Snowpal web application. The discussion focuses on the implementation of a Kanban board feature, emphasizing the importance of communication between product managers and engineering teams. Key topics include defining requi…
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This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Texas Hold'em poker, covering the basics of the game, including rules, hand rankings, and strategies for playing. The instructor emphasizes the importance of understanding the recreational nature of poker and the risks involved in gambling. Key concepts such as position, betting strategies, and t…
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan provides a comprehensive overview of stock trading, focusing on how to select the right stocks, the importance of diversification, and the analysis of earnings reports. He emphasizes the need for careful research and understanding market sentiment, while also discussing the potential risks and rewards associated wi…
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan shares insights on running a SaaS business, covering essential topics such as problem definition, funding, team building, and the importance of persistence. He emphasizes the need for a clear understanding of the market, effective sales strategies, and the willingness to adapt to challenges and failures. The course…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan introduces Weaviate, an open-source vector database, and explores its functionalities compared to traditional databases. The discussion covers the setup and configuration of Weaviate, hands-on coding examples, and the importance of vectorization and embeddings in AI. The conversation also addresses debugging …
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan discusses the fundamentals of portfolio management, focusing on the differences between day trading and investing. He emphasizes the importance of understanding various trading tools and platforms, as well as the risks associated with trading. The course also covers how to create and manage portfolios effectively, …
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan introduces Trading 103, focusing on essential financial terminologies, investment strategies, and tools for effective trading. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding financial ratios, choosing the right companies to invest in, and the significance of diversification in a portfolio. Krish also explain…
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This course provides a comprehensive overview of stock trading, focusing on practical applications using the E-Trade platform. It covers essential trading concepts such as market and limit orders, the mechanics of short selling, and advanced strategies like stop orders and trailing stops. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding invest…
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In this course, Trading 101, introduces the fundamentals of trading and investing, emphasizing the importance of starting at a young age. It covers various topics including the significance of compounding interest, the necessity of paper trading, choosing the right trading platform, understanding trading hours, setting investment goals, risk manage…
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In this episode of the Snowpal Polyglot Software Development Podcast, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ and ⁠Ryan Soosayraj⁠ discuss the latest iOS release and its new feature, Image Playground. They explore Ryan’s background in product management, share their initial reactions to the app, and compare their experiences with other Apple products. They discuss the…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Dan Nikas⁠, a former homicide detective turned e-commerce expert. Dan shares his journey from policing to founding Gear Bunch and becoming a leading figure in email marketing and Meta advertising. The conversation delves into the challenges of B2C marketing, the importance of understanding audience n…
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Hola, com anem? Espero que estiguis molt bé! :) No sé si et passa a tu, però jo de vegades estic molt cansada. I si dormo molt o tinc un dia poc productiu, em sento malament. Però per què? No soc un robot! Però tot i així penso "hauria hagut de ser més productiva avui". Avui reflexiono sobre aquest tema, tu què en penses? També et passa? Si tens ca…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Srivatsa Srinivasan⁠ to explore the intricacies of sales, particularly in the B2B context. They discuss the fundamental aspects of sales, the importance of understanding buyer personas, and the differences between outbound and inbound sales strategies. The conversation emphasizes the continuous natur…
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Les Français ont la réputation de se plaindre souvent. Dans cet épisode, je partage deux explications principales à cette tendance culturelle. Je relève les bienfaits et les limites de cette pratique et les connecte aux bonnes pratiques à adopter pour apprendre le français. Sommaire 00:00 Introduction 2:19 L'esprit critique français 03:45 Créer du …
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Hola, com va tot? Espero que estiguis molt bé! :) A l'episodi d'avui et parlo de dues expressions: "per lluir s'ha de patir" i "caure del cel". Espero que els exemples quedin clars, no sé si estava tan inspirada com altres dies! Si tens cap dubte, em pots escriure un missatge al YouTube. Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí.…
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In this episode, ⁠Steven Ferguson⁠ shares his journey from being a Marine to becoming a successful entrepreneur. He discusses the importance of integrating a social mission into business, the challenges of bootstrapping a startup, and the significance of thorough planning and research. Steven also delves into the intricacies of managing an e-commer…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan ⁠interviews ⁠Chris Williams⁠, CMO at ⁠Arima⁠, discussing the evolution of marketing strategies, particularly focusing on marketing mix models and their application in both B2B and B2C contexts. Chris shares insights on how startups can effectively market their products, identify key stakeholders, and leverage con…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠, ⁠Marni Stockman⁠, and ⁠Nick Coniglio⁠ discuss their journey as founders of Lifecycle Insights, a SaaS platform. They explore the importance of leadership, the challenges of starting a business, and the critical role of sales and marketing. The conversation delves into the significance of validation in product d…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Tim Hentschel⁠, co-founder and CEO of Hotel Planner, discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on the travel and hospitality industry. Tim shares insights on the evolution of group hotel bookings, the unique offerings of Hotel Planner, and the integration of AI in call centers. The conversatio…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ and ⁠Michael Sattler⁠ delve into the concept of Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Michael shares his extensive experience as a serial entrepreneur and fractional technical product executive, discussing the evolution of his understanding of MVP over the years. The conversation covers the definition of MVP, common mis…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Benjamin Bresington⁠, CEO of ⁠Automate Boring⁠, about the transformative power of automation and AI in business. They discuss the challenges of scaling a company, the intricacies of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and real-world applications that demonstrate how automation can streamline processes …
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Zeba Karkhanawala⁠, an AI engineer and master’s student at the University of Maryland. Zeba shares her journey from dreading programming in her early days at IIT Jodhpur to thriving in the AI field. The conversation delves into the challenges of preparing for the IIT entrance exams, the unique concep…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Dan Lopez⁠, an innovation executive and CTO at ⁠Neural Labs⁠. They discuss the transformative potential of machine intelligence and its applications in various fields, particularly in risk assessment and environmental monitoring. Dan shares insights into the foundational technologies at Neural Labs, …
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Rachel Galperin⁠, founder and CEO of Next Found Artist. They discuss the intersection of technology and creativity in the film industry, focusing on the challenges independent filmmakers face, including funding, distribution, and collaboration. Rachel shares insights into how her platform supports fi…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ speaks with ⁠Brian Coblitz⁠, the executive director of the George Washington University Technology Commercialization Office. They discuss the intricacies of licensing technology from universities, the importance of building long-term relationships, and the challenges startups face when engaging with academic ins…
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Tes amis français t’ont invité.e à un « apéro » et tu ne sais pas trop ce qui t'attend. À quelle heure arriver ? Quoi apporter ? Combien de temps ça va durer ? Tant de questions ! Voici ton guide pour maîtriser la coutume de l'apéro en France. Une conversation en français naturel entre moi, Cathy, née et élevée en France, et Cara, une expatriée bri…
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Hola, com anem? Espero que estiguis molt rebé! ;) Avui 13 de novembre és el meu aniversari i faig 35 anys. Durant molts anys tenia por de fer 30 anys i moltes vegades faig broma sobre els 40, que ja s'acosten hehe. Però fer anys és un privilegi i un regal. I avui et parlo d'aquest tema i també d'algunes cançons típiques en català per cantar quan és…
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Hola, com estàs? Espero que estiguis bé! Avui reflexiono sobre afrontar-se a les pors. Totes les pors són iguals? Ens hauríem d'afrontar a les pors constantment? O només de tant en tant? O millor no fer-ho mai? Tu què en penses? Si tens cap dubte, em pots escriure un missatge al YouTube. Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí.…
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Com anem? Tot bé? Espero que vagi tot molt bé! Avui fem un experiment amb la pàgina web perplexity.ai. És una pàgina en què pots utilitzar la intel·ligència artificial per fer preguntes. I volia fer-li algunes preguntes en català. Concretament, sobre els somnis i els malsons. Espero que sigui interessant! Si tens cap dubte, em pots escriure un miss…
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In this episode, Krish Palaniappan discusses the challenges faced while resolving Android build errors related to Flutter. He shares insights on identifying core issues, managing dependencies, and implementing effective solutions to overcome these technical hurdles. The conversation aims to provide listeners with practical advice to save time and e…
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Apprendre des expressions idiomatiques est une bonne façon d'élever ton niveau de vocabulaire pour le DALF C1, C2 ou le DELF B2. Aujourd'hui, je te présente 5 expressions françaises pour le DALF C1, C2, le DELF B2, le TEF ou TCF pour impressionner et montrer que tu maîtrises le français à un niveau avancé.Je les illustre avec des exemples pour les …
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In this episode, ⁠⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠⁠, ⁠⁠Mike Rispoli⁠⁠, and ⁠⁠Justin Abrams⁠⁠ discuss the journey of entrepreneurship, the challenges of building a business, and the importance of freedom and legacy in their careers. They share insights on the realities of running a startup, the balance between security and freedom, and the impact of their work o…
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In this conversation, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Bob van Luijt⁠, CEO of Weaviate, about the emerging field of vector databases and their significance in AI applications. Bob explains the concept of vector embeddings, the evolution of databases from SQL to NoSQL and now to vector databases, and the unique capabilities that vector databases offe…
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In this episode, Krish Palaniappan discusses investment strategies, focusing on the Joseph Effect and its implications for future stock market returns. He explores historical patterns in the stock market, referencing Warren Buffett’s advice and the potential for below-average returns in the coming decade. The conversation emphasizes the importance …
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Ei, hola, com va tot? Espero que vagi tot perfecte! Avui us parlo de la importància d'un lloguer assequible. Vaig estar uns dies a Catalunya i parlant amb amics i coneguts em vaig adonar que és un tema molt present a les vides de molta gent. Espero que aquest episodi sigui molt interessant! Si tens cap dubte, em pots escriure un missatge al YouTube…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ engages with ⁠Siddharth Parakh⁠, an experienced software engineer and leader, to discuss the evolving role of developers in the age of AI. Siddharth shares his journey from a developer to an engineering leader, emphasizing the importance of understanding the bigger picture in software development. The conversati…
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5 expressions idiomatiques françaises qui sont passées du cinéma aux conversations quotidiennes entre Français. Je te donne des exemples pour apprendre à les utiliser dans tes conversations.Focus sur le personnage culte de Jean-Claude Duss (Les Bronzés) et ses répliques qui sont devenues des expressions idiomatiques, pour honorer la mémoire du comé…
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Bon dia, com anem? Espero que vagi tot perfecte! Vaig tenir un problema tècnic amb aquest episodi i per això l'he penjat més tard. Avui us parlo d'algunes anècdotes de quan vivia a Barcelona i em centro sobretot en un curs de doblatge que vaig fer. Què és el doblatge? M'hauria agradat dedicar-me al doblatge professionalment? Què em va resultar més …
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Michael Sattler⁠, a serial entrepreneur and fractional technical product executive. They discuss the critical aspects of MVP development for early-stage companies, emphasizing the importance of finding product-market fit, learning from failures, and the necessity of customer feedback. Michael shares …
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ discusses the essential elements of entrepreneurship, drawing from personal experiences at Snowpal. He emphasizes the importance of patience, identifying real problems to solve, building a supportive network, and the need for self-motivation. The conversation also touches on the long-term commitment required in …
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Annonce de la sortie du nouveau podcast où je discute de langues, d'identité et du Québec avec Urmi Hossain, autrice de "Discovering Your Identity : A Rebirth From Interracial Struggles". Pour écouter l'interview: YouTube (sous-titres disponibles): https://youtu.be/MZJu5MF7EaM Audio sur Spotify, Apple podcasts et autres plateformes: écouter ici Blo…
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Hola, quant de temps! Com estàs? Com va tot? Espero que vagi tot molt bé! Avui us vull parlar d'una obra de teatre. No l'he vista, però en llegirem la descripció junts. Pots llegir-la aquí: https://www.teatrelliure.com/ca/la-nit-del-peix-kiwi Espero que aquest episodi sigui molt interessant! Si tens cap dubte, em pots escriure un missatge al YouTub…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ discusses the implementation of a specific feature in their mobile app, focusing on system notifications. He explains the different types of notifications, the design considerations for scalability, and the importance of creating a generic framework for future features. The conversation also touches on the manag…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Rod Telpizov⁠, CEO of ⁠SmartJobBoard⁠. They discuss the journey of launching and growing a SaaS business, the importance of choosing the right market, navigating business challenges, and the critical role of resilience in entrepreneurship. Rod shares insights on leveraging AI tools to enhance product…
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In this episode, ⁠Christoph Steinlehner⁠ discusses the challenges faced by product managers, including endless discussion cycles and the importance of visual communication. He emphasizes the need for effective meetings, collaboration between product managers and developers, and the role of prototyping and user feedback in product development. Chris…
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Tu aimes apprendre le français avec des podcasts? Alors tu aimeras peut-être aussi apprendre en écoutant des chansons en français. Cette semaine, je te parle de 5 artistes à connaitre absolument. Ils et elles sont emblématiques de la période yéyé en France mais ont su se réinventer et marquer les esprits durablement. Transcription disponible: https…
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